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Digitization and automation of management systems

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Some of the main benefits of digitization and automation of management systems are exposedfor modern companies, as well as some of the problems that have prompted such a decision, to improve their efficiency and that of their processes. In the authors' opinion, the positive influence on such important aspects as: the cultural dimension; knowledge management; optimization in time and resources used in the evaluation, control, decision making and continuous improvement of the system; decreased risk of using outdated documentation; improve the possibilities of documentation management; spend less time preparing Management Review Boards and disseminating their results; favor the balance between centralization and decentralization of information; facilitate the management and traceability of processes and their nonconformities;the positive contribution to the emergence of new methods and management styles. It is emphasized that no automated system can have more value than that added by the people responsible for its application and the importance of adopting a philosophy of CRM and Integrated Process Management, ERP, as basic elements and center of the company's information system, given its great impact at the strategic, organizational and operational levels, and the importance of carrying out a preliminary diagnosis that serves as a methodological basis to assess the state of the company in the face of such a decision, key information for the design, implementation and implementation strategy of both tools.that no automated system can have more value than that added by the people responsible for its application and the importance of adopting a philosophy of CRM and Integrated Process Management, ERP, as basic elements and center of the company's information system, given its great impact at the strategic, organizational and operational levels, and the importance of carrying out a preliminary diagnosis that serves as a methodological basis to evaluate the state of the company in the face of such a decision, key information for the design, implementation and implementation strategy of both tools.that no automated system can have more value than that added by the people responsible for its application and the importance of adopting a philosophy of CRM and Integrated Process Management, ERP, as basic elements and center of the company's information system, given its great impact at the strategic, organizational and operational levels, and the importance of carrying out a preliminary diagnosis that serves as a methodological basis to evaluate the state of the company in the face of such a decision, key information for the design, implementation and implementation strategy of both tools.and the importance of carrying out a preliminary diagnosis that serves as a methodological basis for evaluating the state of the company in the face of such a decision, key information for the design, implementation and implementation strategy of both tools.and the importance of carrying out a preliminary diagnosis that serves as a methodological basis for evaluating the state of the company in the face of such a decision, key information for the design, implementation and implementation strategy of both tools.

Digitization and automation of management systems

There is little research on what makes a management system more effective, and it is not known exactly which aspects are the most critical. What is known and reported in the international literature is what are the characteristics of the companies with the best prevention results.

In study after study, the two characteristics reported as most important are: first, the commitment and involvement of the company management and, second, the participation of workers and communication. These characteristics can be considered as preconditions for the effectiveness of a management system and its important preventive nature.

There are also other important factors; one, is the integration of the management system taking into account all the processes and activities of the company including the legal and regulatory requirements of a given moment. The other is to ensure that the management systems are specifically designed or adapted to the needs of the company. Surely, the culture and work relationships in the company should be added and, at the present time, with the development of ICTs, the digitization and automation of management systems, provided that the requirements are also met. criteria previously exposed.

In the latter, it is important not to copy models, but to take experiences from existing ones and, above all, adapt them to the characteristics of the organization, its culture and work relationships, its context and, in this, have clear associated elements. to issues arising from the legal, technological, competitive, market, cultural, social and economic environments, whether international, national, regional or local, regarding the external context.

In relation to the internal context, such adaptation can be facilitated when considering issues related to the organization's values, culture, knowledge and performance.

However, one thing seems to be true: an automated management system focused on processes and their interaction can provide, among others, the following advantages:

  • Greater understanding by all workers of the operation of the company. Greater positive impact in the evaluation of effectiveness by processes and the interaction and integration of the same. Easier orientation of the company towards the client and towards its objectives. It allows optimizing and rationalize the use of resources with criteria of global effectiveness versus local or functional effectiveness. It provides a broader and more global vision of the organization and its internal relationships, by facilitating that information is available to everyone. It contributes to reducing operating costs and management. It is of great help for effective decision-making and guarantees a more participatory nature in it. It contributes to reducing the time of development, launch and manufacture of products or the supply of services.It allows the self-evaluation of the result of the processes and their interaction by each worker. It allows to visualize with greater clarity and speed the impact of one process on the results of another, which contributes to making workers aware of the best performance of its activity. It contributes to developing its own and lasting competitive advantages. It enables improvements with a strong impact, not only on a one-time but also global basis. It provides the structure so that cooperation exceeds functional barriers.It contributes to developing its own and lasting competitive advantages. It enables improvements with a strong impact, not only on a timely basis but also globally. It provides the structure so that cooperation exceeds functional barriers.It contributes to developing its own and lasting competitive advantages. It enables improvements with a strong impact, not only on a timely basis but also globally. It provides the structure so that cooperation exceeds functional barriers.


