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Psychological harassment and characteristics of its victims and perpetrators

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Do the Competencies catch your attention? Were you the one who almost always won at school against another weaker competitor? Were you overrated for your talents, abilities and did you love or love challenges? Well this article is for you…

Sometimes people, who go through stages of denial, obsession and frustration in the goals, objectives and purposes that we had to obtain "something" from another person start a "Power Game".

Also, a "Manipulation Game". a "game of intellect". and a "game of personal value". Why not “a sexual challenge game? and even “a game of physical, psychological, and spiritual abuse? An I can be better than you, or that she is your rival, or that he, your fantasy partner, or that the memory of your ghost.

Simply, what excited, excited and encouraged you to die suddenly becomes your nightmare, condemnation, hell, and existential ruin the time you decide to play this game. It could be more dangerous than "Playing with fire".

You are right!!! It is… It is like a Russian roulette and the final shot of death, whether you want it or not.

How about? Nothing funny!!!! No, it is not fun, nor pleasure, nor joy, nor happiness, nor emotion that this idiot game produces in you, where the dumbest or dumbest is the one who plays to win with a fanatic @ bettor @ of lies, deception, betrayal, fallacy, but more than anything "Pathology of the best quality, until you kill yourself without realizing that the knife or deadly sword, he or she knew since they met you, that aimed at your heart

I will explain to you, how does this evil Machiavellian mind work? What attracts you to yourself? Why did she choose you and others like you? What keeps you emotionally attached @ to such a being? And best of all, why is it so "fun" for the emotional criminal to do it and come out on top @ without stain of sin, guilt or remorse?

They are difficult people of character, neither very nice, nor very unfriendly. They have clear goals, they are dreamy, intelligent, moralistic, with values ​​and principles. Generally strong of character. They talk and tell their lives, as if nothing. They have periods of sadness, melancholy, emptiness, and sharp existential struggles.

They have not been very happy, but they keep going and never give up. They do not have many friends. They live alone or alone. They are financially independent, but not emotionally. They like to share with "special beings their achievements and triumphs." They suffer from loneliness, silence and even isolation. They do not believe that sex and money are what bind or hold two human beings together. They believe in God, or their role models, and of course they speak of love as a cohesive force of power between beings who love each other.

Broadly speaking, they are very studious, hard-working people, excellent visionaries of organizational, cultural and social changes. They do not like to persecute, harass, lie, cheat, or betray others. And the best thing that vulnerable victims have is that they are so loyal, faithful, persevering and conservative in their principles and moral values, that they would never believe that someone who loves you could kill you slowly and quietly and enjoy it. Therein lies their biggest mistake, mistake and state of alienation. ! That awful!! How to believe that the one who listened to you talk for so long about everything you liked, motivated, interested, valued and believed, blindly compatible with you, was your "murderer"? Impossible!!! This is impossible to understand with reason, with the heart, with the soul. Can not be.How many times did you say to your family, friends or consultants: "No, they are wrong." "That is not like that". You do not know him, and I do, I do know that he is a very noble being. Well… they beat you. You lost and you don't know him or her. That's the truth. It hurt!!! Clear!!! If they are killing you. How can it not hurt? If you have had a dagger stuck in the center of your heart. If your soul has been stolen.

If the worst thing is that you served him on a silver platter, as they served Salome the head of Juan Bautista, this or this criminal your heart and you gave him everything, everything he needed to commit a perfect emotional crime. Without blood, without stains or traces of crime, without evidence of their evil. Why? Because I had the key to your heart. I had the key to the doors of your trust, I had your faith, your love, your respect and your admiration. But more than anything, I had you hooked @ in a "fun game" where the one who won all the bets was the one or the one who murdered you with your permission. Absolutely, your full admission and authorization to do it freely and without using force, at all !!!

Marie France HIrigoyen (2000) established that in a relationship with a perverse narcissist @ hunger and the desire to eat come together. She does not say so, she presents it and I quote: “The victim is chosen because she is there, and because in one way or another she has become annoying. For the aggressor she has nothing special.

It is an interchangeable object that was there, in the bad or good moment. And that he has committed the awkwardness of being seduced, and sometimes of being lucid. For the wicked a victim has an interest when he shows himself usable and when he accepts seduction. As soon as she withdraws herself from her domain or has nothing to offer, she becomes an object of hatred.

