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Integrated project management and software tools for their development

Table of contents:


1. introduction

It is an essential challenge for Science and Technology to use the most up-to-date professional computer systems in project management using NICTs based on the effectiveness of the system. The policy of taking the project as the basic unit of the system and the means to achieve the integration of the functional structure leads to the success of the institution. The project in electronic format is being used by specialists in various centers and it is intended in the short term to provide the opportunity for the rest of the specialists to use these technologies supported by existing computer networks, the Intranet or the Internet.The content of the topic develops a synthesis of the methodology used for the planning and control of research projects and highlights the use of computer tools to solve professional problems based on analysis systems such as Microsoft Project 2002 and Web Central, as well as its integration with the basic components of Microsoft Office 2000.

Taking as a base the needs of the environment and the development achieved in the application of the DIP, it is necessary to use a tool that allows its implementation. In the content, a procedure is developed where it is strategically integrated, the management by objectives, planning with a systemic approach, quality management, the use of advanced cost systems, accounting, the application of NICT and logistics taking as Base a unique computer system (MS Project 2 002) capable of guaranteeing project management and promoting its use in companies. In the content, the execution sequence is analyzed, based on the networking method, supported by a computer system that allows the application of optimization algorithms, variant evaluation, cost and time analysis.The bar chart, the resource distribution curve, the balances, the shared resources fund and the logistical study are obtained to guarantee supply according to the schedule and achieve the objectives set within the budget framework, shortening the deadlines for execution with the quality required by the client. In the execution control process, the project evaluation is developed, with diagnostic and prognostic techniques that provide elements for decision-making and effective project management at the institution level, integrating the functional structure in support of achieving the objectives of research projects.the shared resources fund and the logistical study to guarantee supply according to the schedule and achieve the objectives set within the budget, shortening the execution times with the quality required by the client. In the process of execution control, the evaluation of the project is developed, with diagnostic and prognostic techniques that provide elements for decision making and effective project management at the institution level, integrating the functional structure in support of the achievement of the objectives of research projects.the shared resources fund and the logistical study to guarantee supply according to the schedule and achieve the objectives set within the budget, shortening the execution times with the quality required by the client. In the process of execution control, the evaluation of the project is developed, with diagnostic and prognostic techniques that provide elements for decision making and effective project management at the institution level, integrating the functional structure in support of the achievement of the objectives of research projects.with diagnostic and prognostic techniques that provide elements for decision-making and effective project management at the institution level, integrating the functional structure in support of achieving the objectives of research projects.with diagnostic and prognostic techniques that provide elements for decision-making and effective project management at the institution level, integrating the functional structure in support of achieving the objectives of research projects.

The system of cuts making use of the milestones, the progress lines and the monitoring tables with the link in Excel and the Office complements, allow evaluating the behavior of the project, all of which guarantees the correct direction of the project from taking decisions based on the achievement of objectives and customer satisfaction using email, Outlook, servers and web pages. The databases of projects in execution and completed provide a knowledge system based on the continuous improvement of the quality of research projects.

The accelerated development of Science and Technology, the development of the scientific capacity of man, the policy of project organization, NICT and advanced technologies create the necessary conditions for the application of Integrated Project Management (DIP) with the support of Information Technology and Communications (ICT). The current challenge faced by Science and Technology makes the application of organization and management techniques in accordance with the environment increasingly necessary, creating the conditions to achieve high-quality projects based on the client's needs. The current environment requires a harmonious development between technologies,resources and comprehensive management systems with the aim of obtaining competitive high-quality projects in order to fulfill the objectives within the programmed time frames, within the budget and with the quality required in research projects.

The process of (R&D) is present in one way or another in all production and / or service companies and is the driving force behind the applications and generalizations that maintain the image, competitiveness and the fight for excellence. The introduction of Science and Technology in the company requires an adaptation to its own characteristics and is what is commonly called a tailored suit. Therefore, the transfer of technology or generalization of results require an adaptation that is sometimes supported by research. Sometimes when the transformations are important and the risk is appreciable, the support of basic or applied research is required to guarantee success. These works are carried out regularly with the cooperation of the Universities or Research Centers.

