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Management by values ​​in the Villa Clara twisted tobacco company


In Cuba, as part of the updating of the economic model, measures have been adopted aimed at improving management in the business sector; In this sense, an important tool is value-based management. However; Despite the indications and efforts that the different instances have issued in this regard, there is ignorance on the part of the companies regarding how to implement this management approach, among them the companies of Tobacco Twisted.


In line with the foregoing, this work was carried out at the Villa Clara Twisted Tobacco Company with the aim of proposing a procedure adjusted to its current conditions that allows the management of values ​​to be implemented and to facilitate work with men, positioning them as agents and protagonists. of the change in all the processes related to the improvement of its management. For its design, it is based on numerous studies and proposals made by different national and international authors, the state of implementation of the strategic management approach in the company and the need to know the culture of the organization. Different techniques and tools were also applied, such as: the historical-logical method, analysis, synthesis, induction-deduction, document analysis, interviews, the survey,observations, group work and consultation with experts. The proposed procedure is structured in four phases that allow diagnosing the current state of the company and lead to obtaining results associated with the design and subsequent implementation of management by values ​​in it.

Key words: values, management by values, culture, management.


Currently, values ​​are a cultural element in which work is done eagerly for their importance to achieve and sustain the economic, political and social development of countries. Every society has a value system, including political, legal, moral, aesthetic, religious, philosophical, and scientific values ​​that are an expression of socioeconomic conditions in a specific historical context.

Organizations and their members as members of society, assume values ​​that are part of their culture. These values ​​are the source to create value and are indicative of the way of acting and the most expected results. For this reason, different models or approaches have been incorporated into management practice where values ​​appear as a fundamental component, however; the focus in which the values ​​acquire more relevance is the Management by Values.

Taking into account the ideas of Codina (2014) when he explains the objectives of Management by Values ​​in his book "Management Skills", it can be inferred that this involves simplifying the complexity of the organization so that everyone understands it, channeling the strategic vision, create in individuals the commitment and willingness to change in work processes, develop their capacities and motivate them in such a way that the modes of action are translated into actions and allow them to improve their quality of life and that of the organization itself; being essential for this the integration of the strategic Direction with the policies of Human Resources.

In Cuba, Values ​​Management began to be known in 2000, and its integrated application to other tools and approaches practiced since the 1980s was indicated, thus giving rise to Values-based Strategic and Objective Management. Since then, the conditions to implement it have been created, especially in the context of the transformations related to the improvement of business activity, with insufficient knowledge in this regard, so it is not unusual to find that the value system does not go beyond be a group of declared values ​​that are neither shared nor triggered. To this situation it is added that in the practice and systematic study of the subject it is not possible to find universally applicable models or procedures since each sector or company has particularities that make it unique.

The Villa Clara Twisted Tobacco Company immersed in the aforementioned change processes has tried to implement the Values ​​Management facing the adversities described without achieving this objective, lacking knowledge about the current state of the organization for it, as well as the way of thinking of workers on the subject. For this reason, the general objective of this work is to propose a procedure for Management by Values ​​that guarantees a correct diagnosis of the current state of the organization and facilitates the implementation of this advanced management method in the company.

The proposed procedure


There are various proposals for procedures carried out by researchers who have dedicated themselves to studying the topic of Management by Values ​​(DpV), with proven theoretical and practical results, but in none of the cases does it correspond to a design that conforms to the characteristics of the existing twisted tobacco companies in the country, much less for the Villa Clara Twisted Tobacco Company (ETTVCL). Among the national authors are the proposals of Placencia and Zaldivar (2008), and Beltran (2015), as well as the considerations and steps suggested by Llorca (sf) in his article “Management by values ​​in action through a case study "In each of these procedures and suggestions, the classics have been respected and contributions have been added that have allowed the achievement of results when applied in Cuban organizations of various types. For the purposes of this work, the best practices provided by these authors to propose a procedure that adjusts to the particularities of the organization under study are considered. Figure 1 shows the procedure proposed for the DpV in the ETTVCL and each one of its phases that will be explained later.Figure 1 shows the procedure proposed for the DpV in the ETTVCL and each one of its phases that will be explained later.Figure 1 shows the procedure proposed for the DpV in the ETTVCL and each one of its phases that will be explained later.