Being nothing more than an object, it matters little who she is. However, the aggressor @ avoids people who may endanger him. This way he avoids confronting other perverse narcissistic @s, or paranoid because they are too close.

According to Irigoyen (2000), the perfect victim is one with scruples, who has a natural nature to blame himself. The German psychiatrist Tellenbach, for example, describes them as people with PRE depressive, melancholic type characters. They are people attached to order, in the field of work, and in social relations. People who sacrifice themselves for others and who accept with difficulty that others help them. Their taste for order and the desire to do things well, make them "workholy" or to carry out excesses of work that does not correspond to them. Generally, they are people who live overwhelmed. They are equally vulnerable to criticism and judgment. Although they have no foundation. They are easily vulnerable people,and in many occasions they feel inferior, which leads them to feel guilty for the separation or conduct of the other. The ideal victims of the evil morals are those who, not having self-confidence, feel the obligation to load the ink and exaggerate to offer at all costs a better image of themselves. Therefore, the vital power of the victims is what transforms them into prey. She needs to give and the wicked narcissists need to take. You could not imagine a more ideal meeting. The victim has a natural tendency to blame himself and the perverse rejects all responsibility and guilt.Therefore, the vital power of the victims is what transforms them into prey. She needs to give and the wicked narcissists need to take. You could not imagine a more ideal meeting. The victim has a natural tendency to blame himself and the perverse rejects all responsibility and guilt.Therefore, the vital power of the victims is what transforms them into prey. She needs to give and the wicked narcissists need to take. You could not imagine a more ideal meeting. The victim has a natural tendency to blame himself and the perverse rejects all responsibility and guilt.

Types of victims

Von Hentig's "interactionist" approach postulates that victim and offender behave like true partners. It is the victim who "molds" the victimizer and shapes his crime. This author proposes a very broad categorical analysis of victims, in which he uses classification criteria such as age, sex and mental capacity. It takes as a study axis the crimes of swindling and opposes "resistant" and "cooperative" victims.

Mendelsohn, also with an interactionist approach, differentiates victims according to their position on a scale that ranges from the lowest to the highest contribution of the victim in the etiology of the criminal act.

Thus, it differentiates five main types of victims:

Totally innocent victim (or ideal victim).

Victim of minor or ignorant guilt: the victim's thoughtless behavior triggers the crime.

Voluntary victim (as guilty as the offender): suicide by adherence, euthanasia, etc.

Victim more guilty than the offender: provocative, reckless victim, etc.

Only guilty victim: offending victim, simulation victim, etc.

For his part, Elías Neuman focuses his classification on the affected basic social system. It establishes several classification criteria: the victim's legal-criminal attitude, criminal typology and personal aspects.

It establishes four large groups of victims (with their respective subgroups):

Individual: without a victim attitude.

Relatives: mistreatment of minors, women, etc.

Collectives: community like Nation, etc.

Victims of society or social system: sick, elderly, etc.

  • Vulnerable victims

Studies on victimization allow us to infer that victimization is not distributed evenly among all people, ie, not everyone has the same capacity to be a victim.

Some studies have confirmed two data: 1) the existence of objective risk-determining factors and, 2) victimization rates unevenly distributed between different groups and social subgroups.

Other studies indicate that the greater propensity to be a victim depends on three factors:

Personal factors: among which are strictly biological, such as age, sex, bodily weakness, poor defense, health, etc., and psychological, such as aggressiveness, alienation, etc. In this category, the “lifestyle” factor could be included. This concept refers to the individual's daily activities and behavior patterns, both in the occupational and leisure spheres.

Social factors: in which it is the same society that victimizes certain groups and minorities (marginalized, immigrants, etc.).

Situational factors: in which the urban, ecological, environmental infrastructure, etc. is taken into account. Certain spaces have a marked influence on the increased risk of victimization.

Within the first category it is evident that the state of physical defenselessness is derived, among others, from biological factors.

We want to highlight, in a special way, the variables age, sex and health, which inexorably refer us to four groups of vulnerable victims: the variable age contains - at one extreme - children, because they are less likely to seek help and protection against the most common crimes, such as physical and psychological abuse, sexual abuse, abandonment, etc.

