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Integrated project and quality management with project 2002


The company's Integrated Strategic Management, in its improvement process, requires the integration of the Integrated Project Management (DIP) and the Integrated Quality Management (DIC) in order to achieve the success of the projects. The need to integrate the DIP and the DIC in a single computer system is achieved from the structured programming of tasks and subprojects provided by the MS Project 2002 with the aim of guaranteeing the evaluation by cuts of the projects based on the taking of business management decisions using the command board.

The Integrated Quality Directorate constitutes a system that starts from the normative base where the way in which tasks should be carried out is specified. Metrology determines the way in which the execution of the tasks is measured using the measurement criteria, the laboratories and the means of measurement. Quality management integrates the entire system according to the client's requirements within the framework of the planned budget supported by the New Information and Communication Technologies.


The cost systems and logistics of the project require integration with quality based on evaluations in the process of monitoring projects by cuts.

Continuous training of specialists based on a staff training strategy, meeting the objectives proposed in the process of change in the company, requires the use of computer technologies to ensure their discreet training, according to the opportunities of time. available by specialists, accessing the network and taking the necessary information through a computer system, supported by a pedagogical model that allows them to be overcome and evaluate the impact, through progress in the projects in which they participate and favorable evaluation in their performance.

The Integrated Project Management or Project Management has the main objective of obtaining the programmed results, shortening the time frames, within the budget and with the required quality.

Of these three elements, time is the most frequently controlled in programming. The cost is generally taken into account in the first stage with the preparation of the budget and in the execution stage it must be controlled through an efficient project cost center system and reliable accounting in the cuts.

The quality of the execution process has a decisive impact on both cost and time, To achieve the relationship between quality and the project, it is necessary to specify some fundamental quality concepts associated with the project, define its management system associated with the integrated management of projects and its structured programming, supported by a professional computer system that allows, through of the milestones and measurement criteria to consolidate these two concepts, to subsequently exercise control over execution, integrating cost, time and quality.

Fundamental concepts.

The Integrated Quality Directorate (DIC) and its link with the execution of projects guarantee compliance with the objectives. ISO 9000 provides a set of concepts on the subject.

Total quality. Designing the objectives of the project based on the client's needs, guarantees the establishment of this philosophy in the system to do what needs to be done according to the client's needs.

This philosophy was elaborated from the concepts generated by the western professors Deming and Juran and strongly promoted by the Japanese with the contributions of Professor Ishikawa.

Systemic approach. Quality is a system that starts from the normalization base and relies on petrological control and evaluates the results with the systemic approach provided by the structured project design.

Integrated Quality Management.

Integrated quality management affects all project processes from conception, control of project documentation, evaluation of alternatives, control of execution, decision-making and commissioning by applying the integrated concept of the functional structure in support of draft.

In the development of the project, the integral management of quality in order to guarantee both the fundamental objectives of the project and the partial objectives makes it possible to specify, at each stage and at each milestone, the measurement criteria based on the standardization base linked to the tasks.

Quality is guaranteed with the actions of management and the role of each worker in each job with qualitative self-control, the development of tests, the provision of resources and control of costs. Quality assurance of the project is the responsibility of the project manager, participants and stakeholders.

Quality assurance responds to company policy and is the main activity carried out in the system to guarantee compliance with the partial objectives associated with the project in search of excellence. This concept is won to the extent that the entire workforce is committed, both to the general objectives of the project and to the partial ones.

From the analysis of the project mission and its vision, with the scenario and the quality parameters that the final result must have, to the phases of the execution control, the measurement criteria designed based on the tasks of the production. All those involved participate in this process, applying the forms of work in teams and expert commissions when necessary.

In the Integrated Quality Management, control guarantees compliance with the objectives based on the qualitative control included in the tasks and integrated in the milestones.

Quality structure.

Quality is based on the project structure and the functional structure of the company. The dependency of the functional structure of the company that attends to quality management must not be committed to the execution of the projects and must respond to the direction of the company. Each participant of the functional structure updates in the computerized system the evaluation of the weighted quality based on the corresponding agreements of the quality weighting based on the agreements made in the characteristic quality curves, making use of ethics and values.. The project manager relies on the evaluations deposited in the computer system by the executors to make decisions based on them.

