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Training, evaluation and compensation in the management of current talent

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Starting in 1980 when the information age brought a redefinition of the concept of employability and work, " tangible assets" came to the background, and those " intangible assets" (brands, intellectual capital, talent), began to generate a dependency on talent by companies, it increased exponentially. In 1900, only 17% of jobs required workers with intellectual skills; today, more than 60% of companies require them (Michaels, Handfield, Beth and Axelrod 2003); This is how the development of labor competencies, training, qualification, salary compensation and performance evaluation have become the focus.of the eyes for the vast majority of organizations, if not all. Original subject of this written production, an attempt to understand the meaning of each meaning and in turn manage to unravel an emerging Triad that is accentuated by the reality of a globalizing society.


In this context, this reality has become the muse of the vast majority of researchers in the area, such is the case of Dr. Nerza Rey de Polanco, who in her book "planning and training of human talent", addresses responsibly said reality, it is exactly worth pausing, in understanding Chapter II of the mentioned book, when he presents a dissertation on training management by results: what he called DNAR methodology "Diagnosis of training needs by results", which at first it is conceived as congruent (it seeks to comply with current reality, a fairly logical abstraction), ThisIn order to summarize this methodological proposal, in the author's words, it is based on a strategic alignment process, aimed at identifying training needs that may be affecting the fulfillment of organizational objectives, in order to ensure the return on investment. A point that is undoubtedly considered strategic, I do not think it could be conceived otherwise, since it is interesting how the "boss" has been thoughtIn this case, the organization, based on a diagnosis or the need to know what is affecting or at least what is being lacking, as well as the fact that the same observation, in the end, is a strategy to ensure return. from investment to "boss". Looking at it this way, there is no doubt how well structured this action is.

However, it is worth asking : in this methodology, who benefits the most? Maybe it's not just about profit or who wins or loses. Apparently a proposal that points to the true appreciation of the workforce, because the author, as the main argument, is right to consider the effectiveness of the DNAR, basically dependent on the correlation that exists between individual needs and policies, vision, mission, objectives and goals of the organization. Leaving seen, the inherent details that a technologically and economically evolving society demands.

However, I hope I am not inopportune when I ask myself : under what conditions is the diagnosis carried out? From which actor (s) is this analysis carried out? How do you know that the diagnosis will not become a subjective action? Where the company observes what is convenient to observe, why not be the main actors who determine the needs ? Perhaps the needs that the company meets are not the same needs that the worker sees?Without a doubt, I think I find great answers to many of these questions in the author's impeccable narration, but even so, they do not stop going through my head, for this reason, I think it is necessary to go deep into the reading and so zacear so much uncertainty; which incidentally leads me to ask myself again how to do this

"Eureka" (DNAR) a reality?

There is no doubt that this process supposes a conjecture of actions that begins with the identification of the objectives, which goes from the macro to the micro, where from the goals of senior management the objectives of the organization are understood (macro) and from these, the others come off, I allow myself to point out that it is an extraordinary intention, only that many times the worker does not know what the macro objective of their organization is, simply because they do not manifest it, considering that they should only know their objective, that is, the micro, something that prevents him from being aligned with the ultimate goal of the place where he works. Then a second action, when contrasting the indicators of attitudes versus allowances, a fact to determine what I have and what I need, reaching a consistency between organization and worker, which then leads to think about the desired performance and Learning needs exist to carry it out, to make an effective relationship of theory and practice. In this way, according to the author, implement training actions that are relevant to meet each detected need. Without leaving aside, the knowledge of factors that are affected by such actions, such ascharges involved.

In this sense, it is necessary to point out that before said process, the labor competences of the workers are decisive in the implementation of the “eureka”, which, although they are based on a knowledge and development of the capacities of the labor actor, these they come to life, as the logical and realistic intention accentuates, to which the aforementioned DNAR methodology conforms and at the same time the reality of the market; When conceiving, the need to have more workers with intellectual skills, to obtain great talents, determines the differential value, which can be created by those same intellectual skills and with their talented, should be the objective pursued (Michales et al.).

However, how to conceive this meaning when “the new reality has also modified the contract between organizations and their members, now based on the professional development of the former and the search by the latter for new ways to empower the maximize the competencies of its staff ”. It is when Sagi-Vela, (2004). It indicates that it is a reality that is directly related to the worker and the set of knowledge (knowing), skills (knowing how to do) and attitudes (knowing how to be and want to do) that he must have.

