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Comprehensive dimension of corporate social responsibility

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The people themselves are responsible from their nature for their freedom and that they retain their identity as the years go by. However, companies as such do not have the psychological capacity of people and therefore their composition may change over the years. According to an old saying "they do not have a soul that can be condemned, nor a body that can be flogged" therefore companies do not feel responsibility in the same way as people, that is, they cannot be said to be responsible in just as people are.

To continue continuing with this article we are going to define what is the word responsibility.

According to (RAE, 2018):

  • Position or moral obligation that results for someone from possible error in a certain thing or matter. Existing capacity in every active subject of law to recognize and accept the consequences of a fact freely performed.

We also have social

Which according to (RAE, 2018)

  • Belonging or relating to society.

We can say then that social responsibility is the moral obligation that one has with society, from the business point of view we can say that it is the way in which companies contribute or contribute to society and in some way pay to it, being able to be a contribution to the environment, the economy, families etc.

Shared social responsibility

The actions that take place in a company give rise to responsibility which can be shared or collective. Said responsibility will be shared at the moment in which it is a simple aggregate of the actions of its members, it will also be collective when the group is able to act as such and its actions are the sum of its members, as occurs in large part of the shares within a company.

The social responsibility of a company is collective, of the human community, but also shared, to a greater or lesser extent, by the people who comprise it. Shared responsibility can become personal in other cases, as an example when it comes to fulfilling basic human rights, everyone must assume that responsibility since it is something that should be demanded of each person, regardless of their circumstances.

The degree of social responsibility that each person adopts within a company varies depending on factors such as the structure of government, the autonomy of their decisions, the power assigned, the problems that the company faces.

Companies that act responsibly towards society usually have the following characteristics:

  • You must have a good internal organization to assume your obligations and act responsibly. The groups of people within the company must have a good attitude to recognize their mistakes and omissions. Always keep in practice their social responsibility policies to achieve the desired results.

Social responsibility should fall mainly on the top management of a company, that is, from the bottom down, and it is important that they fully assume it, however it is necessary that they know how to transmit it to the entire organization so that all collaborators and members of a company know what are each of your responsibilities within the company.

Some instruments of responsibility management are:

  • Ethical codes, management systems, measurement of results.

Social responsibility is then that people and companies work in the interests of the environment and society, social responsibility as an application in business is known as corporate social responsibility or CSR for its acronym in English.

The meaning of social responsibility has taken a different meaning depending on the industry in which it develops, we can say that it is the positive impact on society, and in turn, the improvement in the administration of the company, for example a company in the energy industry must decide to reduce emissions in some way that has a positive impact on the environment, a company in the social sphere must design a way to give back to the community and provide services to the less fortunate.

Social responsibility is a voluntary inspiration, it is that in some way you must recognize and accept the commitments you have with society, it is also a mature attitude and sensitive to the problems of society and serves to adopt strategies and processes that Help reduce the negative impacts that can be generated on the environment and on society.

Corporate social responsibility.

According to (gob.mx, 2016) a corporate social responsibility is defined as the active and voluntary contribution to social, economic and environmental improvement by companies, with the aim of improving their competitive, value and added value.

In Mexico according to (gob.mx, 2016)The Ministry of Economy (SE), through the National Contact Point, has the mission of promoting corporate social responsibility, through the Guidelines for Multinational Companies of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). These guidelines are a series of principles and standards that seek to ensure that the operations of multinational companies: develop in harmony with public policies, strengthen trust between business and society, improve the climate for foreign investment, and increase the contribution of multinational companies to sustainable development. OECD member countries periodically review the guidelines to ensure that their content is up-to-date and reflects global changes.

Corporate Social Responsibility will be underpinned by the values ​​expressed by the company and must be embodied in a comprehensive set of policies, practices and programs throughout business operations to institutionalize it.

Corporate Social Responsibility leads to a conscious and committed action of continuous, measured and consistent improvement which allows companies to generate added value for all their audiences, and thereby be sustainably competitive.

Comprehensive dimension of Corporate Social Responsibility and its levels.

Responsible "comprehensive" action implies an analysis and definition of the scope that the organization will have, as already established, in relation to the different needs, expectations and values ​​that make up the being and work of people and societies with which it interacts; in this way their levels of responsibility can be understood and grouped:

  • Internal economic dimension. External economic dimension. Internal social dimension. Sociocultural dimension and external policy. Internal ecological dimension.  External ecological dimension.

Corporate Social Responsibility recognizes four basic and strategic lines or areas that show its presence in the company's activity. These in turn include subtopics, which may vary depending on the country or sector, or from one company to another. These areas are:

  • Ethics and corporate governance. Quality of life in the company. Linkage and commitment to the community and its development. Care and perseverance of the environment.

Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Corporate social responsibility has universal business principles, which with the knowledge of principles and also with continuous deepening, ensure a successful implementation. These principles are the following:

  1. Respect for the dignity of the person. Dignified employment. Contribution to the common good. Ethical co-responsibility in business. Prevention of illicit business. Linkage with the community. Honesty and legality. Justice and equity. Social development.

With respect to the above, we can say that a socially responsible company is one that takes the citizens into account within its purposes and goals. Its vision and social commitment must be based on actions that benefit the business and also positively impact communities. where they operate.

Positive repercussions of consistent social responsibility.

Corporate social responsibility provides true and tangible benefits for the company, which can be determined in different ways, based on quantitative and qualitative information. Among them are:

  • Improved relations with neighbors and authorities. Increased visibility of the business community. Contribution to the development of communities and the common good. Better informed business decisions. Increased quality and productivity.

