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Human dignity and organizational climate

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In this opportunity I want to touch on the subject of human dignity, as a value and as a right, to relate it to the respect, consideration and better treatment that people deserve, locating ourselves inside some companies, where such concepts seem to be unknown.

Let us begin by establishing that human dignity is an inherent condition of the human being, proper to him and that every human being is in himself worthy and worthy of respect.

It is the intrinsic and supreme value that each human being has, regardless of their economic, social and cultural situation, as well as their beliefs or ways of thinking.

" The value of the human being is of a higher order than that of other beings in the cosmos."

On the other hand, it is the emotional need that we all have of public recognition by the authority, personal, friends, family, social circle, among others, to have done things well. "Human dignity as a condition of the human being, is the fact of accessing at no cost to the rights and obligations that little by little, are generated over time and according to the social conditions in which it normally moves for being or belonging to a social group; This implies, therefore, a mutual respect of their rights, such as having a dignified life, with honor, with a good reputation, without being in any way the object of outrages or humiliations ”.

Every person is different. No two human beings are the same. Twins physically may have many similarities, but intrinsically they are quite different.

The difference in thoughts, ideologies, behaviors and attitudes between people will always be different, even if they share some aspects of the order of ideas presented.

Free will allows us to be free. We can be what we want to be.

Although we do not agree with others, respect for human dignity requires being tolerant as a way of generating relationships of trust.

The dissimilarity in all fields is what makes life interesting and is what invites development and permanent change in society, making it productive, constructive and prosperous.

Human beings must be respected in their own right. We are equal before God, although man has created social differences and prejudices in every way.

We all want to be treated as people and to be recognized for individuality.

We all want our culture and language to be respected.

Human dignity is a right and as such applicable to all human beings, equally.

Women, homosexuals, the disabled, different ethnic and racial groups, etc., we are all part of society and we all deserve respect.

The best way to understand this situation is by doing to others what you would like them to do to you, which in this case appears contrary to how we normally know it: Do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you.

Dignity reinforces the personality, fosters the feeling of fullness and satisfaction.

Human dignity is not granted, it belongs to us in its own right, for the sole reason of being born.

Good treatment for our fellow humans must be located within the most rigid framework of respect. This action by itself “drives away” discrimination, humiliation and mistreatment, bringing us closer each day to having a sense of justice.

Successful people have recognized the importance of recognizing human dignity as an important pillar of their leadership.

As a human value, dignity is presented to us as a call to unconditional and absolute respect, a respect that must extend to all who possess it: to all human beings.

Every human being is in himself worthy and worthy of respect.

Management and organizational climate

The role of management in creating an appropriate organizational climate, in which people feel appreciated and well treated with known results of better performance, is critical.

When people feel that they are respected and treated as people, the good climate exists and is absent where people feel it is just a number.

People rarely function well, in the face of intimidation. It is much more effective to show your employees that you are also a human being.

Don't scream. Do not shout. You have to set the right tone for respect and open communication.

Work is the most important thing in people's lives. They want to be compromised, they want to feel challenged and demanded. They do not want their opinions to be ignored, much less than any human error in itself, leading to acts of humiliation and mistreatment.

"What people want is a feeling of importance, a feeling of impact, a feeling of influence." (Ray Stata of Analog Devices inc.)

How to create the feeling; empowering them, challenging them, involving them in the planning of the organization.

That people have tasks and obligations that they feel are appropriate to their abilities and perhaps demand a little beyond themselves.

To succeed in this diverse environment, it is absolutely essential to get along with everyone, regardless of their culture or origin.

What matters is treating people with respect, resorting to little things like saying good morning or saying thank you.

How do we get close to people? showing respect and understanding, dignity, to the people who work with you, recognizing that these are human beings who have an existence outside the scope of work.

People believe that your organization cares about them and understands their needs, they are the same that are sure to

to respond by working hard and trying to achieve the objectives of the organization.

Basic rules:

1. Put yourself in the other person's place

2. Treat employees like colleagues.

3. Engage people. Challenge them. Invite them to contribute and encourage that cooperation.

4. Respect your dignity

Why do so many managers, despite the "power" they have, fall into the habit of diminishing others, of yelling at the people who work with them?: Low self-esteem.

The most important part of motivation is trying to link the task

with the individual in such a way that it becomes a real challenge.

Respect, improvement and constant growth in capacity development are, finally, the most important elements to motivate people.

Treat people well, treat them as equals and engage them in a teamwork process.

He demonstrates his dignity by his ability to be virtuous in his actions.

In turn, a worthy person can feel proud of the consequences of their actions and of those who have been affected by them.

Let us remember that Dignity is not granted, it is respected. There is no human power that should even think about ignoring the dignity of people, as their own right.

But, don't overdo it. An excess of application of the aspects related to dignity can foster self-pride, and can create the sensation to the individual of having nonexistent rights.

Human dignity and organizational climate