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From current health to interstitial health. interstitial health



What the Health Organization points out(WHO) is that: “Universal health coverage is becoming WHO's priority in the field of health systems. WHO collaborates with policy makers, global health partners, civil society, academic institutions and the private sector to help countries develop and follow up on consistent national health plans. In addition, it helps countries to ensure that their citizens have equitable and affordable person-centered and integrated health services; to facilitate access to affordable, effective and safe health technologies, and to strengthen health information systems and science-based policy formulation. ”

But what it does not say is that the real world moves between very different "singular knowledge" which are: "simple and complex units that differ from each other by their particularities". Unique knowledge has been a breakthrough for humanity and will continue to be so, but knowledge has emerged that is powerful in solving complex problems, such as the health of a society, and among them are: (1) systems (2) ecosystems and (3) the interstitial.


Currently, there are only systems with a singular and partial health base and not with more comprehensive ecosystems. And what do these basic singularities contribute when trying to move from a traditional system of curative health (SISACUR) to create a "Ecosystem of Curative Health" (ECOSACUR)? It should be said that it will be necessary to incorporate and interrelate: different medical specialties, traditional medicine according to the World Health Organization (WHO) or alternative or complementary medicines (acupuncture, ethnic groups, Oriental and many others) and their respective members, nurses, midwives, kinesiologists, technologists, dentists, psychologists, self-care, insurance and bonds, organs and tissues, laboratories, hospitals and clinics, researchers,to ambulances and other means of transportation, to equipment suppliers, to current and rapid legal systems, to computer providers, to security and cybersecurity, to different types of controls, to public and non-governmental organizations, to the food, healthy environments and spaces made of copper and wood (Cu + Mad), medicines, colors, quantum physics, music, materials, microbiology and many other singularities, especially those that are incorporate as innovations, which will be provided by different public and private organizations and by the innovators themselves.to public and non-governmental organizations, food, healthy environments and spaces of copper and wood (Cu + Mad), medicines, colors, quantum physics, music, materials, microbiology and many other singularities, especially those that are incorporated as innovations, which will be provided by different public and private organizations and by the innovators themselves.to public and non-governmental organizations, food, healthy environments and spaces of copper and wood (Cu + Mad), medicines, colors, quantum physics, music, materials, microbiology and many other singularities, especially those that are incorporated as innovations, which will be provided by different public and private organizations and by the innovators themselves.

The current traditional curative health system, SISACUR, as a singularity represents a partial reality, while a more evolved Curative Health Ecosystem (ECOSACUR) incorporates other singularities and combines them and is capable of responding to the most real needs, both of people who want to receive care for auscultation, medication or healing, as for all other people who work collaboratively, or not, in curative medicine and in its vicinity.

In order to determine the singularities of a more evolved Healing Health Ecosystem (ECOSACUR), it would be necessary to: (1) anticipate the directions that each of them should take and (2) establish a strategy to address the different situations that are anticipated for the health of the population to be served. With both information and based on traditional and new technologies: digitization, use of connectivity technologies, artificial intelligence, big data management, machine learning, 3D printing, 5G mobile telephony, the Internet of Things (IOT), robotics (including the one that uses biological material), combination of real and virtual images, space health and other technologies so that all potential users of the ecosystem are identified,it would have part of the necessary elements for the design and construction of adigital platform (digital platform) ECOSACUR-PL that would lead to collaborate in obtaining the results that should be expected for this health, its estimated costs and time, and until obtaining a set of population health indices that is incorporated to the ecosystem.

It should be borne in mind that each singularity that participates in an ecosystem must be identified by its characteristics, attributes and benefits, which constitute the interface points that will be related to the characteristics, attributes and benefits of the other singularities, which are also points interface or intersection. In this way you can have a direct, immediate and permanent relationship through the points of interfaces and intersections, for very different mixtures of healing health situations, such as: a person feels sick, starts a particular linear process through of a notice, you can ask to be taken to an emergency, you could go in an ambulance, notify your insurance, you are received in the emergency (which you already know will come), you are attended by a professional,different indicators of the people are measured, the diagnosis, they are provided with a therapy or medications, it is derived to another point on which there is availability information, it can be a box, an operating room, a room, or attention their home or work, with their respective treatment and as well as this process there must be many mixtures of paths and paths possible singularities to be followed and guided, for example, in the treatment: of hypertension, cancer, autopsies, stem cells, DNA, organ distribution for transplants, etc.with their respective treatment and as well as this process, there must be many mixtures of paths and paths possible singularities to be followed and guided, for example, in the treatment: of hypertension, cancer, autopsies, stem cells, DNA, distribution of organs for transplants, etc.with their respective treatment and as well as this process, there must be many mixtures of paths and paths possible singularities to be followed and guided, for example, in the treatment: of hypertension, cancer, autopsies, stem cells, DNA, distribution of organs for transplants, etc.

