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Human resources administration versus human talent management


In recent years, the Human Resources Administration has undergone changes in its functional interpretation and in the way of designing and establishing each of the sub-systems that comprise it.

Traditionally it has been classified as an efficient Human Resources Administration; to that management that manages to attract and retain people, adapting them to vacant and / or newly created jobs. Technically it is the alignment of people's profiles (job profile) to the job descriptions of the organization.

Considering that the Human Resource is the most difficult resource to administer, since it is the only resource that has emotions "feelings"; It is understandable that Human Resources Administration is not an easy task, we can hardly satisfy all the needs and desires of people, through the design and establishment of standardized management sub-systems.

The Human Resources Administration that is carried out through rules, regulations and operational policies, can help the orderly fulfillment of the organizational objectives and contribute to the productivity of the company, but it has very little impact on the development of the personnel, since under the premise of general management is achieved by the satisfaction of few and the dissatisfaction of many.

Objectively, there is no Human Resources Administration model that allows contributing to the satisfaction of all employees in an organization; no generalist model could achieve this; but neither could specific management models be developed for each of the organization's collaborators, without a doubt this scheme would be utopian, it would turn the company into an anarchy difficult to manage.

The dilemma of the Human Resources Administration is that it must satisfy the needs and desires of the organization, without losing sight of the fact that it must also contribute to satisfying the needs and desires of the collaborators (employees); The approaches are not exclusive, they are complementary; the real dilemma is "how to do it?".

The answer to this question seems complex, however it can become very simple when we break the paradigm of traditional Human Resources Administration and we partner with the same collaborators to understand their own needs and desires. The way to achieve this is by "getting to know them", and this can only be achieved by "listening to them", which in turn is only achieved if we create an environment of "trust" to jointly develop with them an environment of "freedom of expression"; which is undoubtedly the only way to “discover and self-discover”, the true interests, motives, desires; but above all they, the true purposes of each of the collaborators,which, when discovered, become the main source of energy and the main input for the strengthening of existing competences and the development of new competences, which will allow us to get closer to achieving personal goals.

The above seems indescribable and unattainable, under the traditional principles of the Human Resources Administration; However; We cannot lose sight of the fact that under a simple logic; the fulfillment of the organizational objectives will be much easier if the individual objectives are met, it is a simple summation of achievements, which is based on the natural consequence of the mixture of energy and passion, through the self-assessment of talent and the potential of the human being.

Here, the first conclusion; The Human Resources Administrator, cannot achieve everything by himself, must become a "COACH"; must become a facilitator of the self-knowledge and self-development process for each of the company's collaborators. Its function is strategic, it is not operational; The operative within the Human Resources Administration can be acquired by purchasing a systemic application for personnel administration; management systems, psychometric tests, evaluations of organizational climate; performance evaluation programs; KPI´s, etc, are products that come packaged.

The Human Resources Administrator can become the link between the aspirations and the future of the collaborators; he must have a strategic mindset and be a good communicator, he must also be a good listener who, through understanding the environment, can be receptive to the messages and aspirational comments of collaborators; It can become the promoter of great attitudinal changes, if its effort contributes to self-discovery and promotes the development of human talent, through its self-management, by each of the collaborators.

This function “still hypothetical, in most of our companies” generates a lot of value in people and therefore in the company; Helping employees to define or redefine their purposes as a consequence of taking advantage of their own talent is, without a doubt, more than an operational function, a strategic function that promotes cultural change with high expectations of success.

The Human Resources Administration must undergo a total transformation and migrate to Human Talent Management; whose foundation is the potential of the collaborators.

There is a momentous difference between the two approaches; While the Human Resources Administration is based on the past of the collaborators, giving value to the curriculum and the achievements described in it, Human Talent Management is based on the future of people, on their aspirations, on their objectives., in its purposes.

The Human Resources Administration classifies candidates and collaborators in the successes of the past, but it gives very little value to the future, which is why its basis for choosing candidates is the CV, the job application, the interview and the work / personal references.

Without demeriting these tools; none of them should be used as a candidate scrubber, much less as a reference for a recruitment or to promote a collaborator to another position within the company; Since none of these tools says anything about the future of people, except for what can be perceived in the interview, which will depend on the type of questions the interviewer asks. However, in most cases, interviews revolve around confirming the data outlined in the resume or job application, they revolve around the past.

In contrast to this practice; Human Talent Management seeks to discover in the candidates, the talent and potential they already possess; and through understanding the generators of personal satisfaction, determine and develop new skills. Its foundation is the future, the past is simply referential and the present is considered the starting point.

Under this premise; The Management of Human Talent within companies is not an easy task, like everything strategic, its foundation is in the Vision, it is aspirational and at the same time it is inspirational.

Here is the key to success; If contemporary organizations design and develop strategic management systems, to achieve the vision, they cannot continue hiring collaborators under traditional Human Resource Management systems; They must hire collaborators under the premises of Human Talent Management, they must hire collaborators whose talent and potential is focused on purposes that can be aligned with the organizational vision.

Human resources administration versus human talent management