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7 steps to formulate objectives correctly

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Companies and individuals should establish objectives when starting any type of project, but how can they be defined in the best way so that they become achievable goals and so that they do not become mere dreams or chimeras? The following is a simple formula, consisting of seven steps, that will surely help to resolve that concern.

Before undertaking any initiative or project, at least one specific objective that you want to reach must be formulated correctly, otherwise you would be walking aimlessly and you would never know whether or not the path being traveled is the correct one.

Step 1. Identification of the objective (s)

Although it seems very elementary, the following fundamental aspects in the identification of objectives are generally neglected:

  • Goals should be SMART: e s cific, m edibles, to lcanzables (allocable), r uplifting and t emporizadosDeben positively established

The first aspect, SMART objectives, is key when trying to execute a project, it is not enough to establish that profits will be generated with this or that development, it is necessary to determine the specific amount of profits that will be generated; it is not enough to say that market share will increase, it is necessary to establish in what proportion the market share will increase and which segments will be affected…

In addition, the objectives must be established positively, so that they are seen as already accomplished facts, "The profit of $ 100,000 in the third quarter will allow the growth of our share price by 5%", thus emphasizing the achievement of the objectives.

Step 2. Identification of benefits and beneficiaries

Once the objectives have been identified, we proceed to determine what the benefits will be for the organization, its people, its shareholders, its customers, its suppliers and all the agents with whom it has contact. By reaching goals, steps will be taken towards a better state, whether at the level of inventories, in annual sales, in the reduction of waste in processes, etc. Whatever the area in which the goals are established, there will always be benefits and there will always be someone who will obtain these benefits, if they are perfect generals, but if they are particular, they must be identified and listed in order to make them known, not only to those who will benefit. but to the organization as a whole.

Step 3. Setting time limits

In advance of the first two steps, time limits must be set for the achievement of each objective. When a certain period of time is established, a sense of urgency is being created to carry out the actions that may take place, it is advisable to work on a daily basis in short projects (maximum 120 days), while in longer projects the base could be weekly or biweekly.

It is appropriate to develop schedules that allow the objective to be divided into small pieces, thus closing the possibility of feeling that the final objective will not be achieved, since we will be working day by day to achieve smaller objectives that together will allow us to achieve the most important. If we start a project that seeks to reduce costs in the production plant, its duration is three months and the objective is to decrease costs by 150 million after three months, it will be less overwhelming if we try to decrease 50 monthly, 25 biweekly, 12.5 weekly and 1,67 daily.

Step 4. Identification of the main obstacles

If what you want is to achieve goals then you have to know what are the possible problems that may be found on the way to achieving them, otherwise you will not be able to make plans or advance strategies to solve them.

"Each problem carries within itself the seed of its own solution"

Stanley Arnold

Step 5. Identification of the skills and knowledge required

Since the problems to be faced are known, it is necessary to determine what skills and knowledge those who develop the project will have, the person in charge of the project does not have to be an expert in all areas, what he or she must have is the ability to Find the information you need and the ability to identify what skills and knowledge are required.

Step 6. Identification of individuals, groups, organizations and companies with which to work

If you go to the right people, you will find the right solution, if you want to improve production levels, surely those indicated to advance the project are the workers of the plant, if you want to improve the level of sales, then the sales team, the management commercial and customer service department must advance the task…

Step 7. Development of the action plan

The goals will not be achieved simply by specifying them specifically or knowing what the barriers are to be overcome, they will be achieved if a judicious action plan is executed parallel to a schedule. Many of the tasks to be carried out must be divided into these seven steps and will become small objectives, the truth is that the action plan is daily work under conditions of prior planning that take into account the tasks to be carried out, the time they are given will dedicate, the people who will execute them, up to the contingencies that may arise and their possible solutions.

Proper planning prevents poor execution.

Source: McCullough, Mamie. Learn to say I Can: how to overcome fear of failure. Grijalbo Publishing House, 1991.

To complement, we leave you with the following Zig Ziglar video lesson (2 videos, 29 minutes), through which you will learn why you should have goals and how to formulate and set objectives effectively.

7 steps to formulate objectives correctly