- Commitment of senior management

- Diagnosis of the current situation

- Selection of the Work Team

- Training, Training of the work team

- Presentation of the work schedule

Phase 1

- Identification of shared and desired values

- Conceptualization of shared and desired values

- Reformulate mission and vision

- Align political strategies, objectives and values

Phase 2

- Values ​​communication process

- Human Resources process based on values

· Selection of Personnel

· Training, Training

· Performance evaluation

· Stimulation

Phase 3

- Securities audit

- Analysis of audit result

- Proposal for improvement

Phase 4

PHASE 1. Preparatory stage

Objective: At this stage the foundations are laid for good performance in the application of the procedure, it is determined what is going to be done, when it is going to be done and who is going to do it so that there are no intersecting tasks and that both impede the development of each of the following stages.


  • Senior management commitment

The values ​​have to constitute an instrument of management, so the commitment of the top management is necessary for the success of any DvV procedure. Among the actions to engage managers, the first thing is to create awareness in these about the need for the organization to establish strategies that integrate their goals and the values ​​of people, as well as the impact this has on the solution of problems of various kinds that it suffers. To achieve this, it is proposed to exchange with them in order to inquire about their knowledge on the subject in question and offer them information on the main trends in the world and in Cuba.

Subsequently, the current situation of the company will be diagnosed, the work team selected, trained and the schedule with the tasks to be carried out, presenting the results to senior management for approval.

  • Diagnosis of the current situation

This step is of vital importance because from here the deficiencies, the knowledge gaps and the strengths of the organization that enable or prevent DvV are determined. For diagnosis, it is recommended to follow the procedure shown in figure 2.

Statistical and / or expert validation if necessary
Validation by experts, if necessary
Statistical validation
Diagnosis object characterization
Selection of the Group of Experts
Selection of Tools and Techniques to Use
Sample Selection
Application of the Tools and Techniques
Present Report of the Diagnosis

  • Selection of the Work Team

Taking into account the importance of applying a procedure to implement the DvV, it is necessary to form a team that includes the people who have the most experience in management issues, who are committed to change and who in turn are capable of applying the techniques and tools necessary to ensure that the application of the procedure is carried out effectively. For the creation of this team, it is proposed to use the Mendoza (2003) procedure cited in Betancourt (2011), which is shown in Annex 1.

- Training, Training of the work team

As the selected team is the most responsible at all times to explain, guide or clarify doubts and that despite having been selected for their knowledge, experience and skills, they may have gaps in the knowledge of some other topic, a process of training in which its members fill all the possible gaps they may have in the DpV.

  • Presentation of the Work program

Taking into account that the application of the procedure takes time and that those responsible for applying them have other activities, it is necessary to do it in a planned way. For this purpose, it is proposed to establish a work schedule between all the members of the work team where the actions to be undertaken, the place, the date and the person responsible are related so as to ensure that there are no crossings between them.

PHASE 2. Planning

Objective: To establish the strategic elements that guarantee the implementation of the DpV.

  • Identification of shared and desired values

Shared values ​​are the few values ​​that must be present in the daily work of the organization, with these values ​​all energy must be committed and must be present in each of the company's processes. That is why they have to be essential statements, be credible and be formed by basic values ​​to guide the daily behaviors of everyone in the organization.

For the identification of these values ​​in the organization, there is no consensus on the form or procedure to follow, and the proposal of any author can be used interchangeably. In this case, the proposal of Molina and Vera (2010) is suggested, which consists of:

Make a summary of the values ​​that are present in the organization, taking into account the result of the diagnosis. Consult experts to reach consensus and filter values ​​using the expert method. Once consensus was reached and the values ​​were filtered, a survey was applied to the results to apply to a sample of workers.

