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Criticism of the Kyoto protocol


While within the Montreal protocol it does not stop raining, the Kyoto protocol does not stop.

"Experts" on the subject of climate change gathered in Costa Rica assured that if humanity does not change its lifestyle, in the next 50 years the world temperature could at least rise from three to five degrees Celsius, which would put doors of planetary disaster. John Kermond, director of communication for the Climate Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the USA, affirmed that Central America is already experiencing the first effects of global warming, as the strong hurricanes in recent years, the floods and changes caused by the phenomenon of children, are a consequence of the temperature of the oceans - in this regard I want to explain to humanity so that they understand more about this topic related to the wind system, which "scientific" organisms apparently do not know,"scientists" ignore the cyclical wind system, which is what determines the hurricane season for Central America, they ignore the classification of winds.

Winds are atmospheric air currents due to the breakdown of the balance in some part of the atmosphere, due to the difference in temperatures between nearby regions, and that these can be regular, periodic and variable depending on the direction in which they blow.

Regular or constant winds, are those that blow all year in a noticeably constant direction like the trade winds, and the contralisios. The trade winds are winds that incessantly blow on the high seas, in the areas parallel and close to Ecuador.

At first the trade winds blow from the NE in the Northern hemisphere, and from the SE in the Southern hemisphere, but when they reach the end of their period they head parallel to Ecuador.

This inclination of the trade winds to the west is due to the rotation of the earth to the east. If it were not for this, the trade wind of the northern or boreal hemisphere would be a north wind (instead of being northeast), and the southern or south wind would be a south wind, instead of being southeast.

Contralisios: they are winds from the temperate zones that go towards the poles, due to the high atmosphere deviating towards the East and that come from the tropical zones, the contralisios go in the opposite direction to the trade winds, to which they owe their name.

Periodic winds: periodic winds are those that blow regularly in the same direction, depending on the seasons or the hours of the day.

Monsoons and breezes belong to the periodic winds.

Monsoons are the winds that are mainly observed on the coasts of the Indian Ocean, which blow in summer from the Ocean to the mainland and in winter from the mainland to the sea.

Breezes: Breezes are winds that blow on the shores of the sea towards the land during the day, and from the land towards the sea at night. The cause of the breezes is that during the day the ground heats up more easily and much more than the sea; and for this reason, in temperate countries, towards nine o'clock in the morning, an upward flow of hot air is produced, which is replaced by another of cold air from the sea, while at night the earth cools more and more rapidly than the sea, then the air current is reversed, blowing into the sea (land breeze).

Variable Winds: they are those that blow sometimes in one direction and sometimes in a different one, without obeying fixed laws. Variable winds are typical of temperate zones.

Local winds: they are the ones that reign in certain regions for more or less long periods, the local winds receive special names, depending on the country, thus, Siroco is called a scorching wind from Italy, Simún that of the Sahara (desert of North Africa), Mistral from France, Cierzo from Switzerland. Solano from Spain and Pampero from Argentina.

Hurricanes: Hurricanes are given to certain strong winds, whose speed exceeds one hundred kilometers per hour and can be accompanied by rain, lightning and thunder.

Cyclones: they are considerable masses of air animated by a very fast rotational movement, around a vertical axis, at the same time that they move, producing ruin in their path.

Cyclones occur in the equatorial calm region and are due to the uneven velocity of the trade winds that collide upon arrival from the two hemispheres and not to supposed global warming or supposed climate change. The speed of translation of a cyclone is between 15 and 45 kilometers per hour and its rotation oscillates at 250 kilometers per hour.

Cyclones in the Chinese and Indian seas are called typhoons, cyclones in the Northern Hemisphere rotate counterclockwise and in the Southern Hemisphere clockwise.

Tornadoes: Antilles cyclones are often called tornadoes, but they differ from true cyclones by their origin and formation.

Tornadoes are heralded by a small, very high white cloud, which slowly descends, increasing in volume, as it approaches the surface of the earth, surrounds itself with a shadowy mass that rapidly darkens the atmosphere, and at the end of the darkest point a whirling whirlwind emerges, amidst lightning and producing desolation in a narrow strip through which it passes.

To my readers, do not think that I have gotten off the subject, I simply wanted to explain the role that the wind system plays in the formation of these phenomena and not in the sophistry of current "scientific" organisms.

But what is actually happening? What is happening is that highly industrialized countries have been using nuclear energy to satisfy their consumption needs and increase capitalist wealth, disobeying the advice of the pioneers in the nuclear race, among them Beckerel, the Curie spouses, Roetgen, who advised not to use nuclear energy under any circumstances - only in case of need. Today I think that this suggestion has been misinterpreted, they thought that war has been a necessity, but nevertheless it is the most stupid fact of that misinterpretation of the nuclear pioneers, possibly they referred to the need to use it as a last resort for the last generations on our planet earth,when solar energy is depleted and the planet is inevitably off towards full cooling.

