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Approach to the concept of school coexistence

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"School coexistence" is a means to educate and at the same time an end. Because coexistence is learned and part of that learning is done at school, also because every educational process carries with it a model of coexistence.

It is the coexistence and interrelation of the actors of the educational community. It supposes an adequate fulfillment of the objectives and implies the recognition of the rights, the obligations and the diversity.

What happens in schools or in a certain educational community will have a correlation with other events (taking "coexistence" and "interdependent relationships" as equivalents), will present factors related to other factors from narrower or broader areas of society and culture. It will not even be something remote or alien to what happens at the national and global level.

It is true that conflicts are inherent in social relationships and human ties. When they appear, it is better to "read" them attached to processes required in the environment and limited to personal problems. But they are also predictable, so the focus on solving problems or crises as an opportunity for change is part of the job. The conflicts around school coexistence provoke, in most cases, different forms of violence. This is defined by the objective characteristics of the event itself and by how it is perceived by those involved. At school, it can lead to violation or misunderstanding of cultural norms and guidelines, and also to bullying.

Previous reflections and summary of the work

At a first glance, on the dissemination of the subject on the Internet and its impact on scientific publications, it can be seen that school coexistence is crossed by interests, values ​​and conflicts from which it is attempted to understand it.

The acts of violence have caused their social conflict to be of great interest and, nevertheless, from more comprehensive perspectives or more exhaustive analyzes, it is also investigated about the current transformations or the "adjustments of the term" based on policies and subjectivities involved.

Looking more closely, it can be seen that the “know-how” required of secondary school encompasses much more than is necessary for the implementation of school coexistence agreements. Facing the adaptation of traditional disciplinary norms or teaching and training for democratic life, other challenges arise from compulsory education and the minor as a subject of Law.

The participation of the students in the affairs of the school, accompanied by their teachers, means that all are depositories of rights and duties. Thus, school coexistence is equivalent to being active within a community, going through a process where one lives or learns to live in a democracy, participating and assuming responsibilities. For example, the application of sanctions should have an educational effect related to the understanding of citizenship. Such aspects imply modifications in the roles of all social actors, including the State and the Family.

Beyond the interests and policies at stake, the links between adolescents and between adolescents and their referents or adults cannot be ignored. Although there are conflicting ideas, we can agree that rebuilding and enriching social ties, facing deficiencies and overcoming differences, is a necessary task. Better to believe in coexistence agreements that promote sobering experiences in more or less calm places, than the opposite. It is known that it is an arduous task and that it often fails, but it is a “directed or conscious attempt” to undo violent and, in some cases, even dehumanizing, relationships in educational communities. End the “implicit and subconscious agreements” that, like patches of a broken or outdated system, tend to subjective poverty and dissociation due to its stereotypical features and anxiogens.

The law

In September 2013, the Law on School Coexistence and Addressing Conflict in Schools was approved 4. In his first article “he establishes the bases for the promotion, institutional intervention and the investigation and compilation of experiences on coexistence as well as on the approach to social conflict in educational institutions at all levels and modalities of the national educational system”. The fourth article expresses that "the Ministry of Education of the Nation, with the agreement of the Federal Council of Education, must promote the elaboration and revision of the norms on coexistence in educational institutions in each of the jurisdictions".

National School Coexistence Program Through the PNCE, the State focuses on:

  • the formation of democratic values ​​school regulations the autonomous design of educational experiences

Writings have been prepared and published that serve as the basis for different courses, where the terms and conditions related to the situations to be addressed are mainly clarified.

In the “Federal Guide for Orientations, for educational intervention in complex situations related to school life”, it is proposed to work on the “before, during and after” sequence of conflictive situations (related to violence or violation of rights) and offers a framework (conceptual and legal) for actions (appropriate institutional pedagogical interventions).

"This legal framework establishes, among other things, that education is a social right and that boys, girls and adolescents are subjects of law, overcoming the guardianship paradigm."

