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6 Steps to develop your emotional intelligence

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Many of us have heard the term "Emotional Intelligence" countless times, yet we do not know what exactly it means and even many of us do not even know if we are emotionally intelligent. One way to find out is to ask yourself the question: Am I living the way I want? If the answer is "no" then, most likely, your emotional intelligence is not developed.

Now what is emotional intelligence? It is what gives you the ability to adapt your emotions and therefore your behaviors to circumstances, that is, being emotionally intelligent allows you to know your own emotions and gives you the ability to recognize them in others, which allows you to adapt favorably to the situations you live, allowing you to get the most out of them, helping you to assertively relate to the world.

Emotional intelligence is the basis that allows you to achieve success and happiness in your life, since your emotions direct your actions, and these generate the results you have.

That is why it is of great importance that you begin to develop your emotional intelligence, and for this I bring you some practical tips that will help you get better results in your life so that you can start living as you want.

These are the 6 steps you have to take if you want to develop your emotional intelligence:

Step 1. Know yourself:

Knowing yourself in a truly intimate way is the main thing for you to start taking control of your emotions and therefore of your life. Keep in mind that if you do not know yourself you do not know others, because we are not able to see in others what we do not recognize within ourselves.

Step 2. Be empathetic:

Before judging or commenting on someone or their behavior, put yourself in that person and try to understand how they feel and why they feel what they feel. One way to do this is to ask yourself, "How would I feel instead?" And if you did not agree with him or her, remember that emotions are individual, that each head is a world and that 2 people can be subjected to exactly the same situation and react totally differently, in any case, do not judge!

Step 3. Identify your Emotional Triggers:

This is totally related to self-knowledge, and it is what will allow you to control your impulses since, once you learn to identify what it is that "gets you out of your boxes" you will be able to control it. Getting there requires a sincere and detailed self-analysis in which you should not have judgments about yourself. Remember, when you see that you are before an emotional trigger, it is time to step back, breathe and be silent. That "self-protection" will be highly beneficial in your relationships with others.

Step 4. Create tax relationships:

Stay away from all those people and situations that absorb your energy. If you have to stay alone and start from scratch to build new relationships nothing happens! Remember that better alone than in bad company, also, finally we are never alone when we learn to be with ourselves. Really aim to surround yourself only with people who contribute to you and your life and who in turn can also contribute to that person's life. That's what I call a win-win relationship.

Step 5. Self motivate yourself:

Stay with the reason, that is, with the "why" it is important to know how to manage your emotions. Self-motivation is decisive for success, and people with emotional intelligence know perfectly how to achieve it by constantly connecting with the purpose of the things they do, that is why they do not give up, are capable of handling adversities and do not believe in failure. When you feel like you're losing focus ask yourself: What do I want to do this for? What is the purpose of doing it ?, you will see how the motivation reappears almost instantaneously.

Step 6. Smile and be happy:

It doesn't matter if you don't feel like it, you just smile! When you smile, you send your brain the "I'm happy" signal, and it will automatically generate that feeling of happiness in you. People with emotional intelligence manage to maintain prolonged states of happiness without depending on what happens to them, on the contrary, they are able to feel good in the face of adversity because they know that everything in this life is temporary.

I am sure that when you put into practice these 6 recommendations that I just gave you it will be possible to achieve and / or improve your emotional intelligence, and you will see how much sooner than you imagine you will be seeing positive results in your life.

An extra push - Take control!

If you are one of the people who have immature or unintelligent emotions, don't worry, you are not alone! Most people have the same problem. What happens is that we come from a society that has accustomed us to react to what happens to us, but now you are the captain of your own ship and you already know that you can take control of your emotions.

6 Steps to develop your emotional intelligence