Based on the accumulated experience in the management of the processes of an organization, their effectiveness and the automation of the systems, it has been possible to specify some of the main achievements that drive many organizations to make the decision to automate their Systems. Management; Among these, the following can be mentioned:

It contributes to raising the cultural dimension. It is made up of the human factor, it is warm and emotional. It is about people having the appropriate behaviors. This is not only achieved with training and qualification of people; Today, it is an imperative to achieve active and conscious participation, but above all with commitment, making people feel more than, as simple participants, responsible and "owners" of their activity, that they feel involved, a sensitive difference that exceeds the commitment. The automation of the management system contributes very favorably to the achievement of this objective.

Here, too, leadership, collegial decision-making, teamwork, active listening development, unity, planning, mutual support, communication management, cultivating dialogue as one of the most genuine manifestations of communication in the organization, transparency, honesty, solidarity and simplicity, the inclusive nature of all workers, respect for diversity and understanding and commitment to the main purpose, the ability to work together to achieve a common goal, defined in the organization's policy, strategy and work objectives and shared values. In short, it is important to encourage the immense value and power of the collective mind.

The automation of the management system contributes positively to the development of various elements of relevant importance in the cultural dimension of companies today such as knowledge management, innovation, science and technology, driving forces of creativity and that contribute sensitively and well known to the development and achievement of any business objective.Its creative and intensive use will contribute favorably to the solution of fundamental problems related to society, companies and their economic, social and cultural challenges, which must be at the center of the attention of any company. It is true that its wide use imposes new challenges and challenges, but it is necessary to face and overcome such challenges and challenges; both are true engines for development.

The environment in which companies operate has definitely changed; Now, the development of human potential (knowledge, information, motivation, capacity, aptitudes, potential for development and learning) is essential to make our intangible assets truly productive and maintain a sustainable growth curve, for which essential support is to have automated management systems.

Automation also contributes to generating a work style and an infrastructure that allows information to be shared, so that it can be useful for other individuals when solving problems or making decisions, identifying valid practices or previous success stories and putting the documentation at the service of the organization.

In short, the objective is to achieve a culture that, translated into actions, brings the company closer to the worker, facilitating all the tools to improve professionally and streamlining all communication processes.

It favors and streamlines knowledge management. Automation helps the implementation of any platform and training program in knowledge management that can start by offering simple and valuable tools, that is, that can be used with more or less breadth and complexity and that will be transformed and enriched, in the The same measure that transforms and enriches the experience in the company.

The automation of the management system, as a contribution to knowledge management, requires work in two fields. Firstly, in that associated with the corporate culture, because individuals must be willing to document and share everything they know, because knowledge management is based on collaboration. Sharing digital information, through a duly automated system for this purpose, greatly simplifies the method and speeds up such collaboration.

The other field is the means, that is, that the company has technological means to be able to store, find and share the information. At this level of analysis it is important to keep in mind that in the profound and accelerated changes that occur in practically all fields of human knowledge, “if technology can be referred to as the great engine, the powerful accelerator of change, knowledge, it must be considered like the energy that fuels it. " Hence, the relevant importance of the combination of ICT and knowledge management through the automation of the management system in any company and company.

For every organization it is important to incorporate as an element of its business culture, the need to determine the knowledge necessary for the operation of its processes and to achieve compliance of products and services, and at the same time identify and disclose the specific knowledge acquired by personal experience. This knowledge must be maintained and made available to all who require it, as necessary. Similarly, when addressing changing needs and trends, the organization must consider its current knowledge and determine how to acquire or access the additional knowledge required and the updates required. This is another of the requirements of a company that benefits from the automation of management systems.