Because of such a situation, at present there is talk of work skills systems, as an alternative to promote training and education, in a direction that achieves a better balance between the needs of organizations and their members (Jacobs, 1989). All this from the dissertations that can be seen in the article "labor competencies and their evaluation using the 360 ​​degree model" by the psychologists Pereira, Gutierre, Sardi and Villamil 2008.

A quite nutritious theoretical display on this variable, finding interesting epistemological aspects as the fundamental of McClelland's approach, pointing out that the evaluation of competencies focuses on people who maintain successful performance at work based on the characteristics and behaviors of the themselves; likewise, the contribution of Boyatzis when he pointed out that competencies are sets of behavior patterns, that the person must take to a position to perform efficiently in their tasks and functions. Thus considering the first meanings and episteme of such a relevant need for the transformation of the new conception of work and organization.

In this same order of ideas, it is conceived from this theoretical baggage, that the competences are referred to the individuals, but many times the term qualifications or qualifications is used, referring to the conditions to fulfill a job or occupation. According to Zarifian (1999), even the criteria of responsibility and autonomy are linked to employment. Furthermore, the concept changes its meaning between countries, referring indiscriminately to: educational titles, job categories, salary classifications, job title, and any combination of the above assumptions (Grootings, 1994).

In this sense, an expansion of key qualifications is necessary to include the capacity for cooperation and participation in the organization, both in the interests of the company and in their own, workers must be trained to develop convincing organizational changes and to make or share informed decisions (Bunk, sf).

Thus, for the sake of knowledge, before accentuating the effect that these competencies have on the organization, it should be pointed out according to Vargas, Casanova and Montanaro (2001) that “a labor competence is the ability to effectively carry out a work activity mobilizing the knowledge, abilities, skills and understanding necessary to achieve the objectives that such activity implies. ” (p.30). In this case, capacity not only means performing a certain task correctly, but it must be effective, in order to be able to differentiate itself from common actions, without neglecting the fulfillment of the objectives set.

In this way, competency management allows evaluating the specific competencies that a person's job requires, and it is also a tool that allows the organization to be more flexible since it separates the organization of work from the management of people, introducing to these as main actors in the processes of change of the companies and finally, to contribute to create competitive advantages of the organization (Cruz and Vega, 2001).

It should also be made clear that performance evaluation as an instrument of the administration or management of Human Resources in organizations is of similar importance to that of the person selection or promotion system, the induction system. or the system of incentives or wages in the company, likewise means that the worker knows in advance what is expected of him in daily performance and has elements to contrast the expected performance against the performance exhibited (Pereira, Gutierre, Sardi and Villamil 2008.

A matter where one speaks well of a functionalist, behavioral and constructivist model, each with its essence, it is worth asking, is comprehensiveness possible in this process? Does the concept of transdisciplinarity fit?

Finally there is an element, which could be in any case, the last piece of the puzzle, which would allow the aforementioned processes to be carried out effectively, this element is compensation; Atkinson, in 1958, managed to statistically demonstrate the utility of money as a concrete incentive that improved production as long as it was linked to specific results. In this sense, salary becomes a measure of the value of an individual in an organization, or even a means of hierarchically positioning an individual in an organization. Wages are at the same time cost and investment (corral, 2006). Undoubtedly, every organization should conceive compensation as an investment, it is indeed a cost, but in the end it "should" be something that returns to the same organization, therefore it ends up being the best investment that any entrepreneur can make.

In this way, compensation, based on the analysis of Fernando Corral in his publication Human Resources: Compensation, this term, the

Compensation based on the aforementioned, reasonably converges on the elements present in each of the scenarios in which it is necessarily submerged. Therefore, it is curiously relevant, as it resizes the meaning and makes it aware of reality. When you are now part of the need for it, compensation, to attract, encourage and retain talent. The need to generate it in a competitive climate and without a doubt, that it becomes a real matter of motivation, making it clear that sometimes it is not only a good salary that maintains the effectiveness of a worker, this compensation must be linked to development opportunities within the company.

Hence, compensation must be provided mainly for the reason and justice implied by the workforce, that is, as the author points out, keep in mind characteristics, such as the type of responsibility, the situation of the markets, performance, skills, such as the new models that the labor community now demands, in the same way not to leave out, variables such as seniority, inflation, agreements, social benefits.

Given all this dissertation, certain questions emerge that are worth taking up for discussion:

How to measure the effectiveness of training and training? If we talk about processes that emerge in the qualitative paradigm. At the same time , how can the evaluation process of these variables be plausibly carried out rigorously? When the majority of the companies only apply the action (training) that supposes will solve the need at the moment. Finally , what to do to dignify the salary and at the same time not become the only motivation to attend work?

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Training, evaluation and compensation in the management of current talent