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Preparation activities for the development of nutritional habits

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A proposal of family preparation activities for the development of nutritional habits in girls and boys of the fourth year of life with special educational needs in the communication and language of the infant circle "Baby Travieso", of the city of Cienfuegos, is presented in the province of the same name, in Cuba. It starts from an initial diagnosis, the characterization of the preparation needs of the family to develop nutritional habits is in their children, the proposed solution to their preparation needs and the analysis of the results obtained in the implementation process of the proposal, evaluating its feasibility.

1. Analysis of the initial diagnosis

The institution to influence families in the development of habits in children of the 4th year of life by providing necessary guidance on the proper diet they must have to be more nourished, since there are difficulties in the development of nutritional habits that is evident in The observations made on the activities of the educational process, control visits and methodological help, since little initiative is seen in the ingestion of some foods, do not know the names of the vegetables and totally reject them.

The collaboration of the families in the formation of habits is insufficient, specifically in those of nutrition, which was demonstrated in the visits to the home, the lunch processes in the institution, as well as the exchanges where the little knowledge on the part of parents about the topic. The institution must project itself to solve this problem through joint work actions with the families of the minors, strengthening the family's preparation fundamentally with regard to nutrition habits to provide guidance and contribute to the formation and development of nutritional habits in these ages, since the physical and health status and the integral development of their children depend on it.

In the interview with the families, it was shown that they know some habits that their children should have, such as potty training, eating alone and sleeping at midday and night, but in no case do they respond to the need to accept and eat Different types of food coincide that offer you rice, beans or soup and the protein, mainly eggs, beef, chicken and hot dogs.

The frequency with which their children consume vegetables is 1 or 2 times a week but they allege that they do not like to eat them and that the form of presentation is the salad, not knowing which are the diseases that appear due to poor nutrition, they only mention anemia but they make no reference to malnutrition and the whole agree that minors must eat everything they offer.

Parents were asked if they would like to receive a proposal of activities that provide them with knowledge related to the correct nutrition that minors must have from the first ages to grow up healthy and strong, all families wish to receive the proposal of activities to Know how to better nurture your daughters and daughters.

Having the need to know the opinion of the educators of the 4th year of life it was concluded that: they express that it constitutes a vital aspect in the life of each girl or boy, providing them with the development of the physical health so necessary for development and growth of the little ones, since a good nutrition provides the basic nutrients necessary for the functioning of the organisms and also allege that its importance is not limited to the growth of cells and tissues only, but that good nutrition allows a state of the individual that it favors the assimilation of such important intellectual activities from the early ages.

They allege that the foods most preferred by the boys and girls in their classroom are rice, beans, chicken hash, and candy. Expressing rejection for fish hash, cream soup, boiled meats and vegetables, since they declare a lack of variety in the menu offerings at home, the low inclusion of basic foods in the diet such as vegetables, little identification of some nutrients provided by certain foods.

The observation made to the feeding process of children in the 4th year of life classroom found that the educator creates the preconditions for the feeding process, contributing at all times to foster the positive emotional state of infants, with a favorable climate giving suggestions and supports, it was also possible to observe the stimulation to form habits to ingest food, stimulating the children with pictures, songs, simple rhymes and demonstrations, but it is significant how girls and boys refuse to eat vegetables such as carrots, lettuces, preferring rice, beans and chicken meat and egg, rejecting mincemeat, cream soup, and boiled meats.

In the observation made about the home feeding process, it was observed that families generally offer girls and boys (protein, carbohydrates, eggs, chicken and meat). Adequate presentation is not appreciated, so everything is provided mixed on the same plate and only two families offered desserts, food hygiene was observed, as well as cutlery. It is very significant that only one child was offered vegetables on his menu (tomato), he ate it without difficulty, claiming that his mother only likes tomatoes and beans.

Within the Infantile Circle “Naughty Baby” an adequate preparation of the theoretical subjects is evidenced but little treatment is detected to the development of nutrition habits in girls and boys as well as demonstrative forms.

It is known of the needs that families have to know the benefits that their children will obtain by consuming a balanced diet for physical and intellectual development as well as for the appearance of language and communication, which must be incorporated as well as the repetition of the daily menu offers to achieve acceptance. It is mandatory to know how to take advantage of the child's first actions when spontaneously ingesting a new food to reinforce and stimulate them in order to create food motivations in him.

