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Erp software development with variable time frames

Table of contents:


The project constitutes the basic organizational unit of the management system of any organization and CESGE is no exception. Here, a project work policy has been applied that demands a higher quality in project planning and execution control. However, one of the most common conflicts between clients, functional specialists, management team and developers is related to the fulfillment of the agreed dates: either because a bad estimate was made of the time to carry out the projects or due to the appearance of risks that cause delays in execution. In either case, poor planning is revealed.


One of the causes of this problem is that, when the delivery dates have not been "imposed by commitments", planning is carried out and dates are committed to customers, creating expectations that are sometimes difficult to satisfy without applying techniques that allow for better planning. performed. Hence the importance of developing other variations of the initial planning focused on the maximum and minimum allocations of resources that are available for the development of each of the subsystems in order to evaluate the variation environment and proceed to obtain a Estimate of the time closest to the time in which delivery dates are negotiated with customers.Even so, it would not be enough, because due to possible risks or other factors, variations in the development schedule may appear at any time in the product life cycle, making it necessary to make adjustments at all times, from conception to project closure..

This paper explains the way in which the Caja, Banco and Collections and Payments subsystems belonging to the ERP Finance line have been developed and the way in which their resources are managed to meet the execution time of the planned schedules making rational use of resources and with the required quality. Taking care of their respective life cycles, the critical path tasks are managed and different types of buffers or dampers are created for the critical chain, in order to guarantee compliance with the deadline, even before the scheduled date, supported by the use from the MS Project.


The PMBOK ® Guide explains how to facilitate project management by dividing them into phases that make up their life cycle.

During the first of the stages, called the Conceptual or Conception stage, the preliminary scope of the project is specified with the clients, in which it is stated what the desired product must do. From an allocation of resources, global indicators are used that set a preliminary term. This first estimate is then taken as the basis for developing a more detailed allocation of resources during the Planning stage, and the schedule is set in detail. In the Execution phase, the use and destination of the resources is controlled with the purpose of making pertinent movements in order to meet the objectives within the foreseen term.

Conception of the project

The project design stage begins with the client's request and an evaluation of the existing problem situation is carried out, from which the objectives to be achieved can be defined. In the same way, an analysis of the project environment and technical, economic and potential market feasibility studies are carried out, allowing decisions to be made as to whether or not to carry out its execution. This stage is crucial for the correct performance of the project and constitutes the basis for carrying out the next stage: planning.

The human resources management of any project includes the processes that are organized and directed by the team in charge of its achievement, which is made up of people classified by roles and responsibilities according to their competences that allow them to make their contributions to successfully complete the project. (1) Regardless of this, team members must participate largely in project planning and decision making, which strengthens the commitment of all members to the project.

Project planning

In the planning stage, the human resources that will be necessary for the execution of the project are identified with a higher level of detail, the scope of which was formulated preliminarily during the project's conception; The financial resources and the results to be achieved are programmed. Therefore, as part of this stage, the project is drawn up outlining its formal structure and the estimated financial resources are negotiated.

However, you do not always have a completely clear idea of ​​the real scope of the solution that the customer is requesting, so it is quite complex to define the number of modules, components and resources necessary to optimize them. It is therefore advisable to start from an allocation of minimum resources so that the estimate of the term is in a pessimistic variant. Once this variant is available and the client's requirements are better known, a new planning must be developed that, compared to the first, allows the variation environment to be evaluated and the optimal variant to be obtained, which must have a disaggregation structure in subprojects, stages and tasks summarized according to the particular characteristics of the project.This structure requires in-depth analysis, as sometimes indiscriminate allocation of resources occurs in non-critical tasks.

Allocating resources

The allocation of project resources can be done with fixed duration and direct allocation of resources or configuring the MS Project with fixed work. Therefore, the expression of cost should be oriented according to the duration of the tasks and the resources assigned to them:

  • Fixed duration. When the data entry to the project is the duration and from this the allocation of resources is executed. Fixed work. When the defined work is available to determine the duration and cost of the tasks, In this case the duration of the tasks is determined based on the allocation of resources. Fixed resources. The allocation of resources is developed taking into account their availability.

Based on the Task Breakdown Structure (EDT), the necessary resources are defined, such as labor, equipment and materials for each task, and work by task is required to be imported into the MS Project.