Science and Technology is a process in which a set of areas of the functional structure that require an integration of the system to guarantee its success participate, making use of the project as a means of achieving it. Science and Technology aim to provide solutions to the needs of social development, taking the project as the basic organizational unit. Determining what needs to be done goes through a collective evaluation process, involving experts, selecting the project manager and her team. The integration of the areas of Research, Postgraduate, International Relations, the Scientific Council, Economics and Computing, in the centers in a process that aims to achieve the success of the project and the development of the center.

To achieve this purpose, it is necessary to integrate in the project the strategic management, the quality management, the advanced cost systems, the accounting and the logistics, supported by ICT based on Science and Technology.

The use of ICT, with a systemic approach, allows establishing a Project Management system capable of guaranteeing its development from the Conception, Planning and Programming stage to the Control of Execution, making use of diagnostic and prognostic techniques with the use of professional computer systems and Office add-ons.

The developed theme aims to apply a methodology for the organization and management of projects in the Science and Technological Innovation system.

In the proposed methodology, the fundamental stages of project development are analyzed based on the networking method supported by the most up-to-date professional computer systems such as Microsoft Project 2002 and the basic complements of Office 2000. The application of the algorithms of optimization, variant evaluation and cost and time analysis. The execution schedule and the distribution curve of the key resources are obtained depending on the schedule. In the process of execution control, the evaluation of the project or set of projects is developed, with diagnostic and prognostic techniques based on a strategic vision that provide the necessary elements for decision-making in the framework of the DIP supported by the use of computer networks,servers and email.

2. Vision of the Integrated Strategic Management for research projects.

To formulate the aforementioned objectives, it is necessary to develop the vision based on the evaluation of the environment forecast models for the next five-year period, which will be associated with the following aspects:

- The strategy for strengthening and integrating the Science and Technology process is successfully developed taking the PROJECT as the basic organizational unit.

- The project is the basic organizational unit in which the integration of scientific strengths is materialized based on a promising result. Project tasks constitute the minimum unit of control.

- The conception of multidisciplinary projects is elaborated by teams of experts selecting the project director and his team. The development of SYNERGY is stimulated. The director with his team executes what is approved by the group of experts.

- The integration, coordination and cooperation between universities and research centers is facilitated with remote communication to guarantee the continuity of projects. The use of remote shared resources in projects allows a rational use of them.

- Teleconferences, collaborations and remote communications are facilitated if updated projects are available in electronic format.

- The shared resources fund is used in the planning and execution control process.

- The project is one of the main channels for seeking both national and international financing. Electronic format and ICT facilitate this process.

- The computing area guarantees computer logistics for updating databases, publishing results and computer traffic for projects through networks

- The Scientific Council draws up the Science and Technology policy and relies on ICT to verify compliance with it.

- All projects develop their conception phase and once approved by the corresponding level, they are registered and deposited online for publication in the database of projects in progress.

- The project is brought into an electronic format to facilitate its publication on the network and the access of interested parties, both to the conception and to its control of execution.

- The process of commercialization of the results of Science and Technology, materializes in projects. The business is identified with the project. Cash flow, IRR, NPV and Recovery Period are defined with the support of ICT.

- The Directorate of Public Economy all the necessary information (rates, production and consumption rules, databases of product suppliers and cost sheets, among others) to facilitate the preparation of budgets and contracts.

- Contractual relationships play an important role in the negotiation and in the success of the projects.

- The project in electronic format facilitates communication, updating it remotely, contributes to its quality and increases the chances of success in the bidding processes in search of financing.

- The scientific technical production, associated with project tasks and results, is published online through the projects. Researchers are provided access to scientific production through the network.

- The results of the projects provide feedback to the undergraduate and postgraduate teaching processes.

- The postgraduate courses contribute to the generalization of the results of Science and Technology. Computer platforms and pedagogical models facilitate personalized training work in the process of applying and generalizing the results.

- The necessary consultancies, consultancies and courses are developed to guarantee training and generalization of project management.