Quality control.

It is the systemic control that executes the technical part of the project. It is designed based on the control of the project execution by objectives, actions and tasks. They are reflected in the measurement criteria contained in the milestones of the structured programming of the project. Quality control is supervised by the quality department of the functional structure and is based on the normalization and metrological basis of the company, using the laboratories to carry out the necessary evaluations.

Quality control ranges from raw materials to project completion and is associated with materials, labor, equipment, and methods used depending on the technologies. ISO 8402 provides an updated vocabulary that relates all the concepts mentioned above. Quality control is everyone's job.

Quality design.

Quality design must be comprehensive, combining cost factors and customer needs through the processes developed in the project.

The quality in the different processes of the project.

The project is developed in different processes and in each one it is necessary to specify the quality.

Project conception process. The quality in the conception process is determined by:

  • Elaboration of project documentation. Delve into the customer cycle when necessary. Precision in the objectives. Feasibility analysis. Comprehensive evaluation of the process. Role of the. Evaluation commission. Continuous improvement.

Design Stage:

  • Quality assurance in all phases of planning. • Evaluation of alternatives in the system Quality of the project documentation. Linking the tasks with the rules and procedures.

Execution stage.

  • Guarantee the information foreseen in the cuts. Elaboration of the diagnoses. Elaboration of the forecasts. Quality evaluation in the tasks in execution in the cut. Have a column for the evaluation of the quality. Make use of the notes and links in the tasks with rejection. in the cuts. Take into account the evaluation of quality in decision-making.

The acceleration of change and user demands cause variations in quality design with variations in cost. This periodic balance or adjustment must be executed within the budget environment in order to maintain a competitive result.

Closing stage.

  • Comprehensive evaluation of the quality of the project. Evaluation of the quality indicators. Correspondence with the quality expected in the conception of the project. Evaluation of customer satisfaction.

System design. Production flow.

Accuracy of indices

Task i - 1

Task i

Task i + 1

Input quality that must have the product that enters the task i.


The design of the quality system is executed on a production flow or organization process with a systemic approach, which allows analyzing the sequence and defining its entry and exit in each task, specifying the normalizing and metrological documentation to be used and reflecting it in the system computer to facilitate subsequent control.

In each task, the criteria of measures that guarantee it must be collected, to which all those who participate in its execution must be committed.

In the project design applying the systemic approach, the tasks and their execution sequence are defined. In this process, the input information is defined for each task i with the quality parameters that must guarantee the task (i - 1).

Task i develops a process that ends with an output characterized by the quality conditions required for task execution (i + 1). This process is designed with agreements of the measurement criteria with all interested parties and collected in the tasks and milestones of the project depending on its priorities and the impact of the system. Staff training plays an important role.

In chain organization systems for linear projects, the quality system design is developed for each simple chain.

Computer system as a base.

The development of an Integrated Quality Management system must have a computerized support for the project that allows the DIP to be developed. The proposed system is Project 2 002, which allows developing its structured programming and establishing the links with the normative base to detail the criteria for measures by tasks and milestones.

The table provides the disaggregation structure of the EDP project, with the indices of

The figure shows how the Concrete Floor task has a detail where the measurement criteria that must be controlled in the notes of the task information are collected.

The computer system must be able to assimilate the comments, notes and extensions in cases where the quality indices are not met, explaining the causes and the measures taken to restore the indices, with a view to achieving acceptance for the following task and continue the production flow. In cases of rejection, the increase in cost and time are important elements to highlight.

These criteria will be included in the corresponding task and when it affects the fulfillment of the partial objectives, it is reflected in the control milestone to be evaluated by management with a view to making the necessary decisions to restore quality. The milestones are programmed in accordance with the project's control interests in accordance with the schedule of compliance with the partial objectives established in the project. The milestones are represented in the execution schedule on the scheduled dates with a duration equal to zero.

  • Normalizing and metrological basis.

The development of the project requires the support of the functional structure in terms of supplying the standards, resolutions and procedures that must serve as the basis for the design of the quality system. The metrological system must be in correspondence with the requirements of the standards to guarantee the quality evaluation.

