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Diagnosis of organizational culture in a company

Table of contents:


Every organization has a culture that distinguishes it, identifies it, and guides its actions and ways of doing things, governs its perceptions and its image of it.

Cultural manifestations are in turn categories of analysis through which cultural diagnosis can be carried out.

All organizational study, which aims at changes or development, must have an analysis of the situation of the current state of phenomena and the diagnosis of organizational culture does not escape them.

Culture can be studied within a consulting process, in a strategic design, or in a structure or in any process of change in which you want to know certain elements that prevent or favor it.

For the study of the organizational culture it is necessary to measure the essential, but not visible, aspects, constituted by the, values, beliefs, basic perceptions, that take shape in the manifestations in the organizations through procedures; organization charts; technology; information; rites; behaviors; habits; behaviors; oral, gestural, written form of expression; weather; speed; group cohesion; motivation; as well as: logo; ways of dressing; buildings; cleaning; organization. Some are easier to measure as well as the instrument to be used for this purpose, not being those that are related to the socio-psychological aspect at the individual and group level.

Some affirmations that can be exposed in relation to the importance of knowledge, study and deepening of Culture in the Organization are the following:

  • Achieve a more lasting change in the organization Create the need to improve the organization Facilitate changes in methods and styles through self-knowledge Create the need for behavioral modifications and the acquisition of new skills Achieve greater control of resources and comprehensive organization Mobilize human resources in identification of problems and search for creative solutions Improve individual and group work Create capacity for self-diagnosis and self-design of business strategy.

The purpose of this type of study is to search for organizational improvements in correspondence with the projected Vision, so that it creates certain conditions to make the cultural change in the organization viable.

The above requires taking into account the following suggestions:

  • Have top management who are positive role models (mark behaviors) Create or replace rites, habits Select, promote and support workers who adopt the new desired values ​​Re-design the learning processes in accordance with the desired values, as a support for the vision.Change the rewards system to encourage acceptance of the new values. Replace unwritten norms with rules and regulations of strict compliance. Stimulate existing subcultures through high employee turnover. Work with consensus through participation, climate of trust, commitment.

Process for cultural diagnosis

Generalized with the name of "Diagnosis", different authors approach the examination of the organizational culture, for the most part there is no coincidence in the processes and instruments, to obtain the information, since different routes are used, as well as not They indicate procedures that describe the steps to be performed, only the elements to be taken into account by the researcher are indicated.

The fact that the authors fail to propose complete processes for the study of culture may be determined in the first place, because the subject of organizational culture is very complex since the elements that are analyzed are mostly abstract, in second place because the procedures are diverse and changing, synthesized from continued experience.

The reflection on the different ways of making the diagnoses of the organizational culture, the designs of different informational and organizational systems, and the experience in the consulting work derived in the design of the Methodological Indications presented here, they are conceived on the following methodological premises:

  • The Organization is a socio-technical system, which expresses that the elements of the Human Subsystem constitute the largest part of the Organizational Iceberg, which implies deepening its knowledge and its relationship with the rest of the components of the organization. Study of culture is more viable through the process consulting model with the use of Organizational Development (OD) techniques, and takes into account its influence on the Human and Managerial Subsystem, which helps the planned change is more lasting. This does not mean that they can be carried out within other types of processes for this purpose.The role of the external agent (consultant) is fundamental, he must be convinced that the client (organization) is aware of what he is going to reveal,and that this information will help you in your projections and in the results to be achieved at the organizational level. The involvement of the organization's personnel in the study of organizational culture is a necessary factor, since it is aimed at understanding the complex processes that occur in organizations to act towards the improvement of their results. Experience has indicated that people only develop their full capabilities when they believe in what they do, and this in turn helps them, their personal fulfillment and the objectives of the organization. So that an organization knows its potential and can decide what strategic alternative to take based on a realistic analysis, you must study and understand your own culture, which of course is not easy,and it requires efforts and patience, mistakes can even be made such as: Arriving at incorrect conclusions regarding culture, carrying out this type of analysis without being clear on the subject, which I do not know is convinced of the need for change, and that you are not prepared to know any information.