In another 2009 publication, "Contributions of Tutoring to coexistence at school"it is made explicit: "the purpose of this material is to contribute to the reflection on the contribution that orientation and tutoring projects can make in relation to an aspect of secondary school and its educational proposal: coexistence and civic education". It concludes that “the field of school counseling and tutoring is configured as a highly heterogeneous field of practice. However, something common seems to articulate the efforts made in these initiatives: the conception according to which tutoring is understood as a strategy of accompaniment, care and guidance for students ”.

The object of such practice is "the transit of students through the school experience", in relation to their own life projects. The integration of “peer groups” stands out, as a facilitator of learning and support of schooling. It uses the figure of an adult who can be taken as a reference, given the risk of curricular and institutional fragmentation, and group techniques are recommended.

Although it is not well explained what a “peer group” is, the term would be denoting an age group where the members can live together because it is possible: “… the inclusion of new members, the flexibility of internal groups to solve school tasks, the organization for teamwork, the possibility of expressing agreements and disagreements, debating and exchanging ideas, the presence in the instances of democratic participation through representatives, the respect and appreciation of differences ”.

The pedagogical framework will be in accordance with the intervention of other government areas, since conflict (individual, collective and social) is understood as inherent to institutional life. Knowledge and application of the rules are promoted, as well as the assumption of rights and obligations. That is why the School Coexistence Agreements are used to strengthen, from the educational field, the Comprehensive Protection Systems of the Rights of Boys, Girls and Adolescents formed in each jurisdiction, to local networks that work with the same objective and also caring for the adults who participate in the daily life of schools.

In the educational portal of the Ministry, in secondary education, the following objectives appear, intended for supervisors, directors and institutional technical teams:

  • Renew the rules of school discipline to adapt them to the new cultural and democratic context. Generate a process of collective production of the standards that measures their quality by the level of participation, dialogue and consensus in which all the actors can be included. jurisdictions that have renewed their school regulations to assess the degree of their implementation and progress.

Also noteworthy is the National School Mediation Program 8, which encourages “developing mediation practices that contribute to the peaceful resolution of conflicts”.

Political situation in Santa Fe

In Santa Fe, in May 2014, adherence to the law had disagreements. The Chamber of Deputies voted with partial dissent: "The project does not challenge the government." "We could not agree on the creation of the advisory council for the promotion of harmonious school coexistence or on the decision to form multidisciplinary technical teams in proportional numbers to enrollment and the number of schools in each region." “The policy must be set by the Ministry of Education, not by a higher body; The rights of children and adolescents must be respected and the intervention must be of the teachers in the schools, not of extra personnel. The initiative does not know that there have been interdisciplinary teams since 2009 to deal with this type of issue. ”

On the portal of the provincial government, regarding the "construction of coexistence and educational inclusion", it can be read: "… the Ministry of Education carries out a varied range of programs such as Wheels of Coexistence, Ties, ESI is spoken, Educational Research, Science Fair, Digital Plots and Driving Road Sciences".

"ESI se habla is a program that addresses the development and construction of values ​​for Comprehensive Sex Education within the framework of National Law 26,150." Lazos “is a program for the prevention of violence and addictions in prioritized schools at the secondary level that proposes the creation of coexistence councils made up of teachers, administrators, parents and students, to prevent and eradicate situations of harassment, peer violence and abuse school, and to face situations related to drug use. "

Recent research papers: Argentine publications 2013-2014

In addition to the work of professionals related to the PNCE, the work of the observatories and the content of the repositories were investigated (taking into account open access to information, according to law 26899). No data was collected from congresses or virtual meetings, since it was considered that the publications of such activities appear in the repositories.

  • Argentine Observatory of Violence in Schools, of the National University of San Martín. Regarding continuous teacher training, devices are offered that include “a variety of instances to promote reflection on one's own task, conceptual enrichment, as well as the development of work teams and horizontal training networks”. In addition, the "Network of Social Organizations" organizes "national and regional meetings for training and exchange of experiences" and "produces and distributes work materials." Observatory of School Coexistence, of the Argentine Catholic University headquarters

Mendoza. On the website there is a link that leads to a document that sets out objectives and activities.