- The support of publications, books and CDs is guaranteed to facilitate training.

- Doctorates are an essential part of projects, are represented as subprojects, benefit from financing and contribute to their results.

- The International Relations Department facilitates collaboration by project and is informed, supported by ICTs, of compliance with international commitments, international exits as project needs and the use of international financing.

- Computing departments and departments support the project manager and stakeholders in publications and information management through ICT.

- The project update is executed by cuts depending on the physical progress in the execution schedule

- The Web Central, MS Project 2 002 and Outlook facilitate the application of teamwork techniques.

- The shared resources warehouse applying the Data Warehouse and Data Mining techniques facilitate the integration and access of the functional structure to the information of the projects in the network.

- The scientific production, awards and distinctions obtained in the project are periodically incorporated.

- In the control of projects, compliance with the indicators of publications by specialist, input by researcher and patents, among others, is assessed.

- In each evaluation of the project, information is generated in a database that feeds and updates the bases of the center.

- The researchers benefit from the use of the databases, the consultations of the scientific production carried out and establish the links for the remote exchange of information to benefit the fulfillment of the objectives of the projects and programs.

- From the central database of projects in execution it is possible to identify the conflicts, access the base of the center and from it directly to the updated project to access the execution schedule, with its costs, accounting (cost center per project), partial results and scientific production achieved among others.

- Once configured for the planned outages, the system provides personalized information reports to departments, faculties, divisions, centers, central directorates and interested parties. The databases through queries allow to obtain additional information. The publications of tables and projects allow access to sites and servers in search of complementary information, such as partial results reports, publications and contracts, among others. The system facilitates the flow of information between interested parties.

- The Directorate of Economy has information on the financial flow, logistics and accounting of the projects. Post the entrance to the warehouse of the resources planned by the projects.

- Generalization meetings with clients are encouraged in order to promote generalization projects.

- The generalization projects are part of the generalization programs of the organisms that use the results.

- At the end of the project, all the necessary information is available to evaluate its results and the performance of the participants based on the indicators. There is information on Economics, Postgraduate, Scientific Council, International Relations and the other areas of the functional structure on the project.

- Before proceeding to the closure of the project, the team of experts evaluates the fulfillment of the objectives, the contract, the results and customer satisfaction.

- The finished projects with all their results and scientific production are conveniently stored in a database of completed projects to be consulted in a timely manner. It constitutes a basis for managing project knowledge and applying it to new projects. Behavioral modules are generated that facilitate the design of new projects.

- The functional structure of the center has the need and the necessary skills to access the databases by projects and obtain the information that is incumbent upon them to inform themselves, exercise control and contribute to the proper functioning of the project in accordance with its objectives.

- The central bases are fed by the bases of the centers.

- The central databases feed those of other organizations and interested parties.

To guarantee the proposed vision, it is necessary to generate the objectives and strategies at all levels to develop a set of actions, among which are.

• Develop a project that includes the integration process of the key areas of the functional structure with the aim of guaranteeing the success of research projects.

• Guarantee compliance with the strategies for strengthening the integration policy, taking the project as the basic organizational unit of the system.

• Develop remote or easily accessible computer systems in the networks of the centers to guarantee the personalized training of the participants in the project management process. (DIP).

• Develop an information base in publications, books, database of completed projects and CDs that allow continuous improvement in the use of management by project.

• Contribute to the development of a policy aimed at raising the computer literacy level of the participants in the project management process.

• Study the main achievements obtained in the centers and proceed to their dissemination and generalization.

• Make use of the multidisciplinary project as a means of integrating scientific strengths according to the main needs of social development.

3. Conception of the Project.

The conception of the project starts from an idea, need and request of a client among other diverse sources. In this framework, a group evaluates the request, defines what needs to be done, generates the objectives, its scope, configuration, requirements and restrictions with the participation of the project director. With this information, the feasibility analysis and budget proposal are made, contracts are drawn up and their evaluation proceeds. The group determines a graph showing the approximate sequence of execution of the summary tasks to be carried out by applying the system techniques. The methodologies for the elaboration of the projects must be used depending on the format requested by the client or the financier.