The foregoing is necessary not only to facilitate the understanding of the proposal, but for its effective application.

The steps that are proposed must follow the order indicated, they go from the most general to the particular and the adaptation that can be made is given, in the way that the activities for the search for information are carried out and not in the alteration of their steps or in dismissing some of them.

This methodological order can be adapted to the demands of each organizational situation. The techniques to be applied are very varied and will be used according to the considerations of the consultant or researcher, for which he will take into account the characteristics of the group to be studied and that are more in line with what he is perceiving in the organization.

In the penetration that follows, general formulations of the objectives, contents and minimum results are expressed, but they are enriched to the extent that the precision of a unit under study is obtained.

In particular, the results require the detail of the expected outputs in relation to the evaluation of the manifestations of the essence in the aspects studied, the interrelationships - coherent or not - with other measurement objects and the statistical validation of the perceptions. shared to be obtained.

The phases considered in the study are included in the following process:

  • Pre-analysis of the Organization. Study of the Organization in its Environment. Hierarchical Organizational Study - Productive / service of the Organization. Study of the Functions, Activities and Tasks, and of the Main informative Flows. Characterization of the workers. Characterization of the Council Management. Diagnosis of Organizational Culture. Analysis of Cultural Diagnosis and its Impact on Organizational Result. Elements to be taken into account in the Declaration of Desired Culture.

Each element to take into account in the study of organizational culture is detailed in relation to: objectives, activity to be carried out and results, in the latter, it should be read hereafter as implicit which includes: Evaluation of the manifestation of the essence in the aspects studied, coherent or not interrelations with other measurement objects. Statistical validation of the shared perceptions obtained, which is not repeated in each phase because it is repetitive.

1 - The Pre-analysis of the Organization

Objective: To know how the organization arises, its founders, products and / or service, changes in structures it has had or otherwise, successes and failures, etc.

Activity to be performed.

  • Study of documents on the entity such as: reports, financial statements, articles, presentations, reports of efficiency meetings, others. Preliminary interviews with: officials, leaders of the organization, hierarchical superiors of the same, others. General observations on the organization in Analysis of other available information sources: videos, recordings, etc.

Results to be obtained.

General knowledge of the Organization: Activity that carries out productive results, geographical location, market share, location of premises, decoration ornaments, cleaning, transportation parking area, idle products, unused areas. Ministry, Higher Organization to which it belongs, other information of interest.

2 - Study of the Organization in its Environment

Objective: Obtain a detailed and complete knowledge of the organization in its interaction with the environment.

Tasks to do.

  • Group meetings Interviews with leaders and workers Consultations of laws, decrees, resolutions and other legal instruments that define relations between organizations Document studies such as: reports, financial statements, invoices, organization manuals, procedures and standards, vouchers Departure warehouses, articles, documents List of clients and suppliers Visit customers and suppliers Observation of the development of meetings and jobs Scheduled trainings Interviews with hierarchical superiors and subordinates Application of group information gathering techniques such as Brainstorming, or others for such purposes.

Results to be obtained.

List of suppliers, hierarchical superior clients, subordinate entities, other institutions linked to the organization, products it sells and / or buys, services it provides, main competitors, etc.

3 - Study of the Hierarchical-Productive Organization / Organization Service

Objective: To know how the organization is internally organized, how it carries out its fundamental activities, technology, raw materials used, innovation, etc.

Tasks to do:

  • Interviews with leaders and workers. Observations to meetings of the Board of Directors, Departments, others, consultation of annuals, organization documents, statistical and accounting reports, organizational charts, etc. Detailed observations on the production / service process, support, rest, etc. Visits to the areas of work.Facilitation of work meetings.Application of techniques for gathering and evaluating information in groups such as: Brainstorming, weighted voting, color maps, matrices, others.

Results to be obtained.

Organizational Structure, main processes, number of leaders and workers, occupational category, founders, Mission, Vision, Objectives of the Organization, Areas of greatest difficulties, type of technology used, main raw materials, innovation, etc.

4 - Study of the Functions, Activities and Areas, and of the Main Information Flows and others

Objective: To know how the functions, activities and tasks of the organization are carried out, work regime, the fluctuation of the labor force, the functioning of the Human Resources System (all its Subsystems), Quality System, etc.

