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6 Keys to select the erp that best suits our business

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It happens to most companies. There comes a time when you have to make the big decision: change the current software, either because it was too small, because the database is about to explode, because the technology is obsolete, because our provider got a better position somewhere far east country, because we need more and there is no way to get these facilities. And then the first clouds arrive.

The first step is to look for alternatives. There are many and they differ a lot from each other. As we consult and see the market options, the clouds grow and change color: everything seems to darken more and more quickly. We make a list, compare prices and services.

Can we decide to buy the cheapest one? Maybe I do not have the functionality I need and therefore it is not convenient for me to change, since the software that I currently have does not provide me with what is necessary but at least I do not have to pay for it. Then I decide for the best!

Surely I will have everything necessary for my business, but… at what price? Can I pay for such an expense without it being the end of my business? How to choose something in between?

It is really a difficult dilemma to solve. So we are obliged to interview several software providers, look at the demonstration programs that offer us to analyze each offer and then there what was a small gray cloud begins to transform into a large storm cloud: most of the interviewees offer all this and heaven too. From the simplest ERP to the most complex it has everything you need. Of course at a different price, with different technology and different options for after sales services. Okay, now what do we do? Of course, we have already ruled out several options that did not suit us for various reasons, but the finalist options seem to be quite close to what we need.

En realidad para tener nuestra solución optima deberíamos tener la aplicación de un proveedor, con la tecnología de otro, la administración de base de datos del siguiente, el precio de otro, las facilidades de pago de uno más, el servicio postventa de otro, la garantía del que sigue y así combinamos todas nuestras opciones en la opción ideal. Por supuesto esto es imposible y lo sabemos. De modo que vamos a tener que elegir dejando de lado algunas pretensiones, incluso algunas que en un principio nos parecieron excluyentes.

To make matters worse, all this happens in the midst of a collapse of our current system: now we practically have no system and we are doing our daily work a little with the application, a little with an improvised spreadsheet and a little with documentation in Word. We need to decide right now the purchase and migration of the software. And then the gray storm clouds cover the entire sky and it looks like the worst storm of all time is going to break loose. There is no time to lose. You have to decide. We have no idea how to make that decision which is extremely important because it is about managing our business. If something goes wrong, we go back to the beginning again but without the possibility of making another purchase in the short term.

How do we solve this big problem?

Like many things in this world, we do not have a safe alternative solution, but by organizing the information we already have and with some tips, the idea is to come up with the best solution.

Some keys to select the ERP that best suits our business and try to dispel the storm clouds that threaten our company:

  1. Determine the type of application required: An ERP for a large company is not the same as an application for an SME.. The first one will surely have a much higher price, given that due to its characteristics it handles specialized information for corporations, probably very little necessary for an SME. Take technology into account: When we see the demonstrations, you can see the technology with which it was developed the product. An application where obsolete technology is used is not the same (for example, search options where function keys are used or where incremental search is not used or screens where the entry options are fixed, that is, not personalized by the user) than another that is developed using the latest technology (object oriented programming,.NET, multiple databases or at least reliable and flexible databases). Surely here we have the clue thatThe first implementations are older and surely, although it may work well, it is more difficult to make a modification or a customization. The latter, being more modern, speak of a company that is interested in keeping up-to-date: renovating, innovating, maintaining a current design and they are surely more detailed in the implementation and internal design of the product. By using state-of-the-art technology, customizations are easier to perform and implement and with much less development time. Migration: It is not easy to migrate data from one application to another, even if they are applications that use the same technology.. This point must be addressed in the interview with the provider and an agreement must be reached so that our company can take advantage of current data within the new application. It is a big change: The change from one software to another is always a big problem. This is the center of the great storm. Our employees will have to reluctantly adapt to change many times. There will be conflicts especially at the beginning. Complaints are always received by the supervisor and it will not take long to reach the provider. You have to mediate in this conflict since the software provider is often seen as an intruder who has come to ruin the peace of the company. Usually the conflict knot lasts a couple of weeks, after which the adaptation to the new system occurs and everything begins to get back on track.It is important in these weeks of crisis that the development company accompanies us to make the change, we have their attention to answer any questions and conflicts that may arise during this installation / adaptation period. Present this to the supplier and ensure that the after-sales service and attention is guaranteed. Keep in mind that a software may not have everything we need. The important thing is to verify that it meets a significant percentage of our requirements. It is highly unlikely that we can get an application that 100% suits our needs. We must see how far our company can yield. It may happen that software A meets 90% of our needs, but the provider does not assure us that it can implement the remaining 10% in a timely manner.Software B meets 70% of our company's needs, but the vendor gives us a detailed idea of ​​how to implement the remaining 30%. It gives us ideas of times, costs and how to adapt it to the original software in a simple way. Version changes are a problem: if we buy an ERP that we then make a series of modifications to adapt to our company, what future do we have in that? It is a point to keep in mind and in general it is very little consulted. We should ensure that the vendor will keep our software version up to date over time. Otherwise, we run the risk of our application becoming obsolete and again we will be in a position to have to select new software and then the storm will start again.but the provider gives us a detailed idea of ​​how to implement the remaining 30%. It gives us ideas of times, costs and how to adapt it to the original software in a simple way. Version changes are a problem: if we buy an ERP to which we then make a series of modifications to adapt it to our company, what future do we have in that? It is a point to keep in mind and in general it is very little consulted. We should ensure that the vendor will keep our software version up to date over time. Otherwise, we run the risk of our application becoming obsolete and again we will be in a position to have to select new software and then the storm will start again.but the provider gives us a detailed idea of ​​how to implement the remaining 30%. It gives us ideas of times, costs and how to adapt it to the original software in a simple way. Version changes are a problem: if we buy an ERP that we then make a series of modifications to adapt to our company, what future do we have in that? It is a point to keep in mind and in general it is very little consulted. We should ensure that the vendor will keep our software version up to date over time. Otherwise, we run the risk of our application becoming obsolete and again we will be in a position to have to select new software and then the storm will start again.Version changes are a problem: if we buy an ERP to which we then make a series of modifications to adapt it to our company, what future do we have in that? It is a point to keep in mind and in general it is very little consulted. We should ensure that the vendor will keep our software version up to date over time. Otherwise, we run the risk of our application becoming obsolete and again we will be in a position to have to select new software and then the storm will start again.Version changes are a problem: if we buy an ERP to which we then make a series of modifications to adapt it to our company, what future do we have in that? It is a point to keep in mind and in general it is very little consulted. We should ensure that the vendor will keep our software version up to date over time. Otherwise, we run the risk of our application becoming obsolete and again we will be in a position to have to select new software and then the storm will start again.We should ensure that the vendor will keep our software version up to date over time. Otherwise, we run the risk of our application becoming obsolete and again we will be in a position to have to select new software and then the storm will start again.We should ensure that the vendor will keep our software version up to date over time. Otherwise, we run the risk of our application becoming obsolete and again we will be in a position to have to select new software and then the storm will start again.
6 Keys to select the erp that best suits our business