Defined the need and the result to be applied with its corresponding adaptations, it is necessary to proceed to the elaboration of a project that allows the evaluation of its objectives, the necessary resources, the scope, the cost, the time frame and the quality with an adequate analysis. feasibility with quantified benefits.

Each project must have its conception and feasibility. The director of the company can have a set of projects and, according to his evaluation, the needs of the company and the availability of financing, establish an approval strategy based on the results of the feasibility analysis, such as the TIR, VAN indicators., cost benefit and recovery period among others. Generalization can and should be through a project.

Database of projects in execution.

As projects are developed in electronic format, it is essential to prepare a database of projects in execution with the aim of providing primary information to interested parties with the concept of the operational command board for projects. From the database it is possible to access the project in Project and obtain more information on the progress and detail of the execution control by cuts in the projects.

4. Project design.

In the project design and planning process, structured programming, milestones, summary tasks, task modules and subprojects will be used when required. Said programming will become part of a database, using email, floppy disks, the Intranet and the shared resources of the local network. Data warehouses can provide a good solution.

A well-planned project, with study of alternatives, evaluations, with good programming, quality definitions and budget, makes the execution stage viable.

The characteristics of the research projects differ from the rest by their flexibility in their development. On multiple occasions it is not possible to define what will happen and it is necessary to insert some logical decision in the descriptive block diagram and in the structured programming, which allows choosing the path based on the result obtained.

It is possible to study a material with different granulometric compositions or physical elements and depending on the result of the characterization of the material, the sample preparation will be carried out following a standard or foreseen procedure reflected in the task link, to be tested by friction. The different formulations or procedures for sample preparation can be variable and be defined in subprojects. In the project, the most probable path through A1 can be established from previous studies, leaving the variants of A2 and A3 planned, in case it is not most likely, to make use of one of the two variants planned, in the event that it is feasible its application. If none of the plans is possible, it will be necessary to implement a new variant.In the programming, the dependency is established in relation to the sequence with the highest probability and in the case of adjustment, only the dependency reflected with the 4 is changed.

The main objective is to express that in investigations the execution sequence is not governed by a deterministic process but is subject in some cases to the partial results that are obtained on the fly with a precise definition of the final objective. However, the criterion of developing an investigation based on its logical design is totally valid. In this case we proceed to make as many adjustments as necessary. The computer system responds to the needs, adjustment and flexibility required by the research system. In the same way, new unforeseen tasks, adjustments in durations, resources can be added and the adjusted project can be quickly obtained in a graphical representation that is very easy to interpret.Collecting project settings by drafting tasks with the necessary changes is a cumbersome way of working and difficult to interpret. The graphical representation on computer support enables the execution of the adjustments and their interpretation. The research project requires, to be carried out in an electronic format, professional program systems that guarantee the required flexibility. MS Project 2 002 with Office add-ons can be a good choice.MS Project 2 002 with Office add-ons can be a good choice.MS Project 2 002 with Office add-ons can be a good choice.

The control of project execution is planned according to the critical points of the project materialized in milestones, progress line and cuts, in which control of cost, time, quality and logistics are combined.

5. Execution of the project.

In the project development stages, execution is one of the most important due to its complexity and the importance of making the necessary decisions to achieve its objectives in the shortest possible time, within the budget and with the required quality.

In the cuts and at the end of the project, it is necessary to evaluate the scientific-technical production reflected in the content of the project in electronic format and that has as its content national and international publications, publications in high-impact magazines, monographs, books, applications and approvals. of patents, participation in national and international scientific events, awards at events, quality certificates, registrations, industrial protection; results of doctorates, master's degrees and diplomas; results of student scientific work, student diplomas, standards, procedures, technical instructions, awards at all levels and presentations at scientific events. The indicators that reflect the impact of Science and Technology are based on scientific and technical production.As the basis of the evaluation of the project is the information on the results obtained deposited in the network, it is of interest to the participants in the project to update it in accordance with the results obtained.

