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Diagnosis of the administrative functions of a company

Table of contents:


The present work consists of a diagnosis of the administrative functions of the Cubanacán Combined Business Basic Unit, firstly a theoretical framework related to the topic of the administrative cycle will be elaborated, with the aim of having it as a reference for the evaluations, which on the functions, they must do to fulfill the main objective of the work.

Subsequently, surveys will be made of a total of 20 colleagues related to administrative work and experts within the center itself. Finally, the results of the surveys will be subjected to analysis and with this, the diagnosis will be prepared that will give us an idea of ​​the current situation of the company, arriving with this at conclusions and recommendations that will indicate the problems we have and an idea of ​​how they could solve. With the results we will be able to improve the work in all the departments that make up the structure and all this will result in a greater development of our productions and a better operation of the management in the center.


Key Words: Diagnosis, Administration, Functions.

In the Cubanacán Combined UEB, it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis of the management functions, to know how the administrative cycle is working and also because the Business Improvement System is currently in operation and until now there has been no investigation of the functions, that is to say, for the first time we are going to evaluate the operation of the cycle and the knowledge that managers have about it. To achieve all of this, we propose the following objectives:

General objective

  • Preparation of the Diagnosis of Administrative Functions.

Specific objectives

  • Describe the current situation in which the different departments operate Reflect in detail the specific problems of each department and consolidate the results of those that work well Evaluate the potential capacities of the organizations to introduce modifications and achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness Guide the work on the time base to evacuate difficulties.

The company of Drinks and soft drinks, arises in 1992 as a result of the division of the old Company of Drinks and Liquors VC. Currently this entity is made up of five factories, six distributors and a transportation base. The Cubanacán Combined operates in the municipality of Camajuaní, its business name being alcoholic and ice productions. A total of 122 workers work at the Center, 87 of them workers, 3 administrative, 13 services, 9 technicians and 10 leaders. In general, technological innovations and changes are currently being carried out in the factory to improve management methods and styles. Struggle hard to develop competitive products, increase production, increase productivity, this is the strategy of the unit.

In order to understand the administration, you must know the perspective of the history of its discipline, the facts about what has happened in previous similar situations, and relate them to other experiences and other current knowledge. That is why the importance of knowing the history and origin of the administration.

The administration appears since the man begins to work in society. The rise of administration is a major event in social history. In a few cases, if any, a basically new institution, or some new ruling group, has emerged as fast as administration since the beginning of the century. Few times in the history of humanity has an institution manifested itself so quickly. The administration, which is the specific body responsible for making resources productive, that is, with the responsibility of organizing economic development, reflects the essential spirit of the modern era. It is really indispensable and this explains why, once created, it grew so quickly.

Human beings are social by nature, therefore they tend to organize and cooperate with their fellow human beings. The history of humanity can be described through the development of social organizations starting in pre-Hispanic times by nomadic tribes, where the organization for the harvesting of fruits and the hunting of animals begins, and later with the discovery of agriculture gives way to the creation of small communities.

If we could review the entire history of humanity we would find that the ancient peoples worked together in formal organizations (eg the Greek and Roman armies, the Roman Catholic Church, the company of the East Indies, etc.). People have also written about how to make organizations effective and efficient, long before the term "administration" had appeared and been defined.

Societies have been transforming, since for centuries they were characterized by having predominant agrarian forms, where the family, informal groups and small communities were important. Later, these were transformed into others of an industrial type, driven by the Industrial Revolution and characterized by the emergence and development of large organizations and industrial centers.

The systematic body of knowledge about administration began in the midst of the Industrial Revolution, in the 19th century, when large companies emerged that required new forms of organization and administrative practices. The industrial company at large scale was something new.

The administrative process

A process is the set of steps or stages necessary to carry out an activity or achieve a goal. Administrative process is the set of successive phases or stages through which the administration is carried out, which interrelate and form an integral process.

If we observe how the life of every social organism develops - and mainly that of those that, like the company, man forms freely - we can distinguish two main phases or stages. The comparison with what happens in the life of physical organisms can better clarify these two phases.

The first stage. It refers to the structuring or construction of the organism. In it, starting from a cell, the tissues and organs are differentiated, until the being is integrated into all its functional fullness, already suitable for the normal development of activities or functions that are specific or proper to it.

