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Diagnosis of the need for business change

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Companies can act with flexibility and adapt to changes in the environment from the application of a Planned Change Model, having in their hands an orderly way to carry out the necessary transformations, in order to meet the business challenge of these moments, achieve efficiency, effectiveness and competitiveness.

“The improvement in companies has only just begun, the initial inertia has been broken and the process has been set in motion. It will be necessary and will imply a change of mentality and the gradual elevation of the results of the entities incorporated into the process… »

Strategic process

In every strategic process certain regularities are present in the process of design, execution and control of it, having them present allows creating the necessary basis so that the process is not only a wish, but a process of Real Implementation of a Strategic Process, with a strong coherence both in managers and between them and subordinates. Of these regularities we will address the Recognition of the Need for Change and the second Regularity the Organizational Culture.


1. Recognition of the need for change.

2. Full knowledge of the business the company is in.

3. Mastery of the current situation of the company.

4. The determination of the direction or course necessary for the development of the company.

5. The control for the adjustment and improvement of the direction or course chosen by the company.

6. The need for constant training of the company, in general, and of its management team, in particular.

Organizational culture

Culture can be a good or an obligation. It can be an advantage because shared beliefs facilitate and save communications, facilitate decision-making and the fulfillment of strategies. Shared values ​​also facilitate motivation, cooperation and commitment to that strategy. This leads to the efficiency of the organization. Being important to have consistency between culture, strategy, thinking and managerial attitude.

Finally, according to the authors Menguzzato and Renau (1989), culture, which underlies all organizations, sometimes has an unexpected role in the success or failure of a strategy, so that its understanding and analysis, through the call, It is essential to establish a complete strategic diagnosis of the company.


The organizations that remain in the business world today are those in which their managers have, so far, recognized the characteristics and behavior of the relationship between the company and its environment and, consequently, based on the necessary knowledge, they are given the task of maintaining the company - environment balance through the design, execution and control of strategic processes or what is the same through sustained processes of CHANGE.

The strategic attitude assumed by managers and workers within a company must respond to the need for a coherent approach between thinking, saying and doing, as well as between commitment and understanding to enable the rapid insertion of the company into a turbulent environment. and changing, every management team is obliged to define both the end of their company and the way or way to achieve it, that is, their strategy, guaranteeing a business performance that allows maintaining sustained successes, as manifested, when it is said to be a process of continuous improvement of the entity's internal management, which makes it possible to systematically achieve high performance in order to produce goods or provide competitive services.

The degree of knowledge that the Executive possesses about the company - environment balance determines his Strategic Thought, constituting a philosophy of conduct to guarantee the survival of the company, by means of a good "alignment" between the company and its environment. The manifestation of Strategic Thinking is the abstract level of THINKING (generating activities through the understanding of its need and manifesting itself in intentions, desires and concerns), but for a full understanding, the Manager must have a certain level of preparation that helps This knowledge is made aware, that is, it becomes a guide for its directive action, involving everyone in this process.

The Strategic Attitude is manifested in action decisions in response to strategic thinking, that is, the practical level of DOING, to implement the activities generated by said strategic thinking.

Matrix of recognition of the need for change

• The relationship established between Thought and Strategic Attitude determines the Matrix of Recognition of the Need for Change.

• Illustrating the position that the company managers have in the face of change and, therefore, carry out a Real Strategic Process.

• It allows to accurately establish the status of change recognition in the management team and create or reinforce conditions to undertake a realistic Strategic Process.

Taken from Business Strategy, A new approach to its execution. VD Pontones, MR Reyes and AP Hidalgo. (2000) p. 22

These Involvement actions seek the Understanding and Commitment of their subordinates in the process of change. Understanding to understand, penetrate, empathize with the strategic process and Commitment to consciously and jointly agree, managerial-subordinate, their role as actor in the strategic process.

Matrix of implication with change. Commitment-understanding

• The relationship established between Commitment and Understanding determines the Matrix of Implication with Change.