The system starts from the existing documentation in the functional structure but the development of the projects itself can be adjusted to the existing standard documentation, as long as the corresponding evaluations approve its adjustment in accordance with the standard procedures approved by the company.

The mathematical statistical base that is required for the evaluation of quality is very broad and this, depending on the distribution of the physical quantities to be measured, is widely used.

The figure shows the probability curve that serves as the basis for the quality control analysis in various cases with the different probability areas and their respective deviations S.

The coefficient of variation measures the deviation in relation to the average value, in certain cases it allows evaluating the quality level. In the example CV2 represents less variation than CV1. located on the left. In quantities such as deflections and deformations, the rejection area is on the right.

In quantities such as dimensions, dimensions and modules, among others, the rejection zones are at the ends. Each magnitude requires an analysis and determination of the rejection range in accordance with what is established in the normative base. The company level can make the adaptations of the Cuban norms, ISO or international norms according to its own characteristics, as long as it is approved as a company norm by the technical committee for its normalization.

In the process, it is advisable to weigh the quality within the acceptance environment in order to obtain an evaluation that qualifies the level of quality that must be obtained in the execution process. For each magnitude, the allowable range and the rejection zone are determined.

Quality weighting.

The indicators that intervene in the process are very dissimilar and varied, so to obtain a qualitative evaluation that allows comparison between them, a weighting that allows a comparative basis is necessary.

In many cases this rating constitutes an important level of stimulus.

Weighting of the quality necessary to study the weighting zones according to the statistical behavior of the same and to reach an agreement with the executor of the task so that it performs its self-control based on the value of the measured parameter. This result is deposited by the task manager in the computer support and is taken as a basis by the project manager for decision making. It is important to point out the ethical role, the use of values ​​and morals in the execution of self-control. This evaluation should be taken into account in the evaluation of the performance of the task leader in the framework of the use of the values ​​in the DIP and its integration with the DIC. It is important to keep in mind in determining the environments that values ​​very distant from the general environment a higher cost that can be prohibitive.

When a set of quality indices affect a task, it is necessary to apply the weighted index (PI) of the evaluation of the indicators.

  • Project quality manual.

The project quality manual relates the necessary normative documentation and the metrological support to guarantee the quality management of the project based on the company manual. Procedures for control are established, supported by the functional structure, delimiting responsibilities in it.

For the implementation of the manual it is necessary:

 Total awareness of the need for its implementation.

 That all levels of management from senior management to the last worker are convinced that quality is essential for the success of the project.

 That there is a real will to put into practice what is planned to achieve quality with its scope.

 That the client's requirements are known.

 The cost-quality ratio is known to achieve a quality that is compatible with the cost.

The general content of the quality manual according to ISO 9000 is as follows:

- Index. Introduction.

- Quality structure. Responsibilities.

- Normalizing documentation. Metrological system.

- Record of quality system settings.

- Record of quality control evaluations.

- Staff training.

Linking the project with quality and computer support.

The integration between the DIP and the DIC is a need of the current company given the demands of the client that develops in the modern environment.

In order to achieve integration, it is necessary to have a database in the computer network that contains the rules and procedures in order to establish the necessary links between the project tasks and their corresponding rules.

The use of the notes for the location of the measurement criteria is an important element to guarantee the information by which the fulfillment of the tasks will be evaluated.

This is an important element due to its impact on the performance evaluation of the task leader.

Quality execution control.

The control of project execution starts from defining the needs of each hierarchical level, from the self-control in each job position in the tasks, set of tasks and objectives, which will be evaluated in the cuts of the project. Quality must be controlled in the same way established in the company's strategy to be consistent at each level of the company and to assess cost, time, and quality to fully meet the needs of senior management, project managers or directors, and executives or unit managers or tasks supported by a system of

The control that senior management executes is associated with the control by objectives of the projects in execution and is fundamentally based on the measurement criteria contained in the milestones of structured programming, based on the concept that it is not possible to control everything, therefore, it has There must be a level of priorities to exercise effective control with high efficiency. In the rest of the hierarchical levels, the objectives or the criteria that guarantee them are also controlled until the control of the job position by the corresponding level is supported by the Project Disaggregation Structure.

