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Let's learn to analyze the scientific text


The scientific text is an oral or written linguistic production that serves to express and transmit specialized knowledge whose purpose is to inform; The predominant function is the informative or referential function and the most used forms of elocution are exposition and description.

This type of text has an epistemic function because the author transforms knowledge from his personal experience and creates new ideas, opinions and points of view; at the same time that new opinions and ideas are generated, so writing becomes a powerful tool for creating and learning new knowledge.

Scientific language is used in this type of text and the metalanguage used, that is, the technicalities or words of a given community allows us to know for what type of audience the text is intended.

The morphological and lexical characteristics of this type of text is another aspect to take into account when using scientific language, because it makes a rather peculiar use of the main morphological categories: nouns, adjectives, pronouns and verbs. Adjectives and nouns predominate due to the ability of these categories to transmit information.

The lexicon constitutes another fundamental aspect of scientific texts, because it establishes the difference between the scientific style and other communicative styles.

The syntax of scientific texts also has its common characteristics, subordinate clauses are the most used, because this type of clause in indirect style allows the introduction of opinions, criteria and evaluations. The use of impersonal sentences is another characteristic of scientific texts.


Scientific texts are classified in different ways, these can be exhibition, poster, monograph, essay, paper, opposition, scientific article, research design, dissertation, thesis and book.

The chosen scientific article was published by the Cuban Journal of Higher Education number 2 May-August 2014. The title of this article is The 3D virtual environment and its importance for teaching-learning oral expression in English in fourth-year students of the Computer Science Engineering career.

To analyze the scientific text, the logical characteristics must be addressed, the selected text is well defined, following the steps required by the journal for the publication of articles. You can clearly see the summary and the key words, in Spanish and English. The introduction, development, conclusions and bibliography are well organized and defined.

In the summary of this scientific article, the authors summarize the fundamental aspects of the article with a minimum of information. In the case of the Cuban Journal of Higher Education (RCES), it should not exceed 150 words, written in a single paragraph, and should be written in the past tense.

The key words must be not less than 3 and not more than 8. The analyzed text has 4 words because the phrases reading comprehension and virtual world are analyzed as a word or phrase.

The text / context relationship, intertextuality is revealed when analyzing the internal structure of the article and the textual citations used. The introduction prepares us for a better understanding of the subject; the justification of the main problem that motivates the creation of the article and states the general objective.

The development exposes and argues the essential information of this work, offering the result of the research and proposing the advantages of the 3D virtual environment in the English classes of the fourth year students of the Computer Science Engineering degree.

The conclusions are related to the objective and the aims of the development of the work, the results were analyzed and it is given in a positive way how feasible the application of the presented proposal would be.

Quotations are direct because they appear at the foot of the page with the pages or range of pages of obligatory nature, and the references in this specific text are consigned within the text at the foot of the page with a system of numbered notes.

The rhetorical characteristics allow us to know the type of code or the stylistics of the text; in the selected article the prose is explanatory because it has a demonstrative purpose, from an expository or informative basis, that is, it shows how feasible and necessary are the three-dimensional virtual worlds in English classes, and in turn proposes the approximation of a virtual 3D environment on the OpenSim platform that enables the development of oral communication skills in English in fourth year students of the Computer Science Engineering degree.

The development of the selected scientific text is not divided into epigraphs, although the parts of the scientific article are clearly defined following the particularities of the journal.

The conclusions are well related to the objective of the work and explain what is intended from the development of the work.

The bibliographic standard uses the Vancouver syntax and The bibliography consulted is organized alphabetically by the authors' last names and uses the Vancouver standard. It is important to note that in the bibliography, the same author is consulted with articles published in different years, in this case the bibliography was organized taking into account the year of publication. The Cuban journal of higher education requires putting the date in which the digital bibliography was consulted in square brackets.

Within the qualities of this article, clarity is manifested in the language used, this is an article aimed at a given community, the computer community and language teachers in general, although this does not prevent it from being understood by anyone who wants to know about the topic. Precision and conciseness can be observed when the authors explain some specific terms in a clear and concise way; there is no ambiguity and there is an epistemic function.

Regarding linguistic characteristics, the lexicon shows the level of specialization of the text, where special terminology is used because they constitute terms of a specific subject.

The metalanguage is aimed at the computer community and the English teachers of the Computer Science Engineering degree.

In the text there is a predominance of nouns and adjectives, the terms that explain the meaning of the acronyms are not necessarily written with an initial capital letter and the translations of some terms are in parentheses. The enumeration prepares the reader to read it and in this text it is clearly seen when enumerating the advantages of 3D virtual worlds in the teaching process of learning the English language.

It is important to say that the translations of some definitions in English are always in italics.

In this text you can clearly observe and specify the 4 laws of discourse for the understanding and construction of scientific texts.


The scientific language used and its tendency to accuracy, objectivity, and thematic and syntactic complexity are the features that identify the scientific article. This language must be precise and is characterized by the direct, precise, denoting use of the vocabulary.

The understanding and construction of scientific texts require the discovery of the 4 laws of discourse and these are:

The law of informativity is present in the article because it provides information about the virtual 3D environment and its importance for teaching and learning oral expression in English in fourth year students of the Computer Science Engineering degree.

The law of exhaustiveness requires that the author provide on the subject that builds as much information and data as possible, that they are interesting and easy to understand thanks to their conciseness and direct style; Also making the reader feel interested in the subject and can enrich it with the experience.

The law of sincerity is evidenced from the objective analysis carried out by the author based on previous knowledge and research about the 3D virtual environment on the OpenSim platform to achieve greater interaction between students and teachers in English classes.

The law of belonging is manifested in the particularities of virtual worlds, where each student can search for a virtual representation of himself, which allows him to develop and improve oral expression in English classes.


Domínguez Campillo Elizabeth and Ricardo ZM (2014) The 3D virtual environment and its importance for teaching-learning oral expression in English in fourth-year students of the Computer Science Engineering degree.

In Cuban Journal of Higher Education MAY-AUG.No2 2014, pp32-39.

Domínguez Ileana (2001) The research report: a guide to write dissertations and theses. Havana, ISEBIT.

ROMEU, Angelina (2000). Characteristics of the scientific text. Santo Domingo. Interamerican University.

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Let's learn to analyze the scientific text