6. Use of computer networks in teamwork

In the project integration process, its structure, work team, communication methods, control systems and work methods are defined. In the work process as the director improves their relationships, the group begins to work as an integrated team in which the characterizations of the problems, the diagnosis, the evaluations and proposals for decisions are effectively implemented.

The work team evaluates options regarding the method of communication with its members according to the available means. The options can be:

  • Written reports. Floppy. Email Servers. Central Web.

Communication techniques and well-used computer networks avoid paperwork and superfluous meetings. Written reports and paperwork hinder the critical work of the project manager.

Project managers complain about the number of reports and diversity of project managers and stakeholders who request very varied and diverse reports. A good solution to the problem is to deposit the project in electronic format on the network and keep its execution updated by cuts, configuring the system to send you through Web pages the information required by interested parties based on updated primary information on the project. On the other hand, it is possible to give the interested parties access to the server so that they can search or expand the level of information from the Web pages.

A work team system via email, especially if it is integrated into the Microsoft Outlook application, offers the possibility of communicating basic information about the project, including task assignment information and task updates. Message rules can make updating the project file quicker and easier.

The combination of Project, Outlook and Web Central allow to achieve the following:

- Members of the work team can see the tasks of all their projects at the same time. They can also see the tasks in a Gantt Chart, they can group, sort and filter those tasks.

- Members of the work team can see the latest information for the entire project, they have access to their assigned tasks at the discretion of the Microsoft Project Central administrator who provides the necessary accesses.

- They can create new tasks and send them to be incorporated into the project file.

The system is deposited on a server where each project manager can initially deposit their documentation and subsequently update it from the place of origin through email, floppy disks or directly on the server, in accordance with the scheduled cuts to report compliance the objectives associated with the measurement criteria.

In this process, email can be used with great advantages. The system adjustments should be sent to the members of the work team to ensure good compliance with the goals in the next cut.

Interested parties can select the information of their interest and send it via email..

E-mail is also used in the work of the management team through the transfer of information between the interested parties in the projects. Bar diagrams can be sent with the schedule, tables and graphs representative of the progress of the project, cost and time curves planned with its fulfillment and many others depending on the characteristics of the project and the information needs of management in the cut. programmed. Web pages are a tool widely used for the facilities they provide for the interpretation of results in graphs and tables.

The use of the Web pages with their links allows to establish the necessary communication with the management of the company and the interested parties. The web pages with the information of the availabilities in the resource warehouses guarantee better logistics management in the projects.

The project in computer support offers the possibilities of guaranteeing in the process of control of execution by cuts the information to the interested parties through Web pages or entrance to the server where the updated information is found. It facilitates communication between specialists interested in the results of the previous tasks to give a consistent continuity with them, regardless of the place or country where they are. It allows personalized information to the client or financier depending on the progress of the project. All these advantages are important elements to be taken into account by those who approve the projects in the bidding processes.

As can be seen in the scheme, there are multiple areas that must interact with the project base stored in a central server, for example, the International Relations Department can manage and negotiate the financing of projects and control the execution of those contracted based on comply with international commitments. This is not possible if you do not have a tool like the one presented. The same is true of scientific management structures (Commissions, Sections and Scientific Councils).

One of the main functions of the Directorate of International Relations is establishing relationships with institutions or countries that have the possibilities of providing financing for the development of joint research projects.

For this reason, a set of strategies are established with the aim of strengthening these relationships and searching for niches that have possibilities of providing financing for the execution of projects such as Networks, International Organizations and scholarships, among others.

The project is one of the main ways to obtain financing and the study of project conception and design using computer systems provide added value to it, which increases the probability of project approval in both national and international bidding processes.

In the design of the projects, the international exits typical of the scientific work carried out by the specialists associated with the different tasks must be foreseen or the exit can also be considered as a task in the project.

An Integrated Project Management will exist when the processes of conception, planning, control, evaluation, forecasting and closure are integrated into the processes carried out in the strategic areas of the functional structure.