The second stage. It is the one in which, once the organism is fully structured, it develops in all its fullness the functions, operations or activities that are its own, in all its varied, but coordinated complexity, which tends to carry out the life of that organism.

Similar thing happens in a social organism: in its first stage, starting from the initiative of one or a few men, everything is directed to the structuring of that social organism; When it is properly structured, there is a second stage, which consists of the operation or normal operation of the same, to achieve the proposed purposes.

For the purposes of a better understanding of this subject, some criteria from various authors regarding the stages of the administrative process, which José A. Fernández Arena carried out, are set out below.

Henry Fayol. Stages: Forecast, organization, command, coordination and control.

Koontz & O'Donnell. Stages: Planning, organization, integration, direction and control.

  1. R. Terry. Stages: Planning, organization, execution and control.

Agustín Reyes Ponce. Stages: Forecast, planning, organization, integration, direction and control.

Burt K. Scanlan. Stages Planning, organization, direction and control.

Lyndall F. Urwick (n.1891). Stages: Research, Forecast, Planning, Organization, Coordination, Command and Control

According to the previous proposals about the administrative process, we can conclude that, four are the basic stages for its study and conformation of its two main phases; mechanical phase, made up of planning and organization, where the questions of What is to be done are answered? And how is it going to be done? respectively; the other phase, the dynamics whose implementation within the organization, allows us to see more clearly what is being done at the moment and also to be able to evaluate such actions.

MECHANICAL PHASE includes planning (it is more or less about what is going to be done in the company, plans, programs, budgets, etc. are made) and the organization (how it is going to be done and there are organizational charts, resources, functions…)

Planning: purposes, objectives, strategies, policies, programs, budgets, procedures. Organization: Division of labor and coordination; hierarchization, departmentalization, description of functions.

DYNAMIC PHASE here is the direction that is in charge of seeing that the tasks are carried out and for this it has supervision, leadership, communication, and motivation and finally, we find the control that is in charge of saying how it has been done, that it He did, as he did, and compares the studies.

Direction: Decision making, integration, motivation, communication, and supervision

Control: Standard setting, measurement, feedback, and correction.

In order to clarify the existence of these four phases of the administrative process, the meaning of each one is presented below, as well as their importance and composition in their respective elements.


Process by which a vision of the future is obtained, where it is possible to determine and achieve the objectives , by choosing a course of action.

Importance of planning:

  • It fosters the development of the company. It reduces risks to the maximum. It maximizes the use of resources and time.

"Planning is the function of the administrator, although the character and breadth of planning vary with his authority and with the nature of the policies and plans outlined by his superior."

Recognition of the influence of planning goes a long way toward clarifying attempts by some management scholars to distinguish between formulating policy (setting guidelines for thinking about decision-making) and management, or between the director and the administrator or the supervisor. An administrator, because of her delegation of authority or position in the organization, can improve the established planning or make it basic and applicable to a greater proportion of the company than the planning of another. However, all administrators, from the directors to the bosses or supervisors, plan what corresponds to them.

Elements of planning:

  1. Purposes. The fundamental aspirations or purposes of a qualitative type that a social group pursues permanently or semi-permanently. Research. Applied to planning, research consists of determining all the factors that influence the achievement of the purposes, as well as the optimal means to achieve them. The objectives. They represent the results that the company wants to obtain, they are goals to achieve, established quantitatively and determined to be carried out after a specific time. The strategies. General or alternative courses of action that show the direction and use of resources and efforts, to achieve the objectives in the most advantageous conditions. Policies. They are guides to guide action; are criteria, general guidelines to observe in decision making,on problems that are repeated within an organization.They are outlines in which it is established, the sequence of activities that must be carried out to achieve objectives and the time required to carry out each of its parts and all those events involved in its achievement. plans of all or some of the phases of activity of the social group expressed in economic terms, together with the subsequent verification of the realization of said plan. They establish the chronological order and the sequence of activities that must be followed in carrying out repetitive work.the sequence of activities that must be carried out to achieve objectives and the time required to carry out each of its parts and all those events involved in its achievement.They are the plans for all or some of the phases of activity of the social group expressed in economic terms, together with the subsequent verification of the realization of said plan. They establish the chronological order and the sequence of activities that must be followed in carrying out repetitive work.the sequence of activities that must be carried out to achieve objectives and the time required to carry out each of its parts and all those events involved in its achievement.They are the plans for all or some of the phases of activity of the social group expressed in economic terms, together with the subsequent verification of the realization of said plan. They establish the chronological order and the sequence of activities that must be followed in carrying out repetitive work.