Companies that create and learn are more sensitive to changes and adapt better and faster to them. In this way, they also achieve greater performance by people.

Achieve an optimization in time and resources used in the management and maintenance of the Management System. This decision has a great influence and the level that has been achieved in the implementation of the Management System can be decisive. Once the company has managed to implement and implement a management system and that its operation and methodological basis have been verified and understood by the workers, it is considered that this has reached a level of maturity that allows and facilitates moving to a higher phase of its management, as part of its continuous improvement. This superior phase is the automation of the system, which allows to go from manual to automated management of all its processes, in order to achieve an optimization in time and resources used in its management and maintenance.

It is important "not to burn stages", and to look for the precise moment for such a decision. Although this may seem difficult in practice, I have noticed that the experience and knowledge of the company, as well as of the management system by the decision-makers is transcendental, as long as they are not influenced by higher "goals" or "dispositions", outside and outside the company to accelerate such a decision. This, in most cases, is counterproductive and, ultimately, does not lead to obtaining the best results. In short, it is important not to apply the principle of "everything very fast" so widespread today in many companies.

In our personal experience, we have perceived that when system automation is carried out without understanding, mastering and managing its methodological bases, with an emphasis on associated concepts and how to proceed in the evaluation and evaluation of results, haste can become a kind of "boomerang" since, people have also been "automated", thus limiting their ability to reason, participate and contribute to the continuous improvement of the system. This will be restricted to an “enlightened” elite that thinks and acts for others, failing in objective reality, the active and much less conscious participation of workers, in theory and practice, one of the main distinctive features of a system well-conceived management,attempting against something that distinguishes it: its preventive and participatory nature.

No automated system can have more value than that added by the people responsible for its application.

Reduce the time dedicated to evaluation, control, decision making and continuous improvement of the system.On repeated occasions, the managers and all the personnel linked to the evaluation, control and maintenance of the management system complain, rightly or wrongly, of the large amount of documentation and the time dedicated to that activity. Undoubtedly, the time dedicated to the manual management of documentation to guarantee and verify its proper implementation and compliance with respect to the requirements of the Management System, by those responsible for such management, translates into the need to use more hours of I work on this task, not being able to dedicate them to the realization of others that, surely, are required and can contribute greater added value to the system itself and to the results of the company in general. Time is a highly esteemed resource, unrecoverable given its attributes of being one-way and irreversible,therefore, the time lost in activities whose use can be optimized or improved, based on being able to dedicate more to other improvement activities, will always be useful, necessary and welcome.

Only after mastering the concepts, the methodological and functional bases that support the management system and the practical experience in its application, can the best results be obtained from its automation.

Reduce the risk of using outdated documentation. Avoiding the use of obsolete documentation is a requirement of the ISO 9001: 2015 standard. Apart from such consideration, it is important to avoid this situation for all the risks associated with it, among others: inconvenience, possible distortion, real inconsistency, little reliability of the data to be processed and analyzed, with its logical negative influence and, surely distorted, in making appropriate decisions. Once automated, the system can create a better guarantee that the documentation is more secure and reliable at each point of use and that it is timely and duly protected.

Improve the possibilities of management and improvement of the system documentation.An important requirement regarding documentation management and its improvement is that the documented information required by the management system must be controlled to ensure that: a) it is available and suitable for its use, where and when it is need; b) is adequately protected (for example, against loss of confidentiality, misuse or loss of integrity). On the other hand, according to the ISO 9001: 2015 in section, for the control of documented information, the organization must address the following activities, as appropriate: a) distribution, access, recovery and use; b) storage and preservation, including preservation of legibility; c) change control (eg version control), and d) preservation and disposal.All these requirements are part of the advantages implicit in automation.

Another important aspect is associated with audits, both internal and external to the Management Systems, since it is an interesting way to improve the management system, but, at the same time, generates a great effort from the organization, since it requires putting all the documentation, as well as the records defined in order to successfully overcome them.

