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Diagnosis of critical areas of the montecristo el salvador national park



The present document for the diagnosis of critical areas has the main objective of identifying sites inside and outside the PNM that, due to their biophysical, social, historical and cultural characteristics, present limiting conditions or opportunities for planning and / or managing the protected natural area and its buffer zone.


To fulfill this purpose, the methodology based on the ecology of the landscape of the landscape is established. Next, an experimental methodology is presented with its corresponding methodological phases that can be used to carry out the diagnosis of the critical area. Two important phases are carried out, which They consist of the preparatory phase which consists of the compilation and updating of the information for the area under study and that of validation.

This methodology takes into account three elements for the analysis which are:

  • Determining deficiencies and problems Potentialities

These elements determine the sensitivity in the following parameters:

  • High sensitivity Medium sensitivity Low sensitivity

It also takes into account the relationship between the environmental sensitivity of the landscape units and the characteristics of the protected area, buffer zone and zone of influence;

In the Natural Protected Areas, it is evident that the concept of landscape is extremely useful for:

  • Group sites within the study space; View them in an integrated way; Identify critical elements for the operation of the landscape units to be identified, both compartments and relationships between them; and Predict the ability of landscape units to assimilate changes or impacts, in order to keep their original condition as close as possible.

The incorporation of these tasks in socio-environmental evaluations better supports the decisions that will later be made for the integral planning of the Natural Protected Area and the buffer zone.

The validation validation phase is divided into two basic actions:

  • The implementation of the critical area diagnosis workshop (TDAC); Field-level recognition of the results of the preparatory phase and the critical area diagnosis workshop.

The critical area diagnosis workshop (TDAC), consists of a rapid formulation tool; it must be implemented, with the participation of the main local, regional and national actors involved in the management and administration of protected natural areas (ANP).

During the workshop, we work with maps to visualize the main strengths, opportunities, threats and weaknesses in the field of natural resources and the environment.

The drawings are made on paper or transparent plastic. It is recommended to use different colors for each map.

Along with the maps, a brief description of the facts found should be prepared.

At the end of the process there are three maps:

  • The conditions to be respected and the needs for the protection and preservation of the park. The problems and deficiencies to eliminate and the demands of actions of management, conservation and protection of the natural resources and environment; The potentialities to be exploited and the needs for the sustainability of development.

Starting from the basic principle of presenting, the problems identified based on the environmental sensitivity parameters established in the methodological framework, using the maps generated in the preparatory phase and validated in the TDAC, overlap defining the identified sites as critical areas..

Critical Areas can be analyzed according to evident demands and subdivided into strategic areas:

  • Preservation and protection areas, that is, development restrictions; Areas of sustainable development of natural resources or irrational management of natural resources; Areas of dynamisation and development of infrastructure and economic activities with positive or negative effects for the management of the ANP; Urban and agricultural development areas with positive or negative effects for ANP management; Areas of use and special interest.

A parallel matrix to the map of critical areas must be generated, indicating the factors that influenced the selection or identification by the participants as a “Critical Area”, developing it in three specific areas: 1. Protection of biodiversity (ecology of the landscape); 2. Socioproductive Effects; and 3. Agrarian conflicts (type of land tenure):

To achieve prioritization in a participatory way, you can work with two different methods:

  • Prioritization by preference of groups or individuals; Prioritization by factors that influence the selection of critical areas of the Park.

Field-level recognition of the results of the preparatory phase and the critical area diagnosis workshop.

After the workshop, the planning team gathers the data collected during the workshop, combining them with the secondary information analyzed during the preparatory phase, developing a field survey proposal that allows:

  • Verify the data obtained from the preparatory phase and the TDAC; Validate the map of critical management areas, developed during the TDAC; Consolidate the primary and secondary information obtained in the preparatory phase and in the TDAC; Obtain panoramic photographs of the identified critical areas and georeference for the definitive maps.

The Biogeographic and Socioeconomic aspects are of great importance for the development of the diagnosis, so we have the description of the following aspects:

Location: Montecristo National Park is located 5 km northeast of the city of Metapán, in what was once the Hacienda San José Ingenio, it is part of the Cantons of San José Ingenio, El Limo and El Rosario, all of the Municipality of Metapán (CD-2 MARN, 2000).