• Illustrates how commitment creates the basis for the subordinate to follow his boss and agree to enter the change process when the manager urges them in a planned way.

• Understanding is made possible through actions that allow members of the organization to understand the need for change and its usefulness for them, the organization and society.

• Consolidate Strategic Thinking-Attitude.

Taken from Business Strategy, A new approach to its execution. VD Pontones, MR Reyes and AP Hidalgo. (2000) p. 32

Practice has shown in more than one example that organizations that apparently show a high coherence and cohesion between the thinking and the strategic attitude of their managers (subject of management), fail or achieve very poor results in achieving their goals. Causes of this situation? They do not manage to really involve their subordinates (management object) and they do not succeed due to the poor participation they give in the design of what they will ultimately have to carry out, they do not convincingly explain the reasons for the CHANGE or the CHANGES that are proposed, the benefits they will bring, it is important to convince and not impose, analyze every concern…. In order to reach consensus and overcome logical resistance to CHANGE,imposed by any transformation process …… to achieve this, workers will have to actively participate in the entire process.

In other words, a management team will achieve its strategic objectives to the extent that, in addition to achieving high cohesion and coherence in itself, it manages to commit its subordinates to the CHANGE process through a true and real understanding by them of what useful and beneficial of said CHANGE for all that is, society, the organization and them in particular.

The manager must carry out a constant self-diagnosis of the degree of coherence between the Thought and the Strategic Attitude, which will allow to face in a real and complete way the strategic process in the company. Hence the usefulness of having a tool that helps the Manager and his Team to assess their current level of coherence between Strategic Thinking and Attitude, as well as the level of Involvement between managers and subordinates within a given Business Culture.

Reflection of this coherence and cohesion that must be manifested in any strategic process is "The recognition of the need for change in the organization."

This indicates to us the need for the manager and his team to be agents of change, the leaders of the process in his organization, who are able to ensure that all his collaborators, his workers, follow his leap into the future project because they recognize his necessity for the organization and for its individual interests.


Due to the impact of the Recognition of the Need for Change and Organizational Culture, in the process of change, their study was developed with the application of this tooling base («Technology for the Diagnosis of the Recognition of the Need for Change and Culture Business that supports it »), in 25 entities from different sectors of the province of Camagüey, Cuba, obtaining results that have contributed to a better development and operation of companies for Change.

The main objective of the application and analysis of the instruments for the Diagnosis of Business Culture is to give an assessment of the extent to which this Culture supports the level of Recognition of the Need for Change existing in the organization.

Organizational Culture is studied from the perspective of seeing the company as the DECISION-EXECUTOR relationship and therefore the instruments are directed, with their specificities, on the one hand to the Management Team in particular (to diagnose Management Culture) and on the other to workers (to diagnose non-directive culture). From these two variables, Directive Culture and Non-Directive Culture, a group of dimensions are valued.

Analysis of the Management Culture will take into account the results of:

Diagnosis of the Recognition of the Need for Change, Global Assessment of Management Attitude, Management Team Satisfaction Questionnaire.

Analysis of non-directive culture will take into account the results of:

Commitment Questionnaire - Understanding or Level of Involvement and Worker Satisfaction Questionnaire.

100% of the tools are applied to the Management Team (ED), in the case of workers a sample of 25% to 30% is taken, broken down by different organizational segments, to guarantee reliable and truthful results. Taken from, Directive Reflection of the Recognition of the Need for Change in the Directors and the Company.. VD Pontones, MR Reyes and AP Hidalgo.

As Statisticians to diagnose the result, we use FASHION and FREQUENCY, Statisticians that allow us to assess the predominant attitude in the Management Team and the Workers, their degree of readiness for CHANGE, while also drawing up a List of Causes. o Weak Points that the Organization itself must convert into Strong Points, to be located at the right point for a Real Implementation of the Change Process

Diagnosis of the need for business change