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Academic accreditation from the perspective of belief theory


1. Introduction

This essay will start from the analysis of creativity and multidimensional thinking in academic accreditation from the perspective of the theory of beliefs, which will allow us to know its conceptualization, its qualities, its methods, its most usual strategies to promote it, ANUIES, referring to the accreditation process of the IES mentions; " Accreditation was acquiring greater relevance and precision due to the growing concern to raise the academic quality of Educational Institutions."

This does not lead to understanding from the perspective of belief theory if it is one more activity in the homework or is a habit that leads to innovation, creativity and the change of the rational in academic processes, for this reason it is It is relevant to question the importance of creativity, multidimensional thinking, in academic accreditation.

Something complex and difficult is visualized, however, creativity " is the maximum expression of human thought and action " that needs to be strengthened and developed in the different scenarios of our daily life, such as formative, communicative, organizational, and labor development, developing in cognitive, affective, volitional and conative spheres that give power to thought and action, always from the interior growth and the meaning of the task.

When individuals immersed in these processes of accreditation see beliefs as a feeling of adherence to something or someone whose meaning it is impossible to give reason (understood here by rationality, to explain something from a single meaning), then the processes of accreditation become they see it as an everyday activity more, as processes that will not transform academic doing, but when the focus of belief is approached as an update of the real possibility given or with a crisis of rationality, then the possibility of studying updates and productions that allow the creation of philosophical and scientific systems of creativity and multidimensional thinking.

2.- The argument

In our days, talking about creativity is seen as something complex and difficult, however, "it is the maximum expression of human thought and action" that needs to be strengthened and developed in the different scenarios of our daily life, such as formative, communicative development, organizational, labor among others. Creativity as the ability to see new possibilities in people, in things, in innovating or doing something that comes true, helps to bring up different qualities to do it, becoming methods or strategies to do it and thus gives rise to thinking multidimensional. This multidimensional thinking originates when we apply to that creativity the function of action and technology, when it is applied as a support to the measurement of results,or it is based on the combination of a strategic analysis, that is to say when all the tools are applied and combined to that creativity, creating a unique force towards a specific objective, if this specific focus on seeking quality in the organization and especially in education, this becomes processes, known as academic accreditation processes.

Academic accreditation processes give us a focus on where we want to go, what we want to do, what we want to achieve in the lives of students, which implies the responsibility that this brings to teachers and the educational institution, and the student himself, resulting in the growth of the institution, of the teachers and of the students, constantly promoting creativity and multidimensional thinking, in order to check if academic accreditation is a process where creativity and multidimensional thinking are implicit or it is simply a subjective quality belief that becomes activity and not habit.

For such reason we focus on belief theory which has two approaches. 1) Belief is essentially a feeling of adherence to something or someone whose meaning is impossible to give reason (understood here by rationality, to explain something from a single meaning) and 2) Belief is the possibility of studying the updated productions that allow the creation of philosophical and scientific systems (crisis of the rational) and it is on this approach that our study is based.

The analysis carried out by this study will require knowing in sequence the separate conceptualizations of keywords that will help us to better interpret and visualize our reference topic.

- Creativity.- “ability to see new possibilities in people and things, and to innovate or do something that becomes reality”. (Varela, 2008)

- Synectic Greek word.- "It is a discipline that develops methods or a set of strategies whose purpose is the phenomenon of creativity and productivity." (Varela, 2008)

- Multidimensional thinking.- It is the combination of Strategic Analysis, planning, creativity based on action and technology that is applied to support the measurement of results, seeking that all the tools are combined, synergized creating a force of unique brand.

Regarding academic accreditation in a publication of the General Executive Secretariat of the National Association of Universities and Institutions of Higher Education (ANUIES) regarding "general considerations on the process of accreditation of higher education institutions in Mexico", we find that:

Accreditation, in both its institutional and individual connotations, implies a search for recognition and social prestige by individuals and institutions. In this sense, the accreditation processes have become an imperative requirement ”.

This implies the confusion of what must be and what must be done, that is, academic accreditation is sought by some institutions solely to accommodate recognition and social prestige, which should not be the case.

From another perspective, academic accreditation is also defined according to the ANUIES document.