Tasks to do.

  • Detailed observations on behaviors and skills related to the functions, activities and tasks carried out, how the rules of behavior, norms and customs are transmitted to new workers. Study of standards, organization and procedures manuals. Interviews with leaders and workers.Facilitation of work meetings. Analyze the information flow. Determine deficiencies, inconsistencies and difficulties in them. Observe how meetings work, periodicity. Application of techniques for gathering and evaluating group information such as: Brainstorming, weighted voting, color maps, matrices, others.

Results to be obtained.

How activities and tasks are carried out in the organization. Labor discipline.

  • Functioning of the Human Resources System and others. Functioning of the Cultural Learning Process. Functioning of the regulations, policies and written norms. Development of the meetings, their organization, participation, duration, and management.

5 - Characterization of the Workers:

Objective: To know the real and desired climate between the groups, their integration, conflicts, motivations, norms, habits, customs, way of dressing, existence of subcultures, among other elements.

Tasks to do.

  • Views of the work areas. Interviews with workers and leaders. Application of questionnaires, surveys, brainstorming, sociogram reflection techniques, etc. Participate in Assemblies, festive, political and union activities that take place.

Results to be obtained.

  • Characterization of workers

6 - Characterization of the Directors:

Objective: To know the orientation regarding decision making, and other fundamental characteristics regarding the way of directing the activity, motivations, use of their time, integration as a management group, how they conduct the meetings, degree of participation in the troubleshooting, delegation of authority.

Tasks to do.

  • Interviews with workers and leaders. Application of questionnaires, surveys, brainstorming, reflection techniques, interviews, etc. Participate in Assemblies, festive, political and union activities that take place. Observation of meetings. Information processing, analysis of results.

Results to be obtained.

  • Characterization of the leaders of the organization.

7 - Diagnosis of Organizational Culture.

Objective: To report on the results of the study carried out. It can be done in writing, as a report or orally.

It is recommended to show partial results, in this way the process is fed back, which enriches the study being carried out.

This result must take into account the two levels of culture (explicit and implicit)

The way to publicize the results is left to the Consultant's consideration, given the conditions of the Organization, prior coordination with its Management.

8 - Analysis of the Cultural Diagnosis and its Impact on the Organizational Result

Objective: Measure the impact of the diagnosis on the results of the organization using the following criteria:

  1. Adaptability Sense of Identity Ability to Perceive Reality State of Integration Creativity Resources

To carry out the analysis, a set of filter questions is proposed.

  1. Who are we as a company? What business are we in? What do we exist for? What is the mission of our company? What are our strengths and weaknesses? What were we like, how were we born, how did we grow, how have we been until today, etc.? Technicians: profits, losses, financial resources, part of the market, investment resources, production, type and number of equipment, etc. Social: Number of workers and leaders, absentee salary, fluctuation of personnel, training, behaviors, norms, values, etc. How we are, how we feel: satisfactions and dissatisfactions, communication, style of decision-making, etc. What we do, How we do it: production lines / services, technology, import, export, research and development of new products, etc.What is the situation that the company presents in terms of its resources: human, financial, materials, energy, facilities, equipment? How do we want to be in the immediate, mediate or more distant future? What are our objectives? What is happening? back around the company? Do we have a clear idea of ​​what affects the company? Do we have good processes and systems to detect internal and external modifications? What control and feedback mechanisms do we have? What are the main challenges, opportunities, pressures and restrictions that we have? Is there the volume of information required? What do we do with the information that we have? What type of information is offered to workers? Is there an environment of openness and trust to express dissatisfaction, frustrations, etc.? What is the degree of participation and consultation in the decision-making process? Does the management staff have a sense of acceptance of innovative suggestions? Is creativity stimulated or routine, fear of authority, criticizes the sanctions? Are the existing problems recognized or are they considered not to exist?How do you participate in your search and problem solving? Is study and research encouraged? Are current rules and procedures rigid? How do you assess the degree of resistance to change in the leadership staff? How do you evaluate the degree of resistance to change in workers? Are new methods and new solutions well received? Are the organizational structure and job design difficult to modify? Is there rigidity in the modification of written norms and rules? Does formalism prevail? Is there integration between the needs of companies (technical system) and the needs of people (human system)? Is there a predominance of a spirit of collaboration or competition? When they exist, are they addressed openly and constructively Are the feelings and emotions recognized as important data within thecompany? Is the motivation of people at work considered in the evaluation of situations? Is communication open in the vertical (ascending and descending) and horizontal directions? Is there a good working climate between managers? decision-making orientation is towards tasks or people? Are there meetings that ensure the exchange of information between leaders, between them and workers? Are the meetings effective?and horizontal? Is there a good working climate between the bosses? Is the orientation regarding decision-making towards tasks or people? Are there meetings that ensure the exchange of information between the leaders, between them and the workers ? Are the meetings effective?and horizontal? Is there a good working climate between the bosses? Is the orientation regarding decision-making towards tasks or people? Are there meetings that ensure the exchange of information between the leaders, between them and the workers ? Are the meetings effective?

