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Student self-government and participatory leadership at unah

Table of contents:


The Student Residence is the facilities that the Higher Education Centers (CES) have to satisfy the indispensable needs of studies and life of the students that require the benefits of the conditions of scholarship holders to develop their studies, they become a community and constitute a very important setting for the formation and development of values ​​in students.

All the social actors who participate in life in the Student Residences must design and execute, together with the Student Council, the policy on the educational and political ideological work to be followed, taking into account the general guidelines established by the CES, proposing to redesign the strategy. political-ideological work in those analyzed in documents approved by the Board of Directors for the month.

In this effort, the work of the Educational Instructor in the formation of ethical, political and ideological values ​​in the Student Residences is important, in correspondence with the priorities of the young people, regarding the differentiated work man to man through specific tasks assigned to the students. since entering Higher Education, being the same measurable to assess the transformations at the end of their studies

An evaluation of the functioning of the Self-government in the Student Residence of the Agrarian University of Havana (UNAH), the consultation of documents that regulate the work and experience of the author as a worker of the Student Residence for 10 years, exercising the function of head of Department of Educational work and Director, allowed us to identify a group of insufficiencies that hinder the achievement of a more participatory direction that guides the tasks and actions to be carried out by the students through the Residence Council.

And it allowed us to prepare a proposal for an Educational Work Strategy, to achieve greater Student Leadership that contributes to the more efficient development of Self-government in the UNAH Residence.

Student leadership

Leadership is a topic of great interest and current interest in all areas and organizations of the public and private sector in many countries. The issue of people and their insertion in modern society has reached a special relevance in this century. The study of leadership as a function within organizations has gained strength.

This perspective does not emphasize the characteristics or behavior of the leader, but "The circumstances on which people's organizations integrate and organize their activities towards objectives, and on the way in the leadership function in terms of a dynamic relationship"

Student leaders are capable of changing systems, offering valid solutions to new problems, taking on and facing the challenges posed by new opportunities, but above all, they have the ability to involve and commit their colleagues to the objectives of the organization.

In addition, they exert a great deal of influence, so much so that any of their acts has repercussions in the student community and in each decision they make they manifest that they make values ​​that are important to the organization.

Main Background

On November 7, 1960, the “University Scholarship Plan” was created in the country, which began to be developed in various buildings in the City of Havana, such as those located in G and 25, Line and I, F and 3ra, and 12 and Malecon, all subordinate to the University of Havana in its old structure.

The need to extend Higher Education studies to the different regions of the country, led to the establishment of student residences in all university institutions.

Currently, all higher-level institutions in the country have student residence areas where 80% of the enrollment in regular day courses are housed as a national average.

For this reason, they constitute prioritized scenarios for the attention of the scholarship recipient by the directorates of the Higher Education Centers (CES) whose task is to carry out the educational work with the scholarship recipients; as a basic principle they must have a comprehensive approach and are characterized by the close union between political, patriotic and internationalist, labor, moral, aesthetic and physical education of the students.

By the conjugation of efforts of all the factors of the center, which influence in one way or another in the formation of the personality of our students, guaranteeing their living conditions.

The Educational Work Program of the Ministry of Higher Education (September 1990), within its fundamental objectives, states: “the essential purpose of education is the formation of personal convictions and behavior habits and the achievement of fully developed personalities who think and act in a manner that is apt to build the new society and defend the conquests of the revolution ”and educate students in the highest patriotic, moral and ethical values, as well as transmit the necessary knowledge of the universal culture and history of our country.

In this sense, the current Minister of Higher Education, Juan Vela Valdés pointed out the mission of the new Cuban university which is: “to graduate a competitive professional, with mastery of techniques but with a humanistic training that gives meaning to his practice within the total framework society, that makes him a more fully happy man…. "On the other hand," neither technology itself, nor knowledge in itself, nor efficiency in itself will have significance if they are not put at the service of the country, of the State, of the people ”.

