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Theory about the natural state of companies: disorder

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“My theory establishes that, no matter how many resources of any kind are invested within a Company, it is not possible to remove any Company from its natural state. The day it was done, that Company would die without remedy. The reason ?: stop learning. Very soon, its competitors would overtake it ”.

Note: The Development and Verification of this Theory is found in my Book: "Training with a Business Vision for Technicians and Professionals"; Author: Ricardo Hernández Jiménez;

Editorial Trillas. For Courses and Conferences on the Subject Communicate Directly with the Author: [email protected] Mobile: 5551728090

It originated a couple of months before the beginning of the year 2000. The turn of the century had a global impact that cost the world something like 800 billion dollars, of which Mexico had to pay approximately 32 billion dollars. This phenomenon, due to its importance, was known as Y2K (Year 2000: Year 2000), which, due to its enormous importance, was even administered and supervised by an international commission appointed by the UN. It was a change that had to be made in all computers and information systems in the world, which consisted of handling the date field corresponding to the year through four digits and not with two as had been done. The task was titanic, as it consisted of identifying, detecting and modifying,all computer programs (millions worldwide) for this purpose of handling the year with four digits.

As an exercise in my activities as a computer consultant in various companies in the country, I was able to directly verify that the real problem did not consist so much in how to change the millions of programs, but in knowing what those programs were and where the changes had to be made. I realized that the disorder with which the vast majority of companies were operating (and currently operate) was such that no one could be sure where they were or what were the programs that had to be modified. I spoke with colleagues from various other countries, and the matter was the same. Certainly, in the end, the change was achieved worldwide, but the cost was superlative, when simply having had the operation of the Companies consolidated, it would have been routine.Here was the key to the development of my theory: I found that absolute control of the Companies is not possible to achieve (much less secure it) due to more resources of all kinds that are invested: persisting to do business despite that disorder, is a challenge and a constant and permanent activity for each Company at all times and forever. This is how I began my investigations that gave rise and support to this theory.


"Natural state of the Companies: Disorder". My theory holds that this is the natural state of any Company, in any part of the world, at all times, a natural state from which, no matter how much resources of any kind are invested, it is not possible to remove it. Operational disorder is inherent in every company. This natural state will be a permanent part of any Company throughout its life cycle until it dies. Therefore, my theory holds that, starting from this natural state of permanent disorder, what companies require for their operation, in essence, are not traditional employees with great work capacity and courage, but visionary strategists who know what and how to do so that, despite this permanent operational disorder, the Company Can Do Business !. Furthermore, my theory reveals that,Thanks to this natural state, it is how every Company acquires its real knowledge to compete successfully in the markets, as long as it manages to capitalize on the operational solutions that in its wake it leaves that natural state of disorder.


Obviously, in the companies of today and always, old problems have existed and exist that have not been overcome, waiting for qualified personnel who know how to solve them. These problems, so ingrained and suffocating, that it becomes necessary to attend and resolve urgently under the protection of a new vision of the Company, before many of them find it necessary to lower their curtains. But, what Company does not work immersed in a constant sea of ​​problems, the same ones that keep them cornered in a permanent state of competitive stress?

Personally, I find it curious and even fun, listening to the daily round tables organized on radio and television, where experienced critics, specialists and politicians try to find explanations and answers to the daily national and world events. I have no doubt that these round tables deal with real, real problems, so diverse, ranging, from the so-called economic collapses, to natural ones, catastrophic both, and of all kinds, going through the incredible ones and even the unimaginable, that every moment arise and haunt us.

I am very entertained and even amused, when renowned interviewers try to embarrass their interviewees; After giving many thought to the matter in question, the first asks the second: “… it's very good, you already told me what to do for (this or that situation), now tell me how you are going to eradicate it in definitive (for example: poverty, corruption, assaults, etc.), which, some come and say that they are going to do, and do not do much, and others come, and the same, and so on, until today that we continue with the same situation or worse. So, in this case, tell me how are you going to solve it in the end (eradicate it) ”. That said, in general, the interviewee begins to babble and show clear signs of not knowing exactly how he is going to do it. Thus, the interviewer, as a rule,with an air of triumph and even a certain irony, he suddenly opts to end the interview, leaving the interviewee mired in doubts and, often, in deep anger, at having been "windowed." In my understanding, life is a sequence of present times that in its wake leave us knowledge and experience, with which, you can give a value to the past and establish expectations for the future, where the common factor (the true essence that gives meaning to life) are the continuous challenges (problems) that are faced, and that, depending on the perception that one has of each one, and the learning that is extracted from those present times through which we are going, humanity is building the tools that allow to face them and, more or less, to control them for it is not known how long,but not solving them definitively or totally.

The latter is not possible. When the vaccine for tuberculosis was discovered, the disease was not totally eradicated, although certainly very few die today due to that disease, but, on the other hand, human beings continue to die all over the planet due to many new diseases more than before They did not exist as does AIDS and new forms of hepatitis that have appeared, and several more. Hunger, assaults, crimes, poverty, the irreconcilable problem of abortion, kidnappings, corruption, impunity, injustice, wars, drug trafficking, overpopulation, nonconformities and mass demonstrations every time more frequent, and everything imaginable and even the unimaginable, to a lesser or greater degree, will continue to exist in all parts of the world and at all times. Therefore,Whoever says that he is going to eradicate this or that problem in a "definitive" way, surely is not very aware of what he is offering, and very probably, with such promises, will even motivate a certain dose of distrust towards him in those who listen to him.

The unequivocal reason that humanity is constantly facing endless challenges (problems) is given in the fact that everything is constantly changing. Life itself is an avalanche of events in constant motion and humanity a tumult of actors trying to contain them; while some contain some, on the other hand, there are already many other events in free fall, which will also have to be tried to catch and control. New events will never stop being created and none of them can ever be caught and completely eradicated. Certainly it will be possible to sustain and entertain some for some time but not ultimately. In this way, humanity (so far) has managed to survive, because, in the same way,he has learned to develop the solutions (the tools) to face (but not eradicate) each event that arises. The day humanity stops inventing solutions, that day will begin its extinction; events will continue to arise without knowing where or when.

The Development and Verification of this Theory is found in my Book: "Training with a Business Vision for Technicians and Professionals"; Author: Ricardo Hernández Jiménez;

Editorial Trillas. For Courses and Conferences on the Subject Communicate Directly with the Author: [email protected] Mobile: 5551728090

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Theory about the natural state of companies: disorder