Families are unaware of the importance of sharing feeding times with the child and making this activity a pleasant occasion with their parents, which allows them to imitate correct eating patterns and still lack preparation to stimulate the progress made by minors, which is very useful to use expressions with a high affective load in these cases.

The foundation of this preparation is that the families of the aforementioned minors learn effectively when they need to know something in particular or have to solve the problem that occurs in their family.

2. Proposal of activities of family preparation for the development of nutritional habits in girls and boys of the fourth year of life with special educational needs in communication and language.

Considering that the Preschool Education based on the historical cultural approach to psychic development represented by LS Vigotsky, aims to achieve the maximum possible comprehensive development of children from 0 to 6 years of age, it becomes a challenge to promote preparation of families, as a basis to progressively achieve the achievements and objectives proposed in this important stage of life.

A proposal of activities is proposed, conceived for families based on their needs and potential, and on the children who will be influenced from an educational point of view, with the aim of making this education fairer. and responds to the interests of the new society in which they live and develop, structured by: objectives, content, methods, procedures, teaching methods, organizational forms and evaluation.

Proper handling of group techniques guarantees to keep the problem analysis process active, encouraging orderly participation of the group so that after a process of reflection that goes from the individual to the collective, clear conclusions can be reached on the topic being discussed. she is trying, because it facilitates reflection and the exchange of ideas between the families and the researcher.

Structure of the proposal

Activity 1. Theme: Characteristics of nutrition in boys and girls 0 to 6 years of age.

Objectives: To discuss the characteristics of diet in boys and girls from 0 to 6 years of age.

Organizational forms: Educational talk.

Teaching medium: Computer with messages to the family.


It will begin by presenting the proposal to the parents, making the different topics known with a general outline in order to motivate their participation during this stage.

Later, a message will be placed on the computer and a parent will help him to read it. Adequate food is one of the most important indicators and conditions for the satisfactory physical and physiological development of boys and girls, for increasing their physical strength and their greater capacity to resist diseases. Therefore the quality of the feeding process has to do directly with protection and health. The need for adequate food during this period of life will be discussed,informing him that nutritional needs are relatively greater in childhood than in adults if expressed in terms of body weight and that it is necessary to provide girls and boys with small amounts of food in frequent servings during the day taking into account the incomplete dentition of these ages and the small capacity of the stomach. It will also be reported that the diet of girls and boys must correspond to the physiological rhythms, being appetizing but with nutrients that promote growth.

Another important aspect to deal with parents is the change in the presentation of food as well as the so-called physiological anorexia that occurs between the second and third year of life (12 months -2 years) knowing that it is a transitory stage.

And finally, the researcher will inform parents of the need to make six food frequencies a day after three years, as well as the importance of the example of family members as patterns for young infants, so it is necessary that this process be well done. organized with an adequate diet.

Assessment: Oral What importance do you attribute to the feeding of boys and girls during the first years of life?

Independent activity: They are oriented that for the next meeting they should bring a menu offered at home to the minors in the week.

Activity 2. Theme: A healthy and varied diet.

Objective: To reflect with families on the needs of offering children a varied diet that favors their physical and general development.

Organizational form: Reflective workshop.

Teaching aids: Paper fruit basket with messages on the back.


The researcher begins the activity distributing to the parents different types of vegetables which will have different messages related to food placed on the back. On the other hand, a basket will be placed at the front of the room, which should be filled as they go. reading the messages and placing them inside the basket. It is valid to point out that the parents will keep the messages that they can then exchange between them.

Message1 Natural foods are healthier and more nutritious. Offer them without adding sugar or salt. Create good eating habits from younger ages.

Message 2 To prevent anemia in your girl or boy, frequently place red meat and chicken in your diet, after 8 months of age, liver and fish. A child without anemia learns more and is physically more active.

Message 3 Fresh fruits and vegetables are foods that fundamentally provide vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers that help to have greater vitality during childhood.

Message 4 The expression of acceptance or rejection of food by parents influences the eating behavior of their children, resulting in negative attitudes towards the ingestion of certain foods.

Message 5 To familiarize girls and boys with foods like fruits, viands, and vegetables before introducing them to the diet, introduce them so that you can touch them and look at them and smell them. Take the opportunity to show them its name, shape, size and aroma. Touch, hear, see and smell to learn.

