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To accounting of the conhecimento

Table of contents:


Intangible assets, as the qualifications of two officials, to information technology and incentives to innovation, for example, can play a leading role in creating value for the company. The traditional measurement systems, for example, are not designed to deal with complex oxidative disorders, whose value is potential, indirect and context dependent. Or, in fact, that your intangible assets are truly valuable even if they do not convince you of a number of people, so you are here that have not been accounted for without any value. Assets based on non-compliance must be endorsed with extreme caution, because their impact on or fate of any negation is tremendous. And this is one of the big problems of Accounting: measuring this goodwill, for there is a lot of speculation that is overvalued by companies.According to Edvinsson & Malone (1998), the gap between the well-known information is not balanced by the heritage and the market perception of the companies is turning into a real abyss.

1 - Introduction

As a human being, or intellectual capital, companies present a paradox to us, because, despite being recognized, by a large number of organizations, as one of their most important patrimonies, they are not properly accounted for.

With globalization and technological progress, companies are investing in human capital, as the objective of the fastest return. In this context, valuing human resources is essential for business competitiveness, for which only the main responsibilities are carried out by the companies and are competitive advantages in an increasingly demanding market.

But this capital - your skills, competences and talents -, on the other hand, two investments directed to or your development and two social assignments for your maintenance in the company, you do not appear to register us. To give answers to this question, the Accounting requires adjustments, with the objective of attending to the users of the information that was not the case. Therefore, to the Accounting Office it cannot be provided, to those users, information of an intellectual, ecological, social and human nature.

Or intellectual capital does not fit into the molds you have traditionally, for wrapping many numbers that will not immediately impact our companies results and, therefore, they are not only considered current accounting.

The active intellectuals will become the most important elements of the world, not two businesses. The accounting value, as a financial-financial reference of modern organizations, is outdated, not only diagnosing efficiently or business patrimony, mainly of companies of the conhecimento, and, in this way, it is not at the end of the highest Accounting: a informação com qualidade.

In the meantime, it cannot be done to reconnect to the necessity of moving and some adjustments to our systems and practices you have so that this new reality can be properly recognized and refined our records you must

2 - Or conhecimento as a wealth manager of organizations

O novo milênio is challenging all organizations to show their competitions. You systems have to be more and more open, egalitarian and honest. You have to think together to explore the opportunities, execute the services and solve the problems.

Either current stage of preparation for the future involves educação das pessoas, or human resources training to develop talents, empim, involves investment of a company in quem, de fato, vai fazer transformações.

Segundo Crawford (1994), or conhecimento é a capacity to apply information to a job or a specific result. Então, informação é a matéria-prima do conhecimento. Or author says that society passed through four different economic moments.

  • Primeiro foi a primitive society, based on a natural vision of the world, whose main economic activities were to Colheita, to caça and fishing. Second moment was an agricultural society, formed as a feudal political system, based on religious beliefs, when it was concentrated in mathematics and astronomy. Third moment is an industrial society, characterized by the valorization of physical capital and the use of work with specific skills. The press was the main communication media. Fourth and at the moment it is represented by the partnership, which shares unlimited electronic means of communication and the main economic activity to provide non-conformance-based services. Outra characteristic of this was the individual appreciation, capable of continuous transformation and growth. Or human capital or fundamental resource.

For Drucker (1970), a truly controlling leaf or resource, or absolutely decisive production factor, not capital, on land or on site. É or conhecimento. In reverse of capitalism and proletariat, the classes of the post-capitalist society are only the workers of the conhecimento and the workers in services.

Or conhecimento, raw intellectual material, is transformed into intellectual capital, from the moment it begins to add value to the products / services. This capital is, in some cases, more valuable than its own economic capital.

3 - Intellectual capital: main source of intangible companies and a competitive differential in related years.

Or thermo intellectual capital has its origin in intellectual property. He represents the components of a company's activities, assembled and legally protected. It is a set of intangible benefits that add value to companies.

Second Brooking apud Antunes & Martins (2002), or intellectual capital can be divided into four categories:

  • Market Assets: potential that the company has two intangible decor that are related to the market, such as: brand, clients, loyalty of two clients, recurring businesses, business in backlog, distribution channels and franchises. Human Assets: compreendem The benefits that individuals can provide for organizations through their expertise, creativity, knowledge, ability to solve problems, seen in a collective and dynamic way. Intellectual Property Assets: we include assets that need legal protection to provide, to Organizations, benefits such as know-how, industry secrets, copyright, patents and designs. Infra-structure assets: they understand technologies, methodologies and processes used, such as culture, information system, management methods,aceitação de risco e dice bank of clients.

    Or intellectual capital, second or FASB apud Wernke (2001), can be defined in two ways:

  • Combined intangible assets that allow the company to function and maintain a competitive advantage; Adiferença between the real market value of the company and the real market value of two tangible assets less liabilities of the company.