Nature of planning:

  1. Your contribution to the purpose and objectives: Each plan and all plans within the planning must contribute to the achievement of the purpose and objectives of the company. Its supremacy among the tasks of the manager: Planning is the only one to establish the necessary objectives towards which will converge the effort of others. Its generalization: Planning is a function of all administrators, although its character and scope vary according to the authority of each one and the nature of the policies and plans established by the high The efficiency of your plans: The efficiency of a plan is measured by its contribution to the purpose and objectives, less costs and other factors necessary to formulate and operate it.

Types of plans:

  1. Purposes or missions: It is the basic function or task that a company must have (vision and mission). Objectives or goals: The aims towards which the activity is directed. Strategies: Determination of the basic long-term objectives of a company and the adoption of courses of action and allocation of the necessary resources to achieve them. Policies: Policies are also plans in the sense that they constitute general declarations or interpretations that guide thinking for decision-making. Procedures: The procedures that establish a mandatory plan to carry out future activities.

Steps for planning:

  1. Detection of opportunities or problems: This is the real starting point of planning, where an examination of opportunities is carried out, through this it seeks to know where the opportunity or problem is, to know how to develop this problem or opportunity and to know where you will go or what you will win.Establishment of objectives: It consists of establishing objectives for the entire company and starting from there for each work unit.Development of premises: They are nothing more than assumptions about the environment in which the plan has to run. Determination of alternative courses of action: Study more than one alternative or solution path in relation to a problem. Assessment of alternative courses of action:After searching for alternative courses of action, the strengths and weaknesses of each should be studied and compared with the company. Selection of a course of action: It is the act followed after studying the courses, you must choose the one that best suits the premises and goals of the plan and the company. Formulation of derived plans: Plans derived from the main plan are needed to support the fulfillment of the objectives to achieve the goals of that plan. Numerical expression of the plans through the budget:Plans derived from the main plan that support the achievement of the objectives are needed to achieve the goals of that plan. Numerical expression of the plans through the budget:Plans derived from the main plan that support the achievement of the objectives are needed to achieve the goals of that plan. Numerical expression of the plans through the budget:


The creation of a structure, which determines the necessary hierarchies and grouping of activities, in order to simplify them and their functions within the social group.

Essentially, the organization was born out of the human need to cooperate. Men have been forced to cooperate to obtain their personal ends, due to their physical, biological, psychological and social limitations. In most cases, this cooperation can be more productive or less expensive if an organizational structure is available.

It is said that with good staff any organization works. It has even been said that it is convenient to maintain a certain degree of imprecision in the organization, because in this way people are forced to collaborate in order to carry out their tasks. All in all, it is obvious that even capable people who wish to cooperate with each other will work much more effectively if everyone knows the role they must play and how their roles relate to one another.

This is a general principle, valid both in business administration and in any institution.

Organization Concept

An organization is a pattern of relationships through which people, under the command of managers, pursue common goals. These goals are the product of the decision-making processes called Planning. The goals that managers develop for planning purposes are often ambitious, far-reaching, and never-ending. Managers want to be sure that their organizations can last a long time. Members of an organization need a stable and understandable framework in which they can work together to achieve the goals of the organization.

An organizational role that is meaningful to people should include verifiable objectives, grouping of activities necessary to achieve the objectives, assigning each grouping to an administrator with the necessary authority to supervise them, and measures to coordinate horizontally and vertically in the structure. organizational.

The organization's management process involves making decisions to create this type of framework, so that organizations can last from the present to well into the future.

Thus, an organizational structure must be designed in such a way that it is perfectly clear to everyone who must carry out a certain task and who is responsible for certain results; In this way, the difficulties caused by the imprecision in the assignment of responsibilities are eliminated and a communication and decision-making system is achieved that reflects and promotes the objectives of the company.