The periodic control based on the milestones and its information system supported by email, allows having up-to-date information at the network and server level that facilitates the use of Web pages to guarantee the search for the information necessary for the taking of decisions.

The control uses the tests where the parameters are measured with the specifications, indices and tolerances included in the technical standards and regulations that are analyzed in the controls, inspections and quality audits.

Sometimes it is necessary to illustrate quality issues with a sketch, run graph, digital photo embedded in notes, or in a file linked to the task.

The figure illustrates the failure of a compression column supporting a bridge deck. A digital photo taken on-site and copied to the appropriate task is shown to illustrate the fault conditions.

The incidences on the cost and the additional time required in the problem are collected in the project tables and constitute the basis for decision making.

In all cases, these illustrative elements of the problem before and after they have been solved can be illustrated in the corresponding task in the expansion of notes that the system has in order to provide management with all the elements for the big decisions or the results of decisions already made.

The tests carried out in the laboratories provide results that must be interpreted by the task manager and in the case of obtaining a rejection result, it is necessary to specify the procedure or rule that is not followed, the tolerance range with its graph, quantified implications of cost and time, suggestions for decision-making and the person responsible for the rejection. The head of the task or summary task is in charge of the self-assessment based on the quality weighting agreed with the project manager. This self-assessment is developed under the concept of the application of ethics and values. The Project Director values ​​as a very important act the self-control deposited in the computer network and makes use of the corresponding incentives and penalties.The main ratings and comments are collected in the computer system. In cases of rejection, more information is required in the task notes or in linked files in Word.

The quality control documentation serves as the basis for the execution stage and must be foreseen in the project documentation in the cuts according to what is recorded in the quality manual.

In projects with high budgets and technical complexities, the concept of quality certification is applied by modules in which a group of experts intervene to evaluate the indexes and certify it.

The quality rating in each task and by milestone is collected in the information system and incorporated into the EDP of the computer model. The quality update in the monitoring of the project by cuts is carried out by those responsible for summary tasks directly in the Project and the project manager evaluates the project in the cut and makes strategic decisions.

  • Quality management in quantities with rejection.