To guarantee the organization of the training process in an integral way, the university has a Main Master Strategy that aims at educational and political-ideological work.

This strategic projection covers all the key results areas, such as Professional Training, Science and Technological Innovation, Postgraduate and Professional Development, University Extension, Human Resources Management, Economic Management and Material Assurance, Defense and Protection.

Within the perfection training area, student residences are included, which aim to “achieve superior results in the conception, execution and control of the training process, specified in a comprehensive student, as an effect of personalized educational and political-ideological work. and guarantee the correct application of the pedagogical model, in each of the study modalities that take place at the university. ”.

The characteristics of the student residences in terms of their constructive form and operation, their location in relation to the center's facilities and the exploitation of their capacities, differ substantially from each other, therefore the projection of the work in each center must be adapted to their particularities and conditions, but always in correspondence with the guidelines issued for ESCs by the Ministry of Higher Education (MES).

Characteristics of the UNAH Student Residence

The Agrarian University of Havana (UNAH) founded on September 7, 1976 with four faculties, called at that time the Higher Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Havana (ISCAH) with a large number of Cuban and foreign students, works in correspondence with the Communist Party Program (1987) that when referring to the communist formation of the new generation expressed:

"Training them now is the most important and transcendental purpose of ideological work, that is the mission, fundamental of the union of young communists, of the pioneer and youth movement of educational institutions"

Operation of the Student Residence Council at UNAH

The Student Residence constitutes a favorable setting for participatory leadership, student self-government as a participatory management style is developed by the University Student Federation (FEU) through the Residence Council.

The process of selection and election of the Residence Council begins with the election of the student leaders in the collectives, the candidacy is formed and the secret vote is carried out, with the students who obtain the greatest number of votes for the positions of president being elected. and two vice presidents, the heads of buildings in their own right are members of this council.

This electoral process must be developed during the months of May and June, which allows the preparation and training of these elected students, and their management structure is formed to represent them in a process of self-government, which implies the commitment, responsibility of the students and the formation of values ​​oriented towards collectivism and social participation.

The students that make up the Residence Council are trained and guided by the Educational Work Department of the Student Residence, becoming familiar with the main aspects of the Educational Work Strategy, from which they develop their own programs, taking into account the different student interests, taxing the general interests set out in the organizational guidelines of the statutes of the scholarship students in the Centers of Higher Education.

Evaluation of the functioning of student self-government at UNAH

As part of the study of the community of scholarship students of the Student Residence of UNAH, a survey was applied to 30% of the student body of a total of 931 scholarship students equivalent to (310) students and also to a total of (20) leaders of the FEU_UJC. Where interviews with students and workers were also taken into account. Applying participatory observation of the process systematically.

The sample also included: The members of the Student Residence Council: President and its 3 Vice-Presidents. (4), the 10 building managers of which are operating. (10), the Secretary of the UJC and the President of the FEU of the center, together with other leaders such as Presidents of Faculties (6).

The Student Residence Council is in charge of materializing this style of leadership, he plays a fundamental role in the development of educational, political and ideological work with students, therefore it must be achieved:

1. That the election of the members of the Council be from their own groups, to guarantee the quality of the process and that they be recognized as leaders.

The following difficulties were detected in the analysis of this aspect:

  • FEU and UJC do not develop an effective policy that identifies and develops youth leaders for this activity. In the results of the surveys, it was found that 70% of the students did not participate in the preparation of the candidacy for the Residence Council and, in addition, 51.3% did not previously know the proposed candidacy to be voted on. It is also highlighted that 34.8% of the surveyed students knew the results of the elections through an act, 8.1% through the radio base, 2.6% through propaganda, 21.6% through other students and 29.7% did not know them.

Regarding the UJC_FEU leaders' survey, it was appreciated that 70% of the leaders participated in the preparation of the candidacy and 80% previously knew of the candidacy, but it is observed that between 20 and 30% of the leaders did not practically participated in the election process. Spontaneity prevails in the elections, 70% of the surveyed students cast the vote without really knowing the trajectory of the students who made up the candidacy.

