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Physical activities for evacuees from natural disasters. taguasco

Table of contents:


"They are all the physical activities that can be carried out in free time for various purposes (recreational, recreational, educational, compensatory, sports, competitive…) regardless of environmental conditions, the space in which they are carried out, and the number of participants."

This work demonstrates how to use the free time of the evacuees in the Popular Council of Taguasco, in situations of natural disasters, in addition to a proposal for recreational sports activities that are used in the different evacuation centers of the Popular Council, which is located in the Antonio Maceo Grajales, Félix Varela Morales Elementary Schools and the Urban Basic Secondary School. (ESBU) Leonel Barrios Castillo that stimulate the participation of the community in physical-recreational activities that facilitate coexistence, the improvement of the quality of life and social well-being in disaster situations.

They are all the physical activities that can be carried out in free time for various purposes (recreational, recreational, educational, compensatory, sports, competitive…) regardless of environmental conditions, the space in which they are carried out, and the number of participants. The facilitator must take into account the tastes and preferences, as well as the traditions of each Council, neighborhood, territory, etc. adjusting the activities to the peculiarities of the place, where it proposes, suggests and never imposes, leaving the majority of the decisions to be made to the participants, that is, it must give them autonomy, from individual reflection they must create both individual and collective activities, according to their interests and capacities, enhance socialization. Recreational activities,leisure and free time achieve an increase in the mood of these people during the evacuation period. As well as facing favorable situations in adverse conditions, raising the quality of life, health, comprehensive training and the exaltation of the highest human values ​​in progress in the defense of the homeland.


Natural disasters, due to natural circumstances that endanger the well-being of the human being and the environment. It is usually considered as such those that are due to climatic or geological phenomena, Hurricane, tropical cyclone, with strong winds and rains, which originates from the oceans in some regions near the equator, particularly that which arises in the West Indies, even in the Gulf of Mexico.

Hurricanes consist of very fast winds that blow in a circular fashion around a low pressure center called the eye of the hurricane.

Our country is not oblivious to this atmospheric situation, the island is in a region of trade winds and frequently affected by violent hurricanes or tropical cyclones, which occur from June 1 to November 30, the months of September and October being the most dangerous As much for its frequency of passage as for the intensity, our people and the defense council prepare for these adverse situations without leaving any human being helpless, taking all the necessary measures.

Contemporary man lives in difficult conditions, he is increasingly exposed to the consequences of an accelerated process of industrialization, urbanization and deterioration of the environmental conditions of life, all that is done is in search of a biological and psychological balance, culture Physics becomes an exceptional help to achieve this goal.

Recreation in the world has been gaining strength and relevance in all socio-economic strata, as well as in various sectors such as education, business and especially social-community. Finding ourselves facing a time when, for our societies, free time becomes a fundamental variable in the aspirations for a higher quality of life. However, the consumption of this time, depending on current social processes.

Recreation, as one of the nuclei of social practice, is that activity that integrates not only the person but also the community, in the use and enjoyment of free time. Therefore, the need becomes evident not only for social policies that attract citizens in disaster situations, but also recreational policies that integrate the community. That is why the articulation between community participation and state management is proposed, since in today's society, in the face of these atmospheric situations and the defense council activates all the institutions involved where INDER plays an important role.

Knowing what you think, saying what you feel and generating knowledge to improve the environment around you can carry out activities in your free time, in a pleasant way. Recreation as a discipline that declares to be formative and enriching of human life, must be used as a pedagogical tool in the training process, and develop the playful and creative potential of man in an environment of enjoyment, pleasure and satisfaction.

That is why in the proposals for physical-sports-recreational practice we must take into account multiple determining factors, being observant and respectful of the public spaces to be used, the time we take advantage of, the characteristics of said spaces, in order to facilitate the affective and effective appropriation of the same by the participants.