9 - Elements to take into account in the Declaration of the Desired Culture

The study of culture alone does not in fact guarantee the planned change. It is not possible to wait for the culture to change, to project a strategy, nor can it be subordinated to the culture, which if necessary achieves the congruence of both.

For this reason, once the previous results have been analyzed, a declaration of the Desired Culture must be made. This summarizes the position that the company aspires to have in the future.

This declaration is intended to serve as a basis for attitudes and behaviors regarding the strategic actions that will be planned.

The elements to take into account in the Desired Culture are detailed below:

  1. Mission / Vision / Objectives. Clarity in the mission, in the objectives, the degree to which the members clearly perceive what the organization wants to achieve or maintain. Appreciation for the rules and behaviors that must exist. Values ​​System. Expressly clarify the desired values ​​that will support the strategy, which should not be imposed, but shared by all the staff of the organization. Work Habits. Type of level of fundamental activities within the work itself, how things are done in the company. How the customer is perceived and treated, how reports are prepared, the type of product, the distribution channel, among others. How the results of the work are shared or not from start to finish, how formal and informal channels of habit transmission behave. Rites and Ceremonies.Aspects that surround work, how attention is encouraged, how behavior is influenced. Assemblies, meetings, selection process, evaluation, learning process, orientation in which decisions are made. Organization, Communication and Internal Information. How is the organization, information systems, formal vertical and horizontal communication, its organizational structure and its consistency with the strategy, how to appreciate changes in the climate when there is dysfunction, others. Characteristics of the Directors. Guidance in decision making, ways to use in the search for solutions, knowledge, autonomy, how to express power, etc.that of evaluation, the learning process, orientation in which decisions are made. Organization, Communication and Internal Information. How is the organization, information systems, formal vertical and horizontal communication, its organizational structure and its consistency with the strategy, how to appreciate changes in the climate when there is dysfunction, others. Characteristics of the Directors. Guidance in decision making, ways to use in the search for solutions, knowledge, autonomy, how to express power, etc.that of evaluation, the learning process, orientation in which decisions are made. Organization, Communication and Internal Information. How is the organization, information systems, formal vertical and horizontal communication, its organizational structure and its consistency with the strategy, how to appreciate changes in the climate when there is dysfunction, others. Characteristics of the Directors. Guidance in decision making, ways to use in the search for solutions, knowledge, autonomy, how to express power, etc.how to appreciate changes in the climate when there is dysfunction, others. Characteristics of the Directors. Guidance in decision making, ways to use in the search for solutions, knowledge, autonomy, how to express power, etc.how to appreciate changes in the climate when there is dysfunction, others. Characteristics of the Directors. Guidance in decision making, ways to use in the search for solutions, knowledge, autonomy, how to express power, etc.

In this phase certain techniques are used, which are classified into three groups, the most commonly used are the following:

  • to use to generate, capture and process information related to the vision of the organization and its objectives, psychological partners.

Document analysis is also a relevant and essential way of gathering information, so it is a factor that must be planned with integrity.

Among these: work systems, information systems, current regulations, diagrams and process documents, content of functions, statements and balances, economic-financial analysis, statistics and their analyzes.

