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A Flow Diagram represents the graphic schematization of an algorithm, which graphically shows the steps or processes to follow to reach the solution of a problem.

Its correct construction is extremely important because, from it, a program is written in some Programming Language. If the Flow Diagram is complete and correct, the passage from it to a Programming Language is relatively simple and direct.


It is important to highlight that the Flow Diagram shows the system as a network of functional processes connected to each other by "Pipes" and "Deposits" of data that allows describing the movement of data through the System. This will describe: Places of Origin and Destination of the data, Transformations to which the data are subjected, Places where the data is stored within the system, The channels through which the data circulates. In addition to this we can say that this is a lattice representation of a System, which considers it in terms of its components indicating the link between them.

In this Work, the Procedure that must be carried out to calculate the payment of the workers of a Company will be represented through a Flow Diagram.

  1. Proposed Situation

Next, the procedure used to calculate the payment of workers by The Company FrutiPack, CA, which is in charge of preparing, processing and packing juices of excellent quality for the Central Western Region of the Country, will be represented through a Flow Diagram.. For these calculations the following should be taken into account:

  • Basic salary and overtime worked For the payment of overtime, the category of the worker is also taken into account, which is shown below: Each worker can have a maximum of 10 overtime hours, if they have more, they will only be paid 10. A workers with a category greater than 4 should not be paid overtime.


SUE: It is a Real variable that expresses the basic salary of the worker.

CATE: It is a variable of type integer, which expresses the category of the worker. 1 <CATE <CATE 8.

HE: It is an integer variable, which expresses the overtime worked by the worker.

PHE: It is a real type variable. Stores the cost of overtime, taking into account the category of the worker.

NSUE: It is a real type variable. Stores what must be paid to the worker taking into account her salary and overtime worked.

Flow Diagram (See PDF)

  1. Bibliography

- Manual of Norms and Procedures. Company FrutiPack, CA

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