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Leading with men for leader success


"Relationships are what business is all about, and there are only two that matter: with customers and with employees."

Phil B. Crosby

"People do not leave the companies, they leave the bosses." This comment by Tom Peters has deserved the interest of researchers in organizational behavior, since one of the four variables in this vast and complex field of study is precisely staff turnover.

As a result of these investigations it has been detected that “managerial behavior has an impact of 70% on unwanted rotation; 70-80% in the work environment; 90% in learning at work…. ”

These figures - although they may be susceptible to variation in different contexts, sectors, cultures, etc. - point towards the importance that the adequate selection and preparation of managers is increasingly taking.

At the same time, although perhaps more slowly than would be necessary, the number of managers who are aware that:

  • Of all, human resources are the most important that they have in their organization. The managers themselves depend largely on the permanence, productivity and job satisfaction of these people.

An organization can never be better than the people that make it up.

Fernando Rojas. ()

For more than three decades, man has been gaining a priority place in organizations. This growing trend has also caused changes in the functions of management. Thus, for example, during the planning process, man has gradually displaced technology as a strategic factor; Organizationally, the structures are being flattened, in order to maintain closer contact between senior management and the workers who guarantee production or service, while the organization of activities goes from individual to group, facilitating more active participation by workers in different continuous improvement processes, etc. The leadership, therefore, is being reformulated and goes from directing men to directing with men,which has its expression during control in two evident manifestations: the worker's self-control over his management increases, to the detriment of the classic inspection; This is achieved through an adequate definition of individual and precise objectives, which facilitate the second manifestation: control of the results rather than of the processes.

How should a manager direct with men?

There are numerous skills, characteristics, conditions, behaviors, etc. They are defined as essential for any manager in this new century, since "business leadership… is tested in its effectiveness to carry out the management of the staff working in your entity." Some of them, let's say the most repeated, are presented below:

It is argued that the ability for interpersonal communication, in particular, the ability to listen, is an essential competence if you want to be successful in management. There is also consensus that the skills to work as a team, conduct effective meetings, motivate people and resolve conflicts are decisive in good management by the manager.

As can be seen, there is a growing trend towards the development of human competences, since “the best leaders are not the ones who are most professionally prepared, but rather the ones who have the most qualities to manage themselves and their team”

Other authors agree with these competencies, which express in summary: "One of the elements that are part of the least common denominator of the profile of successful managers is, increasingly, their ability to establish and develop relationships with other people."

In other words, a manager whose competences in the interpersonal sphere are well developed is proposed, so as to guarantee a close link both with external clients and - very importantly - with internal clients.

On the other hand, there are also essential values ​​that must characterize the manager: he must never allow the credibility gap that is established when his speech and his action go disassociated, that is to say: he must lead by example. The manager is also expected to be able to generate confidence, to learn from his mistakes, rather than to order, ask questions, etc. As can be seen, these values ​​are also a function of man, as a strategic factor of the organization.

For more than three decades, the study and definition of those competencies that influence the optimal execution of managers has been deepened. “… The“ competency movement ”was promoted by David McClelland…., Who continues to be a historical benchmark in competency management” In his approach, McClelland analyzes a series of more precise characteristics regarding behaviors, attitudes, abilities, knowledge, etc. of each individual, which allows not only a better definition of the job's competence profile, but also the subsequent evaluation of individual performance.

At the same time, numerous proposals have been made to guarantee the implementation of Labor Competencies. Mertens establishes a grouping of these proposals into three fundamental models:

Functionalist model: It contemplates the inclusion of pre-established and perfectly measurable results that must be completed by the person who occupies the position. These are designed from the essential functions during the production or service process that is developed. This model includes the knowledge required for these functions.

Behavioral Model: It focuses on determining the behavioral capacities that can decide superior performance. This model is closely linked to the managerial level, which has the responsibility to make decisions, maintain adequate communication with subordinates and superiors, create styles of leadership, transferring strategic objectives and organizational values, ensuring the proper functioning of work teams, seeking consensus, etc.

Constructivist model: This model conceives that the competencies of the personnel are built according to the own evolution of the management so require, that is, to the same extent that threats or difficulties arise around which decisions must be made. In other words, according to the proposal of this model, competencies should be defined during the problem-solving process itself.

In general, during the process of preparing Labor Competencies, both internationally and in Cuba, the Functionalist model prevails, although the number of organizations that assume a mixed model has gradually increased, which also includes elements of the model Behaviorist.

