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8 Human talent management tips for workaholics bosses


Being a workaholics or workaholics is not a novelty, many people show these pathological tendencies due to multiple reasons that go from the lack of an active social life to psychological problems that extract them from the behavior generally accepted even in people who have managed to experience success and recognition. It is also shown by people with the highest orientation towards the achievement of their own and imposed goals or with the desire to exceed the expectations that exist around them.

It is said that when the employee is workaholics it is ideal for employers because it is used as an example of dedication and perseverance, of dedication, commitment and a sense of belonging; But when the boss is the workaholic, the employees or collaborators under her supervision do not experience the same perception and the work schedule, which should flow with ease and enthusiasm, ends up being, academically speaking, "a real hell".

It is well known, in the world of human relations and talent management, that fostering a heavy, uncomfortable, demotivating and high-pressure environment in companies reduces the quality of the results and performance of those who make up the work teams and increases both turnover and loss of interest in the activities carried out there.

To avoid that supervisors, superiors, bosses, managers or managers, whatever they are called, affect the quality and fluidity of work due to their particular characteristics that make them be considered workaholics, here are some tips and information - well, this It is a summary- that will be very useful and enlightening:

1. 24-hour days:Yes, even if you do not believe it, the days are not 36 hours or more, as you are on Earth it is important to remember that the days - on Earth - last 24 hours and as much as you think you need more time to do your chores it is completely impossible to extend this period at your convenience, not at least in a conventional way. For your information, almost no other planet in our solar system exceeds the limit of 24 Earth hours per day, although the closest to us, Mars, takes 25 Earth hours to rotate, Jupiter and Saturn barely have them from 10 to 11 hours, Neptune of 16, and Uranus does not exceed 18 hours. As you will see if humans required more time a day they would have been born on Pluto, which has them 144-hour days or on Venus that reaches approximately 5,832 hours.

2. Hours of Work: Both the International Labor Organization and the World Health Organization agree that 6 or 8 hours of work are sufficient to carry out any activity and present it as standards in what should be understood as a daily work day. work. Perhaps for you, working more than 8 hours is normal, since you do not have a social life, you do not have a family or if you do not, you do not spend the ideal time that it requires, but that is you, your staff has every right to recreate, entertain yourself, de-stress or simply experience life beyond the obligations of work, so if you want to stay after work hours do it, but understand that you should not, under any pretext, force your people to stay with you.

3. Food:Believe it or not, an energy bar, coffee (or red) and a few glasses of water are not a healthy diet, almost all organizations and experts consider that the person should eat at least 3 times a day and in doing so it is important spending the ideal time, as well as consuming food in a balanced way, since any disorder will affect the correct absorption of the vitamins and minerals that the body needs to survive and obviate this can create eating disorders that will easily transform into diseases that, obviously, will disturb collaborator performance. Perhaps eating for you is optional, perhaps you have developed a digestive system that absorbs what it requires from the air, but most people need to eat properly, at appropriate times and with enough dedication.If you want your people to work well and with pleasure, keep this in mind.

4. Recreation: It is possible that for you life without the proper tasks of work does not make sense and therefore you dedicate all the time you have to give yourself to it, but that admirable tendency in you is not natural for the rest of society, It is common for them to look for moments of leisure, distraction and entertainment, either individually or collectively, so, much to their regret, they should plan breaks or “breaks” that offer their collaborators moments of liberation. If you prefer, do not take them, but do not prevent others from taking them or dedicate yourself to interrupting them.

5. Planning and consideration: Try to avoid remembering urgent and important things just a few minutes before the end of the workday and precisely on Fridays, because, although people stay, they do not feel comfortable and this generates high resentments and frustrations. In addition, remembering or asking to do important things right at the end of the day shows their lack of planning and a total lack of respect for their people. If what you requested or remembered was really important, you would not have forgotten it or left it for the end of the day. Bosses with a workaholic tendency tend to strictly enforce check-in times, but they seem to turn a blind eye when it comes to check-out times. Avoid this singular oversight.

6. Importance of sleep: As a workaholic you consider that a few minutes of sleep is sufficient, your body has adapted to work without rest and without sleep, that is admirable, but the employees, who are mere mortals, require at least 8 hours of dream; I did not call them, I did not send them e-mails, I did not send them "texts" or I contacted them by "pin", whatever it is that you need insurance you can wait for the next morning or the next business day, and if not, use your extraordinary abilities to locate the solution without hindering others' dreams. A tired, exhausted, and sleepy employee is an error-prone employee, and mistakes affect the quality of results… and cost money!

7. Weekends: The work week is usually established from Monday to Friday and, in some cases, half a day on Saturdays, although there are obviously exceptions, however, after that time limit is officially the culmination of the work day and Activities carried out by its people in this space must be respected and, except for life and death, they must not be interrupted. If for you the week has no beginning or end, very well, I congratulate you, but for your people yes, understand it and accept it, doing so will make your team respect you as much as you respect him.

8. Holidays: We know that for a workaholic it is a matter of pride to point out the years he has in the company without taking vacations, since, obviously, they are a waste of time and he is exposed to the company realizing that he is not indispensable for her to continue operating; But for the rest of the people, vacations are not only necessary but also an inalienable right. If you don't want to go on vacation, don't do it, although obviously it represents irresponsibility regarding your mental and physical health, but that you prefer to stay in the company does not mean that your people want the same. Work as much as you want, but do not prevent others from taking their well-deserved rest.

While it is true that there are still many suggestions, tips and information to add, it is no less true that the eight that have been named will help you to lower the pressure at work, improve the performance of your people, perhaps also your image as leader, and humanize the work carried out in the company. Without a doubt, as a workaholic you may be admired by some people, but you must bear in mind that a large part of your people are not addicted to work, therefore who must adapt to what most consider healthy, normal and legal, without a doubt, it must be you; Doing so will help you successfully manage your people, bond with your team, and make work an enjoyable experience, not hell.

8 Human talent management tips for workaholics bosses