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Organizational diagnosis of a construction company in mexico

Table of contents:


The organizational design is a procedural analysis where all the areas that a particular company contemplates are examined to get to study them in depth, and resolve situations that endanger the proper functioning of it. The diagnosis is not an end in itself, but is the essential first step to perfect the communicational functioning of the organization.

The following work aims to carry out an organizational diagnosis to GRUPO INMOBILIARIO Y CONSTRUCCIONES BETEL.SA DE CV in order to detect in which area the company has deficiencies, and apply innovative and efficient models that help improve the quality of the results so that the company can self-perform in the best way and in turn have greater growth and impact in the market.

Thus locating with this diagnosis the areas of strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities for improvement, which involves a SWOT analysis to observe how all these elements found in the organizational diagnosis can be used and can be used for its better use.

Objective, scope and depth of the organizational diagnosis For a good diagnosis to be carried out successfully, it must meet certain conditions for it to be carried out with satisfaction. The main thing in this case is that the owner or manager of the company, assumes with responsibility the commitment that this study entails and depends entirely on it, on the information that it can provide for the solution and obtaining favorable practices for the company.

It should be noted that these studies are confidential and do not have any problems at all.

Organizational Structure of the Construction Company


Background and current situation.

Grupo Inmobiliaria y Constructora Betel, SA DE CV was created in 2010 as a public limited company with variable capital. It is a group of companies dedicated to building to secure the future or create alternatives to offer a home that offers comfort and convenience to their clients, as well as acting as intermediaries to offer real estate.

The Betel real estate and construction group aims to provide decent housing to its clients, offering them an asset as a benefit, as well as contributing to caring for the environment.


Guide in the purchase, and provide in an efficient and honest way the best housing option for its quality, location, security and cost to each of our clients.


To be the most serious and reliable real estate agency, for offering the best developer homes with an ethical and social commitment, which guarantees our clients a decent, comfortable, safe home of the highest quality at an affordable cost for the development and well-being of the Chiapas families.


The Bethel real estate group is governed by the following values:

  • Honesty Loyalty Respect 3 Socially Responsible Human Development

The aforementioned values ​​are the basis of its mission and vision of the company.

The real estate and construction group Bethel arose from a social need that the government had to build infonnavit homes, since the company was dedicated solely to building roads and highways without having any idea that at some point it would dedicate itself to the construction of homes, today Día is concentrated in the highest level of home builders, although this company is not 100% consolidated.

The subdivisions offered by the real estate agency are:

Fractionation "The Poets"

It offers a residential development with 372 apartments in three-level vertical condominiums.

31 buildings, each building comprises 12 apartments with the following characteristics: all public services, cistern per building, parking space and gardens

Fractionation "The clouds"

It is the new housing complex of medium residential interest of the Betel real estate group, which offers the best homes with excellent: quality, location, price, spaciousness and comfort, underground urban services, panoramic views of the city and green areas.

  • "Monte real" subdivision "Joyas del Oriente" subdivision "Campanario" subdivision "San Luis" subdivision

It is the new housing complex in the Terán neighborhood of the Betel real estate group, located on the south west side of the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas.

Organization chart.

Organizational Chart of the Construction Company

The organization chart consists of a General Manager on whom various areas depend, such as: schools, finance, construction, restaurant and real estate, which in turn consist of a sub-organization chart that will help to fulfill the objective of each area and the general objective.

Specifically, the diagnosis will be focused on the area of ​​the real estate agency that is in charge of selling the houses in the various subdivisions mentioned above.

All the functions that the real estate company has are of utmost importance, since each one carries out various activities which contribute to the achievement of the objectives, such as:

Finance: This department has two main functions which are:

investment function and financing function.

Sales: The function of this department is focused on the maximization of value for the consumer, the full satisfaction of the latter in order to increase the profitability of the company itself to increase its market share.

Management: It is the department in charge of carrying out all the necessary procedures before the government and the corresponding institutions so that the papers of the houses are in order.

SWOT Analysis of a Construction Company


  • Effective communication with staff. Teamwork. Adequate equipment and machinery.


  • Market demand is not fully covered.


  • The company is not 100% consolidated. There is still no marketing area. No procedure manuals. The objectives are not established in writing.


  • Another company offers cheaper prices. Another company acquires better machinery. The government stops supporting the company.


  • Restructuring of the sub-organization chart to implement the marketing department which will help to achieve a better positioning in the company market.

Organization Chart Restructuring in a Construction Company

  • Implementation of the general manuals that contain the description of activities that must be followed in carrying out the functions that each employee must perform. One of the main uses of the manuals is that it allows us to know the internal workings regarding the description of tasks, location, requirements and the positions responsible for their execution.

M a nual of políticas.- consists of a detailed description of the guidelines to be followed in making decisions for achieving the objectives. Knowing about an organization provides the main framework on which all actions are based.

An adequate definition of policies and their establishment in writing, allows:

  1. Streamline the decision-making process Facilitate decentralization by providing guidelines at intermediate levels Serve as a basis for constant and effective review.

Policy manuals can be developed for operational functions such as: production, sales, finance, personnel, purchasing, etc.

M a nual of procedures.- It is the analytical expression of the administrative procedures through which the organism's operational activity is channeled. This manual is a guide (how to do things) for staff work and is very valuable to guide new staff. The implementation of this manual serves to increase the certainty that staff use prescribed administrative systems and procedures when performing their work.

  • Establish the objectives in writing so that each member of the organization has knowledge about it and can perform 100% according to those objectives. Establish appropriate policies and profiles on how to recruit the personnel who will work within this organization.

We make suggestions as to how the staff recruitment procedure could be carried out.

1- Compilation of Curricula

Own.- Through internal job exchange or contacts of our own structure.