Any task on the system that consumes resources is subject to a process that involves a set of actions. The success of the quality design is given by the definition of the minimum controls of the actions that guarantee the quality of the task. As the trials consume resources of manpower, equipment and materials, this criterion leads to using a minimum cost with guarantee of the necessary quality. But practice indicates that it is highly risky to design for a minimum cost, since it is statistically verified that there are always problems that can undermine quality and lead to rejections. In these cases it is necessary to increase the number of samples, measure complementary parameters and incorporate procedures that allow restoring the expected quality parameters or what is the same,intensify control until the causes are detected and quality is restored. As this process is daily, in the quality design of each phase it is not possible to use the minimum costs but it is essential to limit its variability. For these cases, it is possible to disaggregate the budget foreseen for each execution unit in order for the person responsible to evaluate and direct his work, aware that a certain number of rejections forces him to intensify quality control, forcing him to increase measurements, affecting his budget to a cap where profit decreases. If you guarantee all your work without difficulties, you will not be able to use all the planned budget, which can be a stimulating element to guarantee the excellence of your work.As this process is daily, in the quality design of each phase it is not possible to use the minimum costs but it is essential to limit its variability. For these cases, it is possible to disaggregate the budget foreseen for each execution unit in order for the person responsible to evaluate and direct his work, aware that a certain number of rejections forces him to intensify quality control, forcing him to increase measurements, affecting his budget to a cap where profit decreases. If you guarantee all your work without difficulties, you will not be able to use all the planned budget, which can be a stimulating element to guarantee the excellence of your work.As this process is daily, in the quality design of each phase it is not possible to use the minimum costs but it is essential to limit its variability. For these cases, it is possible to disaggregate the budget foreseen for each execution unit in order for the person responsible to evaluate and direct his work, aware that a certain number of rejections forces him to intensify quality control, forcing him to increase measurements, affecting his budget to a cap where profit decreases. If you guarantee all your work without difficulties, you will not be able to use all the planned budget, which can be a stimulating element to guarantee the excellence of your work.In the quality design of each phase, it is not possible to use the minimum costs, but it is essential to limit its variability. For these cases, it is possible to disaggregate the budget foreseen for each execution unit in order for the person responsible to evaluate and direct his work, aware that a certain number of rejections forces him to intensify quality control, forcing him to increase measurements, affecting his budget to a cap where profit decreases. If you guarantee all your work without difficulties, you will not be able to use all the planned budget, which can be a stimulating element to guarantee the excellence of your work.In the quality design of each phase, it is not possible to use the minimum costs, but it is essential to limit its variability. For these cases, it is possible to disaggregate the budget foreseen for each execution unit in order for the person responsible to evaluate and direct his work, aware that a certain number of rejections forces him to intensify quality control, forcing him to increase measurements, affecting his budget to a cap where profit decreases. If you guarantee all your work without difficulties, you will not be able to use all the planned budget, which can be a stimulating element to guarantee the excellence of your work.For these cases, it is possible to disaggregate the budget foreseen for each execution unit in order for the person responsible to evaluate and direct his work, aware that a certain number of rejections forces him to intensify quality control, forcing him to increase measurements, affecting his budget to a cap where profit decreases. If you guarantee all your work without difficulties, you will not be able to use all the planned budget, which can be a stimulating element to guarantee the excellence of your work.For these cases, it is possible to disaggregate the budget foreseen for each execution unit in order for the person responsible to evaluate and direct his work, aware that a certain number of rejections forces him to intensify quality control, forcing him to increase measurements, affecting his budget to a cap where profit decreases. If you guarantee all your work without difficulties, you will not be able to use all the planned budget, which can be a stimulating element to guarantee the excellence of your work.which can be a stimulating element to guarantee the excellence of your work.which can be a stimulating element to guarantee the excellence of your work.

In the design of a road work, the quality control of the compaction is one of the elements that decides on the final quality of the pavement and its control is evaluated through the quality index, which must be greater than 95% of the test. proctor. When this index does not meet the quality specification repeatedly, it is necessary to intensify the control evaluating the humidity. If it continues, it is necessary to review the quality of the materials and their grain size. If it still continues, it is necessary to evaluate the soil layer thickness, the number of compactor passes and the compaction energy. All these elements that are incorporated must be measured and it is necessary to carry out new tests, men to measure,laboratories to evaluate and therefore the cost increases depending on the search for the reasons for the rejection. After the index is reset in your environment, you need to decrease the evaluated parameters and reset only the compaction index again.

Quality must be guaranteed, therefore when there is a rejection due to non-compliance with the indicated parameter, it is necessary to take the corresponding technical measures that imply greater cost and proceed to restore the required quality parameters.

The DIP provides important support for the definition of the quality level of the project result, combining the criteria of the vision with the objective conditions in which the project develops and the client's requirements, which allows defining the level of quality required to specify the materials, equipment, personnel and work methods that guarantee the project's objectives.

The project manager requires an evaluation based on a cut in the project where cost, time and quality are combined. Based on this information, a forecast is developed with alternatives to precede making the corresponding decisions.

The example presents task CO1 and the notes specify the results of the temperature evaluation.

The value obtained from t for task CO1 is X = 2.4> 2 acceptable but close to the minimum value of 2 according to the quality specification index X min <X.

This assessment is recommended to associate it with a quality rating defining in the acceptance environment the ranges of values ​​that will be used with the agreement of the interested parties. This process can be refined in the execution process and allows it to be a basis for the stimulation system for excellence in quality based on the evaluations obtained.

The rejection zone is defined for the environment X <2. In this case it obtains t = 2.4 and according to the illustrated classification, it can obtain a rating of 3 equivalent to regular as agreed.

Linking the evaluation of quality in the cuts with the command board through the databases of the projects in execution provides the strategic information necessary for the forecast in the next cut with the strategic goals to notes or links complementary in Word. In cases of quality rejection with an increase in cost and time or in this case in which there is no rejection but the evaluation is regular because it is very close to it, it is an alert for control.