Já for IFAC apud Padoveze (2000), can be thought of as a total stock of capital assets or based on the support of a possui company. In terms of equity balance, the intellectual assets are those based on the understanding that they have made it possible for them to produce a future flow of benefits for the company. This can include technology, administration and consulting processes, as well as can be extended to a patented intellectual property.

Os fatores que geram or intellectual capital, according to Brooking apud Antunes & Martins (2002), são:

  • Conhecimento, functional hair, of its importance for the objectives of the company; civil servant treated as a rare asset; allocate pessoa certa na função certa, considering their skills; opportune or professional development and pessoal; identification of the know-how generated by research and development (P & D); endorse or return on or invest in P & D; define a proactive strategy to treat intellectual property; measure or value brands; endorse investments in distribution channels; endorse synergy resulting from corporate objectives and trenamento; to provide infra-structure and adequate working environment; to value two officials in their opinion; to opportune two officials to participate in the definition of two objectives of the company; to stimulate the officials to innovate.

It is also clear that the intellectual capital is important for the development of the companies, in addition to representing a competitive differential in relation to concurrent years.

Lopez (2000) classifies or intellectual capital into three closely interrelated components: human capital, structural capital, and client capital. All of them are intangible, plus we believe in tangible things for executives. It is an exchange between those who raise or intellectual capital.

3.1 - Human capital - a mine in the company

It constitutes human capital or accumulated support, the skills and experiences of two officials to carry out day-to-day tasks, values, culture, company philosophy, and various intangible assets, or seja, as pessoas que são os human assets of the company. A main strategy of the company will be to attract, challenge, develop and take advantage of maximum or human talent, which will be, increasingly, the main competitive advantage.

Segundo Duffy (2000), human capital and the accumulated value of investments in training, competition and future of an official. It can also be described as competition of functionaries, relationship skills and values.

To understand melhor or human capital, it is necessary to understand the skills that determine any task, process, or business. Silva (2002) relates as follows:

  • Commodity type skills: these are the skills acquired, costumam will not be specific to a company and can be of equal value to any organization. É, for example, the ability to attend or telephone. Random skills: or conhecimento can be more valuable for a certain company than for others. São specific to a setor não a uma company. Programmers at Andersen Consulting, for example, can help you with that ability as long as the Bank of America only adds values ​​to your six officials. Proprietary skills:These are the specific talents of the company, around two of which are the organizations that have been negotiated. We can be coded in the form of patents, author directives, expertise. Or Ritz-Carlton is a specialist in hotel management.

In order for human resources to play a real role in the management of human capital, Silva (2002) said that it is necessary to invest in high-value company expertise in areas such as definition of frontiers and skills of essential competence, or development of two executives, promoting cross fertilization between managers and specialists with high potential in vital technologies and developing remuneration systems that reward the majority of processes and disciplines that form part of the intellectual capital of the company.

Or the same author also adds that Bill Gates, for example, opened or capital of his company to his officials, because you are raising the main properties of the companies: the software codes. In this way, the incentives are not for the financial aspect of the officials, or instead of taxes for other companies.

Managing human capital passes the raising of human potential, identifying the strategic potentialities to be developed and training necessary.

3.2 - Structure capital

Duffy (2000) says that this capital is the value that was given to the company, when the employees - human capital - go home. Examples: data bases, customer lists, manuals, brand and organizational structures.

They comprise the intangible assets related to the structure and processes of internal and external functioning of the organization that supports human capital, all of you or that remains in the company when they are taken home. Baum & Gonçalves (2001) says that non-structural capital stood out in two aspects, or technological and infra-structure.

  1. Or technological capital is formed by patents, trademarks, data banks, softwares, copyrights, franchises, process and product technologies, or capital related to the infra-structure of the company and represented by the command structure, philosophy and culture of the organization, management processes and information systems.

Edvinsson (1997) proposes a following division for the structural capital:

  • Organizational capital: expansion or investment of a company in systems, instruments and operational philosophy that streamlines or flows of connection for the organization, as well as in the direction of external areas, such as those aimed at suppression and distribution channels. Capital of innovation: a referendum on the capacity for renewal and the results of the innovation in the form of commercial directives protected by the law, intellectual property and other assets and intangible talents used to quickly raise and market no new products and services. Process capital: It is made up of those processes, techniques (such as ISO 9000) and programs aimed at the years undertaken, which are increased to a greater extent to the efficiency of the production or the provision of services. It is the type of practical practice undertaken in continuous breeding of value.

Stewart (1998) says that the structural capital is that which transforms a monge capable of creating an elegant, non-surprising calligraphy, the star of a television commercial from Xerox, capable of producing many copies of a document. Functioning as a kind of amplifier, packaging or human capital and allows its repeated use for value creation, it gives shape as a matrix can stamp peça após peça.