External Media.- Advertisements in the press or electronic media such as the Internet.

External Consultants.- If required, the support of an external consultant would be obtained.

2- Selection or Recruitment Process

Step 1.- Curriculum Analysis.- Human Resources will be in charge of analyzing the curricula according to the profile requested by the area or Management.

Step 2.- Pre-selection Interview and Analysis of Competences.

Step 3.- Professional Tests or General Knowledge Exam.- At the end of the preselection interview, if the result yields a good grade, professional tests or knowledge exams will be applied for subsequent review.

Step 4.- Selection Interview.- Once the pre-selection process and general knowledge have been completed and the most suitable personnel are selected, a final selection interview will be coordinated with the requesting area (Direction, Management or Coordination) in which they decide the hiring

Step 5.- Recruitment.- Once the person has successfully completed the entire process and the area manager authorizes, they proceed with their recruitment.

Step 6.- Induction.- Process we will implement all the necessary elements to welcome and integrate the worker in his new environment, as his name indicates it is the preparation phase to enter the work area.


The diagnosis that we carry out in the construction company Betel present characteristics such as the following: control, direction and decision-making, they are perceived to be largely concentrated at the highest level, but there is some delegation in decision-making in relationship to policy implementation. Some comments about the objectives of the organization are accepted. Sometimes the ideas of subordinates are sought, and sometimes they are consulted before making decisions about their work.

Because the company is in the 80% qualified consolidation stage, it still needs to implement some of the development strategies mentioned above in the suggestions.


  • Lic. Adriana Meza and Lic. Patricia Carballeda . (s./f.)The Organizational Diagnosis; elements, methods and techniques. Available at: https://www.infosol.com.mx/index.php Consulted on April 17, 2011. José A. Sánchez (s / f.). Organizational diagnosis. Available at: http://www.eumed.net/libros/2008b/390/Diagnostico%20Organizacional.htm. Retrieved on April 17, 2011. (s / a.) (S / f). Organizational diagnosis. Available at: http://www.slideshare.net/jcfdezmx2/diagnostico-organizacional-216030. Retrieved on April 17, 2011.



Central aspects


1. What is the objective of the organization?

Granting a decent home to its clients, offering them an asset as a benefit, in addition to contributing to caring for the environment.

2. What benefit do you offer your clients?

A decent house that has a heritage for your family.

3. What values ​​are important to owners and managers?

  1. HonestyLoyaltyRespectHumilitySocially ResponsibleHuman Development


1. How did the idea of ​​creating this business come about?

Out of a government need that wanted the company to build houses, although they did not want to, in the end they accepted and that was the beginning of the construction company.

2. How has it developed since then and what phase is it in?

Satisfactorily and is in the consolidation stage


1. Who defines the objectives? Are they short or long term? The general manager together with the managers of the various departments

2. Are they set in writing? no

3. Are they being achieved? Yes, but not 100% yet, but maybe 80%

4. Are all the functions and activities of the company necessary to achieve these objectives? If, since each one carries out activities to achieve the objectives, do you consider that some functions are missing? Yes, the company does not yet have a marketing department.


  1. What legal form does the company have? It is a public limited company with variable capital (SA de CV) In which area (regional / national) is it present?

It is only found in Tuxtla

Search for strategies

Division of labour

1. How is work divided between people?

Each one performs its functions in accordance with what is established in the organization chart.

2. Are the tasks clearly defined?


3. What are the most important functions?

All are important since each of the departments carries out activities that help achieve the objectives, but I could say that the sales department is very important because of the direct relationship it has with the customer.


1. What is the central structure of the company? The one marked on the organization chart

2. How is it hierarchically coordinated? Everything is according to the organization chart and starts from the general manager to the various departments

3. How do staff participate in decisions?

Each one contributes their different points of view and in the end it is concluded in one


1. Are there established and defined rules in writing? If rules exist, but are not yet established in writing

2. Are they updated frequently? It depends if the ones that are already established are giving good results, it is not necessary to modify them, otherwise

3. Does the procedure conform to the standards? yes

Internal connectors


1. What information is most frequently sought? What customers think about whether the service provided is good or not.

2. who is in charge of transmitting it? The general manager is in charge of transmitting it to each of the assistant managers of each department

3. Are there regular meetings in the company? They are usually done weekly


1. How do the professionals / employees of the company cooperate? During the meetings that are held each one comments and thinks about what is being done

2. What were the largest coordination failures in the past two years? not deliver some house on time set


1. Does the management / manager report the achievement of the objectives? Yes

2. Is communication fast and direct? The communication that occurs between each of the employees is effective since this is the basis for the work to be done to be done in the best possible way.

Human Resources Review


1. What economic, social and cultural advantages does working in the company entail?

Economically the salary received is very good and socially the benefit that is given to each person who acquires a house.

2. Do the staff identify with it? yes

Personnel policy:

1. What possibilities are there to grow in the organization? There are many possibilities since training courses are currently being given to continue growing both personally and financially.

2. Are there training programs? Yes, some of the courses are about leadership, cost and motivation.


1. How are staff encouraged and motivated? Through training courses and sometimes with a trip.

2. Do penalties also apply? Yes, because if an employee does not perform his duties well, he must receive some attention call.

Technical resources

Machinery and technology:

1. In what technical state are the company's machines and facilities? In good condition, since the company should not have the luxury that the machine is in bad condition because the work would be late.

2. Are the technical resources adjusted to the tasks? Yes

3. are these sufficient for compliance? Yes


1. How are budgets prepared to acquire new instruments? The manager is the one in charge of making the budgets

2. Is there constant cost and income control? If the general manager takes care

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Organizational diagnosis of a construction company in mexico