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4 Factors to consider when planning business


The article proposes four elements to take into account when making a business planning or approach. These are:

  • SimplicityDetailsBackup Excellence in personalized attention

When we talk about business planning, we generally go back to crumbling business plans and contemplating possible limitations, that is, we create a panorama through which "we will navigate in safe waters". This principle is entirely convenient, it must be done, however, many times we leave aside a very important element, simplicity.

That's right, great companies have made it simple, incredible commercial giants, such as the Nike company and its "Just Do It", which started its empire with a simple but overwhelming idea. The forbidden.

In the 1990s, the National Basketball Association NBA established in its statutes that players should wear white sports shoes during their games and that using any other color in footwear would be prohibited.

Those of Nike chose the star of the court Michael Jordan and dressed him in black and red shoes. The company paid millions of dollars in fines, however, they were paid without problem by means of the enormous profits generated by the commercial "boom", which involved challenging the authority and using something non-dangerous, but essentially prohibited. Today, Nike is a sports empire with revenues of more than $ 13.5 billion annually.

When we talk about simplicity, I am not referring to disjointed or poorly planned ideas, on the contrary, I make a direct apology related to strategies so well established that their execution would almost seem like a matter of two or three simple steps.

When we plan a business and establish its foundations, it is vital that we contemplate the form of communication and the message that we will transmit to our captive public, for this, a very useful tool is the focus on details.

For Wall Mart, the world's largest self-service retail chain, its primary mission is to offer low prices and to empower its customers by shopping at its stores. How to do it? With such vital details as his slogans "Always low prices, always", "cheaper or we will refund your money" and "The customer is always right", coupled with the classic figure of a smiling face. The main detail is that everyone knows phrases that the commercial chain originally launched on the market for the first time.

In order to act consistently with these two principles, it is necessary to support our offer with a product or service according to our offer. Long gone is the time when mass advertising was the way to sell products regardless of quality standards or total customer satisfaction. Product or service support is essential for optimal results.

We are currently experiencing a sweeping increase in competition in all commercial sectors, which is why the quality of what we offer largely determines a beneficial and definitive closure in our marketing chain.

A clear example of support is that of the parcel company Federal Express, which at all times maintains comprehensive monitoring of its contents and has a perfectly planned intelligent system in each of its boxes, envelopes and packages. This element seems not to be extremely useful, since the consumer is generally not interested in the way they deliver their packages, but rather the punctuality with which they do so, however, the company has projected excellence in each of its supply chains, which has led it to increase its profits this year by 12.1% compared to 2007.

Finally, a very important element that definitely shapes the success or failure of a company is having excellence in personalized customer service as the main added value.

Many companies standardize customer service as a practical method to successfully cover their financial planning, however, this field is one of the most important and determining of our planning.

The successful retail coffee franchise, Starbucks, has built much of its success on personalized customer service. The diner does not sell coffee to a person, he offers you, "Juan Pérez" an experience of proximity and familiarity, and in turn gives you a feeling that you are important to the company. Thus, they not only call you by name, but are willing to offer you a coffee tailored to your needs. If you have ever tried a Starbucks coffee, you will have noticed that you could choose between several types of coffee mix, as well as select the size of your drink and countless types of preparation and combinations, all close to your maximum level of satisfaction.

We live in a dynamic and highly competitive world in which companies experience new ways of engaging with their public day by day and are willing to invest more resources to make this approach comprehensive and effective.

The biggest key when planning a business is determining how that business will be irretrievably distinguished from all others, even if that fact involves apparent and insignificant detail.

Recall that great projects have taken off thanks to an idea that seemed impossible or extremely simple or wildly ridiculous. The biggest secret is to contemplate all the variants and unleash creativity at every moment.

4 Factors to consider when planning business