  • Students have little knowledge about student self-government, but in the surveys carried out, 48.4% of the surveyed students recognize the importance of Student Self-government as a participatory management style that guarantees greater responsibility and commitment with their organization to obtain better results in its operation and in solving problems.

30% of the student leaders surveyed do not consider self-government as a participatory leadership style, mainly due to ignorance, only 20% recognize it as a form of leadership and the remaining 40% recognize self-government as a quality of the work of the Council of Residence and as a quality of work of the residence management.

  • Students do not know sufficiently the disciplinary norms that govern Higher Education, the Student Regulations, which is evidenced in the ignorance of their duties and rights. 48.7% of students rate their knowledge of regulations and standards as fair, 32.2% as good and 13.5% as bad, only 2.6% rate it as very good.

When analyzing the leaders' survey, we found that 40% indicated that the level of knowledge and command of the regulations and standards as good, 30% as fair and another 30% indicated that it was bad. Both students and leaders have little command of the rules and regulations that govern the work of the Residence Councils to guarantee student self-government and the life of scholarship students in general.

  • The election schedule is not met and when carried out together with the beginning of the school year or later, it is not guaranteed to carry out training actions for the newly elected members. It was interesting that the surveyed student leaders did not coincide on the date of the elections, when responding to the surveys they indicated different dates, 40% of the surveyed leaders answered that they were in September, 20% indicated that it had been carried out in the month May and 10% in the month of July.

It was evident that all the members of the Residence Council were not clear about the election process, and it was demonstrated that they did not carry out a job prior to the elections, motivating and raising awareness of the importance of this process for students and their quality of life. In the residence.

It was identified as the main difficulty for the proper functioning of the Residence Council, the training of its members to carry out the tasks and actions in the Student Residence The youth leaders who lead the processes in the different areas of the Student Residence do not have the qualities and experiences In order to adequately fulfill this responsibility, it is evident that they are not proposed to the students who have more conditions and capacity, which shows that the best students in teaching do not occupy responsibilities in the Residence Council.

As indicated in the previous paragraph, the electoral process of the Residence Council was not carried out in the months of May and July, it was carried out in September due to the lack of students to carry out this activity. In an interview with the leaders of the UJC_FEU, they acknowledge that they do not have an effective cadre policy and raise this situation as one of the main deficiencies that they present for the educational work to be carried out in the Student Residence.

2. Participation of the members of the Residence Council in the enrollment process and granting of a scholarship to new students.

The following difficulties were detected in the analysis of this aspect:

  • New students are not diagnosed, each case is not treated differently, the order of priority is established when granting scholarships by the Faculty Directorate, without considering the opinions of the members of the Council of Residence. There is no process of initiation of the student in university life, the opportunity is missed to make known their duties and rights, rules of residence, responsibilities as a fellow, among others.

3. Quality of the Disciplinary Councils. In the results obtained from the survey applied to the leaders of the UJC_FEU organizations, the low role of the Student Residence Council in this important activity was evident.

This is the space where the indisciplines committed by the students in the Student Residence in the presence of the representation of the Faculties are analyzed and the corresponding disciplinary measures are taken. 60% of the leaders consider the role played by the members of the Council passive.

It was seen through the survey of FEU_UJC leaders that 70% of the analyzes are carried out at the Faculty level, and that their participation is not systematic in disciplinary processes. It has not been possible for the majority of the analyzes to be carried out in the pedagogical groups, only 10% were held, an aspect that must be reviewed by the organizations, to guarantee that there is a greater student leadership and a greater integrity of the student in the teaching - educational process.

