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Business management and sense of humor


Possibly we all have in mind the image or stereotype of the male or female manager. That pattern is not exactly the ideal, but the one we all know.

It seems that the managerial role is linked to seriousness, rigor, efficiency, productivity, order, control and other qualities like that, but what about humor? Is it incompatible with the managerial function?

Margaret Thatcher said that “having power is like being a lady. If you have to remind people, bad.

The same could apply to a sense of humor (having a sense of humor is like being a lady, if you have to remind people, bad).

We should not associate, have a sense of humor with telling jokes at all times or imitating our favorite comedian in the offices, or continuously pretending to be funny. It is rather a positive attitude towards things. A different way of looking at the reality that surrounds us. See problems from a different perspective that helps us find more creative solutions.

As children we are used to laughing is bad and seriousness is good «Learn from your friend Jorge. Look how serious and formal it is. At this rate, you will be nothing in life

Humor helps us create more relaxed and supportive environments for conflict resolution and the establishment of more fluid communication.

A sense of humor helps us withstand the excessive workload and protects us, to a certain extent, against stress.

Many companies are beginning to value a sense of humor in their executive selection processes. And this is not something new or an apparent passing fad. Henri de Mondeville (1260-1320) professor of surgery, was aware that humor favored the recovery of his patients and tried to keep them away from worries.

Humor is excellent medicine and extraordinary therapy. It contributes to reducing tension, anxiety, and of course, depression.

Therefore, as we can see, all are advantages. And the best of all. It's free. There is no cost to the company.

Using humor with our employees can be a more effective technique than many well-known motivational techniques.

We are used to working, in general, in hostile work environments, where laughter is associated with loss of time. Few things will be as pleasant as checking that your employees are comfortable in their jobs.

If we spend most of our time at work. Why not make it more enjoyable? Of course applying the "laugh at…" instead of the "laugh at…"

I remember several years ago, an occasion when I was teaching a course on the Marketing Plan. At a certain point in the class (I must admit that the most theoretical) one of my students asked me:

-Sorry. Can I tell a joke?

-How? -Asked something puzzled

-I just see that we need a little fun. And I just remembered a joke that was told to me today very well. If you let me explain, I promise not to interrupt you any further.

-Well, go ahead-indicate

The student told his joke. They laughed. And the class continued in a tone much more conducive to learning than 3 minutes before.

I have to say that the average age of the attendees was around 30 years old.

Our companies are important, so are our clients and above all, our internal clients; the employees. Let's apply and properly use humor with all of them and our work will be more enjoyable.

"Nothing can resist a fit of laughter" Mark Twain

"Life is a tragedy if viewed up close, but a comedy if viewed from a distance and on a more general plane as a whole" Charles Chaplin.

"Life is too important to be taken seriously" (Oscar Wilde)

Recently, one of my daughters (7 years old) told me that she would like to travel to China, which was the illusion of her life. When I asked him the reason for this decision, he replied that he wanted to go to China because it was the country of the Barbies. Barbies? And why do you say that? I asked him.

-Well because in all the Barbies I have, it says "Made in China".

(I swear and promise to whoever it is, that this is an authentic anecdote and not a joke)

Finally, I invite you to apply humor in your daily work and within a few months, reflect on the positive impact it has had on your lives and on that of your collaborators.

Business management and sense of humor