  • Coexistence and School Conflict Observatory, from the Cambio Democrático foundation. From the “achievements” tab it reads: “We carry out a diagnosis of conflict and we make recommendations, convened by the Council of the Rights of girls, boys and Adolescents of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires in the framework of the taking of middle schools by students, in the conflict they maintained in 2010. La Rioja School Coexistence Observatory. Registers 21 interventions during the 2010-2011 academic year. "The registered data concludes that in the La Riojan centers there is no worrying situation regarding bullying but rather specific incidents and problems for bad behavior." International Observatory on School Violence. The international network of researchers on school violence and its prevention was founded in 1998 as a global initiative of the original European Observatory on School Violence.

On the CONICET website, 45 search results were found "school coexistence". Taking into account that the program searches for the words separately, the amount is even less, not all works are related to the topic. It should be noted that most of them come from fellows, that is, professionals who are training as research scientists.


  • Scielo 17 (Scientific Electronic Library Online - CONICET / CAICYT) SEDICI (Dissemination Service of Intellectual Creation - UNLP) Hypermedial Repository of the National University of RosarioDigital Library of the Catholic UniversityCorciencia 21 (scientific production of the province of Córdoba) Magazines of the National University of CórdobaMetasearch engines (several repositories at the same time): The Portal of Digital Repositories. It gives access to the scientific-technical publications deposited in the Argentine repositories adhered to the National System of Digital Repositories. On the same page is the link to the Electronic Library of Science and Technology, which "provides Argentine researchers with access, from the authorized institutions, through the Internet to the full text of more than 17,000 journal titles…". So in the metasearch enginewhen trying a search the message appears: «remote access to EBSCO's databases is permitted to patrons of subscribing institutions accessing from remote locations for personal, non-commercial use…» (remote access to EBSCO databases is allowed to clients of the institutions that subscribe…). In any case, the search from the portal yielded 9 articles related to school coexistence.. It has the participation of Redclara and nine Latin American countries. 32 articles were found.Scientific Commons provides over thirty-four million publications hosted in about 1,200 repositories worldwide. It is a project of the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland) developed by the Institute for Media and Communications Management. From the IDEAS site Accessing documents from Argentina, 9 articles were found.(Bielefeld Academic Search Engine). It is possible to retrieve articles, magazines, books, documents, chronicles, conferences, doctoral theses, literary reviews, audio files, videos, images, maps, software, scores and primary data available in open access in repositories around the world. Almost one hundred articles from 2013/2014 were obtained in Argentina, searched in more than sixty-five million documents.

Leaving aside violence and individual cases, suspending the gaze on works that focus on school conflicts and local experiences, other points of view appear that investigate less obvious or interdependent things about school coexistence. Following this criterion, some titles found are listed as an example:

