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Integrated project management with proyect 2002


The Integrated Project Management includes among its main objectives the optimization of resources from the integration of project work in the company, which constitutes a necessity and a challenge that the current competitive environment demands to guarantee customer requirements and The interested parts.

The objectives of the projects respond to the mission of the company and although these are different, the resources are common to them, so if we share them they allow integration through a pool of shared resources for the optimization of resources to starting from having defined the priorities of the projects.


Human resources, equipment, materials and financing form the basis for the formation of the shared resources fund, on which commercial, planning, purchasing, accounting, economics, workshops and specialized departments of the functional structure operate. If you have a computer system capable of facilitating the planning and control of resources on a shared fund, the integration of the company is guaranteed based on its improvement.

The allocation of resources in a single project does not allow to make good use of the company's resources. The project warehouse with a pool of shared resources and the definition of priorities by project, allow continuous use of human resources, optimization of material and financial resources.

The shared resources fund is the basis for the logistics and control of project execution. The MS Project 2002, its integration with Office 2000 and information storage techniques with database systems as interfaces, facilitate the integrated strategic management of resources at the company level.

The integration of the company is a necessity and a current challenge to guarantee competitiveness. Logistics is one of the main processes that requires its incorporation into the Integrated Strategic Project Management (DIP) with the

objective of achieving a better use of the necessary resources for the projects of

according to the planned execution schedule. The shared resources fund is a good solution to achieve the integration of the company.

One of the best ways to work resources when managing multiple projects is to create a shared resources fund on which all projects have an impact, in this way you can correctly carry out balances, supply curves and orders to guarantee the provision of resources according to the programming of the projects.

At the company level, when working by project, it is necessary to elaborate them individually with their characteristics and particularities to later make the general analysis, balance the resources and logistics in an integrated process that responds to the needs of the company.

To achieve the integration of projects in order to analyze resources at the company level, various processes are used:

Copy of two integrated projects in a main project.

The summation curve of resources in copied projects works but it is not the most recommended method. The dependencies 3 between the Balance 2 project do not correspond to reality.

- Incorporation of subprojects in a main project.

A widely used variant is the development of independent projects and later incorporate them into a main program as subprojects.

-Create a pool of shared resources.

Below is the most recommended way to proceed by following the steps below:

- Create the project store containing the resources to be shared.

  • Identify the resources that will be shared with the same name. Select a new P1 project with the starting date that contains them. Do not put any task in the new P1 project. Select the first project. Share the resources. Repeat the process for each project. Close the files and check the results with the resource distribution curves.

The resource warehouse is a tool for balancing resources and logistics at the design stage in the integration process of the company. The project execution control process allows controlling purchases, availability in warehouses and supplier supply.

Analysis of the projects that affect the days of maximum resources in the pool of shared resources.

In the FRC of the materials the main conflicts that affect the execution process are presented and it is necessary to study them and give them the appropriate solution. To solve this problem, it is necessary to identify the projects that affect the maximum and analyze the tasks they have

P3 bar chart on top and bottom of resources on bottom. This tool helps when executing the adjustments in order to guarantee the best distribution of resources. With the successive shifts of the tasks in this case, it is possible to observe how the conflict is resolved.

With the other displacement of task AE it is possible to obtain the desired requirement in the resource distribution curve of the representative fund of the programming of projects at the company level.

This curve is the basis for proceeding to supply resources based on the capacity of the warehouse and the frequency of supply.

Another way to proceed in the resource pool is transferring the information from the resource distribution curves of each project P1, P2 and P3 to Excel.

The procedure starts with selecting the project with the lowest start date and transferring the resource distribution curve to Excel. Then repeat this process with the rest of the projects.

In the same way, we proceed with the resource fund.

It is possible to transfer only the fund of resources already balanced in the Project.

The graph shows the curve in Project with 10 resource units and its corresponding curve in Excel. With the information in Excel, it is easier to obtain supply curves to guarantee logistics.. The Excel system offers a wide variety of forms of information representation and can be easily adapted to the information needs of the dependencies of the functional structure of the company, the suppliers and the customer. The shared level of information contributes to integration at the company level.

The summation curve of the resources is verified with the values ​​obtained in the Project. The graph shows the curves of the projects and the summation in Excel.

The procedure provides the opportunity to have the resource distribution curves for both the individual projects and the shared resources fund represented by Suma in this case. This process allows balancing the resources at the company or group of projects in order to guarantee adequate planning and assurance of the supply of resources based on their programming and the availability of financing in the company so that the department shopping carry them out. Sometimes project schedules respond to your requirements and when the company's demand is obtained, adjustments are made according to the company's interests depending on the clients and the priorities of the projects.

The resource distribution curve of the material shared resources fund is the basis for determining the supply curve that will be used in logistics and is subsequently the working tool of the purchasing department in the company during the execution process.

- Shared resources fund. Work force.

The programming of a set of projects requires the analysis and optimization of human resources.

In this framework, human resources require an adequate distribution and organization in order to make the best use of it.