In planning, the final report of the departure depends on the results of the patent and this is scheduled several days after the return of the international departure. The scheduling can be adjusted to the needs of the project and facilitate the work of international relations since at any given time you can track the projects with a search engine and find the planned outputs for the next period and better organize your work. The report appears in Word linked to the Project to access its content if necessary by the interested parties from the same system. This same image can be obtained on the Web page or as an image.gif from the Project. The important thing is to define an execution schedule and inform it to the interested parties and then control it and proceed with the necessary adjustments.Sometimes it is more important to keep the information updated with quality results than compliance on time. In the process of Science and Technological Innovation the primary thing is the fulfillment of the objectives with quality

In the case of projects with international commitments in which the management is committed, it is possible to remotely monitor compliance with the commitments. When it is necessary to obtain the balance of work with an international institution, it is also possible to track the projects with their commitments and fulfillments without disturbing the specialists and learning about their progress.

Task 20 executes the determination in Spain and both the MES and ISPJAE are aware of the determination to execute their tasks. If you have a server and Internet communication, from Spain it is possible to deposit the final report of the determination so that the following tasks can continue with the execution of the project. Linking through the servers facilitates communication between specialists. If the server is not available, it is possible to use email or the transfer of information using floppy disks. The system facilitates remote integration by providing the necessary information to guarantee the correct continuity of the project.

In projects that have international financing, it is important to know in a cut of the project if more or less than budgeted has been spent. The link with accounting when you have the cost center per project is important as a means of guaranteeing the reliability of the use of financing. The training tasks establish an important link with the Postgraduate process.

Postgraduate education. The postgraduate activity is closely related to Science and Technology in the training cycle of the workforce to guarantee the introduction of the results, the quality of the postgraduate content, the use of graduate students in the development of projects of research and development of doctorates, master's degrees, specialty and diplomas according to the main directions of the country's development. The project is an important way of integrating research and postgraduate studies.

PhDs can be programmed as subprojects with tasks that respond to the project design with its defined scientific output. In this cooperative framework, the project has tasks that provide solutions to the doctorate and this in turn provides information to other project tasks. The generalization of the results requires in most cases a training process through postgraduate studies.

Doctorates that are carried out abroad can be contained as subprojects in structured programming, guaranteeing the remote exchange of information from the project in electronic format.

The postgraduate is a process inherent to the research process. The research project, when its result is associated with a product or service, must be designed on a full cycle, and the training of the man who is the main executor of the project and the results obtained must be designed.

The integration of the doctorate, master's or diploma as results of the students linked to the process, allows to make use of the financing of the project based on the training of the personnel. Sometimes it is difficult to obtain external financing for the execution of doctorates and in these cases when it is integrated with a project it is easier to obtain financing.

In this framework, the project has tasks that provide solutions to the doctorate and this in turn provides information to other project tasks, establishing a continuous integrated process of scientific work.

The training process is present in (R&D) integrated into the application of the DIP without which it is not possible to guarantee that specialists and workers are prepared for the process of change and the implementation of advanced computer systems, with the objective of achieving the research project in electronic format.

The change process requires a detailed study of the objective conditions of the company, analysis of key processes by priority, selection of process leaders, training of leaders, an information and training system mounted on a computer platform that allows all workers make use of it according to their possibilities of time and motivation. Measuring the impact of training based on the transformations in the change process provide the necessary criteria to evaluate its implementation process.

The Economic Directorate is an important point in the process since it is in charge of acquiring resources, as well as investments. For her it is interesting and almost indispensable the concept of Shared Resources Fund and the analysis of the Curves of Distribution of key Resources which can be obtained in Excel from the data from the Project. The determination of purchases from programmed resources, the entry and exit of warehouses published on Web pages and the support of accounting from defining the cost center per project can provide the necessary information in the cuts and proceed to the decision making. The S curve of accumulated cost against time planned with the control points by cuts, allows knowing with the support of accounting,the evolution of the project in order to make the corresponding decisions in each court where the SPI and CPI are available as indicators of time and cost. In the case that both are positive the evaluation is excellent 5 points, if they are negative it is 2 points and for intermediate evaluations the evaluations of 3 and 4 are reached as appropriate. This evaluation is reflected as information from the project's operational command board in the database of projects in progress from which it is possible to access the project directly or through a Web page. The analysis of the result compared to the baseline allows the evaluation of the project to be determined according to the criteria previously expressed.