  • The school buildings of Rosario and its area of ​​influence (Brada-Heredia-De Gregorio). The educational system as a wall. Gendarme directors? (Umpierrez). Communication: basis for building democracy (Valle-Colina-Gando). Importance of ideas in the government and public administration of our time (Schmukler). Characterization and analysis of Massive Interscholastic Encounters (Arana-Sabathe). Sensitive landscapes (Patelli). The Academic Block, a proposal for quality inclusion (Oliva). Civil liability in the schoolyard (Martínez). Institutional changes at the middle level of Argentine education (Santillán). Schooling and citizenship: a comparative study of Argentina and Brazil (Mataluna). Coexistence: between the written rule and the appreciation of the rules (Litichever).  Inequality at school: about customs,routines and contingencies that mark, classify and exclude (Torres-Sboyanosky). Youth sociability in middle school. Analysis of relational practices and recognition processes among students (Paulín, et al). The linking plots in the configuration of a new secondary school: proclamations and discourses of state (Cuchan, et al). The performativity of regulatory processes normative. The norm as a space of dispute over the directionality of educational policies for the secondary level (Mariela). The compulsory nature of secondary school: variations in academic regimes. Ricardo (Baquero, et al).Working with knowledge at the middle level. An instrument of observation for the social sciences area (Spezzi). Perverse standards in the educational field? Contributions of social psychology (Barreiro, et al).Situation of childhood at the beginning of the Bicentennial: a multidimensional and rights-based approach (Tuñón). Entry to middle school and contemporary subjectivities (Szychowski). Exchanges of perspectives and experiences to generate change: construction and reciprocal appropriation of meanings between University and Schools (Erausquin-Zabaleta). Youth perceptions about justice: political socialization in the school space (Nuñez). Discourses, debates and perceptions about "being-together" in educational institutions (Skliar).Adultcentrism and child citizenship: two discourses in conflict for coexistence (Henríquez, et al). Normative changes in the regulation of school coexistence systems (Fridman). The redefinition of the youth-political link in Argentina:a study based on youth political representations and practices in secondary and middle school (Alianza-Cinde-Umz). Regulation of behavior and the evolution of flexibility within the school (Cestare).

As can be seen, the works analyze material, subjective or institutional factors, among others and outside of violence, that affect coexistence and account for its multiple determinations.

With the inverse criterion, looking only at the works that refer to violence, titles such as the following were found:

  • Some limits of responses to violence and insecurity, in educational institutions (Alianza-Cinde-Umz).Lawyers talking to teachers about bullying, short and foot (Tassano).Naturalization of bullying among schoolchildren: a way of build the social (Alianza-Cinde-Umz). The pricelessness in pedagogical relationships: authority, failure and violence in school (Zerbino). Analysis and problematization of violence in secondary schools (Patierno).  Sentiment policies and death policies in a Latin American corpus: aesthetics of violence and warriors (Cherri). The role of the educational institution in reporting family violence (Richiusa). Sociocultural record, school and subjectivity (Gaudio-San Michael).Conceptions of justice in boys and girls living in violent urban contexts (Alianza-Cinde-Umz). Youth, violence and the media: A look at the Argentine screens (Amaranto Barreras). What we talk about when lynching: A sociology of today (Caravaca).Humiliation and transgression: towards a culture of toughness (Rodríguez Alzueta). Pending discussions on the meanings associated with Media Violence in the region (Morales Monguillot). Discontinuities and discursive ruptures on gender violence in Argentina (Martinuzzi).Conceptions and practices on violence in the school environment (De Lellis-Gonzalez).Humiliation and transgression: towards a culture of toughness (Rodríguez Alzueta). Pending discussions on the meanings associated with Media Violence in the region (Morales Monguillot). Discontinuities and discursive ruptures on gender violence in Argentina (Martinuzzi). Conceptions and practices on violence in the school environment (De Lellis-Gonzalez).Humiliation and transgression: towards a culture of toughness (Rodríguez Alzueta). Pending discussions on the meanings associated with Media Violence in the region (Morales Monguillot). Discontinuities and discursive ruptures on gender violence in Argentina (Martinuzzi). Conceptions and practices on violence in the school environment (De Lellis-Gonzalez).

Conclusions and final thoughts

From the observation on the current treatment of the term it is seen, although it is tempting to focus on physical violence or bullying, that there are works that follow other motivations. Based on these results, it should be emphasized that coexistence deserves to be understood from different perspectives, trying to account for how something so inherent to the subjective and social constitution is affected and / or affects the educational community.

“Living together” an educational process means today, as planned and legislated, in contrast to the previous models, agreeing in schools on the implementation of the norms and objectives, as support for a peaceful social life and in accordance with the sanctioned laws. The pedagogical and institutional vision changes depending on this socio-political purpose. Educational centers "must adapt" to an "inescapable" cultural transformation typical of the time and of organizations of modern daily life, understood as citizen participation, from the coexistence, related to the exercise of rights and obligations.

