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Analysis of the influence of the organizational climate on the productivity of companies

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The difference between a person who works to fulfill a workday and one who is always looking for how to achieve greater productivity is due to their commitment to the organization, which is why managers, like all people that they have personnel under their orders, they have to know the different behaviors that influence the efficiency and effectiveness of their collaborators in order to improve their competitiveness and that of the company.

Key words: Organization, Work environment, Motivation, Administration, Processes, Organizational behavior


In this essay we will talk about the importance of knowing the skills and attitudes of people who work for an organization and analyze how they influence the work environment, which will determine the achievement of established objectives and goals. Knowing how to lead and guide a workforce is vital, in this era where the entry of companies to the market is more frequent every day due to globalization. This incorporation into the market makes existing companies face the need to renew themselves as well as the need to restructure their strategies to continue operating.

The administrative process helps to evaluate the results obtained from each team leader as well as to determine which were the causes or the variants that influenced the efficiency and effectiveness of each work team, or otherwise, if it did not achieve the planned objectives and the why, to make the corresponding modifications, that help to fulfill what was expected.

Organizational behavior, whether in the government, private sector, or civil associations, determines the effectiveness of work teams, in many cases the members are blamed for not meeting the goals set and are held responsible for the results obtained without analyze what are the factors or causes that caused these goals not to be met.

The leaders of each work team play the most important role in all results, since it depends on their capacity and abilities to analyze and detect the skills that their work team has, as well as the areas of opportunity they have to convert them. In strengths, the leader does not make comparisons between people, uses the skills of each collaborator to achieve the objectives and thus form a positive work environment.


Definition of organization: “consistently coordinated social unit that includes two or more people, who operate on a relative continuity basis, to achieve a common goal or set of goals” (Robbins & Judge, 2013).

According to Chiavenato, the Organization “… is a system of consciously coordinated activities, made up of two or more people, whose reciprocal cooperation is essential for their existence” (Chiavenato, 2001).

So we can say that an organization is a group made up of two or more people who work together in order to obtain mutual benefits for their personal development as well as for the organization itself.

For Robbins and Judge, Psychology is "Science that seeks to measure, apply and, on occasions, change the behavior of human beings and of other species" (Robbins & Judge, 2013). Another definition of psychology "deals only with the application of a test in order to diagnose behavioral disorders, assess abilities, personality…" (Arana, Meilán, & Pérez, 2006).

This means that psychology helps us to identify what are the personality traits of each individual as well as what are the things that trigger certain behaviors in order to identify what are their strengths as well as their weaknesses in which the individual has to work to be a better human being.

Sociology Concept "Study of people in relation to their social environment or culture" (Robbins & Judge, 2013). Another way of defining sociology "… this science analyzes the internal forms of organization, the relationships that subjects maintain with each other and with the system, and the degree of cohesion existing within the framework of social culture" (DE, 2008-2014).

So we understand that sociology is the science that studies the behavior of human beings in relation to where they live as well as everything with which they interact in order to determine what influences the behavior of each individual according to their uses and customs.

For Robbins and Judge, in their book Organizational Behavior, productivity is the “Combination of the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization” (Robbins & Judge, 2013).

According to Koonts and Weihrich in their book Managing a New Global Perspective, they define productivity in the following way "… is the relation of inputs-products in a certain period with special consideration to quality…" (Koonts & Weihrich, 1999).

This means that productivity is the result of the combination of efficiency and effectiveness in order to achieve the desired results at the lowest cost and with the highest performance.

The definition of Efficacy according to Robbins and Judge is "Degree to which an organization satisfies the needs of its clientele or its consumers" (Robbins & Judge, 2013). Another way to define effectiveness "… is the achievement of objectives" (Koonts & Weihrich, 1999).

So we say that effectiveness is the way of doing things that help us achieve our goals in the best possible way.

Definition of efficiency “Degree to which an organization can achieve its ends at a low cost” (Robbins & Judge, 2013). Another way to define efficiency "is to achieve goals with the least amount of resources" (Koonts & Weihrich, 1999).

This means that efficiency is the way of doing things that help reduce time and costs in any organization.

Definition of motivation "Process that determines the intensity, direction and persistence of an individual's effort towards achieving a goal" (Robbins & Judge, 2013). For Mauricio Nelligan, motivation "… the leader must dedicate constant time to" communication, praise, encouragement, friendship, reward, incentive, affection, support, backing and advice "(Nelligan, 1999).

We can understand by motivation the set of positive expressions that the leader expresses openly in order to make his colleagues or subordinates feel safe and committed to achieving the objectives, causing a work environment full of synergy.