Below are listed and explained the elements of the organization which, once understood and assimilated, will contribute to better administration.

Elements of the organization:

  1. Division of labour. To divide the work, it is necessary to follow a sequence that includes the following stages: The first; (hierarchy) that has the functions of the social group in order of rank, degree or importance. The second; (departmentalization) that divides and groups all functions and activities, in specific units, based on their similarity. Coordination. It is the synchronization of the resources and efforts of a social group, in order to achieve opportunity, unity, harmony and speed, in developing the objectives.

Address .

Understand the manager's influence on the implementation of the plans, obtaining a positive response from his employees through communication, supervision and motivation.

When an administrator is self-interested in the managerial role, he begins to realize part of its complexity. First of all, he is dealing with people, but not on a completely objective basis, since he himself is also a person and is generally part of the problem. It is in direct contact with people, both individuals and groups. He soon discovers, as a productive factor, that people are not only interested in the objectives of the company; it also has its own objectives. In order to direct human effort towards the objectives of the company, the administrator soon realizes that he must think in terms of the results related to orientation, communication, motivation and direction.

Although the administrator is part of the group, it is convenient, for many reasons, to consider him as separate from his subordinates. To achieve the company's objectives, human and other resources have been assigned to it, and it has to be integrated. It is also convenient to think of the administrator as separate from the group because he is their boss. As leader, you are not so much one of the group as the one who has to persuade the group to do what he wants or should be done.

Leadership concept:

It is the planning, organization, direction and control of the operations of the company, in order to achieve the objectives that it pursues and likewise, can achieve them. It is the application of knowledge in decision-making, it includes the task of setting objectives, achieving them, determining the best way to carry out leadership and dealing with the way of planning and integrating all systems, in a whole unified. Management must know how people behave as individuals and when they are in groups and understand how different types of structure operate. It is a force that through decision-making based on knowledge and understanding, relates to each other,and integrates through the appropriate union processes all the elements of the organized system in a calculated way to achieve the objectives of an organization.

Management involves the intelligent use of an incentive system plus a personality that arouses interest in other people.

Management as part of the administrative process is made up of several elements:

  • Decision making. It means choosing a course of action or alternative. When making decisions, it is necessary before evaluating the alternatives, defining and analyzing the problem, and then applying the decision or alternative that is best suggested. Integration. As in decision-making, there is also a process for proper integration in terms of personnel, this process begins with the recruitment or obtaining of candidates who aspire to a certain position, they will soon be introduced, or said in in other words, they will be acclimated; to finally train them in the development of the functions to be performed. Motivation. Motivation is the most important work of the management, as well as the most complex, because through it the execution of the work is achieved,according to expected norms or patterns of behavior. Communication. Communication in any group in question is of vital importance since it involves individuals not only in their role as communicators, but in the good use that information is given. It consists of watching and guiding the subordinates in such a way that the activities are carried out properly.

Control .

The process of determining what is being carried out, in order to establish the necessary corrective measures and thus avoid deviations in the execution of the plans.

Since control implies the existence of goals and plans, no administrator can control without them. He cannot measure whether his subordinates are operating in the desired way unless he has a plan, be it in the short, medium, or long term. Generally, the clearer, more complete, and coordinated the plans and the longer the period they comprise, the more complete the control can be.

An administrator can review past plans to see where and how they went wrong, to find out what happened and why, and to take the necessary steps to prevent errors from happening again. However, the best control prevents deviations from happening, ahead of them.

Control elements:

  • Setting standards. It is the application of a unit of measurement, which will serve as a model, guide or standard based on which the control will be carried out. Measurement of results. The action of measuring performance and results can somehow modify the same unit of measurement. The concrete and tangible utility of control is in corrective action to integrate deviations from standards. Feedback. The establishment of corrective measures gives rise to feedback; This is where the closest relationship between planning and control is found.