Once the survey has been prepared and the number of workers to be surveyed has been determined, it is applied, in each case it is necessary to explain its objective and tell the workers that they must identify the values ​​that they believe are present in the organization and are shared by all, which of them do they think are important and should be shared. At the end of the survey, an item will be put for others so that if the work team has lost any value that is present or should be according to the criteria of the workers, they have the opportunity to declare it to ensure that everyone feels committed to identifying shared and desired values.

  • Conceptualization of shared and desired values

In this step the meaning of each selected value is explained in words to guarantee the understanding of the content by all the members of the organization.

  • Reformulate mission and vision

This step consists of submitting to the organization's management team for discussion, the basic categories of the strategy promoting the exchange on whether or not they are expressed in the current strategic planning, mission and vision, the main values ​​of the organization. If not expressed, these categories are reformulated taking into account the identified values, so that they can be the vehicle that allows generating and projecting strategic options; For this, the statement must allow for the changes that will have a profound influence on the entire organization.

  • Align strategies, policies, objectives and values

Here it is proposed to review the strategies, policies and objectives of the organization and reformulate them taking into account the declared values, that is, to order Strategies, Policies, Objectives and Values ​​to make the latter measurable.

PHASE 3. Shared leadership development

Objective: To establish the ways of acting so that everyone feels responsible with the values ​​and become an active part of the organization, establishing at their level a leadership based on values ​​with full knowledge. Also establish forms of recognition of behaviors that lead to good results.


  • Values ​​communication process

In the organization, it must be taken into account that the only way to motivate workers is by communicating with them and that is where its importance lies, since it is a social process through which the administrative functions of: planning, management, organization, control and innovation (Court, sf). That is why it is important to communicate the shared and desired values ​​to all internal factors and, if possible, external to the organization.

  • Values-based Human Resources Process Personnel Selection

The idea is not to select only for the suitability or not of the individual, based on their simple qualification or knowledge of the requirements of the position, but that suitability must have an adequate synchronization between personal values ​​and those that the company promotes (Llorca, sf).

  • Training and development

In order for values ​​to become everyone's day-to-day, the organization's training and development programs must have the theme represented in different actions that guarantee it.

  • Performance evaluation

The performance evaluation should be reviewed to verify that the indicators being measured are aligned with the values ​​identified by the organization; otherwise, new indicators will be proposed to ensure that these values ​​are measurable to members individually.

  • Stimulation

The stimulation system should be reviewed to corroborate that it is designed to stimulate people and areas that have carried out significant work for the organization, in addition to recognizing behaviors that have reflected good results. If not, stimulation will be included, emphasizing that the identified organizational values ​​are present in compliance.

PHASE 4. Measurement, analysis and improvement

Objectives: To establish the ways to measure the result of the procedure, the state in which the plan is being fulfilled, as well as the ways to follow to solve the detected deviations.

  • Securities audit

It is proposed to apply the value audit to check the coherence between the real modes of action and the values ​​identified and stated by the organization.

  • Audit result analysis

A thorough analysis of the audit result is necessary to determine all deviations and possible improvements to the proposed DpV procedure.

  • Improvement proposal

Once the aforementioned analysis has been completed, a plan of measures must be drawn up with concrete actions to solve the causes of the deviations and materialize the possible improvements detected during the audit.


  1. A procedure for the DpV is proposed that adjusts to the particularities of the ETTVCL and considers the best practices contributed by authors of recognized national prestige such as: Placencia and Zaldivar (2008), and Beltran (2015), as well as the considerations and steps suggested by Llorca (sf). The procedure for the DpV in the ETTVCL includes the steps to follow for the proper diagnosis of the current state of the organization and facilitates the implementation of this advanced approach, achieving the commitment of senior management and members of the company; as well as the integration of the Strategic Management with the Human Resources policies.