Robbins and Judge define leadership as the “Ability to influence a group and direct it towards achieving a goal or set of goals” (Robbins & Judge, 2013).

On the other hand, Mauricio Nelligan, in his authentic leadership book, defines Leadership as follows: "… The leader has qualities, in addition to the necessary power, to pursue valuable objectives, through other people who, motivated by him, influenced by his treatment Inspired by their personality and empowered by their authority, they cooperate correctly until they achieve results… ”(Nelligan, 1999).

This means that the person who has the gift of being a leader is one who can influence people, motivates them, inspires them, gives them a sense of belonging, orients and guides them towards achieving their goals and objectives in a Realistically and objectively, he is equally committed to each member of his team.

Definition of organizational behavior "Field of study that investigates the effect that individuals, groups and structure have on behavior within organizations, in order to apply such knowledge to improve the effectiveness of organizations" (Robbins & Judge, 2013).

Organizational behavior is understood as: the way in which the individual reacts or acts before the way or form that is treated and taken into account by their bosses or colleagues, making a negative or positive environment as it is treated in the workplace.

On the other hand, Idalberto Chiavenato in his book Administration of Human Resources defines the work environment as: “… people are in a continuous process of adaptation to a variety of situations to satisfy their needs and maintain an individual balance. It includes the satisfaction of social needs, self-esteem and self-realization… ”(Chiavenato, 2001).

This means that the work environment of an organization is formed by the emotions, education, needs, and desires of the employees and influenced by motivation, which make this a difference between each organization.


In this globalized era where every day is more frequent than various transnational companies, large corporations, etc. They are entering the market very strong in technology and capital, which means that organizations that are not prepared to face them have to close their doors, this is where the administrative function that the directors or managers of companies do is essential and determine regarding the achievement of building a highly competitive company.

The role of management at the level in an organization, as well as supervision, have changed radically and importantly for organizations, since it is no longer about giving instructions and making people achieve the objectives of the organization. companies, organizations today need managers who make decisions, assume responsibilities that seek the most suitable methods for achieving objectives, and always be at the forefront.

The effective administrator needs skills in what is the administrative process which is: planning, organization, direction and control, as well as the administration of human resources: how to motivate, discipline, manage internal conflicts, socialize, sympathize, guide, as well as help. to exploit the skills of each collaborator since the correct combination of financial, human and material resources will result in efficiency and effectiveness in achieving the objectives.

The administrative process: in the Planning the objectives are defined and it is decided which will be the strategy to implement to achieve it. Organization, in this phase the tasks to be carried out and who will be the collaborators who will be delegated the activities of what will be done as well as the line to follow. Management, in this phase leadership, motivation and communication intervene to help achieve the objectives. Control, this is the phase where the results are analyzed if they are expected or if the planning needs a modification to be more efficient and effective.

The administration of human resources is the fundamental part of any organization because this is the one that determines the achievement of all the objectives, because it does not matter how good the planning defined for the achievement of the objectives is if the work environment of an organization is not Adequate will not have the desired results, so it is very important that everyone who has staff under their care have the necessary skills in handling situations among employees as well as efficient: communication, motivation, discipline, leadership, teamwork, co-responsibility, sympathize, etc. to become an effective and efficient manager.

How to make employees work at ease and committed to the organization to achieve their goals, an analysis of the work environment must be done to determine the current situation as well as the areas of opportunity with which they will have to work together to ensure that employees have a sense of belonging and co-responsibility with the organization.

We will start with the ability: you have to do an analysis of the skills that each of the collaborators possesses in order to know if they are in the right position and if they are assigned the correct tasks, since when assigning a certain activity to an unskilled person In order to carry it out, the only thing that we would cause is frustration or poor performance that influences your person as well as the others in a negative way, the analysis helps to determine what the person is good at in order to assign the indicated tasks that help improve processes.

Motivation and invitation to change is the task of every leader, motivating staff so that they have constant training and support, inviting them to innovate for personal growth such as that of the organization itself, Robbins and Judge in their book Organizational Behavior, say that Positive organizational education “… is concerned with how organizations develop their human strengths, stimulate their vitality and resilience, and develop potential” (Robbins & Judge, 2013).

The processes in an organization are the set of steps to be followed by the individual to carry out an activity, the processes to be carried out are influenced by emotions, motivation, etc., all this set of variables yields a result which must be evaluated if it is the correct one, if not, you have to do an analysis, and go backwards step by step to know what is not working correctly, the processes, the people, or the work environment, with the results already make the appropriate corrections.

Identifying in the organization the intellectual capacities of the employees as well as their physical aptitudes is extremely important because these will tell us what type of work they can do, by intellectual capacity is understood, mental abilities that a person has for the execution of an activity and by physical attitudes, the strength that the individual possesses to carry out different activities.