Importance of control

  • It establishes measures to correct the activities, so that the plans are successfully achieved. It applies to everything: to things, people and acts. It quickly determines and analyzes the causes that can cause deviations so that they do not recur in the future.Locates the sectors responsible for the administration, from the moment corrective measures are established.It provides information about the status of the execution of the plans, serving as a basis for restarting the planning process.Reduces costs and saves time by avoiding mistakes. Its application has a direct impact on the rationalization of the administration and, consequently, on the achievement of the productivity of all the company's resources.


The process has universal application and managers can apply it, regardless of the type of company in question. It is used where several people work together to achieve common goals. This process can be used by a manager of a construction company and will also be used by a manager of a department store. Likewise, this process can be used at any level of the organization, be it managerial or simply supervisory.



1.- Integration of people:

  • Adequate roles for men Provide men with administrative elements for the proper performance of their role and Give importance to a good adequate introduction.

2.- Interpretation of things:

  • Coordination of elements and techniques with each other and with people.

3.- Installation and maintenance

  • You must plan how to replace the expenses and in moments of non-productivity in maintenance.


The authority must be delegated always having control over that delegation that is conferred.


  1. COORDINATION OF INTERESTS: Coordinate group and individual interests of those who participate in the objectives. IMPERSONALITY OF THE COMMAND: The authority must be a product of the need of every social organism and not the result of personal interests of the administrator. HIERARCHY WAY: It says that the products of an order should not be missing without reason. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: If these conflicts arise, they must be resolved as soon as possible with the least displeasure of the parties. USE OF CONFLICT: Take advantage of conflicts to find solutions. STANDARDS: Control is impossible if standards have not been set before. (Objective meters).MEASURING CONTROL: Control should be used only if the work imposed is justified by the expected benefits and, THE PRINCIPLE OF EXCEPTION: Says that control is more effective when it concentrates on things that did not go as planned. a start.


  1. A conceptual framework is provided Provides foundations for the study of administration promoting an understanding of what administration is. Feasible from contributions from other administrative schools as the best of contemporary administrative thinking can be used. Flexibility is gained, although it is applicable to a variety of situations, the user is given the necessary margin to adapt it to a particular set of situations, flexibility and art of management are recognized and the best way to use it in a practical way is encouraged, genuine help is provided administration practitioners. The process pattern makes the manager analyze and understand the problem and lead him to determine the objectives and the means to achieve them. The principles of management are derived,refined and applied and serve as necessary guidelines for a useful administrative investigation. The development of a certain philosophy of administration is encouraged, each of the phases of its application requires the use of values, convictions of the manager and the understanding of the objectives, resources around which it operates.

To better understand the above, we propose the following graph of an administrative process according to Reyes Ponce.

Source: Management by Objectives. Agustín Reyes Ponce.


  1. Forecast Planning Organization Personnel Integration Command Control

Mechanics of the Administrative Process

Forecast: refers to the analysis of the business, trends, weaknesses, threats. It allows me to know mission, objectives, vision of the future and outline the strategic objectives.


  • Predictability: It must be done taking into account there is no complete certainty due to the number of factors and the intervention of human decisions, therefore there will always be a risk in the company. Objectivity: The forecasts must rest on facts rather than objective opinions. The success of the company is based on the information available to it. Measurement: Forecasts will be so much more secure when we can appreciate or measure them the most.

Planning : Desired state of a goal, for this we can help with H. Gantt's graphic plans. It is the basic function, it involves selecting different course of action. It is the set of objectives and steps that must be taken to fill the gap that separates us from where we are to where we want to go.


  • Forecast: Plans should be made as accurate as possible and not with vague and generic statements. Flexibility: All plans must allow for the changes that arise in it. Unit: The plans must be of such a nature that there is one for each function and all those applicable to a company can be coordinated and integrated that it can be said that there is only one general plan.

Organization: It is the technical structure of the relationships that must exist between the functions, levels and activities of the material and human elements of a social organism, in order to achieve maximum efficiency within the plans and objectives indicated.

Involves the organization of the production process or services

  • Organization of the production process Organization of work Organization of management


  • Specialization: The division of labor influences the increase in production, since getting used to a job leads to specialization and from this to productivity. Unity of command: Only one boss must be obeyed for a single function. Authority-responsibility balance: The degree of authority and responsibility that each boss must have at each hierarchical level must be established. Direction-control balance: The establishment of adequate controls should correspond to each degree of delegation.