Once automated, the system contributes favorably to generating fewer documents, fewer papers, which is a positive sign in an organization. It also contributes to fighting the “documentalitis” syndrome, an attitude that is still rooted in many managers, considering that the more papers and documents that exist in the organization, the more evidence they will show of control within it. Fighting the “documentary” syndrome is one of the elements that, in my opinion, is included in the current logic of the ISO 9001: 2015 standard, to which the automation of the management system contributes effectively.

In fairness, it is appropriate to express that many audits, or rather auditors, seem to "enjoy" when they have before them a large number of papers; even, it even gives the occasional impression that, if they do not have them, they are capable of creating in the course of an audit the emergence of several others that were not foreseen or really required in the organization, which, in the end, is always counterproductive, increasing the time dedicated to the audit, diminishing its practical value, creating confusion, insecurity and instability in the course of it.

Indeed, a digitized and automated system can contribute very favorably to the development of an audit, an activity of high interest for the improvement of a management system, since it will allow auditors and auditees to have a single platform that will greatly facilitate the review. of the desired documentation and the information foreseen in its scope, and dedicate more time to the review and analysis of other elements that can add more value, taking advantage of the always useful value of audits for the continuous improvement of the work of any company.

Spend less time preparing Management Review Boards and disseminating the results derived from it. The ISO 9001: 2015 standard, in its section 9.3. “Management review”, specifies in section 9.3.1 “General”, the following: “Top management must review the organization's quality management system at planned intervals, to ensure its suitability, adequacy, effectiveness and continuous alignment with the organization's strategy ”. For such a review, it mentions certain considerations that must be taken into account as input elements for it: a) the status of the actions of the previous management reviews; b) changes in external and internal issues that are relevant to the quality management system; c) information on the performance and effectiveness of the quality management system, including trends regarding:1) customer satisfaction and feedback from relevant stakeholders; 2) the degree to which the quality objectives have been achieved; 3) the performance of processes and conformity of products and services; 4) nonconformities and corrective actions; 5) monitoring and measurement results; 6) the results of the audits; 7) the performance of external providers; d) adequacy of resources; e) the effectiveness of the actions taken.d) adequacy of resources; e) the effectiveness of the actions taken.d) adequacy of resources; e) the effectiveness of the actions taken.

Not having a digitized and automated document management system requires having to make a great effort and dedicate more time to the collection, analysis and presentation of the data and information necessary manually for the development of the aforementioned council. In addition, it requires a greater amount of resources and supplies, including time, which can increase the associated expenses.

Later, in section 9.3. 3 “Outputs from the management review”, states the rule: “The outputs from the management review must include decisions and actions related to: a) opportunities for improvement;

  1. b) any need for change in the quality management system; c) resource needs ”. And it clearly states as a requirement: "The organization must retain documented information as evidence of the results of the management review."

A simple assessment of how the Boards of Review are carried out by the Management in various companies is sufficient to understand that a certain number of people attend who have been predetermined for their positions and responsibilities; It is not possible to involve all the workers in the organization, including many who occupy certain management positions and are among those who must make decisions in certain areas or functions.

The fact of having prepared a preliminary proposal based on the evaluation of the results and, also, on criteria that can be derived from the review by the management, that arise based on information that may have been previously available to everyone, It will help organize and run the council more effectively. All of the above will be enriched by guaranteeing the participation, experience and criteria of the rest of the participants. But, finally, the greatest value of the analysis will be given to the same extent that these criteria are made available to all the workers of the organization through a common platform. He turns, then, to respect and recognize the high contribution of collective intelligence. No individual intelligence is capable of exceeding the value of collective intelligence.Let us remember that the whole is more than the sum of the parts.

Here, it is valid to express again what, in other works has been said: information is one thing; Meanwhile, getting the right information, processing it properly, and transforming it into a product of strategic value, distributing it to people through appropriate channels and at the right time and making it be used correctly in decision-making, are very different things. As it is, also, to feed back to the producers of the data, who later give a sequence to the information cycle, briefly summarized in the previous idea.

