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Contributions of tutoring and development by competencies in education

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The current dynamics of the society in which we operate requires each of us skills, knowledge and certain types of attitudes that allow us to compete, or in educational terms, to be competent at best.

The term competence has entered the professional lives in recent years of those who dedicate ourselves to teaching practice. Such a concept has been presented to us as the key to success. The truth is that it offers alternatives to influence the training of future professionals who will work in our country.

The competency-based approach allows individuals to build their own knowledge, and even more importantly, it aims to ensure that each person is able to count on their own elements so that they can learn on their own throughout their lives. On the other hand, it should not be forgotten that the origin of the competencies occurs in the United States when, during the Cold War, the CIA designed a personnel selection system that allowed choosing the best element, the one that had the tools and skills that were needed. required for the development of the functions of a particular position.

The latter represents the first antecedent that clearly shows that the competencies were created for labor purposes, as part of a socioeconomic system that would allow us to have elements capable of producing more and efficiently goods and / or services.

According to the above, it seems that the true purpose of modern education is to train citizens who will eventually enter the labor market and allow world economies to benefit from spending less on labor and treating the individual as a link more than a complex mass production system; however, the focus on competencies, being very dynamic, is preparing professionals who will not only enter the labor market as passive entities, but that active entities will begin to emerge, with full environmental awareness, sensitive to the problems that afflict society, honest and virtuous in their daily tasks and qualified, which will consequently result in quality socioeconomic growth.

Algunas de las actividades primordiales de la educación deberían ser el apoyo a los adolescentes para poder integrarse a su vida académica, así como la promoción del reconocimiento por parte de los mismos, de sus propias necesidades e intereses. Lo anterior con el objetivo de apoyar al individuo en la conformación de un proyecto de vida sano, que le permita convivir y desenvolverse en la sociedad.

In order to achieve the above, some changes must begin to appear in the current educational task. Since 2009, some appear in the educational reform, such is the case that in the General Education Law, in its article 21, defines the teacher as "promoter, coordinator and direct agent of the educational process". This is how teachers become guides and companions of the teaching-learning process, a situation that was embedded inside the classrooms. The latter responds to the need to empower the students themselves throughout their learning process, since they must be the main ones interested in acquiring the greatest number of necessary tools that will serve them throughout their lives.

The fact that the student becomes the main actor in his or her own personal development demands even more from the teachers in their professional preparation in various areas of development that allow them to effectively guide the student in their academic and personal life. It is essential not only the instrumentation of the Professional Career Service that has just been approved by the Legislative Power at the request of the Executive, but the instrumentation of constant and compulsory training programs, with strict evaluations that guarantee the formation of qualified cadres in the university venues.

During the last decades, research has grown exponentially in relation to educational practices that could improve student performance. Some of them are aimed at identifying the ways in which we learn, others present various strategies on how to serve students in specific situations, and thus could continue listing the various jobs that are and continue to be developed in the educational field.

Tutorials are presented as a contemporary option within the educational process. These allow the strengthening of knowledge, attitudes and skills in the student for their proper orientation in decision-making that are presented to them and are transcendental in their life.

Currently, tutoring has become so important that it makes an appearance from basic education to the higher level, since its current focus includes from activities aimed at the orientation of the individual in academic aspects, to the possible diagnosis of deviations in behavior that could be considered socially inappropriate, such as drug use and alcoholism.

In order for the tutorials to have an effective impact on individuals, it is necessary that a collegiate in the institution where they were held be previously established, in order to establish clear guidelines and objectives in their application. The group that complies, must be trained by the University Institutions to reduce the margin of error to which it will not be exempt. Actors such as principals, teachers, tutors, parents, students, must be aware of the importance of their active participation in tutoring programs to achieve the particular objectives that each individual has set, since tutoring produces better results when carried in a personalized way.

In addition to tutoring, there is currently another outstanding educational option, which is known as the ABP system (problem-based learning). The principle of ABP is the fact that learning is student-centered. The teacher acts as a guide in the activities throughout the learning process. When a problem of everyday life is exposed to the group of students, it serves as a generator of organization techniques and stimulation for learning, this is how students are expected to learn from real-world knowledge and the accumulation of experience by virtue of his own study and research. By wanting to work under ABP,the teacher must first identify what the learning objectives are to be achieved by solving the challenging problem that will challenge the students. In this way, students will be preparing to be methodical when solving situations that arise throughout their lives.

The current conditions of humanity and the current demands, given the globalized system in which we live, demands that we increasingly have more and better problem-solving skills. If we understand the school as the learning laboratory for life, it will be better understood than the educational methods, such as tutoring or Problem Based Learning, they seek for students to analyze, reflect, experiment, and make decisions that will define your life. Therefore, the professional training of the leading teacher in these educational processes must be timely, sufficient and of quality.


  • FRADE, Rubio Laura, Development of competences in education: from preschool to high school, 2nd edition, 2009, Mexico. General Law of Education Last Reform DOF 06-22-2009. Morales Bueno Patricia, Problem-based learning, Theoria, 2004 /vol.13. Universidad del Bío- Bío Chillán.http: //definicion.de/tutoria/ (March 05, 2013) (March 05, 2013)
Contributions of tutoring and development by competencies in education