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Career development in business organization


Executives, Executives and Professionals confront different "realities" in their day-to-day businesses, where more and more and more frequently, they are subject to "situations" where there is a high potential for "organizational expulsion" regardless of the attributes of intelligence, brilliance, creativity and degree of commitment that they maintain with the Organization. Furthermore, our studies are aimed at showing empirical evidence that supports the fact that, to a large extent, said "organizational expulsion" that is part of the de-selection process, is not necessarily due to attributes - or lack thereof - such as the case of intelligence, brilliance, creativity and degree of organizational commitment.

After a "honeymoon" that included the Directors, Executives and Professionals when they started in their Company, a series of events began to occur that eroded the "quality of the relationship", producing what appears to be an inevitable deterioration in the time that culminates with "Professional Suicide or Organizational Murder" (Authors: Dr. Donald W. Cole and Eric Gaynor Butterfield; Ed.

The OD Institute International, 2003).

The million dollar question, and which is strongly related to the "Career Development" of these Executives, Executives and Professionals, has to do with WHAT ARE THE REASONS for which Some (only some) of these senior Executives, Executives and Professionals are still in these Organizations while others are expelled (or self-expelled)

The phenomenon of "organizational exit", the study of this situation, the causes that originate it, and the different dysfunctional consequences for both the Directors, Executives and Professionals and the Organization, have to do with the following question: "Is the professional who commits suicide (in his profession) or is it the Organization who murders him? This dilemma was originally discovered - and then investigated and analyzed - by Dr. Donald Cole (President and Founder of The OD Institute), as a result of a "case study" at a high-tech company in the United States. In parallel, and as a result of the evidence found in multiple organizational interventions, Eric Gaynor Butterfield has studied this phenomenon in Latin America,paying attention to what happens in the different existing organizational typologies, and in particular within the Multinational Corporations that operate in the different Latin American countries.

So we can summarize our dilemma in this way: How is it possible that people with Vocations, Interests and Preferences within an Organization, see at some point interrupted the Development of (their own) Career? Some main titles of the work "Professional Suicide or Organizational Murder" (Authors: Dr. Donald W. Cole and Eric Gaynor Butterfield; Ed. The OD Institute International, 2003) and that are directly related to Career Development are: The study by which people “graduate” from the Company; Scope and Depth of the study of the departure of the professionals of the Company; the style of Driving by "Commitment of the Subordinate"; The Suicide Process; Individual Characteristics that Contribute to the Suicide Process; Characteristics in the Organization that Contribute to the Suicide Process.The suicide process originates from the Acceptance of an Indefinite Contract that is followed by a "Honeymoon" period, and then goes on to a third stage where the participant "Puts the Contract to the test". As a result of the conflict experienced by the employee (professional, executive, manager), he seeks in the first instance to resolve it through the formal system (with his superior) and, in the absence of an effective response, begins to seek support from his peers (the informal system), finally entering a terminal phase when the Symptom is formed.managerial) in the first instance seeks to resolve the same through the formal system (with his superior) and in the absence of an effective response, he begins to seek support from his peers (the informal system), finally entering a terminal phase when the Symptom.managerial) in the first instance seeks to resolve the same through the formal system (with his superior) and in the absence of an effective response, he begins to seek support from his peers (the informal system), finally entering a terminal phase when the Symptom.

There are some characteristics of the professionals who contribute to the professional suicide process that are related to the following needs: the need for Recognition and a Sense of Self-Esteem, the need for Growth and Development (for Self-realization), the need for what it makes sense, the need for a Structure from which the professional can visualize the world. And of course there are also different characteristics in the Organization that contribute to the Suicide Process (or to Organizational Murder), such as: the stress caused by Ambiguous Situations and as a result of "Not Knowing", the lack of Objectives and Specific goals of the Organization; the lack of a Plan to Achieve the Objectives, the confusion about the Laws of the Game,the lack of Evaluation and Criticism, the stress where Anxiety as a Motivator is manipulated (Motivation for the Crisis), the stress of Competition as a Motivator and also of Guilt as a motivational force, among others.

A detail of different investigations and expert works on the subject is included, such as the contribution of Emile Durkheim, studies carried out with Isolation of Persons, investigations where Groups have been exposed to "extreme Stress" for prolonged periods of time, studies of stress in Animals, among others, and finally includes a series of recommendations called the “Antidote” that is available to both Executives and the Company, to cut this Suicidal Process. The lives of Executives, Executives and Professionals within the organizational world and particularly within multinational Corporations have changed dramatically in the last 30 years.