Dynamics of the Administrative Process

Integration: A function related to human resources, closely linked to the organization, consists of occupying positions in a structure with the consequent selection and training of jobs.


  • Recruitment and selection of suitable personnel. It consists of finding and selecting the right people to entrust him with a specific task, this is true for managers as well as for simple workers. Introduction. It consists of the techniques that make a worker or boss constantly join their job position. It includes practical training, theoretical training and human resources training.

Command : It is the conscious influence of the direction subject (J) on the direction object (subordinate). It is the function in which the leader puts into practice her ability to command and make herself obeyed. Fundamental characteristic is decision-making and it cannot be delegated.


  • Power of a person to give orders to another and that that other obeys, the power to dispose of material and financial means that are under his command. Delegation. Make others share in the authority that we have received, without losing the corresponding responsibility. Communication. Both Vertical and Horizontal are essential to be able to exercise command, make the right decisions and to constantly monitor the results of activities.

Control : It is the measurement, check and correction of performance to ensure that the objectives of the organization and the plans designed have been carried out. It is done on the basis of the analysis of the results, the causes and conditions that led to it, then the possible conclusions are obtained.


  • Fixation and Establishment. It has to be analyzed which controls should be established and which will be the most effective. All managers must carry out the control. Results analysis. Compare what was expected with what was actually obtained.

For the proper analysis of the functions, we will show the structure of the CUBANACAN COMBINATION.

As explained above, for the diagnosis of the administrative cycle, surveys were made to the managers and experts of the center, say “experts” to those who exercise intermediate command (eg, Brigade Chiefs), experienced workers and retired leaders. of their work in the factory. To carry out the surveys, the questionnaires of Dr. Carlos Cristóbal Martínez Martínez and Dra. Katy Herrera Lemus were used. (See Annex I)

As an initial appreciation of the results, we can see that the administrative cycle in the Cubanacán Combined is satisfactorily completed, no major difficulties were found in it. The work was carried out through surveys, as previously stated, these are based on questions that seek specific objectives and with the answers obtained, a diagnosis of the administrative functions is made. We would like to clarify that this company is among the best in the country and was selected to enter Business Improvement, a possibility that was only granted to only two companies within the Beverage Union. The structure of the organization that was previously presented is the one proposed with the Improvement and achieves a better operation than the previous one.With the introduction of the Improvement, greater independence will be achieved in the Combined, achieving that the functions such as forecasting and planning are done with higher quality, not as before, than the one who carried them out was the provincial authority and we stuck to their decisions. An improvement in the internal management of the center will also be achieved, with the aim of achieving greater efficiency and effectiveness in the production cycle.

Firstly, the results of the applied surveys will be tabulated, relating the function of the cycle to the specific functional area. A scale of 1 to 5 was used to assess function. The table is shown below:

We will continue this work with an analysis of administrative functions based on the averages obtained from surveys in all departments.

Next, each function will be evaluated based on the results obtained in the surveys, an evaluation will be made where the main difficulties observed will be analyzed and the pertinent recommendations will be made to achieve an improvement in the operation of the cycle.


In this role, the greatest difficulties encountered were not having several alternatives when making decisions, since a provincial company is owned that prevents them from making them freely, in the same way the supply, production and accounting departments in many cases new products or productions are found, technological changes unexpectedly because the company is the one who decides, investigates takes one or other elements into account and they leave us no alternative but to accept or not, this prevents the initiatives of the center's managers from bearing fruit and only The decisions of the higher authorities are accepted.

The mission and vision of the establishment are well defined, but as explained above, the relevant decisions regarding this are made by the company, that is, the establishment achieves the objectives set, but it is the company that sets possible goals. to be achieved, the one that makes the plans, the one that analyzes the possible businesses and draws up the plans and strategic objectives in the short, medium and long term. He also manages the information relevant to the sales markets, so he is the one who actually makes the forecasts. Actually, this function that is analyzed in our establishment, focuses on how to achieve the objectives that we are set, knowing what elements violate them and managing the information necessary to carry out good forecasting work,without leaving behind the objectivity of the historical facts of productivity. A measurement criterion is also managed in this administrative function based on the productive capacities of the establishment, thereby obtaining greater certainty.