This process eliminates the need to produce large reports that copy the charts and tables that are contained in the project with excessive details of well-executed tasks. Just by sending the project by email after updating it, according to the milestones and details of the rejections with their implications, it makes available to management all the information necessary for decision-making.

ISO 9004 Quality Management provides a set of elements related to management that facilitate the application of these concepts.

The volume of information and the quality must be consistent with the available processing capacity, in accordance with the established management pyramid. If more information is requested than the processing capacity, an unnecessary extra work is generated that can be very uncomfortable and therefore the person receiving the information must be convinced of its importance and quality for its subsequent use.

To obtain the information on the quality behavior in the computer support, the system is based on the incorporation of a column in the control table with the quality indices of each task, which are responsible for giving an evaluation at this level with a Quality Rating column and other project specifications.

Each one of these quality indices represents in each task one of its fundamental characteristics, which due to their importance it is necessary to assess. In tasks where it is necessary to value more than one index to provide a final grade, it is convenient to weigh them to obtain the weighted average. This information is provided by cuts according to the progress line and the monitoring table.

If the task has a single index, its tolerance factor is analyzed and the acceptance or rejection criteria are analyzed. To determine the acceptance of the index, there are tolerance curves in which the acceptance range of the index is found. After knowing whether or not the index meets the specifications, we move on to the quality weighting curve, which is in charge of giving a grade to the tasks according to the expected range and the value of the quality index.

If the task has more than one quality index and the indices have the same weight within the task, they are averaged, but if the indices do not have the same weight within the task, the weighted average is calculated as the sum of the products of the values ​​by the weights divided by the sum of the weights. In the case of summary tasks or subprojects, a grade is applied to the tasks and, according to their weighting, the representative grade of the tasks is obtained in the cut.

Taking task C2 as an example, we have that it presents two quality indices h and b, which can be density, arrow, diameter, etc. If it is specified that h> 1 and b> 3 are the measurement criteria defined in the technical standard and the weighting was an agreement taken between the Project Director and the person in charge of the task, then the tolerance curve for each index determines the values ​​for each of them obtaining the values ​​h = 1.2 and b = 4 and they are compared with the specifications. If they fall within the permissible range, they are accepted and the weighting curve is passed, obtaining a score of 3 for h and 5 for b, obtaining a weighted representative index of 4 for task C23 in the cut that corresponds to a milestone.

To apply the weighted average to the summary task C1 keeping in mind the structured programming. The weighted grade of C23 that equals 4 was determined so the evaluations are:

  • Change control.

In the control of changes, the quality parameters that guarantee the identity of the project and its impact on costs within a given environment must be very well defined. The change orders must be delimited with a view to guaranteeing its conception, within the framework of the expected cost, guaranteeing the competitiveness of the result.

In the contracts, the quality level requirements must be well defined in the corresponding clauses. In the logical sequence of project tasks, there must be agreement between the result of the contract and its quality with the task that receives and processes the result of the contract.

  • Quality of logistics and its cost.

Control of project logistics in order to guarantee quality plays an important role in meeting objectives.

The process must control the quality control of the delivery of resources to the project. Each delivery is a task or subtask that must have precise quality criteria. Rejections in this task involve cost implications. The precision of compliance with the indexes must be foreseen and the responsibilities well determined to define who is assigned the cost increases in the case of refusals.

The systematic evaluation of the quality of the supplies allows evaluating both the logistics as well as the compliance and evaluation of the suppliers, which allows evaluating criteria to select the best and most competitive suppliers on future purchases, based on the parameters evaluated with a view to prepare the next tenders or requests for offers.

Cost of quality = Cost of quality management + Cost of rejects.

Quality management cost = Design cost + Control costs.

It has been shown that the cost of the lack of quality is much greater than the cost of prevention + evaluation + control.

The cost of quality requires an evaluation of the system in which the methodology and the indexes to be evaluated affect the cost. For each physical quantity there can be different indices to measure. In a linear magnitude of a topographic distance it can only be measured in round trip and for a quality level of 1: 2 000 (precision) just by guaranteeing the error in the predicted environment according to the method and instruments used is sufficient. In this case it is not necessary to measure the tape tension, temperature and unevenness to make the corrections and obtain a higher quality in the measurement with an unnecessary cost increase according to the objective for which it is executed.