It will limit us that after the approximations previously expressed we are in the measure of specifying with more clarity the concept of:

Recreation: Process of conscious renewal of the individual's physical, intellectual and volitional capacities, through participatory actions exercised with full freedom of choice, and which consequently contribute to human development. The recreation of people is not imposed or administered, since it is they who have to decide how they want to recreate themselves.

Physical Recreation: It is the realization of activities of various types, which carried out in a free time, will take as an action framework an installation, recreational-recreational activities, recreational sports and sports entertainment, the sports field or simply the resources that offers nature itself to provide the individual with the satisfaction of a need for movement.

Free Time: Moment in which the human being can exercise his freedom of choice for participatory action according to his interests and needs. It is commonly identified with leisure, when in reality it can take place both within and outside of leisure time. It is, by definition, a moment of re-creation, growth and personal development.

Leisure: Free time of a person.

Our job is to facilitate and promote recreational offerings so that they are options for the free choice of those who recreate.


Physical Recreation Program: In strategic planning systems, the following moments, or stages, must be identified: plan, program, projects, activities, and tasks.

Our Program has as its purpose the conception, coordination, assurance and control of physical-recreational activities within the community and in other environmental objectives, through integrative or specific projects based on both the mission and the vision of the institution.

It is necessary to take into account the tastes and preferences, as well as the traditions of each Council, neighborhood, territory, etc. adjusting the activities to the peculiarities of the place.

Overall objective:

Prepare and apply a proposal of activities that stimulate the participation of the community in physical-recreational activities of the evacuees that facilitate coexistence, the improvement of the quality of life and social well-being in disaster situations.

Special Objectives:

1-Promote recreational-sports activities for evacuees in a natural disaster situation at the Taguasco People's Council.

2-Occupy free time with different recreational activities.

3-Propose a system of activities to occupy the free time of evacuees in situations of natural disasters in the Taguasco Popular Council.

Once the objectives of the proposed activities have been established, the most important thing is the process that allows achieving the planned goals, which is materialized in a schedule of actions to be completed during the time that frames the execution of the main activities, those essential to satisfy the various stages, chronologically exposed, each one of which generates a certain number of tasks, which are the most concrete actions of the planning process taking into account that these activities are for different age groups.

a-Children (O up to 14 years old)

b.- young people (15 years to 30 years)

c.- Adults (31 to 60 years old)

d.- Advanced age or third age (over 60 years).

Didactic proposal for physical-recreational activities.

Bearing in mind everything related to the dynamizer, physical and recreational activities, leisure and free time, the characteristics of a proposed style of teaching to facilitate the occupation of leisure and free time should bear in mind:

1. Let the participants make most of the decisions, that is, they must give them autonomy.

2. Participants, based on individual reflection, must create their individual and collective activities, according to their interests and abilities.

3. Activities should enhance socialization.

4. The sports promoter proposes and suggests, never imposes

Organization model of physical recreation

Proposal for physical-recreational activities for evacuees from the Taguasco People's Council.

Type of Activities Exercise Offer
Passive Games and Playroom Domino





Deck of cards


Young boys


Advanced age

Traditional Or Popular Games Ring

Caravel Zunzun

Singing Games

Boys and girls

Advanced age

Pre Sports and Recreational Games Mini Soccer

Mini Basketball




Young boys


Role plays Various Games Boys and girls


1. Increased state of mind of personnel evacuated in the event of natural disasters.

2. Favorable situations of how to face adverse conditions are manifested.

3. The free time of evacuees is used correctly.


1. Prepare qualified human resources to carry out planning, organization and management of recreational activities in cases of natural disasters.

2. Propose that these sports-recreational activities be applied in the different evacuation centers for the best use of free time in the different popular councils.

3. Measure through an instrument the impact of physical-recreational activities on evacuees, materializing the benefits of recreation.

4. Contribute to the professionalization of the area of ​​community recreation at the national level, taking these experiences to other countries with affectation of this type.


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Physical activities for evacuees from natural disasters. taguasco