The planning of the development of the subprojects of the Finance line was carried out starting from a configuration under the fixed resources variant (fixed units).

Breaking down the tasks

By virtue of complying with the development of the project, the activities to be carried out must be broken down into subprojects, stages, summary tasks and specific tasks (see figure 1) to achieve an organization of the project according to your particular interests. This disaggregation structure allows analyzing the execution sequence with its corresponding overlaps based on the availability of resources and the technological dependencies defined for each Project. This facilitates a correct sequence, in order to facilitate its control.

Reducing the time frame

The maximum duration of the project obtained during planning is always questioned by the client and the interested parties, normally requesting a reduction of the same, which leads to the allocation of resources on an inefficient or indiscriminate basis. It may be possible to succeed during the “bombardment” of resources on the critical path, reducing the project execution time, but a failure in this sense can unnecessarily increase the slack of non-critical tasks, propitiating excess resources with low productivity, stimulating the disorder and limiting the use of these resources in other tasks or projects prioritized in the Shared Resources Fund.

The first variant of resource allocation, based on the allocation of the minimum amount of resources determines the maximum duration in the project, being reflected in the critical path. In the case where the second variant is greater than the first (which is generally true), a strategic allocation of resources is required to achieve the reduction of the execution time of the tasks.

The problem then lies in defining "where" the resources are necessary and the answer is, in the "tasks of the critical path":

Figure 2 shows a fragment of the planning of the Collections and Payments subsystem where the critical path of the project is highlighted. Therefore, from the duration and the cost, the slope was calculated from the formula:

In this way, it was possible to establish a custom column with the corresponding calculation from the Project data and using filters for critical tasks, ordering the slope from smallest to largest, facilitated the analysis of the necessary resources to respond to the restrictions defined for the reduction of the term. The filters by resources also facilitate their identification and selection to assign them to tasks in such a way that some of them are not overdrawn.

It is also possible to apply filters by tasks and apply priorities: analyzing the critical path, some were defined that served as criteria for the balance of resources and the direction of the project in the execution process.

Valuable information can also be obtained by identifying tasks with systematic difficulties with resources, quality, logistics and performance, and in this sense the experiences of previous projects are valid, which are often kept in databases of completed projects. Tasks can be time critical as is the case with the critical path and critical due to the constraints of the organization that executes them.

Performing a summation of the partial times of each of the tasks that are on the critical path, a maximum value of time was calculated and from this a strategy of resource allocation was followed, supported by an objective function that in this case is the reduction of the project execution time by a determined magnitude as follows:

Δ PP 2 P 1

Where P1 is the planning foreseen in the first planning variant and P2 is the second. ΔP is the variation.

The time reduction was then performed by adjusting the resources assigned in the critical path tasks. An allocation of resources in tasks that are not critical, far from producing any reduction in project time, increases resources unnecessarily, increases the number of staff with a lack of work content, affects non-compliance with production standards, increases the time of the gaps that could be used to benefit the project, among other effects that are sometimes more conflictive than those initially proposed.

However, the question arose, which task to start with, the one with the longest duration?

For not very expensive resources this is possible but sometimes it is impossible to carry out in practice, so the need to carry out the analysis of the slope (1) of the tasks is included in the algorithm of the resource allocation strategy. To do this, they are ordered from lowest to highest, starting the analysis process with the smallest slopes, where the process is most effective, with the aim of achieving a less expensive resource allocation and at the same time a greater reduction in time.

Algorithm for reducing project time

In order to reduce the project time frame based on customer requirements, a fairly simple algorithm was used that helps to allocate resources during the development of an iterative process. When the resource was not available or is not available in the organization, the next task was passed in the ascending consecutive order of the slope and the availability of the necessary resource was evaluated.

Figure 3. Steps to follow to reduce the time of the critical path tasks.

While there were difficulties with the solutions and their feasibility with respect to the deadline established by the client and there were also availability of resources, this process was repeated so that it was necessary to carry it out throughout the life cycle as additional risks or requirements were introduced. they varied the critical path.

Shared Resource Fund (FRC)

In the case of projects such as the ERP-Cuba that due to their size or particular characteristics make it necessary to work in a collaborative multi-project environment, it is vital to establish an integration process applying the Integrated Project Management from the creation and use of an FRC for all subprojects. In this way, resources can be moved in the interest of the organization, taking into account the priorities of the subprojects that allow making the relevant decisions.