3.3 - Client capital

Either the capital of the client and the capital when the intellectual capital is transformed into money.

It is defined as the value of your franchise, its continuous relationships with people and organizations for what you sell.

It is vitally important for companies to grow the client's capital. The non-capital investments of the client must be carried out jointly with the clients, looking for or mutual benefit, which does not say I respect the information and years of the transactions made.

Oliveira (2002) relates some ways to invest non-capital of the client:

  • Innovate as clients: regardless of what you or your buyer wishes, you want to obtain or maximum of your client. The investments in research and development can be much more productive, in this case there was a client capable of benefiting from the raw hair of being or first to experience innovation. Invest in your empowerment clients: offer clients the opportunity to electronically join, step by step, to manufacture a product, so that they can benefit from the power of barganha. Meanwhile, it presents an infinity of vantagens, highlighting the possibility of obtaining customer feedback, before making mistakes. Concentrate on our clients as individuals: o empowerment, as a benefit, increases the capacity of the company to acquire information about your clients. In the meantime, transforming that information into the client's capital, a long-lasting asset, requires the ability to serve two individual clients with flexibility. It is necessary that the information to be used will be able to be extracted from databases organized by clients, where individual individuals are included. Divide the ranks with your clients: either the client's capital council made any sense when or the client was not the surplus hair that would be raised together, but they would agree to be together. How much more close are the links between the producer and the consumer, the greater the ability to generate surplus in the form

    of the client's capital.Learn or neglect your client and teach him: finally, how much information you have learned about or neglect of a client, melhor will be able to serve you. Isso will be given through the identification of the needs of the client, or that will allow or develop products that assist you. It will become indispensable: the information about the client can be used so that it is sought to offer a vital service for the client, which is difficult to substitute for another supplier. By means of information, it is possible to confer the characteristics and specificities of a certain product that makes it particularly attractive to the buyer.

3.4 - Management of intellectual capital

Second study of the Financial and Management Acconting Committee (Accounting Technique) apud Baum & Gonçalves (2001), the basic councils regarding measurement and management of intellectual capital are related to three aspects:

  • Economic context - or the growth of the largest industries and nations devoted to breeding, transformation and capitalization of two connections that are linked to exploration and utilization of two natural resources in their processes. Or conhecimento é um differential competitiveness. Accounting Context - Traditional accounting is not enabled to measure aspects of the company as much as the capacity of leaders and personnel, or the value of the information, the technological capacity, market potential and investments in research and development. Business Context - in view of the management of the company, as of this era it was in connection with the industrial era, with the third approach, according to table 1.

Quadro 1 - vision for the management of the company from the current era in connection with the industrial era

Aspects Visão da era industrial Visão na era do conhecimento
Percepção do pessoal Fator de produção e custos Conhecimento as a riches geração
Production flow Based on processes Based on ideas
Profits without investments Baixa store Trend of high skinning
Power base Hierarchical position Conhecimento level
Information flow Hierarchical Networks function and operate

Baum & Gonçalves (2001)

For Stewart (1998), the active intellectuals of a corporation are generally only three or four times more valuable that you feel that we are living. He says that the steps to administer it are:

  • Define the importance of intellectual investment for or development of new products; Validate two components of the asset strategy, Classify or your portfolio: Or what you use, or who you use, where they are

    crazy; Analyze and evaluate or value your portfolio: how much the custam, or that can be ugly to maximize or value them, should be kept, sold, or abandoned, to invest, based not on the previous steps being learned, to identify spaces that should be ready to explore with knowledge, to defend-there is agreement, to direct to the company or to advance in technology; ereunir o seu novo portfolio de conhecimento and repeat a operação ad infinitum.

Or intellectual capital assumes various forms and for this reason it is difficult to manage. To the growing computerization of companies, to the use of the network information system, to the flexibility of two hours (working jobs at home), to the third party for two services that represent a decreasing parcel in relation to the total value of the patrimony, carrying a diminution of traditional physical heritage.

They are found in disadvantages, in relation to others, as companies that have not yet been reduced with their intellectual capital, but will not find the importance of intellectual capital within their patrimony. Or first step for the management of this capital and identify it, for depois mensuralo.

Percebe-se, então, o management of intellectual capital is more than just o management of conhecimentos. For Edvinsson (1997), it is the advancement of human capital and of structural capital as a whole. It is a multiplier effect between human capital and structural capital. Isso posto, intellectual capital and a function of gender and goals.

Or challenge, for the same author, is the transformation from a stock generation to the colheita, the capture and the fast sharing of conhecimentos tied to the advancement and capitalization. Or management objective, via conhecimentos, can be defined as at the time of capacity building of values ​​of the organization via board of conhecimentos. A goal of intellectual capital is the ability to generate values ​​for the company, through identification, acquisition, advancement and recycling of intellectual capital.