Identifying what is the attitude of each person is essential because this will guide us to know how we will work with them, there are three types of attitudes: cognitive attitude, the individual makes an evaluation of everything that is said or done, affective attitude, the individual mixes his feelings with the behaviors and attitudes of others, finally, behavioral attitude, this is the step where decisions are already made driven by either of the first two or may even be by both, no matter which one the attitude or attitudes that each individual has, the important thing is to identify them and work so that this behavior is oriented in a positive way.

Motivated employees get excited and this helps participation, contribution of ideas, decision making, they are also more creative, for this reason, if we have an employee who is not complying with the requirements, it is important to influence and motivate them so that get excited and increase their productivity instead of reprimanding and punishing them, because people are unique beings with special characteristics and their own values ​​such as: respect for their person, respect for the family, feeling happy, helpful, etc., so they must be valued and respect them to achieve a better work environment in the same way to achieve a better work team efficiency.

One of the destructible factors in work teams is the perception that others have about a particular thing or thing, here the manager of a company or department, as well as the team supervisor, have to be especially careful with what is done. transmit and clarify all doubts in a timely manner, since the knowledge they have will determine if employees change the way of seeing things in a subjective and negative way to an objective and positive one. Robbins and Judge in their book Organizational Behavior describe perception as “the process by which the individual organizes and interprets the impressions of his senses, in order to give meaning to his environment, but what one perceives becomes different from reality ”(Robbins & Judge, 2013).

Motivation in companies is key for employees to remain firm and attached to achieving the objectives and goals of the organization, there are different forms of motivation, in my years of work experience I have seen that there is no greater motivation than: feeling safe in a job, accepted, taken into account, valued and respected. If a leader achieves this feeling, he will create a highly competitive work team. Idalberto Chiavenato in his book Human Resources Administration defines motivation as “the function of concepts as active and driving forces, translated by words like desire and rejection. The individual desires power and status and rejects social isolation and threats to their self-esteem… ”(Chiavenato, 2001).

Creation of teams with efficiency and effectiveness is the function of the leader because he has to consider that each individual is different, there is a diversity of attitudes, behaviors, and abilities. To make these differences the complement of a team, it is important to keep in mind that the sum of each team member is essential, since this will determine the result, for this reason it is important that all members have a specific role and according to their ability to share the workload and there is no division.

There is a lot of talk about leadership and there are many ways that describe it, such as identifying a leader, is one that has followers and the ability to influence people to achieve the objectives and goals of an organization as well as its entire work team.. The leader defines the way in which he will work and the activities that the employees or his followers will carry out, is characterized by the trust that he has in his work team, and always seeks the satisfaction of all the members as well as the achievement of their goals.. Mauricio Nelligan in his book Authentic Leadership, describes how a leader should be “… they try to work as a team. They not only know how to form and guide a team, but also how to join it.In order to have better results, they renounce control and promote the participation of their people, placing emphasis on us instead of on me… ”(Nelligan, 1999).

The organizational culture is how employees feel and behave, or how the organization wants them to behave according to its values, the job is to make all the members share the same values ​​of the company, because the more collaborators share the values ​​and Those who feel identified will be more committed, and the work culture will be stronger.

The training given to employees is of utmost importance as it will expand their skills and knowledge, this helps the company to achieve its objectives, because without constant training it would be like experiencing an internal recession where there is no growth, due to to this the processes cannot be constantly improved, causing the collaborators not to be highly competent, a company must always look for how to be at the forefront but for this it needs that its workforce is constantly trained and updated.


In conclusion, the work climate in organizations is done by all the members of the company, but those who have the responsibility to transform a negative work climate into a positive one are the leaders, whether they are directors, managers, assistant managers, managers, supervisors, since it is in the taking of decisions and the way of planning, organizing, directing, controlling, treating, respecting, valuing, motivating etc., which makes employees feel integrated, valued and important in the work team, this causes a positive work climate and influences importantly in achieving the objectives of the organization.

The efficiency and effectiveness of an organization is achieved through trial and error, by this I mean that we must always look for ways to do things differently, always looking for the optimization of processes that helps improve the productivity of employees as well as that of the company itself, we must bear in mind that in a change there is a learning curve and we must not hold collaborators accountable without first: reviewing the process and analyzing it again, perhaps it needs to be make an adjustment, need to be redesigned, the same and it may be a process that cannot be modified, or simply lack more training, once the analysis is finished, the corresponding decisions must be made, always attached to the values ​​and profile company culture.The way in which the leaders face all these situations will determine the work climate, as well as the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.


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Analysis of the influence of the organizational climate on the productivity of companies