When you have a tool like the one presented, remote information and control by the functional structure is provided.

The Concept of Standardization, Metrology and Quality Management are part of the (R&D) process. The first stage is to ask yourself if the result obtained is better than what is currently being executed. Is the new procedure superior to the one currently running? To what extent is it superior? Generates a new standard for the company that guarantees a higher step in development? The other aspect is the way in which the parameters or indicators are measured to be able to compare them and draw conclusions. Science begins when you start to measure well. The equipment associated with the process must respond to the parameters required to guarantee its quality. The new replaces the old when it is scientifically proven to be superior.

7. Project closure.

In the final stage of project closure, it is essential to evaluate the fulfillment of the objectives. If the measurement criteria are not met before proceeding to the closing, it is necessary to readjust the execution until these are met.

Database of completed projects.

In national systems, where information is generated in different parts of the country, it is necessary to create territorial database systems and send them to a central database where the results can be published for a shared use of the project knowledge system. This process contributes to the integration and cooperation between the participants in the Science and Technology process..

To the extent that the projects conclude with the fulfillment of the objectives set out in electronic format, their incorporation into the database of projects completed with the following objectives is essential:

• Storage of project experience in a format easily accessible to users.

• For the development of new projects it is necessary to review the finished projects and take the success modules already designed to copy and paste them in the new projects in order to make use of the knowledge already developed and applied with the adjustments that practice determined. Examples of modules can be repetitive procedures, standards, instructions, contract forms, statistical processing, quality evaluation, determinations or characterizations in specialized laboratories and drawings in AutoCad, among others.

• It is a knowledge information base for all project managers.

• It allows analyzing the information, studying the regularities and gaining in quality in the next projects.

• The Planning area can analyze how the schedules were met and detect regularities with the aim of facilitating the work of project managers and evaluating their impact.

• Training can develop programs tailored to real needs based on the results of executed projects. It allows to measure the impact of the change in the center and define the training strategy.

• Commercial and Economics can access the executed projects and specify or enrich their procedures with global modules and indicators. It allows to improve the prices and offers in the next tenders. The database system allows the evaluation of the behavior of the suppliers with the objective of defining the logistics strategy with the next projects.

• The Quality Department must verify compliance with the procedures developed in tasks and make the necessary adjustments.

• Management can count on an easy-to-use tool to access finished projects in order to maintain continuous improvement based on the success of the company..

The finished projects must have referenced all the scientific production achieved during its execution period. The final evaluation of the indicators must be carried out on the basis of the information collected in the completed projects.

The scientific production achieved in the completed projects will be available to the rest of the researchers and constitutes a basis for knowledge management of new projects.

To achieve these objectives it is necessary:

• Project managers should review completed projects adding all details with successes and conflicts to store them properly on the network. You must make use of File, properties for the entry of basic information and facilitate its recovery.

• Computing should define the storage location on the network as read-only to promote the use of information.

• Computing must design the databases linked to the projects and guarantee the necessary maintenance to them.

• General training for project managers and stakeholders is necessary for the use and exploitation of the databases.

8. Final considerations.

The project in electronic format is being used by specialists in various centers and it is intended in the short term to provide the opportunity for the rest of the specialists to use these technologies supported by existing computer networks, the Intranet or the Internet. The content of the topic develops a synthesis of the methodology used for the planning and control of research projects and highlights the use of computer tools to solve professional problems based on analysis systems such as Microsoft Project 2002 and Web Central, as well as its integration with the basic components of Microsoft Office 2000.

A well-planned project, with study of alternatives, evaluations, with a good structured programming, quality definitions and budget, facilitates the task of management in the execution stage.

The project execution control stage is the most complex of the process and must be addressed with cut-off dates based on the fulfillment of the partial objectives, represented in the programming structured by the milestones where the measurement criteria associated with the control of the project are reflected. cost, time, quality and logistics.