In this way, the second Tinoco (1996), or value created in the decor of human work, became an asset that needs to be properly accounted, measured, analyzed and disclosed.

3.5 - Measurement of intellectual capital

Or greater challenge of the Accounting Science to know how to endorse and measure or the intellectual capital of an entity, pois, according to Paulo (2000), or asset intangível tem relevância on or value of the company and influence or power of generation of future benefits of assets tangible.

Among the various instruments that seek to measure or intellectual capital of the company, stand out:

  • difference between or market value and accounting value; ratio between or market value and accounting value; Tobim's “Q”; Stewart model; calculated intangible value; Edvinsson & Malone model; Sveiby model; Heuristic model.

3.5.1 - Difference between o market value eo accounting value - (CI = VM-VC)

It is determined by the difference between the accounting value and the market value of a company. Assim fears:

  • Market Value = price per year x total number of intellectual capitals = Market Value (-) Accounting Value (PL) Intellectual Capital = Market Value (-) Accounting Value

I know the market value of a company that is greater than its countable value, it makes sense to attribute difference to intellectual capital. Paiva (1999) says that this equation presents some problems, due to various exogenous ones that interfere with the non-market, as for example: if the taxation of juros and the years of Microsolf caem x%, this means that the value of their intellectual capital also falls. ? If a company is traded at its accounting value, does that mean that it has no more intellectual assets?

Another point is unfavorable that both the countable value or the market value can be underestimated, or that, in both cases, it interferes without result.

3.5.2 - Ratio between o market value eo accounting value (CI = VM / VC)

This indicator eliminates, on the other hand, the exogenous pains that affect all the companies in a more or less significant manner. Segundo Paiva (1999), the pageantries - influencing the market value - have only been filtered by the market itself and, therefore, this indicator has been adapted as a basis for comparison and evolution over a certain period or as a comparative basis with the corresponding ones.

In both models (CI = VM-VC and CI = VM / VC), there is a simplification, in virtue of the fact that more than two physical or financial assets are represented, not a Balance Sheet for their historical costs and not enough for their rest.

3.5.3 - Tobim's “Q” - (Q = VM / CR)

Developed by economist James Tobim, this method is a comparison between the market value and the custody of two assets. This method foresees investment decisions independently of macroeconomic influences. Furthermore, it is not a measure developed to measure specifically or intellectual capital, the benchmark, to compare or market value of the company as custodian of certain assets.

Stewart (1998) said that: o “Q” for less than 1 - ou seja, se um asset is worth less than its custo de reposição -, and it is unlikely that a company buys new assets of the same type; On the other hand, it is or "Q" for more than 1 - ou seja, a asset is worth more than its custody of reposição -, as companies tend to invest more than one type of asset.

It is possible to calculate Tobim's “Q” for specific assets, such as vehicles, machines, buildings, or for companies like everything else. For software industries, waves or intellectual capital that is abundant, or Tobim's “Q” tends for a number equal to or greater than 7 (seven) or more than physical capital companies, this indicator tends to approximate values ​​of 1 (um).

3.5.4 - Stewart's Model - Intellectual Capital Navigator

Stewart (1998) understands that the intellectual capital must be analyzed or the performance of the company from various perspectives. For that reason, I suggested a circular graph, cut by several lines, in the form of a radar screen. This graph has the advantage of being able to group several different measures (for example: ratio,%, absolute values, etc.) num mesmo quadro. The author uses a general measure (market value / countable value ratio) and indicators for each of the two elements that he composes or intellectual capital: human, structural and customer.

Exemplifying or Navigator of the intellectual capital, see figure 1, where the area of ​​the interior of the polygon represents the current situation, whereas the external area indicates a deserted situation. In other words, reach the extremity of the serious or ideal circle.

Figure 1 - Intellectual Capital Browser

Fonte: Stewart (1998)

Based on the figure above, it can be concluded that the company, which is based on «customer satisfaction», is reaching the intended goals. Meanwhile, or index of "participation of new products in total recipe" is longe do objectified by the company. It can be concluded, in this example, that a company has a satisfactory performance in customer capital measures, meanwhile a lousy performance in structural capital measures indices.

O Navigator of the intellectual capital with the advantage of the easy visualization and the accompaniment of the evolution of the performance of the company. Special care must be taken in the escort two performance indices so that they are adapted to the company's strategy.