School coexistence encompasses various issues or problems that we can group, depending on the focus or the developments observed, around: conflicts between social actors, interests at stake and the formation of values. It is obvious that it has been deteriorating rapidly in recent years, just look at the news and compare with what happened decades ago. We can think that it has been spoiled by repeated conflicts, by the bidding between interests outside it or by the lack of solid references in relation to values. We can also think that this is not only due to the appearance of more and new conflicts, to the tension between the various interests or an alleged loss of values. That, in reality, coexistence itself is what is "transmuting" and causing discomfort in schools.As a social construction, it takes shape and challenges. It demands a space and a time different from that established by the norms (even more if they have been rigidly conceived or were coldly institutionalized). Thus, in this sense, its pairing with terms such as "agreement" or "democracy" would be what provokes conflicts, the revision of interests and the search for values.

In any case, regardless of how the topic is understood, it would be advisable that the works, focused on any aspect considered relevant, include the corresponding psychosocial issues. It would be a matter of seeing the resonances of the issues or how social actors (those of the educational community, families, government agencies and other groups) are affected.

Secondary school is demanded, from the social and political point of view, the strengthening of democratic values ​​and the formation of peaceful citizens. Such circumstances, promoted by the transformations brought about by the consideration of students as subjects of law, could be felt in the educational community as demands or an extraordinary effort regarding the education and socialization of young people. Be that as it may, this implies creativity and operability, necessary to "improve the established".

So, how to amalgamate "coexistence" and "agreements" is key for schools, but it is a "know-how" that often exceeds them. They need the contribution of professional, political and scientific work, through publications, meetings and other means that provide alternatives or ways of operating in difficult situations.

"School coexistence" or "school coexistence agreements" are not mere terms of an urban context or of a modern era, nor something exclusive to schools or the academic environment. As we have seen, in the observatories and the titles of some works, they are components of social dynamics as well as being part of the daily life of many people.

Conflict resolution is not the only thing at stake. There is a quality of life that shows multiple facets: democracy, resources, diversity, ties, communication, learning, etc. The history of education, in our country as in any other, is not an isolated or disjointed subject, it is an active part of the total history. That is, what happened and will happen is related to the consensus or dissent among the people (educators, parents, politicians, workers and other subjects of the linking plots that affect the educational system), also with the views or interpretations of the events and its background

(from teacher training, dialogue with students, communication with families, consultation with school staff and help from other institutions) and, in addition, with interventions (if there is a good relationship between theory, practice and chosen strategy).

The normative and institutional order of human behavior in society, inspired by postulates of justice and whose basis is the existing social relations in a given place and time. System of norms that regulate coexistence and provide a legal framework for the resolution of intersubjective conflicts.

Simplified perceptions or images of some aspect of reality.

Able to produce anxieties (fears, anticipated, related to any attempt to adapt to change) 4

Ministry of Education. Presidency of the Nation.

Ana Campelo, Jazmín Hollmann, Patricia Viel, Marcela Andreozzi, Isabel Amor, Gerardo Averbuj and Marina Lerner.

portal.educacion.gov.ar/secundaria/uncategorized/renovacion-y-mejora-de-las-normativas-de-convive/ 8 Created by Resolution No. 503 in September 2003 within the framework established by Law N ° 26.206 of National Education that establishes in its Article 123 that the Federal Council of Education will establish the necessary provisions so that the different jurisdictions arrange the organization of educational institutions according to general criteria.



Keep in mind that the result of a search, apart from the number of documents stored, will depend on the cataloging or description using the metadata (data that describes other data) and the software implemented.





www.ijvs.org/5-6296-El-Observatorio-Internacional-de-Violencia-Escolar-OIVE.php 17



bibliotecadigital.uca.edu.ar/greenstone/cgi-bin/library.cgi 21







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Approach to the concept of school coexistence