It favors the balance between centralization and decentralization of information.Many organizations have working entities at different points, be they subsidiaries, branches, base business units, or any other denomination, which means that these, from their own management, create their databases as a base and starting point for information. Such a situation implies having decentralized information by not having digitized and automated its management systems that allow it to visualize in real time the information of its representations. The manual centralization of information becomes complex, starting from reconciling and summarizing that of all the entities of the organization, with the aim of making global decisions that, at the same time, benefit the management of the company and that of all those that they are part of it.

It is important to seek a balance between the centralization and decentralization of information, as an important action in the search for better and more timely solutions to improve the management of the organization and its dependencies, either in a real scenario or in a foreseeable, provoked one. for any change in the environment that may favor or disadvantage the designed strategy. At the same time, the company will be able to reduce time and costs, eliminating various manual tasks, for example: reconciling data, information, reviewing interface errors, and preparing management reports and decision-making.

On the other hand, communication would be facilitated and the interaction, efficiency and responsibility among people working in a distant office or with remote collaborators would be increased, cooperative work needed by organizations in matters of company management improvement would be encouraged Global strategies, linked to the training and development of human resources, would be facilitated and the process would be less expensive, with a positive contribution to the emergence of new methods and management styles.

Facilitate the management and traceability of activities and non-conformities in those organizations that have a large number of processes. Many organizations, due to the characteristics of their activity, have defined a high number of processes, whether strategic, operational and support, and activities within them, which can make it difficult to control, monitor and properly manage them., in their interrelations in a manual way. In such a situation, the conception of a digitized and automated system helps management to carry out such work.

Generally, such situation motivates that there are several people involved in the management of the Management System, which makes it necessary to have a common platform that allows it to be unified, in order to be able to control and guarantee the traceability of all the activities of the different processes and of the nonconformities identified, the management associated with them, as well as corrections and corrective and preventive actions, as appropriate, and their respective records, in addition to evaluating the impact of their impact.

The traceability of the processes and associated activities constitutes one of the basic requirements of the ISO 9001: 2015 standard, and an element of interest in various companies taking into account their specific activity.

At the same time, automation is a very useful tool for organizations with a variety of work shifts, where communication problems arise between members, and also allows information to be available from anywhere and at any time, an aspect that is It is difficult with a manual management of the management systems.

When making the decision to automate the management system, it is recommended to adopt the philosophy of Customer Relationship Management or CRM and Integrated Process Management (ERP), and the various platforms, packages and associated applications, such as free software, which integrates everything necessary for the operation of the business and that allows optimizing the company's processes, including customer management, accessing all the information of the company in a reliable, accurate and timely manner (data integrity), sharing information between all components of the organization, eliminating unnecessary data and operations and reducing time and cost of process activities.

Importance of preliminary diagnosis. Some suggestions.

However, it is appropriate to comment that, from our perspective of the problem, it is very useful, once there is an intention to automate the system based on CRM and ERP platforms, to carry out a preliminary diagnosis that, as a base and starting point, It allows evaluating the level of the company, managers and workers, to assimilate such transformation. It is not just a line of desire, supported by emotions and, perhaps, even in real development prospects, which is already important, nor in directives that impose doing everything quickly, but it is essential to objectively identify the conditions of the company, and that this information serves as the basis and starting point for orderly, logical and consistent planning for such implementation.

The diagnosis must be designed and applied in a way that guarantees the provision of information on the different theoretical, practical, cultural and functional components of the company, its managers and workers. These components include the following, some, not the only ones:

Organizational factors. Among the organizational factors it must be investigated and characterized with sufficient objectivity: leadership, policy and strategy, people management, resource management, process management, organizational structure, environmental culture, science and technological innovation, information management, existence of the resources necessary to succeed in the CRM and ERP strategy, identify if the company has the qualified personnel (specialists) to succeed in the CRM and ERP strategy, if the training programs are designed to allow the personnel to develop the skills required for appropriate CRM and ERP, if employee performance is measured based on meeting customer needs through service provided, if employees are motivated to meet CRM and ERP goals.

Technological factors. It is important to emphasize, among other things, the following: the company has the appropriate technical personnel to provide technical support for the use of CRM and ERP technology, it has the appropriate hardware to serve its clients, stakeholders and process management; the appropriate software is available to serve its clients through these platforms, progress in the implementation of ICTs is adequate for client management and process management, the company's information systems are integrated through of the different processes, departments, areas and activities; there is a centralized, complete and updated database of clients and interested parties; There is a centralized, complete and updated database of process management.