At another extreme we find the elderly, whose poor defense capacity makes them more vulnerable to crimes such as theft, theft, abandonment, etc. Regarding the sex variable, we obviously refer to women, whose vulnerability is given to mistreatment -especially in cases of conjugal violence- and sexual abuse. Lastly, within the health variable, the greater risk assumed by disabled people in a range of crimes similar to the previous ones is of interest.

Fear of crime

Fear of crime is another problem studied by the Victimology lodge. This fear is directly related to the feeling of insecurity and mistrust in the system in charge of providing it.

The consequences of fear of crime, whether it is well-founded or unfounded fear –an aspect that we will develop later- translate into individual or sometimes disproportionate social reactions.

On the one hand, the reactions of the individual type imply that the common citizen tries to assume the defense of his own security: the neighbors arm themselves, change their life habits, the best economically positioned contract private security services, etc. On the other hand, the social reaction materializes in a double aspect: at one extreme, attitudes of discrimination and blame arise from minority social sectors or from the most depressed social classes.

At the other extreme, the same social pressure influences hasty, emotional decisions, which converge in the hardening of criminal legislation and the restriction of rights already enshrined in criminal procedural legislation.

In fact, there are already projects - at the national level - in that sense. In summary, fear of crime not controlled preventively, when it acquires a social dimension, necessarily converges in the adoption of clearly repressive measures.

Fear of crime recognizes two aspects as etiological components:

The experience of victimization, either as a direct victim or from indirect knowledge of the experience of a third party (family member, neighbor, etc.)

Diffuse and irrational fear that is not a consequence of objective situations but influences people as if it were a real experience.

According to Soria Verde, the victimization surveys carried out in Spain show that the multiplication of minor crimes and the informal spread of them (rumor) is what causes an increase in citizen insecurity. For this author, a “mythological construction of reality” has been produced, a myth that is based on two components:

Real basis: Increase in crime, difficulties of the criminal legal system, etc.

Unreal basis: Conviction of not being able to achieve security and, therefore, be condemned by the "myth".

The "mythological construction of reality" would be fed back from four principles:

Subjective perception of reality: What happens is not the same as what people think happens.

Personal components: emotional reactions, individual self-protection reactions, etc.

Collective components: Creation of collective self-protection systems, growth of the private security industry.

Incidence of the media: It acts as a credible source, the form and content of its message and the predisposition of the recipient.

We believe that the aspects related to the subjective perception of reality are directly related to the influence of the media, the importance of which is indisputable in terms of the creation of states of opinion, credibility and prominence within the social system.

A fact, important as it is, if it is not disseminated by the media, it does not exist in the common body of knowledge. It is apprehended as reality only by that portion of the community directly affected.

In return, a trivial fact can acquire spectacular dimensions (in the strictest sense of the word), as the information is manipulated. This phenomenon of mediatization has the particularity of traversing all sectors of society with objectifications of a reality that is not its own, that is, that has the power to construct realities.

We adhere to the postulates of the theory of social constructivism, according to which the social order is the product of human activity in the sense that the subjectivity of man is continuously externalizing itself in activity. This activity is transformed into objective reality accessible to the entire community. The relationship between producer man and his product (social reality) is dialectical, ie, the product acts again on the producer.

The common objectifications of everyday life are supported by linguistic significance since the system of signs is decisive for the transmission of experiences. Language has the ability to transcend the "here and now" and builds bridges between different areas of the reality of everyday life.

This transcendence has spatial, temporal and social dimensions. Objective reality can be "translated" into subjective reality and vice versa, in a continuous process of interaction, through language.

This position is relevant when it comes to explaining, at least hypothetically, why fear of crime is installed, in certain periods, in societies in which crime rates remain relatively stable. It is significant that fear of crime is directly related to the feeling of insecurity and mistrust in the institutions responsible for preventing it.

It does not matter –for the moment- that these aspects have a causal relationship with each other or that they are jointly determinants of fear, the truth is that in mistrust the bad image of the institutions (police and justice, fundamentally) in terms of its inefficiency and degree of corruption.

It is interesting to observe how a spatially limited reality in the Buenos Aires area is transferred to another space (such as our Province) where, even remotely, the levels of corruption observed in that place are reached.