Message 6 A balanced and healthy diet is one that contains carbohydrates such as rice, grains and pasta, proteins that include red meat, white meat and eggs, salads and vegetables that include tomato, cabbage, cucumber, guava, pumpkin fruit, orange and sweets with small amounts of sugar, little fat and little salt.

Assessment: What foods are essential in your child's diet to prevent poor nutrition?

Independent activity: They are guided to make a group drawing with the boys and girls at home selecting a vegetable or a fruit.

Activity 3. Theme: Breakfast and its importance in the diet of girls and boys.

Objective: To value on the part of the families the importance that breakfast has for the physical and intellectual development of boys and girls.

Organizational form: Educational talk.

Teaching medium: Cardboard letters.


The activity will begin by giving a letter to each of those present. They are invited to form a word that is related to the feeding processes that take place daily. -Lunch, snack, breakfast, lunch or dinner.

After forming the word -Breakfast- the importance of this act of ingesting food in the early hours of the morning will be explained since it provides the body with the energy necessary to start the day's activities and that a third of the food of the day should be eaten at breakfast and morning snack.

It will also address the custom of the population not to eat breakfast or only provide milk to children, reinforcing excessive food intake at night, which results in obesity.

You will be offered options that can accompany breakfast in addition to milk or yogurt.

Example fresh fruits - guava, banana, custard apple, mango, pumpkin fruit, and others for their nutritional value.

  • Rolled bread or snacks with butter, mayonnaise and pasta.You can offer the boy or girl custard, smoothies or juices if you want on occasion to eat milk or yogurt.

Oral evaluation

What do you offer your girl or boy at breakfast time?

What importance do you attribute to this food process?

Activity 4. Topic: Vegetables in food.

Objectives: To reflect with the families on the importance of incorporating vegetables and fruits in the diet of their children.

Organizational Form: Reflective workshop.

Teaching aids: Recorder, folding.


It will begin by asking parents to listen to the song related to the cartoon ¨Los frutis¨. Then the debate on the theme of the song related to fruits and vegetables is promoted, later the families are informed that today we will refer to the importance of vegetables for children to grow up healthy and strong.

The names of the vegetables will be previously placed on the board in clear and legible letters. On the left side, the vitamins and minerals content of each one will be referred to, as the parents name them.


  • Chard, watercress, spinach, lettuce, cucumber, tomato. Rich in vitamin A and minerals such as calcium, sodium, garlic, beets, carrots. Rich in vitamin B, minerals potassium, sodium

As a conclusion of the activity, a folder will be delivered with the title retain the nutritional value of vegetables.

Oral evaluation. The researcher will invite a dad to say the name of a vegetable and the rest will say its nutritional value.

Independent activity: families will be asked to bring a cooking recipe made with vegetables or fruits for the next meeting.

Activity 5. Theme: Some recipes made with vegetables.

Objective: To exemplify different cooking recipes that can be offered at home to boys and girls to encourage the consumption of vegetables.

Organizational Form: Group activity.

Teaching method: Menu letter, cooking recipes made with vegetables.


A table with several chairs will be prepared in the play area and parents who are seated are invited to taste a juice prepared with vegetables - tomato juice. Subsequently, the presentation and flavor of the juice will be discussed and the researcher will ask the following question.

What is the nutritional contribution of tomato juice?

Next, families are offered a menu card for each table where different dishes appear and they are asked to select the dishes that they would like to prepare at home according to their possibilities and also taking into account the benefits that these bring to their children..


  • Vegetable broth Carrot cream Cabbage seasoning Carrot in temptation Cabbage salad Beet salad with banana sauce

Recipes are offered for the elaboration of each one.

Activity 6. Theme: To better feed our children.

Objectives: To reflect with families on the need for their children to eat vegetables and how we can stimulate ingestion by children.

Organizational form: Educational talk.

Teaching medium: Poster, Table with food guide


It will begin by informing parents that today they will know the importance of eating vegetables and how to stimulate our children to eat them.

We will invite parents to pick up a card from the table which will be previously written with the following words: "Vitamins, Fiber and mineral salts"

You will be asked what relationship do you consider these words to have with the topic that we are studying today?

Later they will be shown a poster where they appear:

Column A

Vegetables and viands that children can eat before the year: carrot, potato, pumpkin, tomato, taro, green bean, banana.