The concept of team organization in teams or brigades facilitates this analysis.

shows the 7-day scheduled ER task with resource allocation for one crew as maximum capacity.

In the file of the Shared Fund of FFF resources it is shown with the distribution of projects Q1 and Q2. The use of C1 and C2 resources is reflected.

In the case of gang C1, it can be seen that he has no assigned work on Thursday and Friday.

Saturday and Sunday do not work according to the defined calendar.

With the programming of Q1 and Q2 it is necessary to proceed to program the Q3 project defined with priority 3. For this project, which has a start date of 02/14/02, it is necessary to have information on the use of resources C1 and C2 in Q1 and Q2. The resource pool provides this information.

Initially, resources C1 and C2 are assigned in project Q3 according to its requirements. The Q3 project is incorporated into the shared resources fund and the available spaces are automatically covered, which have not been used by the previous Q1 and Q2 projects.

Next, the resource distribution curve of the shared resource fund is obtained and the conflict zones are shown as shown in the following curves for the resources of C1 and C2, which start from considering in this case the allocation of a crew as capacity maximum.

with the conflict zone of resource C1 with a maximum capacity of one crew.

To resolve the conflict zone, various procedures can be followed.

  • Increase the maximum capacity to two crews creating blank spaces. Increase the work shifts for the same crew on the corresponding dates. Adjust the calendars. Recruitment of new workforce for the period of conflict. Subcontract the work to another entity. Adjustment from the task calendar to the available spaces and shifts until satisfying the requirements in the programming guaranteeing a continuous work of the resource.

allow the continuous use of resource C1, eliminating the conflict zone. In this case, workforce scheduling maintains continuous activity in prioritized projects and those with lower priority (3) make discreet use of the workforce.

This process is developed by successive displacements until the solution is reached interactively, observing directly the displacements made in the curve of the shared background. This process must be carried out with the minimum possible displacement to guarantee continuous work by the workforce.

It can be seen in the final solution, that the total duration of the AAA task is represented by 15 days according to the

calendar in the C1 Work Plan

final process and I had 8

Division distribution in Q3 AAA can be seen

crew C1 in projects Q1, Q2 and Q3.

The division of the AAA task to assume the continuous use of C1 is highlighted.

The use of the shared resources fund of the workforce allows analyzing its distribution and study with the aim of guaranteeing its correct use in projects. This information should be published online by human resources in order to know the availability and restrictions of the workforce in new projects in the planning process. Information is essential for planning future projects according to their priority. Performance evaluation in outages is also controlled by the functional structure and recorded in the human resources database. Both material and human resources require financing.

Shared resources fund. Financing.

One of the fundamental problems in project adjustments is the control of financial resources. In the system it is possible to determine the cost of the tasks and the distribution curve of financial resources as a function of time and from there define the financial flow in stages according to the requirements of the project schedule. The graph shows the resource distribution curve and the stages of financing delivery. The cash flow provided by the system corresponds to this graph. The S curve contributes to the control of project execution.

Defining the cost in national currency for all tasks and assigning the currency in USD for those tasks that require it as a resource, it is possible to obtain the variation of the USD resource as a function of time in order to define the stages of financing delivery depending on the project schedule.

The resource distribution curve can be transferred to Excel and obtain the cumulative cost vs. time curve, which is used as planned cost and actual compliance

by cuts, it provides a graphic image that allows characterizing the project situation and qualifying it by reflecting it on the command board.

This graphic can be edited from the Project as a Web page in order to facilitate access by senior management to it and thus interpret it and proceed to give the corresponding indications to guarantee decision-making.

From the Project they can be transferred

Balance Expenditure cost values ​​for tasks at

Excel and proceed to find the accumulated values ​​to obtain the cost vs. time curves as desired according to the frequency or stages that you want to cover for the projects or the company as a whole.

This analysis corresponds to the cash flow by resources provided by the Project. Excel allows information to be shared with the functional structure that must make use of it. Conclusions.

The mission defines the raison d'être of the company, the projects are very different with objectives associated with the mission, but the resources of the company are common to all projects and to achieve proper integration at the company level, the resource fund Shared from a project warehouse, it plays a decisive role in the strategic projection of companies that are in the process of improvement based on business excellence.

The FRC is an integration tool that guarantees strategic direction and provides the necessary elements for evaluating the logistics parameter on the project's dashboard.

The analysis involves all the key dependencies of the functional structure and the project managers, for whom the level of information in the shared resource fund is a great help for the development of their work. Senior management is systematically informed of the use of resources and the decisions made in the face of conflicts that occur during the execution process with the support of the command board.

The combination of the projects in the warehouse and its shared resources fund allows the optimization of material resources and the continuous work of the workforce with a schedule that allows to divide the tasks that have lower priority making an appropriate use of the financing.

The logistic process per project at the company level requires an integrated work of the resources in the shared fund, with the aim of obtaining the accumulated curves as the basis of the supply curves, according to the programming of the projects using the MS Project 2002.

- .- Bibliography.

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Lic. Maria Antonia Vérez García. Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering. ISPJAE.

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Integrated project management with proyect 2002