“Accreditation is an evaluation, it is an integral process of the student's academic process: it reports on knowledge, skills, interests, attitudes, study habits, etc. This process includes, in addition to the various types of exams, other evidence of learning such as work, reports, essays, discussions, etc. it is also a method for obtaining and processing evidence to improve learning and teaching ”(Moran 2003, p. 72).

In this connotation, the essence of academic accreditation is sought, where creativity and multidimensional thinking must be implicit.

For this reason, academic accreditation derives from the same need for globalization and the knowledge society supported by new technologies, with the emergence of two relevant currents: the measurement of results and trends in competencies, which implies the cultural and social demand towards an integral education, being necessary to consider the person in all its fullness: body and mind, sensitivity and aesthetic sense, offering young people all possible opportunities for artistic, cultural and social discovery and experimentation, in close collaboration with those responsible for cultural activities in our country.

But this implies believing in a dream since many think that this would only occur in developing countries, hence the subjective vision of some existing organizations and especially the low expectation of institutions and users (students) to demand the accreditation, since when viewing it as something subjective, utopias such as truth, meaning and value arise.

The importance of theories of beliefs is that every rational system is based (explicitly or implicitly) ontic and ontological beliefs, which is implied by this. A belief "is essentially a feeling of adherence to something or someone whose meaning is impossible to give reason (understood here by rationality, to explain something from a single sense: the conscious or the conscience) -" (various, 2010)

The Theory of Evidence was developed by Dempster (1967) and later extended by Shafer (1976), which is why it is sometimes referred to as the Dempster-Shafer Theory. His statement was motivated by the difficulties encountered in Probability Theory to represent ignorance, and to handle the need for beliefs assigned to an event and its denial to add up to one. The Dempster-Shafer theory, also known as the theory of belief functions, is a generalization of the Bayesian theory of subjective probability. (various, 2010).

Yáñez Cortés “distinguishes three types of belief: belief 1 (or basic ontic beliefs), belief 2 and belief 3 (both ontological). The ontic beliefs or 1, are the fundamental one to which all the others refer and to which we are essentially adhering constituting our sense of subjects can produce a motorizing or paralyzing effect, insofar as it functions as possibility (openness) or as actuality closed to the parmenidean way of being (closed and self-sufficient, prevents creation). Ontological beliefs 2 and 3, or superstructural beliefs: are those that allow the creation of philosophical and scientific systems. Beliefs 2 and 3 then consist of ontological updates. In other words, they put rationality in crisis: it requires a justification,or better analysis that addresses the issue of what this logic may consist of "

From my point of view and attached to this assertion by Mr. Yáñez Cortes we can mention that in order for academic accreditation not to be seen as subjective or as a belief of the first approach, we must establish creativity in all its splendor, assume multidimensional thinking and have a belief approach superstructural ontology that allow the constant improvement of knowledge, the permanent satisfaction of the user (student), so that the transcendence of the student, the institution and the faculty itself is sought.

3.- Conclusion

Not only can we apply creativity and multidimensional thinking in academic accreditation with an otological belief approach, but it should be applicable in all of our daily work, this would imply doing the things that we really want to do, talents would be discovered in every moment, they would be achieved changes that transcend and we would achieve constant growth, academic accreditation gives us a focus on where we want to go, what we want to do, what we want to achieve in the lives of students, which implies the responsibility that this brings to teachers and in the educational institution, and as a student, resulting in the growth of the institution, of the teachers and of the students, constantly promoting creativity and multidimensional thinking, verifying that academic accreditation, if we see it from the ontological approach, that the rational must be constantly modified to achieve quality and success by creating paradigms that lead us to have a passion for what we do, for what we contribute to society and human beings, to create permanent commitments to the institution, the students, the teachers, to ourselves, seeking excellence not as an activity but as a habit, to be good at positively criticizing and proposing to promote change, make things happen and believe that dreams can stop being utopias and become realities, challenging the impossible,dream big to make big.

4.- Bibliography

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Mauro Rodríguez Estrada

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Peter Drucker

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Varela, DV (2008). Rational and Emotional Leadership. Mexico DF: University of the Americas Puebla.

Various. (July 30, 2010). Retrieved on July 6, 2012.

Academic accreditation from the perspective of belief theory