Here the ability of the researcher or consultant to solve the appropriate technique and information and the opportunity of their use are put to the test, which will largely allow orientation towards the socio-technical elements on which to prioritize.

Application results

Below is the development of a process for the study of culture, carried out in a productive company which offered significant elements for the action plans to be developed by this organization.

For the purposes of the objectives of this work, only three phases of the process are presented, these are: the Cultural Diagnosis, the Analysis of the Cultural Diagnosis and its Impact on the Organizational Result and Elements to be taken into account in the Declaration of Culture Desired.

The study has the characteristic that when carried out within a consultancy process, situations are detected and solutions are given, which implies actions that modify behaviors and skills based on the improvement of business activity.

In order to obtain the required information following the Methodological Indications for the Study of Culture, different actions are carried out and different techniques and methods are applied among them: interviews, surveys, brainstorming, review of documents such as the company file - containing the General data of this - reports, staff, functions, productive data, among others, as well as complementary informal actions are foreseen to complete sample frames.

The study of culture was complex since it started with one organizational structure and continued with another, (a methodology with participatory methods was used for its design). During the development of the study there was a change of director which was a very interesting experience.

Visits were made to the different areas of the Company, an explanation of the work in each of them was offered and talks were held with the workers and managers, group work sessions were held where different techniques were applied that allowed obtaining the required information. The participation of workers in different actions of the process positively influenced the results.

With all the results of the applied techniques, a voluminous material was obtained from worksheets that were synthesized in a draft report of 27 pages prepared for the confrontation with the Director of the Company.

All the revealed considerations were approved by the Director, but he considered it inappropriate to edit and publish the document, as of his recent access to the position, since this Report contained many negative evaluations - albeit objective ones - that he considered inappropriate to share in a single publication. that it could be aggressive or opportunistic to the feeling of the members of the Board of Directors who remained in office.

In accordance with the above, the aspects to be shared in work sessions with the members of the Council and in some cases that required it with the workers were selected.

Other results were stated - positively - when working on the Company's future paths.

The phases are set out below:

Organizational Culture Diagnosis.

1.- Observable or Explicit Level

What the company looks like

  • Disorganization and abandonment. Low interest towards the client. Little trustworthy in their services. Complacency with suppliers. Arrogance. Little dynamic.

What the company does.

  • No habit of identifying problems and searching. Excess centralization. Lack of stimulation of the results. Without declaration of functions. Few and weak written procedures. Giantism at the management level. Unknown to the Mission. selection and preparation systems. High influence of the previous Director in task orientation, in decision-making. Without formulation of the socialization or learning process. Little influence of the founders that remains in the company. Insufficient recognition of innovation Lack of systematic evaluation Formal meetings without substantive topics Interference in communication Undefined workflow Tense climate

2.- Implicit Level

  • Those who started the company (founders who are no longer there) are people with more ability to lead and work than current staff. Orders come from above, but workers are right. Quantity matters more than quality. Inflexibility In the face of action, it is necessary for the development of the activity. Management is interested in productivity regardless of the consequences on the mood of the workers. Work activity revolves around the individual, not the group. Workers are required to respect the established rules, to ensure that there are no deviations. The workers pride themselves on their technical level. The Management considers that they are the ones who have the best ideas. The bosses and workers feel dissatisfied with the results of the work.The more time is dedicated to an activity, the better it will be carried out. The workers and leaders are not discreet about the decisions or lines to follow. There is mistrust between the different levels of command, each guaranteeing his own. Today's actions are more interesting than the future's. There are defined departments, workshops and lines of authority and workers are expected to have as little formal and informal contact as possible with other workers outside their functional area or command line. It manifests itself immediately. Loyalty, avoiding mistakes and new ideas are appreciated, but reward is not considered necessary.There is mistrust between the different levels of command, each guaranteeing his own. Management is more interested in today's actions than in projecting those of the future. There are defined departments, workshops and lines of authority and workers are expected to have the least contact formal and informal possible with other workers outside their functional area or command line. Opposition manifests itself immediately. Loyalty, avoiding mistakes and new ideas are appreciated, but reward is not considered necessary for this.There is mistrust between the different levels of command, each guaranteeing his own. Management is more interested in today's actions than in projecting those of the future. There are defined departments, workshops and lines of authority and workers are expected to have the least contact formal and informal possible with other workers outside their functional area or command line. Opposition manifests itself immediately. Loyalty, avoiding mistakes and new ideas are appreciated, but reward is not considered necessary for this.workshops and lines of authority and workers are expected to have as little formal and informal contact as possible with other workers outside their functional area or command line. Opposition manifests itself immediately. Loyalty, avoiding mistakes and new ideas are appreciated, but the reward is not considered necessary for it.workshops and lines of authority and workers are expected to have as little formal and informal contact as possible with other workers outside their functional area or command line. Opposition manifests itself immediately. Loyalty, avoiding mistakes and new ideas are appreciated, but the reward is not considered necessary for it.