And the characteristics of each of these singularities, which are relevant to the defined ecosystem, are interfaces that should be related in an ECOSACUR-PL designed for this purpose, which identifies AI and intelligent data: the available resources, occupation and expected demands, among other variables and their parameters (elements and their respective costs, validities, levels, etc.).

Until now, there is no “identified owner of the integral ECOSACUR, nor of its respective digital platform ECOSACUR-PL”, both are unknown and remote, and that if they existed they should have a multi-singular formation and would be a “natural or legal person ”The one that knows and dominates the use of the ecosystem, because it has studied it and participated in its generation and development, has practiced it and has proven experience, and it is because it has been successful with the results expected from both.

It must be recognized that the traditional healing system (SISACUR), without devaluing its achievements and its great historical contributions to the life and recovery of millions of patients in the world, is unfortunately: late, very expensive, with great weaknesses, complex to access in almost all nations, and does not fully cover the respective ecosystem. The traditional healing system (SISACUR), as it is for many of the organizations that participate in it, constitutes only a partiality of the ignored conglomerate “ECOSACUR in fact” and which, of course, is diffuse and very little defined as an explicit ecosystem for a significant part of its potential and actual members, be they organizations or individuals. And, above all,that the current real "system" - which does not meet the conditions of an ecosystem - provides a quality of service that is heterogeneous, slow or inopportune, that does not discriminate objectively, does not optimize the use of resources, has serious financing problems recognized by all and that this is reflected in the hundreds of negative opinions that they give from the users and patients of public health insurance and that of private health, in almost all the nations of the world, to those indicated by the same providers of said services and professionals who provide them.It has serious financing problems recognized by all and that this is reflected in the hundreds of negative opinions that they give from the users and patients of public health insurance and that of private health, in almost all the nations of the world, to those they point to. the same providers of said services and professionals who provide them.It has serious financing problems recognized by all and that this is reflected in the hundreds of negative opinions that they give from the users and patients of public health insurance and that of private health, in almost all the nations of the world, to those they point to. the same providers of said services and professionals who provide them.

The coverage of each singularity of ECOSACUR covers a field delimited by current knowledge. Its application leads to a certain level of positive results and it is known that the successes achieved with a singularity in health, or with a set of disconnected singularities at a given moment, are partially improved with new knowledge about them, which takes time and it has to go over many filters. And it is considered essential, to be successful in the design of an ecosystem and its respective digital platform, to always be vigilant in reviewing the new knowledge provided by the singularities and investigating the benefits, risks and costs of their incorporation.

On the other hand, the advances to correct errors, which will always be present, are made with this new knowledge that comes from three main sources: (1) the linear development and (2) the exponential development of each singularity and (3) by a ecosystem, through the interrelationships between them, according to a known method. This means that the ECOSACUR-PL platform must be permanently incorporating the new approved knowledge to be current and up to date.


According to the global organization: “Health promotion throughout the life cycle permeates the entire work of WHO and takes into account the need to address environmental risks and social determinants of health, as well as gender issues, equity and human rights ”. But it remains in the singularities and does not indicate a path, a systematic methodology or an ecosystem to solve the problem as a whole, given the disruptive technologies and innovations that are being imposed in the developed world and that are making more contributions every day. to comprehensive solutions.

A proposal that makes progress beyond curative health could be one that is designed for the "comprehensive health ecosystem" (ECODESAL) (not focused on the cure of diseases) but that includes: "health promotion and prevention and curative health ”, of traditional medicine and other medicines and the advances of new multi-knowledge originating in different fields of innovation, science and organizations and companies that decided to incorporate into this ecosystem.

If the design and application of a curative ECOSACUR-PL digital platform were started, the design of the digital platform of the “Ecosystem of Health Promotion and Prevention” ECODESAL-PL could be made simultaneously, incorporating, such Once, some of the tasks that are already carried out at the time, in which the respective performance tests have been carried out and not before, so as not to hinder the procedures and results that are being obtained at that time.


However, it seems necessary to first build ECODESAL from its foundations and separate from regular curative health activities so as not to interfere in the current processes and not to contaminate an innovative development with the pros and cons included in said processes.

The operation of a preventive digital health platform ECODESAL-PL should lead to substantial increases in new knowledge that will lead to unprecedented results, different indicators of the population, resources and processes, especially the relationship between national health and the cost of that health.

Since an ECODESAL-PL digital platform would include: anticipation, promotion, prevention, cure, recovery, follow-up and, of course, that intended for people to resort to the healing process in cases that are required. This type of advanced construct would facilitate the contribution of interstitial knowledge towards the identification of: new knowledge, new services and new health outcomes. And thus be the great opportunity to build in the future and have an innovative and ambitious INTERSTICIAL HEALTH (Interstitial Health) for humanity.


Or sea ​​Villanueva Olmedo

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See at www.who.org.

From current health to interstitial health. interstitial health