Column B

Vegetables and viands that children can eat afterwards spinach, chard, lettuce, beets, cucumbers, avocados, okra, cabbage.

Because of the importance of parents reflecting on the mistakes they have made by not supplying some important foods to their little ones and the need for them to rectify these behaviors so that they do not repeat it at home and may also radiate other people who face Or they will face the raising of children, they are given a table with the food that should be offered to the little ones during the first year of life and in what order it should be done.

Age Food to introduce 0-6 months

Exclusive breastfeeding Non-citrus fruit juices, pureed fruit (guava, mamey, banana, melon and mango). Vegetable and mashed purées: (potato, taro, banana, carrot) Vegetables (chard, green beans)

7 months Legumes (black, red, and pea beans)

8 months Juices and purees of pineapple, tomato, citrus fruits (orange, lemon, grapefruit)

9 months Diced fruits and vegetables

10 months the child is already able to mix some of them

12 months Beetroot, avocado, cucumber, cabbage, spinach, okra

Independent activity: Families are asked to review the mural for parents and consider the vegetables offered by the institution and its presentation during the week.

Activity 7. Topic: Health and hygiene of food. Consequences of poor nutrition.

Objective: To reflect with families on the need to offer children a varied diet that favors their physical and general development. Demonstrate the hygienic measures for the elaboration of the different foods.

Organizational form Reflective workshop.

Teaching medium: Cards with messages and family mailbox.


To start this activity, a dramatization was started. Two educators and a child from the circle will represent a mother with a sick child who attends the family doctor's office. The mother refers to the fact that her little one does not feed due to lack of appetite, she only likes to drink milk frequently and she has diarrhea on occasions.

Brief comment on the dramatization.

The researcher, based on the dramatization criteria, will explain to parents the need to maintain health with adequate food hygiene, inviting them to select messages from the family mailbox placed in the classroom. These messages will be read and discussed jointly with the researcher.

  • For good nutrition it is important that the food is fresh and clean Bacteria and parasites can contaminate a food so it is necessary to store them in cool, clean and dry places Wash the fruits and vegetables well, use fresh water from a safe source to cooking and washing.Avoid coughing, sneezing, or touching your nose while preparing food.Wash your hands with clean soapy water before preparing food.

Oral evaluation

Give examples of how you contribute to adequate food hygiene in your home.

Independent activity: Two or three parents or the circle nurse are guided to go to the mural to collect in writing the weight and size of their daughter or son.

Activity 8. Topic: The proper use of fat. Oils and vegetables.

Objective: Explain to parents the need to set limits on the consumption of fats as well as the foods that children must eat to receive this important nutrient.

Organization form: Educational talk.

Teaching medium: Picture and poster.


The researcher will begin the activity presenting a picture with an overweight child. Comment on the picture or poster.

How much weight would you like your boy or girl to have considering their height.

The circle nurse will introduce them to weight and height remembering that to achieve both adequately it is necessary to guarantee a balanced diet, for which it is necessary to establish the limits of fats and other foods such as sweets.

The researcher will explain that there are two types of fats, visible and invisible.

Among the visible fats are those used for cooking: oils, butter, bacon, or butter and cream cheese on the table.

Invisible fats They are found in food but are not seen, for example, in meats, fish, eggs, milk and their derivatives, in dried fruits, sausages and avocados, among others.

Dried fruits are almonds, sesame, peanuts, sunflower seeds, coconut, but they are also rich in vitamins, especially those of the B complex.

Parents will be informed that it is very important to ingest fats in moderate amounts, as well as to avoid overheating of fats and those of animal type such as pork, they are reminded that it is preferable to consume vegetable-type oil such as those They are found in nuts and avocados.

Oral evaluation. Do you consider important the ingestion of fats in diets?

Activity 9. Theme: Adequate food.

Objective: Reflect on the proper procedures with food at home to achieve proper nutrition for children.

Organizational form: Reflective workshop.

Teaching medium: Surprise box with messages.


Families will be invited to form 2 teams to make a game entitled: The Labyrinth.

In the first team they will be in charge of looking for food messages that appear in the box of surprises, they will deliver them to team 2 who will be in charge of filling the path of the maze that leads to adequate food to obtain healthy and happy boys and girls.

To decrease the loss of vitamins in foods such as fruits and vegetables.