The following difficulties were detected in the analysis of this aspect:

  • Ignorance of the Disciplinary Regulations and statutes by the students, therefore serious breaches and infractions are incurred. Ignorance of the Disciplinary Regulations and statutes by the members of the Disciplinary Council, distorting their educational and disciplinary objectives. Programming is not guaranteed. of inspections of buildings and rooms by the Residence Council, the faculties and organizations (UJC, FEU). There are no systematized spaces for the discussion of indisciplines. It takes time to prepare the disciplinary file. Disciplinary commissions are not always are made up of all members as established in the Disciplinary Regulations of the Student Residence. Disciplinary courts are not systematically held at the required times,Inopportune measures are taken to the detriment of their educational value.

4. Guarantee Emulation as a driving force for all student activities in the Student Residence.

It could be seen that the emulation system is not systematic, although 59.4% of the students in the survey state that there is an emulation system and 40% of the leaders, however 29.7% of the students indicate the opposite and a 60% of the leaders.

37.8% of the surveyed students acknowledge that emulation is broadcast on the radio base and 20% of the leaders, 51.3% of the surveyed students say no, and 80% of the leaders reaffirm it.

37.8% of the students acknowledge that periodic evaluations are carried out and 30% of the leaders, with 42.3% saying that they do not and 70% of the leaders reaffirm this.

51.3% of the students declare that the corresponding emulation checks are carried out and 30% of the leaders, but 37.8% express that they do not and in the same way 50% of the leaders express that they do not.

When asked if the residence emulation system fulfills the aforementioned functions, 48.8% of the students surveyed express that yes and 10% of the leaders reaffirm it, however 37.8% of the students express no and 40% of the leaders says no.

As can be seen in the analysis carried out regarding the development of emulation in the Student Residence, it is evident that it is not carried out as established in each period and that there is no knowledge on the part of the students of the emulative check-up schedule.

In relation to the functions that socialist emulation must fulfill in the student residence, the results of the survey are as follows:

  • Encourage the participation of students, 51.3% of students and 90% of leaders. Ensure that tasks are completed, 37.8% of students and 90% of leaders. That the achiever be rewarded, 27% the students and 70% the leaders. That defaulters, 13.5% students and 70% leaders be criticized. That the spirit of competition is developed, 42.2% of the students.

The leaders were asked if they considered that the emulation system of the Student Residence complied with the functions that they had raised about the emulation system in the survey and 10.0% said yes and 40.0% said no.

  • The emulation is formalized. A system of stimulation, incentives and awards in correspondence with the emulative parameters is not designed. Emulation checks are not systematically carried out. Guard, barracks and teaching results are not taken into account for emulative purposes. of the scholarship student, subtracting comprehensiveness from the analyzes.

5. A functional structure and a systemic functioning of the Student Residence Council.

Interviews conducted showed that the instability of the student leaders and not having the necessary capacity and preparation hinder the maintenance of a stable structure and a good functioning and management method by the Residence Council, therefore changes and transformations are currently being carried out. in the leadership style in order to guarantee the stability and preparation of youth leaders with suitable conditions.

Analyzing this aspect, the following difficulties were detected:

  • An efficient structure, made up of the president and vice-presidents, that maintain the functioning of the Student Residence Council is not guaranteed. A participative leadership style is not guaranteed, lack of student leadership, leadership of the members of the Residence Council. Students that make up the Residence Council are not trained and oriented to direct the other students. Ignorance of the Disciplinary Regulation by which they must apply it. The link between the Residence Council, the Residence Directorate and the Faculty Direction Councils is difficult. Decisions are not consulted or approved by scholarship students, so 86.4% of the surveyed students can be seen in this criterion.The student body does not always identify its student leaders as leaders, which causes demotivation, disinterest, and lack of communication.

When analyzing the results of the survey of the students before the question, if they identify some of the members of the current Residence Council as leaders, 51.3% responded negative.

In the case of the leaders, 70% stated that they recognize the members of the current Residence Council as leaders.

In the same way, it was evident that the students are unaware of the functions of the Residence Council, as reflected when it is verified that 67.5% of the students reaffirm that they are not known by 80% of the leaders, who state that they know them.