Knowledge management factors.This aspect must take into account both the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge. Among these: the company offers channels that allow two-way communication with its main clients and interested parties; it has established processes to acquire knowledge about clients, competitors and interested parties; has established knowledge acquisition processes for the development of new products and services, the company is able to make decisions quickly thanks to the availability of knowledge about the customer, processes are established to apply the knowledge to solve new problems, the exchange is promoted of knowledge among workers, the organizational culture stimulates the transmission and exchange of knowledge among workers,processes are designed to facilitate the transmission of knowledge between different departments.

Customer, stakeholder and process orientation factors. There are several factors to consider in this regard. Some of the most relevant could be: the business objectives of the company are oriented towards customer and stakeholder satisfaction, the level of commitment is controlled and analyzed to satisfy their needs, the company's competitive advantage is based on Understanding customer needs, business strategies are driven by the goal of increasing customer value, customer satisfaction is frequently measured, the company pays attention to after-sales service, and offers customized products and services for its core customers.

Many companies have an isolated management of the information generated in the different departments and require a global solution that integrates and organizes the data, so that it supports decision-making in an accessible way. The two aforementioned tools constitute an interesting step forward in this regard. The diagnosis, the basic tool and starting point, that will allow planning and conducting such a decision with greater ease and objectivity, by making it possible to detect where the weaknesses and strengths of the organization are in support of the strategy in this regard.

Omitting the preliminary diagnosis will significantly delay the progress of the implementation of system automation and, even if it is not noticeable, it will decrease the possibility and capacity of people in the valuable act of contributing ideas for their continuous improvement. Definitely, the development of the system will be centered on a series of "enlightened" experts in the methodological base; meanwhile, the others, the rest of the workers, will become "de facto", simple users who can contribute little.

Both tools, CRM and ERP, can be the center of a company's information system and are of great importance at the strategic, organizational and operational levels.

It is a type of management system that is characterized by trying to meet all the information needs of the organization, allowing the system to be adapted to the specific needs of a company, thus managing to improve the management of clients, stakeholders and processes. in different areas: financial, operations, marketing, logistics, commercial, human resources, and others.

In this sense, one of the main integrations is between the back-office and the front-office, that is, those applications that support the sales force, marketing and customer service with the applications that allow companies to buy, manage and distribute products.

Reducing uncertainty about the veracity of information, improving communication between areas, reducing duplication of information and integrating processes are other reasons to carry out the implementation of an ERP system.

ERP systems are designed to increase efficiency in the operations of the company that uses it, and they also have the ability to adapt to the particular needs of each business. If the client wants to organize themselves better, these systems are an excellent ally, since it allows them to increase the productivity of the company considerably.

ERP applications are usually modular in nature, allowing each company to adopt and adapt the parts of the application that are necessary or interesting, which are of different use, for example: production, sales, purchases, logistics, accounting, management of projects, GIS (Geographic Information System), inventories and control of warehouses, orders, payrolls, and others, which facilitates the growth of the system if the inclusion of new modules or competitors is adapted in the future.

A general recommendation regarding the digitization and automation of management systems based on the selection, adaptation and use of existing platforms and packages, is not to forget that, although each company needs to satisfy its specific needs, the programs and packages Existing ones are built under world-class standards or practices. In this way, you can find on the market the ideal tool aimed at each type of industry, to which some small adaptations are made so that it is tailored to each company.

It is recommended not to create programs or adaptations that go against the philosophy of the purchased package, because it can cause a great cost when migrating to future versions.

For effective implementation, it is important to be aware that collaborative work by the entire company is required, to maintain a positive mindset for change for all workers, not just for users, and therefore, the implementation of such a system implies time, dedication and effort.

It is vitally important that the project be appointed to an interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary team, to avoid loss of business vision and encourage active and conscious participation of workers.