  • Expose them to the sun. Store them for a short time. Keep food uncovered during cooking. Freeze vegetables that are not going to be eaten in a short time. Of cooking methods, prefer cooking with steam or with little water. Frying is the substance that destroys vitamins. Make juices immediately before consuming them.

The use of oils and fats.

  • Ingest fats in moderate amounts. Do not eat fried foods more than 2 or 3 times a week. Prefer steamed, baked, roasted or boiled foods. Consume sparingly the egg yolk and viscera for their cholesterol content.

Meats and their consumption.

  • Prefer white meat to red meat. Do not consume chicken skin. Eat fish 2-3 times a week. Prefer baked, boiled or grilled meats, fried or made in sauce.

Salt and sugar consumption:

  • Reduce the amount of sugar you add to milk, fruit yogurt, smoothies etc. Offer your child all kinds of sweets (homemade, industrial, caramels, jams) To sweeten foods, prefer brown sugar or honey, they are more saturated. Add less salt when preparing food.Place a salt shaker on the table.Moderate the consumption of pickled foods, preserves, salty, smoked products.

Oral evaluation. Of the selected messages which have been implemented during the feeding processes.

Independent activity: Parents are instructed to choose a message and on this, make a drawing, modeling with modeling clay, a poetry or story at home in a simple way, the researcher will give them examples.

Activity 10. Topic: Open doors Observation and assessment of the lunch process.

Objective: To demonstrate to families in educational practice how educators together with service personnel favor the development of the feeding process.

Organization form: Joint activity.

Teaching aids: Cutlery, napkins, and water jug.


First moment

Creation of preconditions to carry out the activity.

During this first moment, a conversation will begin with the family about the actions they carried out at home. How did they do it? Who collaborated? What did they achieve? And the doubts that regarding the topics offered to prepare recipes will be evacuated.

Parents who are going to observe a lunch process are then oriented to see the food offered, the way the food is presented and the presence of pleasant weather during this process.

Second moment (development of the activity).

  • Promoting a favorable climate for the activity we will invite a family to present the food that is offered. Another family with their child will help to guard the dining room. Attention to individual differences the researcher will provide individualized attention with demonstrations, suggestions to those families and children who require it. Promotion of the relationship between families and children. The researcher will stimulate the establishment of communication and relationships between families and the family with their children.

Third moment Assessment of the results based on the objectives of the activity During this moment of the activity, parents will be invited to go to the room to make an exchange.

Firstly, the evaluation of the results of the feeding process will be carried out, showing what they are achieving and what remains to be achieved in the group of children and in a particular way.

Orientation to the family on the continuity of educational actions at home.

During the development of this moment, families will be encouraged to suggest that they would like other activities at home to continue promoting the correct eating habits. They are oriented to the use of brochures as food guides for the Cuban population over two years of age, and of other brochures that collect different recipes.

Lastly, families will be encouraged to participate in this proposal of activities, stimulating them to pass on the knowledge they have acquired to others.

To finish, the PNI technique will be applied. Point out the positive, negative and interesting.

Positive: I learned how to properly feed my child eating healthier and thus contribute to general physical development, promoting the development of eating habits.

I understood that the example of parents in the consumption of vegetables is very good for children.

I understood that when my child eats well he learns many things and within them the habits

We would like to continue counting on this orientation to solve other problems that appear in our homes with our children.

Negative: I am sorry that other families were not here to learn the same as all of us.

Interesting: I think as a dad that the researcher expands our knowledge thanks to her creativity.

3. Validation of the proposal of family preparation activities for the development of nutritional habits in girls and boys of the fourth year of life with special educational needs in communication and language.

During the first stage the potentialities and deficiencies of the families that made up the sample were determined, all of the above allowed the elaboration of the research problem, for which instruments were applied to managers, educators and families that made it possible to arrive at an accurate diagnosis of the need that families had of the importance of forming nutritional habits.

In the second stage, a group of well-structured activities were prepared, planned and organized in such a way that the families received the knowledge from the most general to the most specific aspects, always focusing attention on sensitizing them to the need to receive topics that broaden their knowledge in order to better serve children with special educational needs in communication and language to contribute to the development of nutritional habits.

The families expressed their appreciation for this proposal of activities and assumed their needs to contribute to the development of nutritional habits and were motivated to constantly know about the topics. They asked to evacuate their doubts. The topic that offered the most difficulties for their assimilation was the one that addressed the importance of vegetables for their children to grow up healthy and happy. In general, the attention they paid to the topics was appreciated and they were very enthusiastic about the development of a general activity proposal.