Importance of corporate social responsibility.

As is known, social and economic development improves living conditions in communities, the contributions of companies to society help to build a fairer society and an economy that helps eradicate poverty and poverty from the country. misery facing a large sector of the country.

The only way to attack poverty in generating wealth and poverty is everyone's business, since companies know that the country must have growth in order for them to grow and create jobs.

World leading companies established corporate social responsibility in their business strategy as an element that can make a difference and at the same time give a competitive advantage, with better results. Studies carried out verify the positive correlation between economic and financial results and the company's socially responsible behavior. People today expect companies to be part of a positive change towards society and to better contribute to the sustainable development of communities.

According to (Calderón) Adopting corporate social responsibility is not easy. It is a path that involves leadership decisions in the company to overcome problems such as low civic culture, corruption, insufficient legal frameworks, authoritarian ways of exercising leadership and others that have prevented the company from fully developing as a responsible citizen, for what we identified ten basic action commitments which are the following:

  1. Seek the sustainability of the company, contributing to the development and social well-being of the communities where it operates. Consider the needs of the social environment of the business in decision-making and in the definition of company strategies, as well as collaborate in its solution. Publicize their commitments to society and measure achievements. Live according to participatory, supportive, service and respectful guidelines for human dignity, acting based on a code of ethics. Promote human and professional development of the community of the company and its families. Support some social cause related to the activity carried out by the company as part of its business strategy. Respect, preserve and regenerate the ecological environment in each and every one of the operating processes,commercialization and activities that it carries out. Invest all the time, talent and business resources that are available in favor of the groups and communities in which it operates and the social causes that it has decided to support. Participate in intersectoral alliances that, together with the organizations of civil society and the government, allow it to contribute in a shared manner to the common good and to attend to the most important social needs. Motivate and support staff, shareholders and suppliers to participate in business investment and social development programs.in conjunction with civil society organizations and the government, allow it to contribute co-responsibility to the common good and address the most important social needs Motivate and support staff, shareholders and suppliers to participate in business investment and social development programs.in conjunction with civil society organizations and the government, allow it to contribute co-responsibility to the common good and address the most important social needs Motivate and support staff, shareholders and suppliers to participate in business investment and social development programs.

This decalogue can be used as a guide for the company with which, from its adoption and adaptation, it can develop its own decalogue, which will guide internally and externally the purposes that, in terms of social responsibility, it intends to cover beyond any circumstance or temporality.

Paths to corporate social responsibility.

Every company must find its own path and pace towards social responsibility, according to experts. There are basically two main routes that can be taken to move towards corporate social responsibility. These routes are:

The analytical route.

The analytical route has the following key elements for its development:

  1. Risk analysis (internal and external). Analysis of relationship groups. Assess where there is convergence. Prioritize common interests. Development of an appropriate program.

The route of opportunity.

Along the route of opportunity, the company must determine if someone within its work group is interested in a corporate social responsibility program and if they have sufficient knowledge on the subject as well as time to take charge of it and be responsible for the program., the company must choose an appropriate program that meets the interests of the company at the social responsibility level.

Sometimes companies already manage a social responsibility program, however due to lack of knowledge they do not know that they have it already implemented or in use and they miss out on the work previously done when looking to make or implement a new program.

That is why it is necessary to analyze the current activities and programs of the company to know if it is necessary perhaps only to improve certain conditions of the current programs or give them more formality or perhaps there is none and it is necessary to start from scratch and carry out a new program of corporate social responsibility.

Guide or steps to follow for the implementation of corporate social responsibility.

  1. Recognize, assume and express corporate social responsibility as an indispensable component for the sustainable competitiveness of the company. Diagnosis of compliance with corporate social responsibility in its economic, social and environmental dimensions in its internal and external context. Planning. Instrumentation. Advances. Internal and external dissemination of commitment, challenges and achievements (public report). Continuous improvement. Repetition.


We can say that shared social responsibility is then a series of programs and implementations by companies towards society, with the search for mutual and reciprocal benefit, since companies, when implementing social responsibility programs, benefit from the fact that their prestige before society rises, social responsibility programs in turn require companies to improve their processes and develop sustainable development systems which benefits the environment and this in turn to society, on the other hand society is It is benefited since the companies support the communities surrounding their locality, contribute economically to these communities and in turn promote their growth and development,Companies do not want their staff or community staff to remain in poverty, because if they want people to buy their products, they must make their people have money to buy their products. The implementation of a social responsibility program is a long and permanent path, but it is not necessarily costly since it can be self-sustaining, but companies must know that once they have started, it is more expensive to return from it.However, companies should know that once the journey has started, it is more expensive to return from it.However, companies should know that once the journey has started, it is more expensive to return from it.


Argandoña, A. (February 2010). http://www.iese.edu. Retrieved on February 9, 2018, from http://www.iese.edu:

Calderón, JF (sf). https://www.cemefi.org. Retrieved on February 9, 2018, from https://www.cemefi.org: https://www.cemefi.org/esr/images/stories/pdf/esr/concepción_esr.pdf gob.mx. (May 27, 2016). https://www.gob.mx. Retrieved on February 9, 2018, from https://www.gob.mx:

RAE. (2018). dle.rae.es. Retrieved on February 6, 2018, from dle.rae.es:

Comprehensive dimension of corporate social responsibility