3.5.5. - Calculated Intangible Value (VIC)

Stewart (1998) reports that NCI Research in Evanston, USA, affiliated with the Kellogg School of Business, at Northwestern University, set up a project group to find an intangible way to measure. Or value two intangible assets is defined as the ability of the company to overcome or the performance of a comparable competitor. Then, calculate the first or return on the assets for a company, not for three years, and hurry to mediate for or setor. Based on the assets of the company, or excess (deficit) of ganhos is calculated and compared as it would be produced by a medium company. Either the tax is deducted from the result or the prize of the attributes you attribute to the intangible assets of the company. Such premium has been converted into its liquid present value to be paid at its principal value.

3.5.6 - Skandia Group - Edvinsson & Malone Model

The Skandia group identified certain success values ​​that should be maximized and incorporated into organizational strategy. These fathers were grouped into five different areas that, according to Edvinson & Malone (1998), were: finance, client, process, human, renewal and development, to endorse or provide intellectual capital and issue reports. No two are

transcribed in these indicators.

Quadro 2 - Indicators to endorse or intellectual capital

Total assets / borrowed ($) Market share (%)
Profit / business ($) Number of clients
New customer recipes / totai recipes (%) Annual sales / customer ($)
Value added / undertaken ($) Number of clients lost
Investimento em Tecnologia da Informação (TI) ($) Customer satisfaction indices (%)
Recipes resulting from new business ($) Support / customer weights ($)
Profits resulting from new business ($) Sales contacts / dated sales (%)
Market value ($) Number of visits by two clients to the company


Custo two administrative errors / recipe management (%) Satisfaction index of two employees Leadership index (%)
Capacity of da rede / empregado Hours of treinamento (%) Motivation index (%)
PCs and laptops / empregado Investimentos em relacionamento / cliente ($) Number of borrowers
Administrative / borrowing costs ($) Expense of treinamento / empregado ($) Rotation of two companies (%)
IT costs / administrative costs (%) Investimentos no development of new markets ($) Tempo medio de casa
Computer equipment purchased ($) R&D investment in basic research (%) Two medium Idade
Corporate performance / quality goal (%) Patents in the registration phase IT legacy two lenders
Tempo de processamento two payments to third parties Business opportunity (%) Season of treinamento (days / year)

Fonte: Edvinson & Malone (1998)

The same authors will establish steps, in order to raise an equation that translates into a number or value of Skandia's intellectual capital:

  • Identify a basic set of indexes that can be applied to all societies with minimal adaptations. Recognize that each organization has an additional intellectual capital that needs to be endorsed by other indexes. Establish a variety that captures no future predictability, bem as two equipments, das organizações e das pessoas que nela trabalham.

In this sense, chegou-se à following formula:

Organizational Intellectual Capital = iC

Wave: C = Monetary value of Intellectual Capital

i = Coefficient of Efficiency

According to Antunes & Martins (2002), or monetary value of “C”, it was obtained on the basis of a relationship that contains the most representative indicators of each focus area, monetarily supported, excluding those that most properly belong to the Social Balance. These indicators refer to the social exercise:

  • Recipes resulting from atuação em novos negócios.Investimento nondevelopment of new markets.Investimento no deenvolvimento do setor industrial.Investimento no deenvolvimento de novos canais.Investimento em Tecnologia da Informação (TI) applied to bandages, services and support.Investment in IT applied to Administration.New IT equipment.Investment does not support clients.Investment does not serve clients.Investment does not increase clients.Along with clients not related to or product.Investment does not develop two companies.Investment in support and development related to new products for you

    Emprenados.Treinamento especially directed to the empregados that não trabalham nas installations of the company.Investimento em treinamento, comunicação e suporte directed to permanent embargados em integral period.Treinamento programs and support especially directed to temporary temporary companies of integral period.Treinamento programs and support especially Directed to temporary part-time temporary employees. Investing in non-development of joint ventures / joint-ventures. Upgrades in system. Investing in brand identification (logo / name). Investing in new patents and directives.

How much is the index of coefficient "i" of intellectual capital, this one obtained, according to Antunes & Martins (2002), by means of the most representative indicators of each focus area expressed in percentages, quotients and indices, whose arithmetic mean is two indexes Allows you to place them in a single percentage. These parameters, according to the authors, refer to:

  • Market share (%). Client satisfaction index (%). Leadership index (%). Motivation index (%). Investing index in Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento / total investment (%). Treinment hours index (%). Performance / qualification goal (%). Retention of two employees (%). Administrative efficiency / recipes (%).

Therefore, a formula presented by Edvinson & Malone (1998) - Skandia measures or intellectual capital in the amount of investments, measured in monetary terms, made of elements that can be objectively measured.

According to Antunes & Martins (2002), this method does not consider as intellectual capital or total value of the investment (custo value) made, but only to the extent that it will revert to the company, to the medium or long term, measure in the index index Percentage gives satisfaction to two clients (não-financeiro indicator).

3.5.7 - Sveiby's model

This model was developed by Sveiby, in the Swedish Community of Practice, which through an annual report showed the evolution of two itens of intellectual capital.