In the line of Finance something similar happens on a smaller scale because it was the only one that had three subsystems among which resources had to be switched according to the priorities that these had according to the needs of the implementation. In this way, the conditions for the allocation of resources and the adjustment of delivery times were determined by the FRC at the organizational level, that is, on the line. This allowed the execution of the three subprojects with the same direct cost, since when it is prorated among the executed projects, it tends to decrease. The combination of these processes is part of the Business Intelligence that high-performance organizations develop.

Table 1. Resources of the Finance line.

Resource Collections and Payments Box Bank Total
Computers 19 12 7 38
Laptop one one one 3
Students 17 10 5 32
Teachers two two two 6

Focusing work on a multi-project environment allows organizations to gain in competitiveness since they can fulfill a greater number of contracts with the required quality in a shorter period than expected.

Studying the conditions for carrying out the tasks

So far the allocation of resources has been explained with adjustments according to the requirements of customers and stakeholders; However, there were other factors to take into account: that an average programmer takes three hours to develop a medium complexity functionality does not imply that three can do it in just one. There are processes that by their nature require additional time in order to materialize. In this sense, the technological scheme allows a study of working conditions to determine the feasibility of incorporating new resources.

An illustrative example at the macro level in software solutions is described in Figure 4, which shows a diagram of the subsystems that must integrate the solution envisaged for the CEDRUX product resulting from the execution of the ERP-Cuba project in a first scope.

The dependency from the functional point of view (according to the business) existing between the subsystems does not allow all to be carried out in parallel even when the necessary resources were available, so the output of this solution consists of three blocks: the first with the Configuration, Structure and Composition, Accounting System, Planning and Financial Management; the second with Human Capital, Logistics and Auditing; and in the third block the rest. The scheme allows distributions of resources to be made, providing solutions to the time constraints imposed, but also to detect the organizational and supply measures necessary for making these decisions.In this way, the assigned resource modules vary in number according to their scope but coincide in the existence in each of them of the roles of Project Manager, Planner, Architects, Analysts, Designers, Developers and Quality Advisor.

Another variant of technological scheme can be applied taking into account the available jobs for the development of each of these subsystems or modules. Figure 5 shows the distribution of computers in a laboratory where the Accounting System and Financial Management solutions are developed. Those highlighted in blue belong to the developers of the Accounting System, the black ones to Financial Management.

From this it can be concluded that although it is developed in a 24-hour work system during the 7 days of the week (24/7) it would not be possible to locate 22 people in 3 8-hour work shifts in the machines assigned for development. Accounting System: 1 person would be missing.

Therefore, the technological schemes allow the resources to be used well, avoid immobilization of them, assign them where they are necessary according to the route and the critical chain, taking into account the priorities of the projects in the FRC and prepares the project for the use of shock absorbers. in order to guarantee compliance with the deadline.

Protections, restrictions, constraints, buffers, and buffer

Determining a Disaggregation Structure of the project tasks in the most detailed way possible allows a better study of the resources necessary for the fulfillment of each one and q serves as the basis for making a correct assignment based on the protectionsand establishing the dependencies with the feasible overlaps to execute. Likewise, to optimize resource allocations, the Key Resource Distribution Curve should be determined based on establishing maximum capacity as a constraint. of the project.

Other elements of judgment to carry out the allocation are obtained from the analysis of the programming in the FRC, the critical chain and its bottlenecks, the weakest link and the restrictions of the system taking into account the problems of cost, time, quality, logistics and performance. As a result, dummy tasks (with time allocation but not resources) that serve as a Critical Chain Buffer (BCC) can be added to the schedule.. These tasks should not exceed the clearance of the road to the critical path.

In this way, it is possible to make the pertinent adjustments to obtain a planning that meets the client's requirements, from which evaluations of the possibility of incorporating extra resources for the project buffer (BP) are made.in order to further reduce the execution time and try to meet the delivery deadline without direct cost increases; simply, managing the protections, restrictions, buffers and buffer, directing the project by cuts.

Execution control

In order to reduce the period of time fulfilling the objectives of the project, the Execution Control process constitutes one of the most complex activities and that without a doubt is of great importance for decision-making that allows it to be kept within the budget, with the programmed supply and with the quality required by the client and other interested parties.

