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Cultural and sociological aspects that determine the influence on the barra bravas

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To know in depth what sociological aspects influence the famous so - called barra bravas, but in this work the Bogota bar called by its members the blue commandos will be thoroughly analyzed.

Analyze where these phenomena of barra bravas come from and the culture it denotes for its members.

Inquire what social aspects determine membership or identify the members of the blue commandos.

We hope that this report is of the service and the total pleasure of its readers.

Blue Commands # 13

To start we will make a brief count and history of the Blue Commandos, it was a Sunday afternoon, as always and a group of fans to his always loved blue team, the Los Millonarios Sports Club and yes, where else at the Nemesio Camacho El Campín Stadium home of the ambassador team and the lifelong rival the Santafe Independent Club, among the attendees one commented on the famous Argentine bars at that time that were copies of the world famous and feared hooligans, the character outlined why they did not form a bar brave and unconditional with the blue box capital.

Well, this is how what is now the largest and most feared barra brava in the country began, it has some 10,000 certified members and approximately 15,000 who only unconditionally encourage their soul team.

Internally the bar works as follows. There is no specific leader, they are divided into groups or patches as they call it. Each one organizes outings outside Bogotá, they have their own flags or fronts as they call it, with pride for them to currently own the largest front in the country.

For the commands something very important outside of encouraging the team is that of the exits, which is the moment when the team jumps onto the playing field, immediately the player plays the grass a unique and unrepeatable spectacle is produced, because if it comes out Powder avenge them, smoke, which are actually fire extinguishers that charge them with blue and white inks, they also throw a quantity of confetti into the air accompanied by strips on rolls of calculator and endless choruses of encouragement for the equipment of their life, therefore all this makes it truly a wonderful spectacle, to be observable.

But why are the blue commandos called a bar brava, because if due to their social disorders, street fights with the members of other teams' bars, due to how dirty they maintain the city walls with their graffiti, as marking a territory and insulting the other teams, that's why right now soccer is no longer a game of the most beautiful sport in the world but it becomes a style of war between gangs with hatreds to the death and leaving high rates of violence in these confrontations.

Next we are going to attach some jokes and chants of the blue commands:

Well, it would be an endless list of songs that are a true copy of the choirs of the Argentine bars of the Boquense team and the River Platense that are the most famous and golden of Argentine soccer.

We did not explain something very curious that we found analyzing this phenomenon, inside the bar there are times that conflicts arise for shirts of foreign teams but especially Argentineans, for some millionaires in Colombia it is the same river plate of Argentina but they do not conceive of seeing within the north side that is where they are located to encourage their soul team that there is someone with the junior mouth shirt or the opposite.

Well, we know that a sociologist must look at everything, ask everything and investigate exhaustively to fully understand a phenomenon. For this reason, we conducted the following interview with very open questions.

He asked himself:

- What is your name

- How old are you

- What is your current occupation

- How is your family nucleus made up

- Do you belong to any particular religion

- Where do you live and what is your hometown

- What are your hobbies

- What sports do you do

- Do you attend stadium, how often

- When you do not attend the stadium and see it on television you feel

- What millionaires means to you

- Since when you are a member of the blue commandos

- How and why did you participate in the blue commandos

- What opinion do your parents have? and his friends about this

- what opinion do you have of society as a blue command

- What do you think is the opinion that society has of you

blue commandos.

- Faced with the conflicts presented with other bars, what opinion

can you give of them and of said conflicts

- When you are inside the stadium cheering on your team

how you feel and how you express it

- And when you are not in mass if not only how you are feel

- Because they express this idolatry by some team players

- What is your opinion of the women belonging to the barra bravas and women in the blue commandos

- There is a hierarchy within the blue commandos

- Do you think that the two great Argentine fans have influence in You as a bar

- How far would you express the fidelity and feeling for your team

- Buy and consume the items that are sold by your team

- What is your dream in life

Mainly these were some of the questions that we asked in the interviews made on May 20 in the party the sports club los millionaires and the sports calli, in which the ambassador team managed to win at home 2-0 with annotations by Alex Escobar and the captain of the blue and white squad Andrés Pérez.

To conclude, the commandos are a group of young people with an age range between 12 and 32 years old who say they are seeking recognition through the bar, but some believe that belonging to these bars produces respect and is feared in the society. But we see that they do not act much on the convictions of their own interest, but operate and let go when they are en masse without looking at possible consequences.

The current transcultutrization that we live thanks to global globalization seeks that young people try to emulate young people from other countries, forming a culture that is not innate in our country or in our pasts, if not transmitted, changed and adapted to our environment but we would not know differentiate whether it is culture or fashion because for the members of these brave bars they make this become as they call it their vice, as their own religion, that is why young people idolize the players, becoming a bit self-centered.

This phenomenon is so great that the special authorities have already been forced to investigate these phenomena thoroughly due to high rates of violence, by the large masses that it collects, due to its very high drug consumption, and consequently the IDRD (Instituto Distrital de Recreation and Sports), was forced to locate boys dressed in green in the stands of the stadium in order to control the excesses that occur, since the Commands do not allow that when they take possession in the stands the police enter.

Well, broadly speaking, these are the cultural and sociological aspects that determine the influence on the barra bravas.


The course carried out this semester of sociology has been very interesting and useful to carry out these investigations and erasing from our minds these paradigms that we maintain due to ignorance, since it is very important to understand other cultures and observe their cultural representations with the greatest respect in the world.

We are sad to see that in our country there is no cultural identity but that everything wants to be a faithful copy of the international market, we also find that the countries in terms of culture clearly depend on how strong their economy is and the strength in world competition that may have.

As for the blue commandos, we believe that there is much to do for this and that all this organization and energy is not wasted in these phenomena that in the future leaves them nothing as people.

Cultural and sociological aspects that determine the influence on the barra bravas