Sveiby (1998) divided assets into tangíveis and intangíveis, classifying them into three groups: competências das pessoas; internal structure and external structure. For evaluation, he uses the Intangíveis Asset Monitor, which is a presentation format that simply shows a series of relevant indicators and, depending on the company's strategy, these are important. This monitor (Table 3) can be integrated into the information management system, it will not be published on a single page, but will be accompanied by various comments.

Quadro 3 - Intangíveis Asset Monitor

External structure Internal structure Weight loss competition
Crescimento / Renovação Crescimento / Renovação Crescimento / Renovação
Organic growth of volume of sales. Increase in market share. Index of satisfied customers or index of quality Investimentos em Tecnologia da Informação. Tempo plot dedicated to internal P&D activities. Index of attitude to people related to managers, culture and customers. Plot of bandages created by clients who increased their competition. Increased professional medical experience (number of years). Competitiveness rotation.
Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency
Profit per client. Bandages by profissional Support weight ratio. Bandages by support officials. Moving not added value by profissional. Moving in the proportion of professionalism
Stability Stability Stability
Freqüência of repetição by orders. Age structure. Idade da organização.Taxa of newbies. Rotation fee for two professions

Fonte: Sveiby (1998, p. 238).

This monitor was developed on the basis of the analysis of Sveiby's intellectual capital in this form of measurement, intended to endorse or increase intellectual capital, to carry out an assessment of its financial support.

3.5.8 - Heuristic Model

This model was developed by Jóia (2001) and considers the link between the intellectual capital and the business strategy, so that the intangible assets of the company are ao longo do tempo, second to the established business strategy.

Jóia (2001) centers or model em dois pontos principais:

  • It considers it possible to infer that attribution of values ​​to corporate intellectual capital and its components, it is worthwhile to find a link with the company's business strategy. To calculate intangibility, some indicators must be defined and classified according to the components of intellectual capital (human capital and structural capital) and also weights associated with each indicator. Then, all intangible capital can be calculated by combining two data available for the indicators and their weights. Some weight derived from the business strategy must be applied to define or intellectual capital in all, hoping to find a great statistical correlation between the capital values. intellectual and market, as the time progresses.

3.6 - Intellectual capital: or challenge for Accounting

Or intellectual capital provides a competitive advantage, because it is the foundation of all in a company. Porter (1993) emphasizes that this superior advantage is dependent on constant and cumulative investments, which create concrete and abstract forms, in the form of reputation, relationships with clients and a set of specialized knowledge. As competitive advantages of higher order, they are not only sustained as they are also associated with higher levels of production.

Donkin apud Antunes & Martins (2002) affirms that companies are perceiving that the countable value of certain fixed assets is, in many cases, decreasing in relation to their market value, since this value is being measured in terms of capacity that is possible. of exploration of its conhecimento.

A predominance of information in the value chain, or investment in capital equipment of the Sociedade do Conhecimento, in substitution of materials and physical assets with conhecimento, at the initiative of two markets of work in reward or work based on non-conhecimento clearly show that, at present, when someone Investing in a company, this so-called investor is buying a set of talents, abilities, skills and ideas.

Sendo a Contabilidade uma ciência social teria, necessarily, according to Sá (2002), which will accompany the environmental transformations, not characterized as causes of non-cellular patrimonial agents. He also says that the study of "imaterial" added to wealth was not feito ha quase um seculum, with great series, current Italian doctrine and Fábio Besta, in his work, at the beginning of the twentieth century, it was defined as sendo: "o value that a prosperous company fears for itself two seus bens, ou seja, a higher value that it acquires ”

Sá (2002) continues, saying that to matéria não é nova, but to serious economic and social transformation two last twenty years demanded Recent position in the observation of two intangible aggregates as capital, suggesting, even, a special accounting function for or study of questão.

As Accounting transforms the data into the information you use for decision-making, it is necessary to provide accurate information at the correct time.

A traditional accounting, or intellectual capital does not fit, due to several that have no impact not as a result of the company, as, for example, cited by Paiva (1999), to the loyalty of the customer, development of competition two companies and satisfaction of two companies. Corresponds to assets of intangible nature, which are only in the category of assets of the most difficult assessment, due to the fact that they do not have physical existence, despite representing their patrimonial value for the company.

It is not a nenhuma novidade for intangible competitive accounting lidar, such as, for example, accounting for directives, brands, patents, etc. These represent only part of the intellectual capital.

One of the greatest difficulties encountered by accounting experts is that it has established itself between the company and the company. It is known that or volatile intellectual capital, some companies cannot always count on each other. So people who have stopped or are able to do so may or may not be working for one of the companies, who are not the property of the company, considered more active.