The lack of disclosure and communication between the leaders and the student body is evident.

  • Disciplinary measures are no longer applied to non-compliant students.Centralization of the work strategy by the members of the Residence Council, in the definition of the objectives and work criteria.No continuity is guaranteed in the members of the Student Residence Council.No They guarantee a stable structure on weekends. It does not promote the participation of the scholars.

6. Quality of the evaluation process.

When analyzing this aspect, the following difficulties were detected:

  • The evaluations of the students in the Residence are not carried out rigorously. The different stages in which the evaluations must be carried out (Monthly, quarterly and annual) are not taken into account. An in-depth analysis of the evaluations of the students is not encouraged. Scholarship recipients in pedagogical groups, the evaluation of the scholarship recipient is not taken into account when developing the comprehensive evaluation of the student at the end of the course and the degree.They do not have criteria when selecting the best students in the different evaluation periods. They do not have criteria when selecting the most comprehensive graduate because they are not systematic in the evaluations. Student leaders are not critical enough when evaluating a scholar. Leaders demonstrate being paternalistic when evaluating.The criteria of the members of the room or floor of the evaluated are not taken into account. Individual emulation is discouraged.

7. An independent program based on your objectives.

It was confirmed through the interviews that they do not have programs or strategies as ways to achieve the objectives set. They do not have educational work projects at the residence, when asked in the survey if they know the activities of any residency program, the students and leaders express that they do not.

And regarding the knowledge of some aspect that the program should contemplate, they referred to the realization of the guards and the barracks.

When analyzing this aspect, the following difficulties were detected:

  • They do not develop a systematic training strategy for students to learn about self-government, residency rules, the planning of their tasks, commitments and the process of forming and evaluating work objectives of the Student Residence. Lack of a Work Project Educational in the Student Residence Lack of communication channels and media The direction is not participatory Limitations in the vision of the Student Residence The spaces are not created for the analysis and debate of the problems, the proposals of strategies and / or Work programs to provide short, medium and long-term solutions. Monthly meetings with students are not carried out systematically.

8. Mobilizing power of the students.

When analyzing this aspect, the following difficulties were detected:

  • The registration and control of the mobilizing activities that are carried out is not systematic. They do not have structured levels of mobilization for voluntary work. They do not have a good disclosure for mobilization activities. In the mobilizations, on weekends, generally few students participate and always the same ones.

9. Quality regarding the effectiveness of communication.

In interviews with leaders, they acknowledge that the effectiveness of communications is poor and they have not been able to establish a system that guarantees this.

When analyzing this aspect, the following difficulties were detected:

  • The mechanism created to transmit the criteria of the students to the institution that flows satisfactorily and with agile responses does not work properly. Sometimes the criteria of the students are distorted when reworking them. The propagated graphic with the correct and precise message is not always used. Little or no use of the university radio base. There is no bulletin and / or newspaper of the Student Residence.

10. Quality of the role they must exercise in relation to prevention through national HIV, STD, alcoholism and drug programs.

In the interviews it was found that they do not have an activity program to implement these national programs.

When analyzing this aspect, the following difficulties were detected:

  • Sometimes they are not sufficiently integrated with the University Extension Department. They do not seek guidance on prevention programs. They do not sufficiently guide or publicize the activities that these programs generate at the university. They do not promote scientific conferences or debates on these topics of interest. for young people. The means of protection against venereal diseases in students do not promote good use. Do not collaborate with medical personnel when they carry out dispensing of diseases and inappropriate use that condition the habits of alcoholism and smoking. They do not participate in the execution of the vaccination program.

11. Care of social property and state assets.

When analyzing this aspect, the following difficulties were detected.

  • They do not have a rapid response system that allows them to confront any illicit or political manifestation. The care of social property and state assets is not contemplated in the emulative parameters. They do not have spaces created to discuss these important aspects in the residence. Insufficient preventive work. They do not transmit these topics to the pedagogical groups for debate. They are passive when criticizing a student for one of these aspects. The representatives of the institution generally do it. They find it difficult to establish habits of conduct, order and cleanliness.

