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9 Conditions to be a professional of value


The Professional Value of a person is based on his Production Capacity, that is, on what he is capable of doing to generate something that has value among others and can be “traded” for a certain price.

Excerpt from the book: “Entrepreneurship is a way of life. Development of Entrepreneurial Awareness ”

The Production Capacity of a person is the Main Asset that he has as an economic agent. It is through him that he reaches sustenance to face the economic demands that Life poses. Unlike what many think, it is not the Employment, the Entrepreneurship or the account in the Bank that guarantees the income that everyone needs to cover the expenses in life. Employment may end, the Business may fail or the Bank account may disappear, but the Production Capacity always accompanies the person, and allows everything to be rebuilt and grow.

The measure of benefit that Production Capacity provides depends on the Value that has been achieved. The higher this value, the higher the performance or results it provides.

When the Production Capacity does not have a significant Value, the person finds everything more difficult to do and achieve. And when that Capacity does not differ essentially from others that dispute the same objectives in the Market, much effort is required to make their own interests and concerns prevail. It is possible that you have obtained an interesting Job, a Contract or developed a good Business, but if this has no roots in Production Capacity, it tends to be temporary or inefficient in the long term. On the other hand, when everything is developed under the Production Capacity coverage, there is a greater probability of achieving sustainability and growth. The Professional of Value is oriented to this.

Justamente en esto radica la diferencia entre Prosperidad, Bienestar y Riqueza: la Prosperidad es un curso que toman las cosas, uno condicionado por el éxito en lo que se emprende, la “buena suerte” en lo que sucede o el curso favorable de las cosas. La Prosperidad consiste en tener aquello que uno quiere y necesita para su vida en el plano material, espiritual o ambos. La Prosperidad no es exclusiva de personas que tienen grandes sumas de dinero y abundantes bienes materiales, responde a expectativas y tiene relación con aspiraciones y ambiciones. En cambio el Bienestar está asociado al factor tiempo, a la eventualidad y a la contingencia. Se puede estar bien en determinado momento o circunstancia y no en otros. La Riqueza es un estado más integral, uno al que se llega, no un estado del que se parte. La Prosperidad es uno de los caminos que puede conducir a la Riqueza, un camino amplio, firme y seguro, y éste es el que transita el Profesional de Valor.

In order for the Production Capacity to reach the highest possible Value, some basic conditions are the following:

1.- It must be based on gifts, talents, special abilities or particular aptitudes that each person has. If the Production Capacity is based only on knowledge, study, learning or experience, it reaches less Value. All people have particular and different skills from others, orientations, inclinations that manifest themselves early. On these foundations the Production Capacity must be built. If someone becomes an Engineer because they find that this can be useful in the Market or because "the whole family" does it "forever", but lacks differentiating virtues, they will probably be a "good engineer" and little else. Profession supported by gifts and talents, whatever they may be, constitutes a much more solid starting point for building Value.The best ice cream maker in the world is not Poor because he is simply the best in what he does, and because that virtuosity is based on distinguished talents and contentment in carrying out his work.

2.- When the Production Capacity is sustained by distinguishing virtues, it generates a very beneficial flow of energy: the person who does something better than others has a natural stimulus that permanently leads to improvement. It does not depend on factors that come from the environment to stimulate its progress, the energy is internal.

3.- When the Production Capacity is sustained by distinctive virtues, the person is doing something he likes to do. This causes contentment and this is the fundamental starting point for satisfaction, joy and happiness. All of these are unmatched engines for efficiency and productivity.

4.- Anyone who wants to give Value to their Production Capacity must aspire to be the "best in the world" in what they do. As simple as that! There should be no self-limitation in this objective. Nothing prevents you from aspiring to be "the best in the world" at what you do. Conditions today are better than ever for this to be possible, or at least constitutes the path on which all professional life passes. These are the Electronic Engineer, the Physician, the Plumber, the Gardener or, of course, the Ice Cream Maker; Whatever the trade, it must be exercised as "the best in the world." People who take this path to develop professionally shine among others, are recognized without making any effort, are sued without offering themselves, and always get the payment that the measure of their value represents.

5.- Just as they have to base their production tasks on distinguished talents, people who want to give the greatest value to their Production Capacity must be very aware of their weaknesses, that is, of what they do not know, do not know or cannot do with the same level of quality as others. Knowledge of these “weaknesses” does not mean that resignation exists, it seeks to build solid strengths around them. Many people fail or suffer professional mishaps because they ignore or underestimate their weaknesses and develop a good part of their Production Capacity on them. This "professional pride" detracts from genuine abilities. The appropriate thing is that on the weaknesses solid support structures are raised, resorting to the support of suitable people, forming work teams,avoiding placing them on the "critical path" of the job they are performing and finally making efforts to add knowledge and experiences regarding them. The person with solid Professional Value understands that strength multiplies with the help of many and through synergy in the tasks and skills of the group. The ability to get help and input from others is vital as a contribution to Valor.

6.- The Knowledge that gives Value to the Production Capacity does not come only from the sources of traditional wisdom. The Professional of Value understands that in Life everyone is a Teacher who has something to teach, he knows that among those around him are the most important knowledge, which can never be found in books. Classroom knowledge is a small fraction of the knowledge that is available, they are actually the most limited source. The Professional of Valor learns from every place through which he transits, from every situation and creature with which he interacts.

7.- Few things give greater Value to Production Capacity than Experience, and this is inevitably associated with Time. The Professional of Value accumulates experience as who treasures the most valuable thing that exists and also respects everyone who has it and can share it. Experience is a scarcer good than knowledge and much more valuable, because it is knowledge subjected to the tests of life. From Experience one reaches Wisdom, not from plain knowledge. And Wisdom is obviously the highest point of value contribution.

8.- The Professional of Valor knows that the greatest treasure he has is “between his two ears”, that the reflection practiced with peace of mind is the vehicle that summons all knowledge. That there is no problem that does not have a solution or, in short, "if there is no solution, there is no problem". When it seems that everything is falling apart or nothing is flowing, he turns to the brain, because this is the most powerful tool that nature has given him.

9.- Without the appropriate attitude, all that is exposed has no meaning. All the factors can concur, but if the person does not understand and assumes that this is within their reach, nothing will come out of the simple and vain postulate. Possibly the way to define the appropriate Attitude is pointing out that the Professional must BELIEVE in the following:

  • That he has the possibility of being a Professional of Value. That the Capacity is defined from the moment he arrives in this world endowed with particular gifts, abilities and talents. That it usually takes "very little" to distinguish himself much from the average. That everything that is planted is inevitably reaped. That it can be "the best in the world" in what it does. That Employment is an option that exists for the realization of Value, which is neither the beginning nor the end of history., which in no way defines a person's worth. That if one does not build, recognize and qualify his own Value, then he allows another to do so at his strict discretion. That personal and professional Value constitutes the most important Asset that exists. That in Life he triumphs who has been able to overcome failures better than others.That Life is worth living looking for the best and sacrificing the good. The Professional of Valor must be completely convinced that Only the Believer is reserved to achieve Victory.



Carlos Eduardo Nava Condarco, a native of Bolivia, lives in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, is a Business Administrator and Entrepreneur. He currently works as Manager of his Company, Business Strategy and Personal Development Consultant, writer and Entrepreneur Coach. Author of several books on Entrepreneurship, Business Strategy and Personal Development, including:

“Entrepreneurship is a way of life. Development of Entrepreneurial Awareness ”

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9 Conditions to be a professional of value