Through implementation, a company can optimize its processes, and thanks to the visualization of information, help operations to flow, leaving records and without being stagnant in particular and specific areas of the company. The dissemination of knowledge turns this into an intelligence tool, when it allows making collegial decisions based on information known to all. The power of the collective mind always overcomes individual decisions. Create a willingness to work as a team.

It is necessary and important that the own applications and adaptations that are developed, in their advance towards superior and improved versions, will allow the creation of an internal culture in favor of this type of solution and, at the same time, contributing to the solution of problems in the organization.

In this sense, it is recommended to review, in addition to various other possibilities, the ISOTools Excellence Software, an interesting and useful aid to automate the ISO Management Systems of an organization, centralizing all management in a single tool. In addition, a platform that allows the integration of several of the ISO Management Systems that the organization has, thus greatly improving their efficiency, effectiveness and performance effectiveness.



No automated system can have more value than that added by the people responsible for its application.

The automation of the management system positively contributes to the emergence of new management methods and styles.

It contributes positively to the development of various elements of relevant importance in the cultural dimension of companies.

It helps the implementation of any platform and training and knowledge management program, and optimization in time and resources used.

Reduces the risk of using outdated documentation.

Facilitates the management and improvement of system documentation.

It contributes to a better preparation of the Boards of Review by the Management and to disclose the results derived from it.

It provides a balance between centralization and decentralization of information, as an important action in the search for updated and more timely solutions to improve the management of its processes, the organization and its dependencies.

Facilitates communication and interaction, efficiency and responsibility between people who work in distant offices, or with remote collaborators, promoting the cooperative work that organizations need in matters of improving the management of the company, facilitating the evaluation of global strategies, punctual and those related to the training and development of human resources.

They facilitate the management and traceability of activities and non-conformities in those organizations that have a large number of processes.


Create and encourage the conditions of technical, organizational, operational and human capital infrastructure to increase access to the Internet and its platforms.

Create awareness, stimulate and provide support for the emergence and materialization of ideas, projects that are aimed at the digitization and automation of management systems.

Promote the development of human capital associated with the activity and, at the same time, citizens' access to the use of ICTs.

Organize the company with a high level of Internet access, which gives you the possibility of optimizing your processes, knowing the skills of your collaborators, evaluating their performance and detecting the levels of competence that workers require for the continuous improvement of their work.

The digitization and automation of management systems and associated indicators is important, which facilitates the collection, handling, processing and interpretation of data and, consequently, helps in decision-making. In this sense, it is required as a preliminary step to have designed the system and specified the associated indicators.

Implement national and international collaboration mechanisms on these issues.

Adopt the philosophy of Integrated Process Management, ERP, as the basic element and center of the company's information system given its great importance at the strategic, organizational and operational levels.

The automation of management systems is recommended, only after the workers show a mastery of the concepts, the methodological and functional bases that support it and the practical experience in its application, which will allow obtaining the best results from the system. in the new conditions.

In the audits carried out in organizations that have a single platform for their management systems, it is recommended that the review of the documentation, their interaction, and the information foreseen in their scope, be carried out through said platform, which It will positively contribute to incentivize their automation, allowing more time to be spent reviewing and analyzing other aspects that may add more value, taking advantage of the always useful moment of audits for the continuous improvement of any company's work.


ISO 9000: 2015, Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary. Fourth edition.

ISO 9001: 2015, Quality management systems - Requirements. Fifth edition.

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clubresponsablesdecalidad.com/reunion–efectiva/Main problems that drive companies to automate their ISO Management Systems, September 19, 2016


*: January, 2018

**: Bachelor of Accounting and Finance. Diploma in Business Management. Master in Business Management. MBA at Nanjing University. Republic of China. Department of Science and Technological Innovation. Institute of Animal Science. Havana. Cuba. e-mail: [email protected]

***: Civil Engineer. Hydraulic engineer. Doctor of Science. Associate Professor. Principal researcher. Master in Structural Calculation of

Engineering works. Diploma in Business Management, Marketing and Negotiations. Master in Integrated Management of

Projects. European approval in Project Management. Diploma in Business and Communication Strategies. Diploma in

Risk Management, Quality and Environmental Management. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Digitization and automation of management systems