12. Organicity in the work of political and mass organizations and the Residence Council.

When analyzing this aspect, the following difficulties were detected:

  • Insufficient training and orientation by the political and mass organizations to the members of the Student Residence Council. Little feedback regarding the problems of the students in the residence by the student leaders of the political and mass organizations. Insufficient spaces for the control and evaluation of the functioning of the Student Residence Council by the political and mass organizations. Little demand, by the members of the Student Residence Council, for the political and mass organizations to Comply with the established and work integrally in the Residence.

13. Influence of the educational work project in the student's training process in the residence setting.

In this regard, it was learned through interviews with students and leaders that the educational work project does not include activities that contribute to the development of the Student Residence and that the Student Residence Council does not take part in its preparation as established.

When analyzing this aspect, the following difficulties were detected.

  • The members of the Residence Council do not participate in the elaboration of the Educational Work Projects of the different years. The interests of the scholarship students are not taken into account when preparing the project. The students do not know if the project has actions in The residence. The teachers have little command of the educational project and little participation in the educational work in the residence. The pedagogical groups do not contemplate the differentiated work with the scholarship students of each year who have social problems.

14. Qualities, according to the criteria of the surveyed students, that leaders must possess to be recognized as such:

  • Be able to create spaces to listen to the criteria of the students in the community, 70.2% Be creative, 51.3%. Have good communication methods, 51.3%. Be enthusiastic and represent the student body, 48.6%. Be recognized by the student body, 35.1%. because the Residence Council is not always presented to the student masses and sometimes restructuring of the Council is carried out without being known. Being combative, 32.%.

As it can be seen the students within the qualities that they recognize for the leaders, they prioritize the one referred to the existence of spaces to listen to their criteria, since this guarantees that their opinions are taken into account when proposing solutions and avoids authoritarianism.

15. When analyzing the criteria of the leaders regarding the qualities that have the most influence when identifying a student leader.

According to the order of priority in the surveys:

  • Be recognized by the student community, 80.0%. Enjoy prestige before the masses, 80.0%. Listen to other members and take them into account when making decisions, 70.0%.

16. Analysis of the criteria of the leaders in relation to the aspects that limit the functioning of the Residence Council.

  • They do not create spaces to discuss the approaches of the students, 90.0%. The information is not transmitted to the students, 90.0%. Failing to establish an effective link between the institution and the students, 80.0%. Not participating in the processes Election, 50.0%. They do not take part in the disciplinary councils, 40.0%. They do not participate in the residence councils, 40.0%.

In the evaluation carried out on the operation of student self-government at UNAH, it was found that there are difficulties, necessary to remedy, for the sake of effective operation, which guarantees participation and Student Leadership in solving their problems and the development of the Residence Student, important space for the life of the university community.

Therefore, an Educational Work Strategy is necessary to achieve greater Student Leadership that contributes to the more efficient development of Self-government in the UNAH Residence.

Proposal for a strategy for educational work in the UNAH student residence.

Why an Educational Work Strategy?

“Strategy is the plan that integrates the highest goals, policies and sequential actions of an organization as a whole. A well-formulated strategy helps to organize and allocate the organization's resources in a unique and viable position, in accordance with its achievements and deficiencies, anticipating changes in the environment and contingencies with intelligent opposition ».

Strategy for Educational Work in the UNAH Student Residence

1. Guarantee that in the Electoral Process where the Residence Council is elected, the following is achieved:

  • Ensure that the process is carried out in the established months of May - June. Carry out work prior to the elections to motivate and raise awareness of the importance of the process for students. They must carry out the preparation of a program that guarantees the voting schedule, proposed by the organizations so that the students propose the proposals of their candidates for the Residence Council, from the level of floors, buildings, with a view to the elections at the Residence level. Disseminate through the murals and radio base the autobiography of the students Proposed to integrate the residence council election ballots. Present the members of the residence council to the student masses once elected. Ensure the training of the newly elected residence council members.