Sometimes maximum quality is indiscriminately requested without having a criterion of the significance it represents in cost. This assessment is important both for the overall project and for each of its parts. The success of a balanced design is in defining the quality required in each of its parts in order to guarantee the necessary quality in the final result of the project.

The concept of project development, as conceived by the DIP, evaluates the cost in its entirety, considering both the cost of design and execution and the cost of maintenance in the exploitation stage under the project-business concept.

Normally when it is not conceived in this way, the construction cost is high.

The cost of quality is fully evaluated from the conception, design, execution and closure of the project, seeking a balance in it. A low cost of quality in construction implies high maintenance costs in the exploitation stage. High unnecessary costs in the execution phase do not have to guarantee low maintenance costs in the exploitation phase. The evaluation of the total quality specifying the requirements and restrictions of the client and the needs of the user in the exploitation stage guarantee the balance between quality and costs. This is where the project - business concept plays an important role.

Good control enables the necessary information to be obtained for decision-making with a view to exercising effective management.

Improvement of modules associated with standards and procedures.

All the projects are different but in all the norms and procedures that require the implementation of a set of tasks that must respond to the execution of the execution of the same are presented.

The modules associated with procedures that are repeated in a large number of projects can be studied and analyzed by establishing their dependencies and resource allocation, following a sequence of execution with optimization of the same. The rules and procedures by which the execution control will be carried out must be linked to the tasks.

After having this module with all its links and controls with the concept of the computer map, this module is inserted into the project and the plan is executed (P), controlled (E), checked or validated (C) to check designing and adjusting it (A) to update the planning of the module.

The modules must correspond to processes, project units, minimum control units, units assigned to workshops, functional structure units, contracts or other forms depending on the characteristics of the project.

- The training process for specialists.

The integration of the DIP with the DIC in a single computer medium requires a precise definition according to the characteristics of the company with the concept of tailored suit.

Once the integration of the systems is defined, it is necessary to determine the training needs for each dependency of the functional structure, attending to their partial objectives in the disaggregation structure of the project and the necessary standardization base for the success of their work. With these definitions, the training strategy for each functional unit of the company is determined. The use of personalized training systems mounted on computer systems that provide the possibility of discreet access to information, attending to the training possibilities of the specialist from their workplace, allow personalized training with impact measurements based on the sequence of the projects that it executes in time.

There is a CD in electronic format with the aim of facilitating study remotely or by mounting it on the company's computer network for discreet personalized use based on the availability of time for specialists to train.

The DIC takes into account and guarantees environmental management. In the DIP book making use of the NTIC emphasizes this topic..


The company's Integrated Strategic Management forms the basis of the improvement process and requires the integration of the Integrated Project Management and the Quality Management with the aim of achieving project success.

The use of MS Project 2 002 allows the integration of the DIP and the DIC, in a single computer system with the evaluation of the measurement criteria associated with the tolerances of the magnitudes by cuts, for decision-making in support of management business using the command board.

For the implementation of a DIC system, the conceptual analysis of the rules, procedures and metrology as a system is essential. It starts from the normalization base where the way in which the tasks should be carried out is specified. The metrology determines the way in which the execution of the tasks is measured making use of the measurement criteria supported by the laboratories and the measurement means. Quality management integrates the entire system according to the customer's requirements within the framework of the planned budget, supported by the New Information and Communication Technologies.

In the follow-up by cuts during the control of project execution, the cost systems and the logistics of the project facilitate integration with the quality supported by the Project.

The distance courses or the availability of specialists in the center's computer network guarantee their continuous training based on a staff training strategy developed by the company. The objectives proposed in the change process require the use of computer technologies to guarantee their discreet training, in accordance with the time opportunities available to specialists, accessing the network and taking the necessary information through a computer system, supported by a pedagogical model that allows its improvement and impact evaluation, through progress in the projects in which it participates. The results of the evaluations in the cuts contribute to the analysis of the performance of the participants in the DIP.


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