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Strategic directory for SMEs


The SME entrepreneur, in addition to the passion he feels for his company, must have social responsibility, which is why he has no alternative but to detach himself from many of the traditional thoughts, since times of crisis can be fatal for companies that do not have the ability to change.

Both in our thesis and in our articles we have emphasized to the point of exhaustion that it is essential for small and medium-sized companies an increasingly detailed orientation towards the environment and towards new management tools, to open their eyes and see business in a totally different way. new since the change is constant.

Change taking into account the institutional objectives of a company: Survival, profitability, growth and development. Old recipes are no longer feasible to repeat what has been learned, SMEs must incorporate new capabilities to solve totally new situations where there are no pre-studied recipes or formulas, nor cases that exemplify them. A very powerful tool is the formation of the Strategic Directory in which the new paradigms will be analyzed and the tools to be used throughout the process will emerge, responding to the genetic code of each company, since each SME has what the Japanese call Shafu that it is the personality of the company that is usually a projection of that of its owners.

The strategic directory seeks to define a short, medium and long-term strategic plan, this plan is not static but superdynamic, in which the objectives, the key factors of success in the sector and the critical points that must be worked to be defined are defined. bring the strategy to reality.

According to well-known pioneer strategy guru Michael Porter, "The strategy is to be unique in how you add value to your chosen group of customers in order to meet their needs." Forming a strategic board of directors is giving the company a superior brain, since the sum of all the brains that make up the board creates that synergy, and we also know of the solitude for making decisions by the SME businessman, this tool would also contribute in this regard. But the most important thing is that as in a human body we add value to the Being by developing the brain, the same happens in organizations.

There is evidence that companies organized from a board of directors in most cases adapt more quickly to changes in the environment and progress in the perspectives of: communication, innovation, development, profitability, efficiency and effectiveness. This makes them add value to your product or service.

Strategic directory for SMEs