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Organizational development and phases of the administrative process


The purpose of this work is to provide details that are observed in some phases of the Administrative Process, which many of us see and are aware of but, since they do not directly affect us, we consider them unimportant and leave them in oblivion, however, in the administration, all the details They are important, and just as they must be addressed, they must also be directed and controlled, how to achieve that service providers feel part of the company since they obtain subsistence from it, otherwise it would be more difficult to achieve Organizational Development.

Below I present details regarding Human Resources.

Organizations, like the people who work in them, are constantly changing, because the planned objectives of companies are reviewed and modified, new departments are created and old ones are restructured.

The DO is macroscopic and systematic, it is spoken in business and global terms.

Organizational Development is based on concepts and methods of Behavioral Science.

IDALBERTO CHIAVENATO Human Resources Administration

Mestre e Doutor em Administracao University of Los Angeles California.

Organizational Development applied with a special and appropriate focus for each organization will continue to be the appropriate tool for the proper functioning of any company today and in the future, since only Organizational Development will give the changes that will allow companies to evolve according to the scenarios. proactive, giving rise to being among the competitive companies in the present and future world.

When a company chooses to carry out Organizational Development, it is necessary to carry out some modifications or adjustments in the processes or procedures that have been considered unimportant but have been found to be not insignificant and that if proper attention were given it would have an impact on company improvements below I detail:

  1. The top managers in their attempt and desire to move the company forward, they are only interested in obtaining results, they need the full support of all the company personnel, but they do not take into account the interaction and relationship that exists between them which must to be good so that people contribute the best of themselves the good relationship with superiors, induces people to take personal initiative, it is in the hands and decision of each worker to carry out the work in the best way: I mean the private initiative and public administration. The above has to be reflected in the achievements of the company. In general, people from lower levels are the ones designated for the areas of customer service,the dissatisfaction of those people who are not given importance as human beings take it out giving a bad image to companies and users have to endure inappropriate treatment, not knowing why they have to endure bad treatment and we wonder why they will have so bad character those who attend public? Every human being has personal needs and must be attended to first, so they must also be healthy to be able to do a good job. In other cases, the bosses understand that the higher the level, the less responsibility. And in this way, the bosses are waiting to see the work done so that they can collect their signature and deliver it to where it corresponds without supervising it, they hide behind saying that they are doing it through others,They consider that the place they occupy in the organization chart is more important than meeting needs and solving problems, this exists above all in the Public Administration as well as the knowledge, capacity, ability and rights of workers at the lowest levels are not respected. Authorities may not know or respect that for equal pay, equal responsibility.

One of the most valuable resources that the company has is the human resource, capital that must be addressed, that is, provide them with all the necessary tools, knowledge for greater productivity and better results, in addition to wages, salaries, benefits that guarantee them a better quality of life..

Regarding leadership, organizations may have the best leaders, but if the rights of the lowest levels are not respected, it will not be easy to obtain organizational development in its fullness.

On the other hand, time management is very important. Successful companies take time management into account, FRIEDERICH NIETZSCHE argued that men are animals that make promises

But if the improvement of time management derives from our ability to change habits, it is necessary to compare the contradictory characteristics assumed by the change process in people, we can compare traditional methods based on the following:

  1. urgency and efficiency; Here we consider efficiency to do more in less time, considering that quantity and speed are the best this premise would lead us to the abyss if we have not previously verified if we are on the right path. Planning and programming is essential to control the actions of the others in order for the results to be effective.

Once the aforementioned details have been attended to, any oversight made in decision-making can be observed at any level and it will be possible to correct it in time.

Once the company is directed to organizational change, and taking into account the different Administrative Theories, adapting them according to specific cases, giving each organization the corresponding approach, for which we will be guided by the theories of various authors, such as the following:

THEORY OF ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: This organizational development movement emerged in 1862 as a set of ideas regarding man, the organization and the environment, promoting growth according to their potential.

STRUCTURALIST THEORY OF ADMINISTRATION: means a splitting of the theory of bureaucracy and approaches the theory of human relations, represents a critical view of formal organization.

MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF ADMINISTRATION: The mathematical theory applied to the solution of administrative problems is known as operations research (IO), the TGS, received many contributions from mathematics, with the aim of providing solutions to business problems.

FUNDAMENTAL STAGES OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE CYCLE: the stages that make up the administrative cycle starting from professional bases to direct and the field in which the administration is carried out, for its elaboration a detailed bibliographical study of recognized authors was carried out.

CLASSICAL THEORY OF MANAGEMENT: Scientific management was characterized by emphasizing the tasks performed by the worker and classical theory was distinguished by the emphasis on the structure and functions that an organization must have to achieve efficiency.

THEORY OF THE ORGANIZATION: we conceive the Company as an engine generating profits.

SCHOOL OF ADMINISTRATIVE THOUGHT: At the beginning of the 9th century the flow of immigrants had gradually decreased.

THE HIERARCHY OF NEEDS: This theory presents the simplest way of conceiving needs.

Key word: NOTION: Knowledge or concept of something.


From when the organizations have personnel who feel part of the company, because they are aware that it is the company that supports them, the administrative process and decision-making will be effectively achieved.

Stairs are to be swept starting from the top down.

Organizational development and phases of the administrative process