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Developing my leadership based on my brain model


Why do we sometimes feel that we cannot go further in our leadership? Why am I so structured? Why do people tell me that I need to relate more to people? Do I lack imagination? Why is it that I am so sentimental and I find it hard for people to see me as a leader? These and many other questions are the ones that hundreds of people ask themselves every day. This is all due to one reason: My brain model.

Carl Gustav Jung tried to describe the personality traits that define people, along with this he tried to give a theoretical support to the way the human brain works. Years later, Myers-Briggs based on Jung's principles, created an indicator that fits the human being within the possible 16 existing personality types.

The Myers-Briggs indicator uses the introspection-based tool to define what the human being is like and why he acts in a certain way. Under this interaction it may be that a person who is introverted or extroverted uses intuition, sensations, thoughts, feelings, judgments and perceptions differently from another.

Based on these antecedents, Ned Herrmann developed a model that helps us to define our brain with an analogy, dividing the brain into four main or cardinal points resulting in a sphere with four quadrants. The brain divided into four. Within the brain model, according to Herrmann, we can define four hemispheres:

  • Top left: Logical, analytical, fact-based activities. Innate leaders. Upper right: Holistic, intuitive, integrated, imaginative. Artists and innovators, Strategists. Bottom left: Organized, sequential, detailed. Structured Lower right: Interpersonal, based on feelings, emotional. Sentimental and interrelational

The interesting thing about all this is that people are born with a tendency to occupy one of the four hemispheres. That is, our leadership personality by personality type is defined at fifty percent by genetic factors. It is for this reason that it is our stage of adolescence and youth we discover that we have a certain inclination to art, numbers, human relations or to lead groups. The other remaining percentage we are developing due to events that occur in our lives, be it the study of a professional career, or certain complex and important circumstances that can increase the specific development of the type of personality.

Why do we lead differently in a critical situation? It is because our leadership is pre-conceived in the first instance, which is why, for example, a structured person needs more information to act, instead, an innate leadership person seems to be an expert in making decisions. Or someone with a strategist personality is more intuitive and makes decisions without so much information.

The ideal for the development of our leadership is that we are acquiring skills from the four cerebral hemispheres. This is simply worked by practicing and daring to carry out new tasks and activities, which sometimes we do not like or do not want to face, but they help us in our integral growth.

And you, what kind of leadership do you have?

Developing my leadership based on my brain model