PLANNING: GOOD evaluation

This function in the majority of the departments was evaluated as 4.0, only accounting did not reach that value and it is something that has to do with being an establishment of a company, our production plans are imposed by it, we know the short-term objectives, not the long-term ones, and there are times when, for the sake of time, the quality of the information, the analysis of raw materials and products are not enough. There are also elements to say that the establishment predicts possible problems, but the solution of this is not in our hands because the factory itself does not acquire its raw materials, it is the company that manages and distributes them.

Planning has focused in recent years on the basis of the company's marketing management, that is, what has already been hired by a client is produced. This forces that successive changes of productions have to be made to respond to orders, which means that the planning that had been done is on the ground. This has served us as experience and the plans have already become more flexible and in them alternative courses of action are determined to respond to requests and to move from one production to another in the absence of any raw material that makes the production of an order impossible. specific. It has also been achieved that in the discussion of the plans the different functional areas of the company are present such as: administration, production, supply,maintenance and sales with this a good design of the plans is achieved and each one knows his role to play for the fulfillment of the same. In addition, this meeting analyzes whether it is possible to achieve the designed plan, that is, its veracity, feasibility and operability.

Even, to the directors of the center, we are left with the task of ensuring that the plan we design minimizes risks and that it makes the most of the resources, opportunities and time. A plan where it is very clear what our objectives are and how we are going to achieve them, in which the budgets are defined to carry it out, the strategies to be followed and the procedures to be followed. What we mean is that the plan that we are normally developing must be perfected.

To improve this administrative function, WE RECOMMEND:

  • Retrieve data, determine causes and develop alternative solutions. Make permanent decisions on important and recurring issues. Standardize methods. Establish priorities, sequences and synchronize steps to follow. Decide how and when to achieve set goals. Determine desired final results.


In this function, the people in three of the questions coincide to a great extent, and these, evaluated from 4.0, reflect not having direct participation in decision-making on changes in the system, and also indicate that they do not refrain from making decisions in those questions. areas in which they delegated authority, in addition to the fact that they do not consider the organization and control of their personal work to be excellent, nor that their subordinates do the same. One of the deficiencies detected is regarding the organization of the productive flow in the factory, with a better organization of this, more efficiency and effectiveness would be achieved in the same, as well as the organization of the work of the workers and leaders. Something that should be highlighted here is the specialization of the staff in their workplace, thereby achieving greater productivity.

On the other hand, the balance of authority - responsibility - obligation is good but it could be better if each subordinate and his boss felt more identified with these functions. The coordination of the tasks to be carried out must also be improved a little in order to achieve harmony, speed and unity in the establishment. Another element that is good but that can be improved is the flow of information, that is, make it more concise, fast and effective, to improve decision-making and organizational work at the center.

To improve this administrative function, WE RECOMMEND:

  • Prepare and train the organization's cadres. Define link lines to facilitate coordination. Exactly define attributions, relationships, responsibilities and authority. Define the qualities of the personnel for each job position.


In diagnosing this function, no major difficulties were detected at the center, only minor criticisms were noted. Work must be done to familiarize colleagues who enter the factory with the job they will perform, currently it is not carried out with the depth it takes, in this step the worker must be explained what the work to be performed consists of, the importance that your work and the performance you must achieve in it, to achieve compliance with the objectives of the organization. At this stage you should try to involve the staff with the establishment, for this it would perhaps be good to tell you the history and the results that it has obtained through the years. Here qualified personnel must be recruited to carry out the tasks,That is consistent with their job and constantly work to achieve a good coupling of the person with the group.

Another task to achieve to increase integration is to improve performance through instruction, practice and training, as well as helping to improve knowledge, attitudes and skills, to achieve staff development and achieve qualities that will serve you in the future. to entrust him with greater tasks.

FOB: GOOD evaluation

In this role, according to 50% of the interviewees, the department stimulation system should be improved to encourage subordinates, also improve emotional control in critical situations and, as a last aspect, create selection skills for the effective use of relevant information. in the performance of functions.