  1. Beltran, A. (2015) Procedure for the Application of Management by Values ​​in the Company. Extracted 20/7/2018 at https://www.monografias.com/trabajos107/Betancourt, Y. (2011). Strategic projection of the sugar company José María Pérez until 2015. Degree Thesis. Santa Clara, Marta Abreu de las VillasCodina Central University, A. (2104). Management skills. Havana: Academia.Court, EM (sf). Values ​​Management. Need and challenges for the decision makers of the Cuban Company of Airports and Aeronautical Services in Cuba. Extracted 6/15/2018 at https: //www.monografias.comLlorca, C. (sf). Management by values ​​through a case study. Extracted 20/7/2018 at http://www.sld.cu/galerias/pdf/sitios/infodir/Placencia, JA,, Zaldivar, MM (2008).Administration by Values ​​Model in the Regional Faculty of the University of Computer Sciences of Ciego de Ávila. Excerpted 26/7/2018 at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/270959418Molina, AT, Vera, Y. (2010) Design of a shared value system.

    Nickel industry construction and repairs company case. Excerpted 8/27/2018 at

Annex 1. Method of selection of the group of experts. Source: Mendoza 2003

In this method, the selection of experts is carried out by applying a procedure whose steps are described below.

Stage 1: Preparation of a list of candidate experts who meet the requirements for the study. Taking into account these requirements, a set of candidates is assembled and located in a table as shown below:

Non-experts Name Occupation Years of experience Specialty

Stage 2: Determination of the competence coefficient of each candidate

It is a completely anonymous self-assessment method. An instrument is applied in which the candidate expresses the degree of knowledge on the subject and the sources of such knowledge, the self-evaluation method is set out below:

  • Application of a survey, which shows the following questions:

Mark with an (x), on an increasing scale from 1 to 10, the value that corresponds to the degree of knowledge or information you have on the subject

Expert name one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Mark with an (x), at the level that you think corresponds to each of the aspects reflected in the following table:

Not Sources of argumentation Scale by levels
Tall Medium Low
one Theoretical analyzes carried out by you
two Practical experience
3 Research study by national authors
4 Research study of foreign authors
5 Knowledge of the status of the problem abroad
6 Intuition

With the first question of the survey, the knowledge or information coefficient (Kc) that the expert has about the problem is determined by multiplying his own assessment by 0.1 (If the expert scored from 1 to 10 on 6, the value of Kc would be 0.6).

With the second question, the argumentation coefficient Ka is determined, for which the table used by Mendoza (2003) is taken into account, and which is presented below:

Not Sources of argumentation Scale by levels
Tall Medium Low
one Theoretical analyzes carried out by you 0.3 0.2 0.1
two Practical experience 0.5 0.4 0.2
3 Research study by national authors 0.05 0.05 0.05
4 Research study of foreign authors 0.05 0.05 0.05
5 Knowledge of the status of the problem abroad 0.05 0.05 0.05
6 Intuition 0.05 0.05 0.05

Subsequently, with these two coefficients, the competition coefficient (Kcomp) is calculated in the following way.


Kcom: Competition coefficient

Kc: knowledge or information coefficient

Ka: Argumentation coefficient

The following criteria are taken to select the experts

Expert competence high (A): if Kcom> 0.8

Average expert competence (M): if 0.5 <Kcom ≤ 0.8

Low expert competence (B): if Kcom ≤ 0.5

Step 3: the calculation of the number of experts necessary for the analysis is then carried out, using the expression shown below, according to the number of experts resulting from the calculation, those with the highest competence are selected according to the determined Kcom.


M: Number of experts

K: Parameter that depends on the level of significance

99% - K = 6.6564

95% - K = 3.8416

90% - K = 2.6896

Q: Proportion of the error that will be tolerated at the maximum in the experts' judgment.

i: Precision level that expresses the discrepancy or variability that the group shows in general, varies 0.05-0.1.

For the present investigation the following data is used:


M = 7

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Management by values ​​in the Villa Clara twisted tobacco company