Specialists in the field were invited to develop the different topics, which allowed the activities to be given a purely scientific, dynamic and enjoyable character.

In the third stage, another task was monitoring and evaluating family readiness, for which actions were carried out to visit the home of each of the families involved in the investigation, to check how the knowledge acquired by the families they were put into practice to promote the development of nutritional habits in girls and boys with special educational needs in communication and language in the 4th year of life.

Obviously, achievements were observed in the visits made to the homes. It was appreciated how the parents taking advantage of all the knowledge received put them into practice during the feeding processes, contributing with their girls and boys to develop nutritional habits with an emphasis on the consumption of vegetables.

When analyzing the behavior in the participatory techniques and the instruments applied in topic 1, the following could be verified: During the activity, the parents were highly motivated, highly stimulated by the topic that was being taught, where they were offered the characteristics of the feeding in their children of 0_6 years of age, expressed their criteria on the importance of the role of families in the correct nutrition of their children.

In topic number 2 referring to a healthy and varied diet, it was possible to observe the parents' interest in this activity, expressing their willingness to participate in reading the messages.

During the development of topic number 3 entitled "Breakfast and its importance in the child's diet" it was seen that during it parents were very grateful for the opportunity to hear the importance of breakfast for physical and intellectual development In their children, at one point in time they were offered different options to make a good breakfast.

When analyzing the behavior of families in topic number 4, it can be seen how the parents were able to recognize that sometimes they do not make an adequate diet, in many cases ignoring the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that vegetables possess, which was expressed Through the different responses, participation was active and as a data of interest, the empathy relationships between the researcher and the participants are observed.

When analyzing activity number 5, it was found that parents were assimilating knowledge regarding the importance of a good and varied diet. The evaluation carried out in this activity showed how with simple and easy recipes you can better feed your children.

In topic number 6 regarding how to better feed their children, the parents expressed their liking for this activity because in a practical way they were provided with resources that allow their children to be stimulated to eat the vegetables and what should be the order for the introduction of them in the diet.

When analyzing topic number 7 corresponding to the use of fats, oils and vegetables, it can be argued that it was widely accepted by parents, during it criteria were set forth regarding the correct weight and height of their children, their practical experiences in the consumption of fats, it was observed how the family had internalized the need to modify their ways of acting to adequately contribute to the development of eating habits in their children.

When topic 8 is addressed, the family's great willingness to receive it is appreciated, they eagerly awaited its development, praised the means that had been created and how productive they had been in assimilating their knowledge, they were uninhibited, they wanted to participate constantly.

Regarding topic number 9, it is stated that the parents during the development of the same were very participative, excited about the messages that were offered to them to build the maze that leads to adequate food. The evaluation was highly debated by the participants regarding the messages they have put into practice during the home feeding process, which served to check the knowledge they had acquired.

In topic number 10, results that coincide with the previous activity were appreciated, the parents were very stimulated because they wanted to observe how the lunch process developed and the habits that their children had to master, it was possible to see that they were attentive to the variety of foods offered to their children, they repeated phrases to stimulate food intake. This aspect was very comforting for the researcher who perceived in each of the acts of the parents how effective her proposal was becoming. The PNI technique was applied to collect all the final criteria and the parents' considerations regarding the proposed activities that were already concluded.

To collect the behavior of the families during each meeting, an anecdotal record was made reflecting the most significant aspects of each one.

At the conclusion of the application of the proposal of activities aimed at the families of girls and boys with special educational needs in communication and language of the 4th year of life of the Infantile Circle "Naughty Baby" to stimulate the development of nutritional habits that started in September 2010 and ended in March 2011, lasted 24 hours, taught four hours a week through joint activities and home activities with parents, satisfactory results were found

It was concluded that:

The diagnosis of the initial state of families was a fundamental tool in determining their needs and potentials to contribute to their preparation to develop habits in children with special educational needs in communication and language of the 4th year of life of the Infantile Circle “Naughty Baby”.

The application of a proposal of activities directed to the families of girls and boys with special educational needs in communication and language of the 4th year of life allowed to have positive results in the preparation of families and in the development of nutritional habits that impact significantly in the integral development of each girl or boy.


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Preparation activities for the development of nutritional habits