One of the things we should point out here is that sometimes we find that senior managers who have delegated to other middle managers, do not refrain from making decisions in the areas where they have delegated and even give guidance to subordinates in breach of the principle. of the unity of command, another classic case not very common here, is that of the delegation of responsibility and the non-requirement of the obligation that the delegation demands, if we point this out, it is because we believe that we must be very attentive so that this tendency tends to disappear completely. Both in this function and in the previous ones, a good flow of information must be obtained to allow the correct operation of this command function and make the best decisions at the right time. The communication,It is of vital importance since it involves individuals not only in their role as communicators, but in the good use that information is given.

Another point to make is that you must work on the motivation of the staff, since a motivated staff is easier to manage than one who is not, in the center it is done but it is still not enough. Motivation is the most important part of the management, as well as the most complex, since through it the execution of the oriented work is achieved, according to expected norms or behavior patterns.

Something that we should not neglect is supervision, which in the center presents small difficulties, and it consists of monitoring and guiding subordinates in such a way that activities are carried out properly, in this way we will keep abreast of their performance, the use they make of the authority that we have delegated to them, as well as the responsibility they have with the assigned tasks. Supervision will show us where we were wrong, who we should sanction and who we should encourage, it also gives us an idea of ​​the situation in which the command function is found.

To improve this administrative function, WE RECOMMEND:

  • Ensure responsibilities and state exactly the expected states. Persuade and incentivize staff in the assigned task. Encourage initiatives and resolve conflicts. Stimulate creativity and innovation to achieve goals.


Here we find that control techniques are not always used in the development of the work because compliance with stages, processes, established checks are not followed precisely and that only in a good control of each stage would it be verified.

There is not always a good selection of critical control points for the fulfillment of the plans outlined, since there are no close links between the company's commercial area and that of production, there is uncertainty with raw materials and many do not the specifications neither quality nor quantity contracted.

We find here problems with the analysis of the controls that must be implemented and with the definition of those that will be most effective, this sometimes occurs in the center when a manager guides a task, gives the authority to the subordinate to carry it out, as it also shares with it the responsibility for its fulfillment, but then it does not carry out the necessary control of the execution of the Task. By not carrying out the control, the boss does not have criteria on the performance of his subordinates, he cannot apply corrective measures if necessary or stimulate if he considers it appropriate, and he cannot compare what was actually done with what was expected, nor to see what happened that deviated the fulfillment of the proposed goal. The boss who doesn'tcarry out the control will not be able to determine the causes of the deviations, nor will it be in time to solve them in order to reach the objectives and prevent them from happening again. The most effective control that can be carried out is the one that anticipates problems before they reoccur and when it solves one, it does so definitively. In the Combined it has been observed that the control is not done in the most efficient way possible, that there are deficiencies such as those mentioned above. The manager, by not exercising control efficiently, does not obtain the necessary feedback for his managerial work.

To improve this administrative function, WE RECOMMEND:

  • Set information systems, specify what data is critical, develop performance standards. Set the actions that will exist once the obligations have been fulfilled. Measure results. Set the degree of deviation from the goals and standards. Take corrective measures. Readjust plans, advise to achieve goals. replan and repeat the cycle. Recommend the results. Compliment, reward, and discipline staff.


  1. After having made the diagnosis of administrative functions, we have consolidated the work of the departments that are working well and the difficulties of those who possess them have been detected. The decentralization of the Combined Cubanacán of the Company is necessary, so that they are achieved Better results in the functions of the administrative cycle. The forecast should be improved, since until now only the alternative offered by the company has been worked on, in this function an average evaluation has been reached. In the case of the Planning, Organization, Integration functions Personnel and Command it was observed that acceptable results are achieved in all departments.In the control function deficiencies were observed that must be overcome to improve the administrative process and also they directly affect the results of the center.


  1. Discuss in the board of directors of the center the results of the diagnosis of the different departments. Work in a group based on the recommendations that are previously proposed for each of the functions and come up with possible solutions. Implement Business Improvement in order to overcome Many of the points raised in the performance of management functions. Administrators must continue to strive to consolidate and improve their work as leaders more and more, regardless of whether the results obtained are not critical. Make this diagnosis within a year with the objective of checking if the detected deficiencies have already been overcome.


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Diagnosis of the administrative functions of a company