Returning to the subject of the meeting of "experts" that talk about the warming of the oceans, I tell you that highly industrialized countries have their nuclear power plants, the international "scientific" community does not comment on radioactive waste from these industries, if there is any warming of the oceans, is because highly industrialized countries are dumping radioactive waste into the sea with the approval of non-governmental organizations, nuclear tests have been carried out at sea, only a cowardly silence reigns tailored to their interests commercial, nobody says anything, nuclear waste contributes to raising the temperature of the waters of seas and rivers, this contributes to removing part of the oxygen from the water and as a consequence the death of marine and river species,and therefore increasing bacterial activity.

Here in Colombia a case happened that must always be kept in mind and occurred under the presidency of César Gaviria Trujillo, his government allowed the importation of radioactive waste and garbage to a North American firm which was deposited in a town in Valle del Cauca and on She built a school for children in a town called Guanchaco, failing to measure the consequences of this genocide, and nobody says absolutely nothing, no human rights organization, no ecological organization, no NGO, the "international scientific" community is also not pronounced on the matter, nevertheless Japan, the USA, Canada, the European Economic Community, want to pretend the ecological of a monster called nuclear energy, they do not say where they send their radioactive waste. Recently the European Economic Community,approved the construction of a nuclear power reactor, these gentlemen are unaware of ethics, above all there is their desire to enrich themselves at the cost of human sacrifice, Chernovyl is a painful testimony to humanity, the media kept silent about reality, they not only died there 31 firefighters who attended the emergency, the populations surrounding the Russian nuclear power plant also suffered the effects of radioactive contamination, the island of Cuba witnessed hundreds of people, including many children who came to that island to be treated as victims in the ravages suffered by the radiation from the nuclear accident, in most cases nothing could be done, however, this remained a state secret.Above all, there is his desire to enrich himself at the cost of human sacrifice, Chernovyl is a painful testimony to humanity, the media kept silent about reality, there not only did 31 firefighters who attended the emergency die, the populations surrounding the Russian generation plant nuclear also suffered the effects of radioactive contamination, the island of Cuba witnessed hundreds of people including many children who came to that island to be treated as victims in the ravages suffered by the radiation of the nuclear accident in most cases nothing could be done, however this remained a state secret.Above all is his desire to enrich himself at the cost of human sacrifice, Chernovyl is a painful testimony to humanity, the media kept silent about reality, there not only did 31 firefighters who attended the emergency die, the populations surrounding the Russian generation plant nuclear also suffered the effects of radioactive contamination, the island of Cuba witnessed hundreds of people including many children who came to that island to be treated as victims in the ravages suffered by the radiation of the nuclear accident in most cases nothing could be done, however this remained a state secret.Not only did 31 firefighters who attended the emergency die there, the populations near the Russian nuclear power plant also suffered the effects of radioactive contamination, the island of Cuba witnessed hundreds of people, including many children who came to that island to to be treated as victims in the ravages suffered by the radiation from the nuclear accident, in most cases nothing could be done, however, this remained a state secret.Not only did 31 firefighters who attended the emergency die there, the populations near the Russian nuclear power plant also suffered the effects of radioactive contamination, the island of Cuba witnessed hundreds of people, including many children who came to that island to to be treated as victims in the ravages suffered by the radiation from the nuclear accident, in most cases nothing could be done, however, this remained a state secret.The island of Cuba witnessed hundreds of people, including many children who came to that island to be treated as victims in the ravages suffered by the radiation from the nuclear accident. In most cases, nothing could be done, however, this remained a state secret.The island of Cuba witnessed hundreds of people, including many children who came to that island to be treated as victims in the ravages suffered by the radiation from the nuclear accident. In most cases, nothing could be done, however, this remained a state secret.

