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10 Recommendations to lead successfully in times of crisis

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In periods like the one we are experiencing (convulsion and economic crisis), it is when having a creative mind, foolproof character and reliable leadership of those people who are our leaders, colleagues or followers are most valued, as this will allow us find solutions to all our problems, in addition to controlling other aspects that will allow us not only to resist but to face the crisis and overcome it.

We can define the crisis as a difficult and complicated situation, where sudden and unexpected changes usually take place, this being a decisive period and with very important consequences in the life of a company, a country, a family or a person.

Unfortunately, the media insist on giving us notes that keep us permanently alarmed through letting us know the effects that are caused worldwide by suffering our already known economic CRISIS. They give us an uncertain future about the future that awaits us, anticipating that many companies will close and the sources of work end in a scandalous way.

Well, I tell you, if you do not want the CRISIS to run over you and affect your companies or businesses, you have to TAKE ACTION AND GO IMMEDIATELY. This means acting from this moment on, starting with yourself to be able to influence your followers and in general your entire team.

Here are some personal approaches that I share with you to alleviate and succeed in cases like this:

Keep your leadership strong in order to properly focus your team of collaborators: People expect much more from you than you may think. This is not a time for regrets or pessimistic messages from you. Clarity, wisdom, guidance, high doses of motivation are expected of you.

Remember that you are the captain of the ship and it takes your power and influence to keep the crew alert to changes and perfectly trained to fight. Remember that leadership is about your influence on others, nothing more, nothing less. For this reason, at this moment you are called to put at the service of others:

1. His character:

True leadership begins within you and people expect your character to emerge at this time when it is most needed.

2. Your relationships:

His followers hope that he will “work with” them, not that he will abandon them and this requires having the best relationships with his work team and at the level of his 360º. It is time for leaders not cowards.

3. Your knowledge:

Information is vital to a leader. You need to understand all the facts, know what factors are involved, and have a vision of the future. It is time to strengthen your knowledge and that of others. Invest in training yourself and your collaborators. Remember: "Only with good knowledge and a well-prepared army do you win great battles."

4. Your intuition:

Leadership demands more than mastering information and data, it also demands the management of intangible things. You are responsible for being alert to changes to perceive great business opportunities and “sniff out” great solutions. It is time to listen to yours, it is time to listen to others, it is time to observe the markets, their competition and what those who are not fighting a great fight and are doing are doing.

5. Your experience:

You over the years have faced various CRISIS. Realize that he is still alive. Think about those actions that brought you forward the last time, take up values ​​and concepts that you have stored in the baggage that you have built for many years and keep you in your position as leader of your group. You will surely find some things that can be useful at this time too. The greater the challenges you have faced in the past, the more likely you are to be BELIEVED by your followers and trust that it is you who can lead them on the surest path to success.

6. Your ability:

The basic thing for the followers is what the leader is capable of doing. That is the main reason that people will listen to him and recognize him as their leader. Remember: As soon as they stop believing in you, they will stop listening to you. Demonstrate that ability to adapt to changing environment and encourage your team to work on it. In order to positively influence others, we must involve them, otherwise they will not follow.

Today is time to learn, we must bear in mind that all this is nothing more than a learning process in our lives and that this forces us to generate more learning through living the consequences of the movements and changes in our environment. I know of some companies that through fear and dread that they instill in their employees as a product of poor vision, simply paralyze the creativity and minds of their employees with the consequent losses that this implies.

No, now is not the time to stop the development process of your personnel, it is time to advance in this field if you want to face a global process like the one we are experiencing. You have to realize that your employees have to have better techniques and better mental processes to improve their work. It is time to invest in them, it is time to look for leaders within your business so that they can influence all their work cells at the same time as training them to improve all their capacities and skills that are required in each of the positions and responsibilities they perform in the company. Remember this: “Champions do not become champions in the ring, they are simply recognized there. They win the true championship in the learning process, in their daily routine. ”

As you can see, it is time for Effective Leaders, it is the time, in which our followers will give all the credit and confidence to the person who guides them, so do not disappoint them. It is up to you to gain or lose credibility in the future in front of your followers, colleagues and Chief Executive Officer. It is hoped that today in the face of adversity you will bring them to a successful conclusion. I know that anyone can take the helm of a ship, but it does not necessarily guarantee that it will reach a good destination through a storm sea.

Today is time for action. Here are some recommendations:

1. Give direction to your people and stay firm in it: The purpose and vision of the company must be clear and consistent with our way of acting. If you have to redefine the course, do so, but send the staff a clear message and act consistently with it.

2. Stay Optimistic: While it is true that the message of the current situation should be told to others, as it is, you should not convey pessimism, but on the contrary the confidence that they can cross the field of adversity if they stay together and they put all their capabilities at the service of others.

3. Generate creativity in your people: It is time to work as a team, it is time to strengthen the capabilities of the team, but it is also time for valuable contributions to emerge from each of the teams that exist in the company and this requires that their leaders in each line are adequately exercising their role as such. If not, please develop or replace them. It may sound harsh, but it's for the best, otherwise, stop counting on the capabilities and skills of the people in the operation.

4. Look for leaders within your business: Review your platform and management structure and see who can help you properly influence others to feed and feed on good deeds, to convey the same approach you have, and to keep them motivated. A unmotivated crew in the face of adversity will surely perish. A solvent crew, capable, motivated and with character, will be the one that survives.

5. Develop leaders and prepare your captains: Have you wondered Who will supply whom in case a leader declines? Do you have your replacement grill ready? This is important and consider it because on the trip you may have to do without any of them for various reasons. Be sure to invest in your training. Remember: The size of what they do or don't do will also be the size of their results.

6. Prepare the next generation of leaders, you will surely be in banking: Don't let time catch up and prepare the next generation of leaders. This is what makes others develop and grow together with the company. I insist, this is your best investment for the future. If you want to save, do it in other lines, because this depends on the survival of the company in the future possibly.

7. Acknowledge good work, consistently praise the facts that add value: Don't be paralyzed when staff contributions are important to the life of the business. We must recognize those that intrinsically give an economic and tangible value, but also those that contain a powerful message. Remember: Not always the one who scores the goal gets the success, but also the one who sets the pass.

8. Look for new opportunities to do business in different environments and markets: The market is as big as you see it and the opportunities to attack them with as many as you want. Open your mind and your expectations. It is time to create new ways and formulas to advance in this field. Work with your people and you will realize the power you have to see different ways of playing in the market. This also involves creating new products, new ways to promote and new ideas to position yourself in the minds of consumers.

9. Work to serve others: Perhaps one of the most important competitive advantages that companies have right now is the differentiation they can make through service to others. The service involves a whole deployment inside and outside the organization. Review the level of trust, training and guidance that is given in each area of ​​your company as well as the credibility that exists in those in charge and with your company. Diagnose the exercise of leadership exercised in the line of work. At the same time, constantly check if this practice is consistent with your customers. If not, it is time to take action to change course.

10. Stay on top, together with your people: Be aware that your people lead you to success or failure. "The captain of a ship resists the tide being in front, not in the cabin." Demand that all commanded personnel remain constantly in the line of fire with their closest associates, and monitor this constantly. It is necessary to work as a team to overcome difficulties as well as to achieve the best actions in our daily activities. Be proud of them and show it.

Well, now you have some ideas of what it can do for you and your business. Don't be discouraged, be optimistic. In the end there is something I have learned in life. Storms always come and always go… Those who stay are the smartest, those with the most character and those who adapt to changes. So the quicker you adapt, the better and more likely you are to live the future.

10 Recommendations to lead successfully in times of crisis