Soil: The study area, according to the land classification of El Salvador, contains land class VI, VII and VIII according to the pedological classification, it belongs to Soils Latosoles Arcillo Rojizos; Land Use Class: Marginal Agricultural Development with little agricultural capacity The current use in the buffer zone of the park is that most of it is grassland, remnants of conifer forest and agricultural crops of clean crops on slopes.

Topography: Presenting slopes greater than 25%. It is characterized by three forms of relief: Mountain, Mountain Foot and Flat Zones. This formation causes an altitude gradient of 450 to 2418 masl to exist.

Climate: The predominant characteristics of the climate of the area are: Temperature: Moderate and oscillate between 15º and 25º, registering the highest in the month of April and the lowest in the months of December to January.

Relative Humidity: Average Annual Relative Humidity ranges from 70% to 88% Evapotranspiration: ranges from 900 to 1,600 mm per year. The annual average pluvial precipitations fluctuate between 1500 and 2,100 mm.

Biological Features: The area where the study area is located has varied biophysical characteristics, in terms of vegetation, are the types of tropical forest Ombrofilo sub montano, sub montana de coniferous, forest plantations of pine and cypress, coffee crops, semi-deciduous lowland ombrófila and closed vegetation evergreen tropical ombrófila montana nubosa.

Another important factor we have Socioeconomic aspects such as:

Population: The cantons of El Brujo, El Limo, San José Ingenio, El Carrizalillo, El Rosario and El Talquezalar, corresponding to 2,258 men and 2,126 women.

Population Education: Most of the communities that are part of the study area have a very low level of education that in most cases only teach up to sixth grade only in the communities of El Brujo and Honduritas teach up to eighth grade; Table 4 shows the student population of the communities in the study area in detail.

Public Health: For residents who live more than 15 kilometers from Metapán, access to public health services is a problem they face on a daily basis, mainly to provide care to children who are permanently suffering from diarrheal, respiratory, dengue, flu and malnutrition, a case that happens in most communities.

Regional Economy: The study area depends on the cultivation of corn, beans and corn as a subsistence activity, but one of the activities that occupies the greatest importance in the area is extensive livestock farming, which reaches 20% depending on livestock and 10% of timber production and breeding of minor species; The average salary they receive per day is 30 colones per day, equivalent to $ 3.43. This level of income does not allow them to cover their needs for: food, clothing, health, housing, and education; hence, poverty levels in the countryside are well marked in the area under study. There are also organizational and infrastructure aspects that are taken as an important part of the diagnosis of critical areas.

Among the results we find a very important factor d} which are the strengths and the most outstanding in the communities

  • An important aspect of the communities is that they have School Centers that teach from kindergarten to eighth grade, which allows reducing the degree of illiteracy that exists in addition to improving the possibilities of development of the communities. Community organization in ADESCOS and other educational organizations. They mostly have basic services such as electricity and drinking water. The largest number of people in the area practice the same religion which makes them more united.

So also inside the park

  • Generally, in the upper part, both north west and east of the park, there are good scenic scenarios and abundant water sources due to the vegetation that the area still has. Abundance of water resources inside and outside the Protected Area. Recreation and tourism opportunities in the PNM. Diversity of species of abundant flora and fauna.

Conflicts were also identified as:

  • There is discontent among the population with the park administration, because they are ignored and there is no communication that allows them to discuss the problems of the Honduritas community and the park; Since they are close to this, they have to share certain structures such as the court and the roads, situations that generate conflicts among others. One of the important problems is that the majority of the population does not have land to cultivate and they have to rent to private individuals. In addition to the lack of a house of its own. They estimated that the isolation to which they have been subjected by the administration in terms of access with horses and use of the football field in the park, is causing friction that generates discomfort within members of the community.In relation to Natural Resources, there is considerable pressure due to the indiscriminate cutting of trees for commercial use. Reducing forest cover and increasing cultivation and pasture areas, endangering the existence of some plant and animal species present in the area. Another problem that the community has is the lack of access roads since the only Villa in the community is very difficult because it is very narrow and the terrain is very steep and rugged. The community does not currently have a medical clinic that allows them to meet their basic health problems, since they have to walk 20 km to the city of Metapán to meet their health needs.In relation to Natural Resources, there is considerable pressure due to the indiscriminate cutting of trees for commercial use in areas surrounding the park. Reducing forest cover and increasing cultivation and pasture areas, endangering the existence of some plant and animal species present in the area.