It is interesting to the placement of Stewart (1998), to say that it is characteristic of companies with the elimination of fixed balances and fixed assets. How much less active, melhor; Since I have intellectual capital, a company can get recipes, a load and the costs of managing the assets and paying for them.

Or I studied the intellectual capital and a way of trying to clarify, as Edvinsson & Malone (1998) declared, the subjective, semi-hidden information about a company, which was hidden in explanatory notes on the Balance Sheet.

Some principles, norms and councils do not apply to the Sociedade do Conhecimento, which may need to be revalued, such as, for example, cited by Paiva (1999), or Princípio do Registro pelo Valor Valor - custo de acquisição de devidos adjustments: depreciação - pacificamente aceito para Endorsing the assets of the company does not apply to intellectual assets. A system of custos you have, that considers only the custodian of the material and the work, no more adequately responds to that new reality, so there are two components of the custodian of a product that are referred to as active intellectuals.

The financial reports do not indicate the value of any assets of an organization. As Flamholtz says in Pacheco (1996), the report or custodian depreciated two assets as a substitute for value. Additionally, financial reports do not inform the investors of the investments in human assets by an organization. A Conventional Accounting treats investments in human resources as expenses rather than treating them as assets.

Therefore, this means a distortion, because a nenhuma company would invest in human capital, a asset with expected future benefits, which adds value to its product and / or service, manager of Intellectual Capital. Added value for Maital (1996) is or value, for example, that a carpenter adds to Madeira that he bought, so he is transformed into a table. It differs between the custody of the madeira for the carpenter and the value of the table when it sells. The author adds that, in the case of products based on, for example, or custody of the substances used in the manufacture of two microprocessors in relation to the value that they possess, they also protect two diskettes in which software is recorded in relation to year price and value of software.

In this context, it is verified that added value provides vital information on compensation of employees, which can be used by the same and by other users interested in the relationship between human resources activities versus performance and company value.

Therefore, despite the fact that the accounts are not considered, in spite of having a great impact on assets, these assets, as well as other assets, on the asset assessment and disclosure of their information. Porém, several studies estão sendo feitos, in search of a suitable methodology to measure this type of capital.

Paiva (1999) face you following questions:

  • Could it be that Intellectual Capital is fully quantified? How to adequately assess and account for the intellectual assets - or conhecimento em si -, considered as the main part of Intellectual Capital? How to demonstrate to capital appreciation that it acts as Intellectual Capital? Out of a group of business people involved in research and development? How to endorse or return the investment made not Intellectual Capital?

Your questions for those of you who are not afraid of respostas.

In Accounting, second Sa (2002), as a heritage city, it could not be related to all these changes of situations and this is a reason that justifies new theories and superior technologies of application in two areas of non-capital elements.

Se a nova realidade demonstra que esses elementos agregam valor às empresas, Antunes & Martins (2002) dizem que a Contabilidade deve considerar tais ativos intangíveis e desenvolver uma forma de evidenciá-los, se for esse o caso, mas não se pode esquecer que evidenciar o valor da empresa não é objetivo do Balanço Patrimonial, pelo menos até o momento. Portanto, fica claro que a mensuração das transações envolvendo o patrimônio de uma entidade, cuja função pertence à Contabilidade, é demasiadamente complexa e que as críticas ao Balanço Patrimonial não procedem por inteiro.

But this is a great challenge for accounting at present, Straioto (2000) highlights: demonstrating the dynamic and intangible nature of the creation of value of the modern company. You are profissiona of the accounting area, aware as to these limitations, you have received influences from new councils, methodologies and models that aim to add to the informative role of the Accounting, adapting to the informative needs of increasingly demanding users.

3.7 - Suggestion of Intellectual Capital No Equity Balance

Or intellectual capital is defined by Stewart apud Padoveze (2000) as being or being a master of knowledge, accumulated experience, organization technology, relationships with clients and professional skills, in order to give competitive advantage to a company that has differentiated intellectual capital. It is a reality of a set of talents, capacities, abilities and ideas.

Starting with the premise that this nomenclature of intellectual capital is to differentiate this intangible asset from two other physical assets of the company, or value of the company, then, or the amount of intellectual capital, more or physical capital, represented by traditionally active assets.

Posto isto, as Padoveze (2000) says, to traditional accounting is facing a great challenge, I tend to see that its proponents understand that the intellectual capital and passive of economic measurement, and, therefore, must be non-active of the company, together with other traditional assets.

To follow, suggest how it should appear or intellectual capital not balance of assets.

