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Organizational development and organizational intelligence


The behavioral sciences in organizations have made significant contributions by warning about "non-physical" aspects that have a strong impact on organizational behavior and business results.

Initially the contributions privileged the “individual” as the main unit of analysis and over time important contributions were made to two “larger” units of analysis: first the groups and then the organization as a whole.

The learning regarding group behavior showed that organizational effectiveness and efficiency are often closely related to the quality and quantity of interpersonal relationships, and also intergroup relationships.

Other variables such as the degree of cohesion have also been studied and considerable attention has been paid to the conflict variable, which, in the first instance, was seen as a source of potential dysfunctions for the company.

Around the second half of the last century, many authors began to pay attention to what was happening in the organizational context (Amitai Etzioni: “Modern Organizations”; Prentice Hall - 1964);

Charles Perrow: Organizational analysis: a sociological view ”; Brooks / Cole - 1970; D. Katz & R. Kahn: “The social psychology of organizations”; New York: Wiley - 1978; Derek Pugh & DJ Hickson: “Organizational structure in its context: The Aston program”; Catch Publishing - 1976);

Eric Trist et. al.: “Organizational choice”; Tavistock - 1963; Pert Hofstede: "Cultures and organizations: software of the mind"; McGraw-Hill - 1991; James D. Thompson; Organizations in Action; McGraw Hill - 1967; Paul Lawrence & Jay Lorsch: "Organizations and Environment"; Harvard - 1967).

And every time there seems to be a greater incidence of what “happens outside the company” and the consequences that this has on the organization itself. Today corporations in the United States of America earn more money from their operations outside the United States than they generate within their own country.

Previously, the entrepreneur and the top manager of a corporation started from the point of view of developing and manufacturing a “different” product that could give him enough advantages to sustain his company over time.

These personalities had in their heads (of course metaphorically, since they had it in their minds) that "from His product" the company was generated.

Today, the highest executives in the corporate world as well as the entrepreneurs and owners who survive and grow know very well that what is important is what the Client has in mind.

The Coca-Cola company has popularized the concept that instead of thinking about the "market share" you have to start thinking about "the portion of the Clients' mind".

And the Clients - under the traditional conception it is an organizational structure - appear as actors outside the organization chart.

These characters are more and more varied, require more varied products, and that these be of short duration.

In other words, in a short time these new products and services become "terminals". The practice of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) has highlighted the importance of the one-to-one relationship with a focus on the Customer (and what she has in her head).

Just as Clients have gained in diversity, so have the people who appear on the formal organizational charts of companies. The workforce is increasingly varied in terms of gender, culture, nationality, language, and customs, among others.

Organizations and their leaders then encounter a new phenomenon that they must deal with, which they have usually not been prepared for. To be more precise, within the United States of America, the people who join organizations must be mostly non-white from the year 2000 as predicted and pointed out by Goldstein & William (see Bibliography - 1990) and Offerman & Gowing (see Bibliography - 1990).

The economy in many countries has moved from the primary and secondary sectors to the tertiary sector, which requires greater inter-personal skills, where quality in product delivery is of utmost importance.

And we must find an increasingly diverse workforce; By the middle of this century, Hispanics, blacks, and Asians are estimated to account for nearly half the population of the United States.

So that the Clients and also the personnel as well as the providers, are more diverse in terms of gender, culture, nationality, language, and customs among others.

And leaders and managers have generally not been used to dealing with such diversity.

It is our suggestion that it is good to prepare and that is why we have developed this Bibliography on topics related to Diversity.

In "Workplace Diversity" authors Harry Triandis, Lois L. Kurowski & Michele J. Gelfand ("Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology"; Consulting Psychologists - 1994) point out that their definition of diversity reflects any attribute that humans are willing to use to say to themselves, "That person is different from me." Brewer & Campbell (see Bibliography - 1976) point out that people tend to make use of our own culture to judge and evaluate other cultures.

And naturally we humans tend to see positively those whose culture is similar to ours, which implies that we "devalue" those who differ from us.

It is not necessary to point out the multiple negative consequences that have to originate in a company / organization as a result of how the organizational participants see the other as “devalued”; the reader has already been able to make her own assessment.

This new phenomenon called diversity in the behavioral science literature and we hope that this Bibliography will be useful to readers, as well as corporate managers and entrepreneurs in different Latin American cultures, in order to create, develop and promote organizations that achieve a high level of competitive efficiency.

Apparently humans are ethnocentric, and many other species are also (it is not common to see a group of zebras integrated with gazelles, for example).

And in addition to being ethnocentric, and this is especially important for those interested in running their companies and organizations, the prevailing managerial and managerial philosophy has emphasized this ethnocentrism.

The authors Loden & Rosener (see Bibliography - 1991) include the following aspects within the prevailing management philosophy, which threatens the conception of diversity as a source of advantages as well as disadvantages: the fact that “the others exist ”Is itself a deficiency; diversity is a source of real threat to effective functioning; Organizational participants characterized by their “diversity” should try to resemble the dominant group within the company. And they suggest then - that based on this management philosophy - it is necessary to change people and not organizational culture.

For our part, we hope with this first Bibliography on "Diversity" that corporate managers and business owners will be able to think about the opportunities presented by having a greater knowledge of the different aspects related to it.

What we are sure of is that the organizational and corporate world is going to become increasingly complex due to the increasing influence of what is outside the organization, as well as the pressure of changing and varied individual needs..

If we add an increasingly diverse and heterogeneous internal workforce to the company, this must require special skills and abilities from the leadership. Many of the contributions and contributions included here have to be of great help in this regard.

Your suggestions and recommendations for improvements in relation to this Bibliography are highly welcome. Thank you very much for sharing.

Bibliography: Diversity

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We hope that this first Bibliographic version in relation to the topic of Diversity in Organizations, much of what has been learned in this regard by these experts can be advantageously applied by senior corporate managers and also by entrepreneurs in the different countries of Latin America.

India and China have been working for the last 15 to 20 years with great intensity in the application of Behavioral Sciences within the world of companies and organizations, and many of their results are already in sight. The entrepreneur can be successful "without knowing", but only occasionally. And still this is not very good; when he falls he also doesn't know why his company has fallen.

Organizational development and organizational intelligence