In the execution it is necessary to develop a team management work where the role of the project manager as leader is decisive. In this process, the concept of a computer map facilitates the graphic interpretation of the cut controls that are executed in the system supported by the Web pages. The characterization of the problems, with the analysis of the required information, allows a diagnosis to be made in order to carry out a project execution control and evaluate the performance at the different levels of the structure.

The facilities provided by the system of sending the entire project or part of it as a module to those interested so that they can analyze the part that corresponds to them and take the appropriate measures to undertake the tasks that correspond to them, according With the results obtained by the predecessors, it allows the development of joint work and comprehensive evaluations that guarantee effective project management, developing creativity and innovation with the active participation of the management team, allowing the rationalization of superfluous reports and meetings that generate losses. of unnecessary time.

The combination of time and cost control, taking into account the quality and logistics incidents, the use of an efficient cost system that allows you to evaluate alternatives and make use of cash flow, allow you to develop project management concepts accordingly with the current demands of the environment in cost, quality and time.

The use of the Project integrated with Word, Outlook, Excel and Access; sending the project through electronic messaging; They comprehensively develop in specialists and researchers the skills in the application of Information and Communication Technologies, which allow them to be permanently updated remotely. Currently, most scientific, educational and production institutions have a network where at least electronic and web messaging services are supported by competent computer personnel capable of guaranteeing greater traffic of project information.

The integration of the Science and Technology system taking the project as the basic unit and the minimum control unit as the summary task structured in the project, relying on ICT to guarantee publication and communication among the interested parties and to organize the DIP matrix structure with the integration of the area of ​​research, postgraduate, international relations, computing, the scientific council and economics in the centers.

The methodology guarantees a unique project documentation system on a computerized base that is easily accessible to the members of the Science and Technology process, guaranteeing communication between the participants and the interpretation of the results in the scheduled cuts in the system.

The current and perspective educational, cultural and computer development and its connection with research requires a change of style in the direction of Science and Technology, creating the necessary conditions for the success of the application of Integrated Project Management using of the NTIC with the objective of achieving a correct correspondence between the high qualification of the scientific personnel and the advanced technologies in the field of research with the Directorate of this important process for the development of the country. Dr. R Delgado. [email protected]

9. Bibliography.

• 1 Antil, M James. Critical path method in construction practice. 1968

• 2 Martino. Critical path method. 1973.

• 3 Delgado, R. Organization of the design of a scientific research problem. 250th Anniversary Event University of Havana. Dec./77.

• 4 Leonovich, I. Delgado R. The improvement of the teaching process in the specialty of roads through the use of computers. V International Summer School on the application of computing in Higher Education. 1986

• 5 Delgado, R. Standardization and the introduction of the results of Science and Technology. XX International UPADI Convention. Convention Palace. Oct./ 88.

• 6 Economic resolution of the V Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, 1997.

• 7 Bakert. B. Senior R&D management. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. US. 1997.

• 8 Delgado, R. Vérez, M. An information system for project management. Project Management. University 98. ISPJAE. 1998.

• 9 Microsoft Project for Windows 95. McGraw-Hill. Madrid. 1998.

• 10 Project Management Institute. A guide to the project management. Body of knowledge. PMBOCK Guide 2000 Edition.

• 11 R. Delgado; M. Vérez; Dr. K Roehric, U. Humboldt. The Integrated Project Management (Project Management) making use of New Information Technology and communications applied to CGLALE. Kologische Hefte der wirstschaft. Helf 1 b / 2 001. pag. 99 –108. ISBN-No 392603-95-0.

• 12. R. Delgado; Dr. Michael Fritsch, LGF, Agrarinformatik, LGF, Berlin. U. Humboldt. Logistics study of projects. Kologische Hefte der wirstschaft. Helf 1 b / 2 001. pag. 89 - 98. ISBN-No 392603-95-0.

• 13 R. Delgado. M. Montes. M. Torres. The Integrated Project Management supported by the databases. Presentation. Science and Technology Forum. June / 2003.

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Integrated project management and software tools for their development