During the execution of the project, risks associated with difficulties with quality, logistics, financing, the technical state of material resources, weather conditions and the performance of workers, among others, appear, which must be assessed in a timely manner in the process of taking decisions so it is important to establish a critical chain buffer that can eliminate bottlenecks also taking into account the most priority tasks of the critical path due to a time problem.

The execution control is the tool to comply with the corresponding restrictions on the scheduled date as an expression of the commitment to the client; therefore, those responsible for the tasks should focus their efforts on the earliest calendar to finish, while they should only know the furthest end date, on the basis of which it always encourages the prior completion of this date. Thus, it is the responsibility of the project leader to manage the interval between the early and distant dates, making cuts associated with the fundamental milestones and relying on the use of dampers and gaps.

In the execution control by cuts, it can be supported by the so-called command boards (figure 6) with which a set of indicators that demonstrate the status of cost, time, quality, logistics and performance are evaluated.

The SPI and CPI are calculated from the values ​​offered by the MS Project in the table of accumulated values ​​by cuts.

During the execution process, situations arise that cause the project to be paralyzed for a period of time to be resumed at some other time depending on the specific situation.

A concrete example of its application in the line of Finance is the vacations of the majority of its members, which paralyzes developments, since there is dependence not only between software components but also on the work of each of the roles. Therefore, it is necessary to make new adjustments to resume project execution once the vacation period has ended.

This period of time during which the productive capacity of the Center falls, causes the delivery deadlines of deliverables, components and subsystems to be affected, so the resource allocation process must be applied again according to the pending tasks, assigning them according to the strategy developed to guarantee the completion of the project without the clients noticing the recess.

Project closure

Before closing the project, it is necessary to analyze whether the objectives and requirements of the client were met, therefore, at the end of the execution stage, it is necessary to verify the results of the project. For this, it is essential to identify the deviations that the project has suffered from the baseline in each of the cuts but especially in the last one.

During the closing, the final balance of the project result and the corresponding analyzes are carried out that allow feedback and the acquisition of experiences of the work carried out, so the variation of the initial programming associated with cost, deadline and quality is of vital importance. to carry out the documentation with the details of the successes and news; deficiencies and conflicts in order to serve as a basis for analysis in future projects of the same nature, so it is recommended to store repositories of finished projects that facilitate their recovery.


The policy of prioritizing projects previously analyzed according to their technological schemes for their integration to the use of a shared resources fund from the Finance line has allowed the development of three solutions with the assigned resources: Cash, Bank and Collections and Payments. For this, it is essential to implement strategies to reduce deadlines and delivery dates of the components and software products to the clients that allow obtaining the expected results with quality and within the expected costs. Support in critical path analysis and the use of optimization algorithms is vital to maintain an adequate level of projects in a collaborative multi-project environment according to available resources.

The application of this form of resource allocation during the development of subprojects belonging to the ERP-Cuba has avoided the allocation of superfluous resources in areas that do not require them, avoiding their use in tasks that are slack so as to create problems of low performance and rising costs.

Bibliographic references

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Contact information

Name and surname: Donel Vázquez Zambrano

Date of Birth: September 27, 1981

Address: C: 25 No: 5 e / 4ta y 6ta RPTO Ramón Quintana.

E-mail address: [email protected]

Qualification: Engineer in Computer Science.


Graduated as a Computer Science Engineer at the UCI in 2008. In his diploma work he presented SIVEMA, a system for the sale of products at wholesale prices with support for managing multi-currency.

Since the beginning of 2008 he has worked in entity management systems, particularly in the accounting, finance and cost management associated with the CEDRUX product: Integral Management System. She is currently working in the line of research on e-commerce and electronic business, carrying out an extension of SIVEMA's functionalities to carry out all kinds of sales.

Additional time obtained in the interpolation.

Constraint. Reduction of the time for the execution of the tasks that are in the critical path that is achieved from the allocation of resources according to the client's requirements.

Fictitious tasks (for risk management that are not directly related to time) to be carried out after those identified in the critical chain. It is obtained from the study of the behavior of similar projects previously carried out

Shock absorber. Time reduction above that achieved with the use of restrictions and used as security. They are managed by the project leader

Erp software development with variable time frames