There is a very striking detail of the Kyoto protocol, which is based in Nairobi and was established precisely to prevent "climate change", the statement from the "scientific" community is to implement clean and appropriate technologies that help minimize emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. Scientists have predicted a lot of vulnerability for Central America, so it is necessary to educate citizens on how to stop the effects of "climate change". The "scientific organizations" have created the Thermal Sofisma Syndrome (TSS) and with the help of international organizations and the complicity of non-governmental organizations,that due to the inability to take decisive action, they intend to justify disasters in Central America (for this reason, explain the wind cycle in advance, which is very sensitive for Central America), to justify hunger and poverty in Africa and in other regions of the planet (therefore its headquarters in Nairobi), while coalitions are formed to attack defenseless peoples, considerable resources are allocated to sponsor genocides and blockades to brother peoples, and there is no coalition or a protocol is established to eradicate poverty and hunger worldwide, nor to eradicate diseases to humanity, for which highly industrialized countries are most likely to be largely responsible, since these countries have become landfills for all kinds of waste.justify hunger and poverty in Africa and other regions of the planet (hence its headquarters in Nairobi), while coalitions are made to attack defenseless peoples, large resources are allocated to sponsor genocides and blockades to brother peoples, and it is not done a coalition or a protocol is established to eradicate poverty and hunger worldwide, nor to eradicate diseases to humanity, for which highly industrialized countries are most likely to be largely responsible, since they have become these countries landfills of all kinds of waste.justify hunger and poverty in Africa and other regions of the planet (therefore its headquarters in Nairobi), while coalitions are made to attack defenseless peoples, large resources are allocated to sponsor genocides and blockades to brother peoples, and it is not done a coalition or a protocol is established to eradicate poverty and hunger worldwide, nor to eradicate diseases to humanity, for which highly industrialized countries are most likely to be largely responsible, since they have become these countries landfills of all kinds of waste.and there is no coalition or protocol established to eradicate poverty and hunger worldwide, nor to eradicate diseases to humanity, for which highly industrialized countries are most likely to be largely responsible, as they have become to these countries in landfills of all kinds of waste.and there is no coalition or protocol established to eradicate poverty and hunger worldwide, nor to eradicate diseases to humanity, for which highly industrialized countries are most likely to be largely responsible, as they have become to these countries in landfills of all kinds of waste.

The action of the NGOs are aimed at defending the interests of highly industrialized countries, the United Nations Convention on climate change and the Kyoto Protocol blatantly shows their eagerness to market, industrialized countries invested a lot of money in training professionals in physics and in nuclear chemistry preparing them for a nuclear or biological war and to date they have not had a return on that investment, hence the desire to resort to international treaties or protocols, rigged and unethical, distorting the truth, time is passing, their useful life is at sunset, they do not care about the damage they do in their path, the desire of non-governmental organizations is to accelerate the signing of the agreements and to take effect.The studies have no scientific basis since they are based on climate models produced by computerized computers, and I let the scientific community in general, as well as the general community, know that this science has absolutely nothing since science is not Based on speculation, the Kyoto Protocol is based on what has been called the Thermal Sophism Syndrome (TSS), which consists of a series of physical and psychological, sociological, ecological symptoms with political, social and economic consequences, including fear of starvation, natural disasters, droughts and false actions of states to preserve their ecological environment.As well as the general community, that this science has absolutely nothing since science is not based on speculation, the Kyoto Protocol is based on what has been called the Thermal Sophism Syndrome (TSS), which consists of a series of physical and psychological, sociological, ecological symptoms with political, social and economic consequences, including fear of starvation, natural disasters, droughts and false actions by states to preserve their ecological environment.As well as the general community, that this science has absolutely nothing since science is not based on speculation, the Kyoto Protocol is based on what has been called the Thermal Sophism Syndrome (TSS), which consists of a series of physical and psychological, sociological, ecological symptoms with political, social and economic consequences, including fear of starvation, natural disasters, droughts and false actions by states to preserve their ecological environment.social and economic, including fear of starvation, natural disasters, droughts and false actions of states to preserve their ecological environment.social and economic, including fear of starvation, natural disasters, droughts and false actions of states to preserve their ecological environment.

According to the Kyoto Protocol, global climate change is due to the disproportionate increase - caused by industrialization - of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions, which naturally forms a layer in the atmosphere that retains heat on land and prevents to return to space.

Addressing the “scientific” community and the community in general, I show you that this argument is the most absurd thing that has been devised, since scientific organisms do not know the CO2 cycle, the law of conservation of mass and energy, but something more serious, they do not know the laws and the properties of the gaseous mixtures, and in the atmosphere the gases are governed by these laws - I suggest that they consult on the matter -.

I want to leave humanity and each reader who, without having to be a specialist in the subject, can confirm by their own means and arguments the absurdity of these arguments, and this is simple, we must wait for the moment when a solar eclipse happens, especially In the tropical regions, in Central America and in the areas near Ecuador, which are the ones that receive heat most directly, we are going to wait for the lunar disk to interpose slowly between the sun and the earth. soon the lunar disk begins to cover a bit in the sun, we begin to notice that the temperature decreases in the environment at the time of reaching the total eclipse, we will immediately feel a cool or cold depending on the region affected by the eclipse, in the short time it lasts the eclipse we notice the drop in temperature in the area,if it were true that CO2 retains heat in the atmosphere, no temperature change would be felt, but it remained the same, therefore this argument that CO2 traps heat in the atmosphere has no scientific basis and therefore makes it necessary to dismantle the Kyoto Protocol, which is a sophism and a disrespect for the scientific world.

Criticism of the Kyoto protocol