In the 70s of the last century, the Directors and Executives of multinational corporations changed their jobs about 5 times in their lives and most of them continued working in the Corporations until the moment of retirement. Unlike this, in this first decade of the 21st century, the Managers, Executives and Professionals in this type of organization change about 5 times of work in only the first 9 to 10 years of work! On the other hand, the retirement of these Executives and Executives is NO longer something that should be taken as valid, since they face "organizational exits" after the age of 35 or 40 and have little chance of reintegrating into these Multinational Corporations.

As a consequence, these Executives and Executives find themselves with a “high vulnerability” regarding their own careers in large multinational corporations WHILE they have a job, and a “very high vulnerability” when they are Outside of them (they are about 35 or 40 years old and seeking reinsertion). And this panorama seems that it will not improve in the near future. The OD Institute International - Latin America has been a pioneer in studying this phenomenon over time and bringing it to light in order to provide assistance to managers, executives and professionals in organizations and especially within multinational companies. There is evidence of what is stated here in other countries and communities besides Latin America, and this phenomenon “is here to stay”. Furthermore, it may become even more pronounced.

Recent field work by The Organization Development Institute International - Latin America shows the importance of the existence of a new "independent" variable to take into account. She is the “generation of New jobs” something that the national provincial and municipal public organisms, the multinational private organisms and the international organisms, have NOT paid attention. During the years 1997 to 2002 around 90% of what we have called “new positions in formal organizations” is generated by an organizational type that does NOT correspond to multinational corporations.

In Latin America we can say that the universe of formal organizations corresponds to the following typology: Multinational corporations, Public Organizations, NGOs, State Contractors, and the so-called SME companies. Of this organizational universe, 90% of the "new positions in formal organizations" correspond to SMEs. And in 2003, "new positions in formal organizations" are generated in 96% of cases by SME companies.

For the Executive, Executive and Professional who take this situation as quasi-apocalyptic or that their presence is due to the existence of "external locus of control", the outlook can be extremely discouraging. However, our experience shows us that those Executives, Executives and Professionals who are aware of the existence of this situation and who are willing to "train" to cope with it, will surely be successful. But this "training" is no longer the same that they were used to; their containers are different and harder, the combat lasts longer and the arsenal they must face is of a larger caliber. We can insure from The ODInstitute International that we have enough material and evidence where those who have trained for this combat and have an arsenal of counter-attack must be in a position to successfully overcome the difficulties to be confronted. We can say that currently the state of "Behavioral Sciences" in Organizational Development complemented by the appropriate application of Emotional Intelligence, represent the most forceful ANTIDOT that have the Directors, Executives and Professionals to have a continued, growing and sustained success career (Workshop: "Behavioral Sciences" by Eric Gaynor Butterfield - August 2001).We can say that currently the state of "Behavioral Sciences" in Organizational Development complemented by the appropriate application of Emotional Intelligence, represent the most forceful ANTIDOT that have the Directors, Executives and Professionals to have a continued, growing and sustained success career (Workshop: "Behavioral Sciences" by Eric Gaynor Butterfield - August 2001).We can say that currently the state of "Behavioral Sciences" in Organizational Development complemented by the appropriate application of Emotional Intelligence, represent the most forceful ANTIDOT that have the Directors, Executives and Professionals to have a continued, growing and sustained success career (Workshop: "Behavioral Sciences" by Eric Gaynor Butterfield - August 2001).

In order to assist managers in organizations and also employers regarding the importance of taking into account the career development of their organizational participants as well as their interests, preferences and vocations in the workplace, a Bibliography on these specific topics. They can also access The Organization Development Institute International and request material on the dilemma referred to above. There are very few longitudinal studies where the compatibility - and incompatibilities - between people and their organization where they are employed have been studied over time.Chris Argyris (1961) has long argued that there is a mismatch between the growth needs of individuals and organizational efficiency, and we understand that managers and entrepreneurs alike must strive to do everything possible to at least shrink this dysfunctional gap. Thank you very much.


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The Organization Development Institute International, Latin America shares this Bibliography on Career Development, vocations, interests and preferences, with the main purpose that it can be used by the directors of organizations and entrepreneurs in a way that allows them to increase organizational efficiency and at the same time strengthening the health and development of organizational members. We already welcome suggestions on this material that allow us to improve it over time. Thank you very much for sharing.

Career development in business organization