Intellectual capital not equity balance

Active Passive
Traditional balance
Tangíveis investments Finance capital
Bens e direitos
Intellectual balance
Intellectual property
Technology Intellectual capital
Total assets Total passive
Total balance
Company value

Fonte: Padoveze (2000; p. 8)

Being or human capital a component of intellectual capital, Leone apud Straioto (2000) proposed including two human resources and their non-active assets, as the expenses of investments in human assets and their depreciation and non-balancing of the organization, as demonstrated to follow:

Balance sheet - company "x"

Including the items related to Accounting for Human Resources


  • Current Assets
  • Ativo Realizável a Longo Prazo

Permanent asset

  • Fixed Assets

Structure of Apoio aos RHs.

Accumulated depreciation

  • Investimento asset

Investimentos em RHs.




  • Deferred Assets

Investimentos Expenses in RHs.

Amortization of expenses in RHs.

Fonte: Active Group - Leone, apud Straioto (2000)

She says to the author that this model of the Human Resources Balance will be able to be elaborated by the Accountancy as a whole as a responsible department by the administration of two human resources of the company.

Another model proposed by Straioto (2000) is the creation of a formula to measure or add value to the value of the company in all six (at the factory level of managers and executives), where each level will demonstrate or value added to the value of company and product year, according to the education level of two officials. It would be the applied intellectual capital of each level to a product or services in the stages of the company's operational cycle.

For this, it would be necessary to open non-flat accounting accounts, also in the case of others, as shown below:

Balance sheet - company "x"

Including the items related to Accounting for Human Resources

2 - Passive

Current Liabilities

  • Obrigações Trabalhistas e Sociais

01 Salary and social orders level 1 - (1st to 4th Ensino Fundamental series)

02 Salary and social orders level 2 - (5th to 8th Ensino Fundamental series)

03 Salary and social orders level 3 - (Ensino Médio e / ou Technical Course)

04 Salary and social orders level 4 - (Graduação)

05 Salary and social orders level 5 - (Especializações em Geral)

Fonte: Grupo do passivo - Straioto (2000)

Accordingly, calculate or how much in each phase of the production process each level adds value to the company, as shown in Table 4.

Quadro 4 - Adding value to the company

(-) Purchases of Bens / Serviços e Juros
(-) Taxes
You are
(-) Added Value two shareholders (custo de oportunidade)
(-) Administrative and Administrative Custos
PRODUCTIVE PROCESS Nº1 / 2/3/4/5 /….n
Salários Nível 01
Salários Nível 02
Salários Nível 03
Salários Nível 04
Salários Nível 05
= Added Value Production Process 1/2/3/4/5….n
(-) Depreciação

Fonte: Straioto (2000)

Assim, calculated or added value by level of schooling, each phase of the production process, takes the following form, according to Straioto (2000): firstly, the total value of added value of the company must be computed. Isso corresponds to the total recipe of the company (or that the fatures with the sale of products and / or services), less all taxes and purchases (custo of raw materials and finished products, peas, energy and services, including or payment de juros).

You must deduct the added value of two shareholders, that the total value of the capital of two shareholders multiplied by the tax rate of that capital. This added value corresponds to the vows that the shareholders teriam direito are tivessem applied or dinheiro em outro investimento com mesma taxa de risco que é o custo de opportunidade.

Other components should still be subtracted, which are only operational and administrative costs, in order to obtain the value of each level's contribution to value added. These costs are extended to the payment schedule (including payment to administrators, bonuses, indirect salaries, health plans and housing) and depreciation.

added value for school children and the result of deduction for two operational and administrative costs.

This model allows to contribute as a ferramenta to manage or intellectual capital.

4 - Conclusão

As the economic, technological, political and social changes, there has been a profound alteration of the structure and two values ​​of society. Nessa nova was, or passed on to, a fundamental importance in all economic activities, as its main ingredient.

In view of this, it is essential that the administration take some care so that the officials considered as the intellectual capital of the non-modem department for other areas (or companies) and the same as they remain, will not be motivated for or constant training.

Or the problem is to measure this intellectual capital. To a large extent, it is necessary to know how to identify and disseminate or the creation generated within the company, promoting the transformation of raw intellectual material generated by the ingredients of organization in intellectual capital, and which guarantees a suit of growth and development.

It is known that there is a need to continue with studies and definitions, in order to become or intellectual capital a managerial ferramenta increasingly efficient, or even a demonstration as an integral part of the Demonstrações Contábeis, pois or traditional model of Accounting, which Discreveu with so much brilliance to the operations of the companies during half a millennium, it was not possible to accompany the revolution that is taking place in the world, not two businesses.

In spite of the difficulties encountered in the search for the measurement of the great asset that he or the intellectual capital, the accounting society is trying to give to its contribution in the most arduous task of evaluation of all the elements that interact on or patrimony.

Still, it cannot be done to reconnect to the necessity of moving and some adjustments to our systems and practices you have so that this new reality can be properly reconfirmed and refletted by your records. In truth, the information about the intellectual capital is going to complement and expand the information you have.

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To accounting of the conhecimento