2. Prioritize that in the University Enrollment Process and the granting of scholarships to new students:

  • It is guaranteed to carry out the interviews and diagnoses of all the new students, with a view to establishing an order of priority when granting the right to the scholarship. That they receive an overview of the student center and the operation of the Student Residence and the duties and rights that scholarship students have.

3. Design a training plan that contributes to the strengthening of Educational Work with all the members of the Residence Council and including heads of buildings and floors and educational specialists, which includes training actions aimed at updating.

Through the different channels: conferences, talks, radio base and murals

  • Participatory Direction. Student Self-government. Regulations and disciplinary Statutes of the Student Residence in force issued by the month. National Program on HIV-STI-CIDA, smoking and drug abuse.

4. Ensure that the structure of the Student Residence Council has a systematic operation, suggest to the FEU and the UJC at the different levels of management that implement, control and evaluate compliance with the evaluation indicators that were applied in this case study..

5. Develop, through the elected Residence Council, an outreach campaign with the entire student community to publicize the Regulations and Disciplinary Statutes for student residences issued for the month. What is student self-government? How is it implemented in the residence? As well as other topics that the students and student leaders themselves propose.

6. Redesign the emulation system for scholarship students at the Student Residence, guaranteeing motivation and commitment, as the driving force behind all student activities.

7. Integrate the educational projects by years, of each faculty, so that they pay with concrete actions to the Educational Work Project of the Student Residence.

8. Execute the community project of the UNAH Student Residence, extending it to the extra-university community.

9. Implement National Programs such as HIV, STI, alcoholism and drugs.

10. Promote the participation of students in the Honorary Chairs.

11. Achieve that the UJC-FEU organizations carry out the diagnosis of the students to facilitate the educational and ideological political work in the Student Residence.

12. Guarantee that the evaluation process of the students is carried out in all the periods as established by the MONTH, monthly, quarterly and annually, and that this evaluation is analyzed in the pedagogical groups.

13. Guarantee, on the part of the faculties, the participation of the members of the Residence Council in the Pedagogical Collectives, disclose monthly the program of activities of the students in the student residence.

14. Develop a program of activities aimed at the care of social property and state assets.

15. Put in place an effective communication system to keep the student community informed and thus contribute to greater mobilizing capacity.

The proposed strategy is not rigid, it is capable of being modified, specified and constantly defined based on the changes that are taking place in the transformation process of the Student Residence of the Agrarian University of Havana UNAH, through the effective functioning of self-government with strong Student Leadership and based on the challenges imposed by the New Cuban University.


• Student self-government contributes to developing in students values ​​of solidarity, collectivism, responsibility, dedication, commitment and patriotism in decision-making regarding their problems, creating spaces for participation and defense, becoming a school of leadership.

• Evaluating the operation of student self-government at the Agrarian University of Havana (UNAH), allowed us to identify a group of difficulties that hinder the operation of the Student Residence Council and, in general, the application of participatory leadership in the residence.

• Although the proposed educational work strategy is the result of a study, it can be generalized to other Higher Education Centers in the country, due to the similarity of the conditions under which educational work is carried out in their Student Residences.


• Use the results of the case study aimed at evaluating the operation of the Student Self-government at the Agrarian University of Havana (UNAH), in decision-making by the Student Residence Council, the Directorate of the UNAH Residence, from UJC-FEU youth organizations.

• Apply the Educational Work Strategy in the Student Residence proposed in the 2007-2008 academic year and evaluate its results.

• Once the Educational Work Strategy in the Student Residence at UNAH has been validated, propose to the MES its generalization with a view to unifying the guidelines for the work and operation of the Student Residence Councils of the CES.

Student self-government and participatory leadership at unah