In our opinion, with a very superficial appreciation of the problem, this social subjectivization of "alien" realities is given by the great influence of the media as a vehicle for objectively accessible meanings, which are integrated into a meaningful whole for a community. In other words, our daily reality is integrated with the "other" reality that -in the final instance- is a product of the information market that we consume on a daily basis.

Secondary victimization

Secondary victimization is “… the clash between the victim's previous expectations and the institutional reality…” The damage that the victim experiences is not limited to the injury or danger to the legal right. Sometimes, the institutions that are in charge of the prevention and suppression of criminal behavior, multiply and aggravate the evil that the crime itself produces.

Institutional victimization generally occurs in two areas: the police and the judicial. The victim feels mistreated, and sometimes humiliated, by a legal system that ignores their expectations, feelings, and needs. The factors that influence this second victimization are multiple, but it is worth mentioning some:

In the police area:

Routine behavior derived from the accumulation of tasks, little consideration for the affective needs of the victim due to the "taking distance" of the official to avoid transfer of negative feelings.

The victim is only seen as an object exclusively useful as a source of information.

After a favorable first impression, after a time, the victim is frustrated with his hopes because he is not informed of the results of the investigations or because false expectations were initially created.

Long waiting times, in uncomfortable places, in police stations.

Excessive number of agents questioning the victim, each of whom must give a version of the events.

In the judicial area:

Lack of information to the victim of the rites and procedural times (especially when the victimizer is not detained).

Frustration of their expectations when the sentence is not reached.

The victim must give the version of the facts in the presence of the offender.

Procedural slowness.


1- It is not the same to be someone's toy due to ignorance, immaturity or unconsciousness of the problem than to accept it with knowledge, awareness and loss of maturity. Many times the wicked Machiavellian narcissist turns away, leaves or withdraws from the victim because he is no longer attractive to his interests.

However, the victim, feeling rejected, despised or with little worth, decides to change the role of victim to that of stalker or persecutor. It is here that the danger of both parties is shared on large scales. There is a deep and genuine desire for revenge and hatred of such magnitude that the psychological conditions of both parties could lead them to make very serious mistakes including suicide or homicide.

2- In a relationship between victim and victimizer due to psychological harassment, there is permanent damage to the victim's self-esteem, self-confidence, self-control and self-control. At all times you have been led to believe that you are worthless and therefore could not do anything without your stalker.

The process of physical help is vital and necessary if the person has fallen into a disease caused by abuse such as severe migraines, back pain, rheumatism, dizziness, earaches, throat pain, chest pain or hypertension, etc. etc..

If his illness is mental or psychological, then the person will generally be submerged in a severe, severe or chronic depression, he will have no desire to live and he thinks that the best thing is not to be in this world. You will need and will need the support and help from a Psychologist, a Psychiatrist or a behavioral expert.

If your evil is spiritual, it is possible that you are a sad, aggressive, suspicious, incredulous human being and that God or the Supreme Superior Forces do not represent anything in your life. It is here that the reading of Self-Improvement is recommended, the Bible if you believe in God and the texts of Self-help plus the visit of a Religious or Spiritual Center even when it is not a church.

3- Within the psychological, physical and mental damage caused by Mobbing or Psychological Harassment, the list is endless. However, the fun game of the stalker could be stopped with the Survival, Health and Safety of the vulnerable victim who is not alone @ in this bad behavior. Aids exist and people willing to get this being out of this abyss and so much pain too. Let's start by believing that you can and that the time is now.

Note: Fragments and sections of this article were taken from the book Moral Harassment in Everyday Life by Marie France Hirigoyen. also the article on criminology and legal psychology of the Internet network.


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García Pablos. Op. Cit. Pages 81 - 82.

Soria Verde. Op. Cit. Page 28.

García Pablos. Op. Cit. P. 89 - 90.

Soria Verde. Op. Cit. P. 52-53

Berger, Peter L. and Luckmann, Thomas. The social construction of reality. Amorrortu, Buenos Aires, 1997, pp. 52 - 104.

Soria Verde. Op. Cit. P. 62.

García Pablos. Op. Cit. P. 92-93.

Psychological harassment and characteristics of its victims and perpetrators