Analysis of the Cultural Diagnosis and its Impact on the Organizational Result.

When using the filter questions, indicated above, as a guide for the analysis of the Effectiveness criteria, the following resulted:


The characterization resulting from the study of culture clearly shows the strong tendency not to react in the identification and solution of problems (reactive and slow) as well as not having a marked projection towards the future (closed and low vision).

This fully identified in the group's management typology, debated indirectly by the Board of Directors, led to a spontaneous transformation of the ways of thinking, which constitutes one of the essential factors to be maintained, by this Body and by the external consultants of give yourself a new intervention.

Sense of identity

During the Consulting process the Mission was identified, the Vision and the objectives of the Company were projected.

This was done with the participation of the workers, which encouraged the sense of identity, because although the application of many techniques within the process itself had been used with groups of them, such a relevant result impacted their consultation.

The foregoing means not only the confirmation of the non-existence of habits of exchanging tasks of the utmost importance for everyone - showing the presumption of the fulfillment of tasks without prioritizing the person - but also the orientation and understanding of the criteria of internal client.

In this category, the need to promote external customer orientation was also specified. Both criteria should be encouraged and empowered.

Ability to perceive reality

The Culture Study and the development of DO Consulting allowed, on the one hand, an exact judgment of low capacity to perceive reality by the groups where the Board of Directors is included or at least discovered the permanent inhibition of its members to express themselves in an environment of trust and, on the other, to take advantage of working time with Management to make a gradual but perceptible change in the situation initially encountered.

Integration Status

In the first moments in which a preliminary idea of ​​the state of integration is achieved, an adequate degree of personal relationships is revealed, but this was not an expression of harmony and integration between the subsystems of the organization, first of all due to the lack of existence of a definition convergent functions. The autocratic management style with which the Company worked was decisive in this.

Towards an orientation to teamwork, one moves at the moment of completing the diagnosis of culture.

The level of independence in the performance of tasks is low and although the degree of commitment to it is high from the individual point of view, group cohesion to achieve compliance with business objectives is not equally manifested, so that the plans for Action must be aimed at raising the level of group commitment.

The creativity

There is training and intelligence for the development of the initiative, innovation and good and new projects, but its manifestation has not been allowed due to the high centralization, disorganized operation and poor orientation to work with autonomy and commitment.

Modifying the previous situation must be one of the values ​​of importance to be assumed in the desired culture. This is conceived to be developed in a first stage with spontaneous proposals, until the creation of a system work that includes structured and unstructured routes is achieved.

The resources

The analysis carried out in this work is not limited only to measuring short-term quantitative results. Hence, the results achieved not only include the dynamics and comparison of certain economic indicators, but also how other variables characteristic of the Management and Human Subsystems have evolved.

Even though having gone through the Special Period during the 90s resulted in loss of human resources, material deterioration and extreme limitations of financial resources for all companies, many of the entities achieved adequate policies to alleviate these situations through actions such as conservation of the means, inventiveness and incentive of the sense of belonging. Such directions were not followed by this Company, finding itself in 96 in a dire situation, whose fundamental features can be synthesized in:


  • Lack of work facilities. Lack of protection means. Damaged and disorganized work premises. Absence of transportation for the transfer and fulfillment of services.