The results of the validation phase were obtained in two phases; The first was a workshop in Montecristo critical areas with community representatives and institutions with a presence in the area (see Annex 1). Where the critical areas in physical form were established in approximate maps, then a field validation of the physical places described as critical was carried out.

So we have the priority conditionals:

  1. Internal and external communities: Those found within the park causing a negative impact on the area due to the deterioration of biodiversity and noise impacts caused within. The communities in the buffer zone because they are not governed by any special law, cause greater damage in the area and put pressure on the PNM resources. Forest fires Mainly in the dry season they are a serious problem in the area, because they degrade the biodiversity of plant and animal species. These are caused in some cases by people who live within the area but mostly caused by people who live outside, who in many cases are the same hunters. Within the Park is a forest plantation problems with exotic species,There are forest and coffee plantations within the park that disturb the native flora and are not in accordance with the conservation objectives of the PNM. Watersheds: These are not receiving adequate management. E rsion: It is more pronounced in the buffer zone. Due to agriculture on slopes due to the very rugged topography throughout the area, added the way of cultivating without a technical base in most cases causes increased erosion and therefore the impoverishment of the soil.

The priority deficiencies of the Montecristo National Park and its region.

  1. Cárcavas: There is a landslide from Cerro Mira Mundo and others that need treatment within the park, but that problem is more serious outside the park since there is no treatment by the landowners; This also adds to the little institutional support to deal with this problem. Internal communities: These, because they are located within the park, are: the cause of a series of problems related to the environment in general and are located in very delicate areas and there is no will relocation policy Arson: During the dry season a series of fires are caused by people living inside and outside the communities and there is no adequate team to control theseTourism in the Core area: This causes a serious impact on the fauna of the place, so it should be zoned to prevent tourists from entering that area. Lack of technical assistance: There should be a technical assistance plan for buffer zones, to guide the management of natural resources

Analysis of the Potentialities:

  1. Alliances between actors: There are different local actors that can be organized for disaster prevention. Preserved Private Properties: In the adjacent parts of the upper area of ​​the park, there are some private properties that are very well preserved and should be purchased by the state to integrate them into the park and expand it and improve the shape of the park's polygon and contribute to the biological corridors Community organization : There is some community organization for fire control. and working with them could improve disaster prevention Scenic Beauty:There are beautiful landscapes as well as panoramic views, unique vegetation in the area, waterfalls and a pleasant climate that can be used for tourism. Water Recharge: There is a large network of rivers and water sources that originate from the park and surrounding areas that constitute one of the greater wealth in terms of Park Natural Resources

For the analysis of Factors that determine the Critical Areas were determined

  • Due to its geographical location Micro basin Type of property Similarity of determining factors, deficiencies and potentialities Land use Approximation of Critical points

Being identified:

  1. Limo - Brujo Lower part of Montecristo Park Middle part of Montecristo Park Upper part of Montecristo Park Rosario - Honduritas


  1. The critical areas of the Park and its region are distributed in a dispersed way, so it is necessary to sub-divide them into five critical areas to better target them and thus seek actions in an integral way in each of them. There are many conditioning factors, deficiencies, and priorities that are found in generalization to prioritization and sectorization. One of the most important critical areas that could be determined is the inadequate management of water resources, which constitutes a conditioning factor, deficiency, and potentiality of the Montecristo National Park. Another important factor is the aspects of land use and the increase of the agricultural frontier towards the forest remnants and the pressure on the park's natural resources and its buffer zone.The lack of a guiding instrument for the adequate management of natural resources inside and outside the park. The lack of institutional involvement in the planning and technical support towards the orientation to the management of the natural resources of the area.


  1. Carry out joint planning by critical area according to the subdivision carried out. Prioritize the components of the critical areas taking into account the modifiable and non-modifiable, for the proposal of actions. Seek inter-institutional integration mechanisms to develop the corrective actions of the critical Areas. Develop mechanisms of management structures such as the micro basin as a form of organization, to look for common problems such as water potential.
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Diagnosis of critical areas of the montecristo el salvador national park