  • Neglected and incentiveless workers. Inadequate labor fluctuation rates.

Financial resources.

  • Insufficient material means limited response training and, above all, expenditures to reverse the financial situation. Very weak financial situation.

Potentially due to the type of service and other claims entrusted to this Company within the Ministry System to which it belongs, it had the capacity to get out of inertia, but its Directorate did not take consequent actions, achieving only a resuscitation from the end of own year.

In summary, the result of the Diagnosis and analysis using the filter questions –exposed above- led to the conclusion that business effectiveness was not good.

The business result did not reach the levels desired by the new Management, since it only had a negative impact on the development of the organization. Therefore, the need to work to transform the Organizational Culture for Organizational Change and achieve more lasting improvements was recognized.

In practice, at this point in the research, modifications had already been reached in the Company that pointed to new values ​​and allowed instrumental actions to project a more lasting change, which was worked with by the Extended Board of Directors.

Elements to take into account in the Declaration of the Desired Culture

The previous results were taken as the basis for Declaring the Desired Culture, including the following elements in the projection:

1. Mission, Vision and Objectives

Even the last worker must know and share the Mission, Vision and Objectives, for which actions will be carried out aimed at making this a habit in the Company. There are avenues for redesign when necessary.

2. Values ​​System

They are the basis of the Vision they are declared and conceptualized in strategic planning.

3. Work Habits

We project internal and external customer service, stimulation of innovation, creativity and knowledge, as well as sanctioning what is poorly done according to the elaborated disciplinary regulations.

We are disciplined and discreet. Criticism is used as an educational element.

Conflict is tolerated as an element of organizational development.

We evaluate by results and the emphasis is more on the results than on the process for completing the tasks.

We work as a team to solve the problem and there is individual and collective recognition by the bosses for outstanding workers.

4. Rites and Ceremonies

We hold Council and Council meetings where teamwork rules are applied, we carry out monthly dispatches, we evaluate quarterly the performance of work in the Economic Council (made up of selected workers and leaders), and the fulfillment of the objectives of each area.

We celebrate monthly the day of the technique and the Efficiency Assemblies according to the established period, with the positive and negative results of each area of ​​the Company.

We hold monthly or other assemblies required to analyze compliance with the action plans with the workers.

There is a comprehensive program for moral and material incentives, in correspondence with the results of the work, where innovation and creativity are rewarded.

The bosses have itinerant management with the different areas of the company and promote the search for solutions to problems with the participation of the workers.

Outstanding workers are systematically chosen and encouraged, we celebrate cultural and political activities for production fulfillment, celebration of historical dates and with founders.

We perfect with the criteria of all individual and collective emulation. There is a reward without favoritism.

We have an adequate policy of improvement and attention to workers.

We promote the learning program, where you learn the provisions, the rules and the value system.

5. Communication and Internal Information Organization

The structural units of the organization work in a coordinated way, being beneficial for the development of activities.

Formal vertical and horizontal communication assumes the risks and allows the development of creativity, as well as ensures that the organizational structure supports the designed strategy.

We have established the steps towards the quality of the products, services and their comprehensive approach and they are proud of it.

Procedures, functions, regulations, information channels and report design are systematized, among others.

Through different media we make known aspects related to the history of the organization, its avant-garde, highlights, awards for innovation.

6. Characteristics of the Directors

We take careful care of people in decision-making and the state of motivation of workers.

We attend to the work climate and use the time appropriately, which we continuously monitor and serve the delegation of authority.

We have characteristics of the ideal head of the Company and we update this whenever it is considered necessary. We strengthen knowledge for the position and consider the individual learning needs plan. We seek group solutions with the participation of workers, towards a more participatory style.


The study carried out contributed to the improvement of business activity, allowed the Company to create the capacity for self-diagnosis and self-design, which facilitated the implementation of future actions. The results highlight the role of its Director as an agent of change and the work of the management team.

However, in the Company, there are still negative aspects that do not facilitate the fulfillment of the objectives with the desired efficiency and effectiveness. It can be said that progress has been made, and that the study carried out contributes to this, but much remains to be done in it, the management team is clear on this.


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Diagnosis of organizational culture in a company