According to Robert Katz, one can speak of "… three groups of essential administrative skills…" so that managers can successfully achieve their objectives. These are the technical, human and conceptual skills that, in summary, pose:

Technical skills

Ability to apply specialized knowledge or experience, depending on the type of activity the entity is engaged in.

Human abilities

Ability to work and communicate with others, understand and motivate them, both individually and in groups.

Conceptual skills

Mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations.

In the Katz model, these skills -from which performance evaluation systems must be derived and, very fundamentally, the comprehensive management preparation plan- are established proportionally, according to the level of management to which they correspond, as follows shape:

The evaluations of the students of this topic regarding what should be the skills and competences of managers in a general sense, ratify Katz's proposal in his model, since they highlight the need for human competences to predominate (good communication, relationships satisfactory interpersonal skills, ability to motivate subordinates, etc.). “If managers adopted a more scientific attitude towards human behavior, they would make a better diagnosis; if they did, they could respond more appropriately to the demands of each situation. ”

Edgar H. Schein

Taking into account the need for managers to possess and apply human competences, as decisive elements in achieving better results, some recommendations can be formulated that, although they are not the only ones, they have proven to be the ones that most frequently have facilitated greater effectiveness in the exercise of management due to its close relationship with human behavior in the organization.

1º The need for managers to become aware that they manage people and that they are the essential component in achieving the objectives of the organization is increasingly evident. As managers are able to offer people the appropriate treatment, they will see the gradual and necessary increase in motivation and sense of belonging in their subordinates, with the consequent positive impact on the individual and group results of their management.

2º Individualities must be taken into account, that is, different personalities, criteria, etc. of subordinates.

This obliges the manager to delve into these characteristics and diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of each of the members of his team, to work to enhance the former and gradually decrease the latter, as well as to assign different tasks and responsibilities.

Also, these differences lead to the need for the manager not only to use different styles of leadership, depending on the situation, context, moment, etc. so require it, but maintain a continuous improvement of these styles.

3º Ensuring teamwork facilitates greater and better coordination of actions and relationships between the manager and his subordinates. “Effective leaders do not concentrate all the power on themselves, they work in teams, they practice empowerment, they trust their followers in the same way that they trust them” It is very important that the manager facilitate the development of skills to the maximum and knowledge of the personnel he directs, thus guaranteeing better individual results and, therefore, of the area under his responsibility. At the same time, teamwork is shaping a solid sense of belonging that is even more far reaching than individual work.

4th Delegation reduces interruptions and queries, facilitates organization and reduces reports and paperwork, provides more time available to the manager and allows him to focus on priorities, improves results, develops subordinates and makes them know the confidence that their boss deposits in them, so it provides a climate that facilitates motivation and, therefore, the organization is perfected.

In his article "How to improve as a boss", Santiago Ayersa points out that "to motivate, leaders make work important to the people they lead…" and this goal is achieved much more quickly through the stable use of the delegation,

5º It is necessary to change the mentality that the Human Resources area is in charge of these. It must be the manager who directly manages this important and decisive resource, as well as ensuring its constant development and better results. "Internal customer decisions need to be made as close to the workplace as possible, where conflicts arise and all performance-related situations."

6º The strategic alignment, whose central philosophy is that “people only do and get involved in what they think is correct” is a facilitating element of management's management, since all workers actively participate in the elaboration and execution of strategic objectives of its area of ​​action, aligned with those of the organization. In this way, there is a greater degree of individual and collective involvement since the plan is not imposed on them but is designed by the executors themselves.

7º Define the competences required in each job, jointly analyze managerial-subordinate to what extent the latter has –or lacks- these competences, define an action plan to achieve them and, finally, work together to obtain them, is a process that results in a great impact on the continuous improvement of individual management and the organizational area.

A decisive role in this process is played by training of all kinds required by staff, with the manager

a) ensure that it is always based on the acquisition and (or) improvement of the skills inherent to the position as well as b) measure the way in which such training impacts management.

8th Evaluate the performance of his subordinate constantly, without sticking to deadlines, stages, periods, etc. and exchanging the results they are achieving with these will facilitate the process of developing their strengths and gradually eliminating weaknesses. Likewise, the manager must guarantee permanent feedback to his subordinates to keep them updated on the progress of tasks, the achievement of objectives, the criteria of senior management on the management of the area, etc. bearing in mind that they are the ones who elaborated these goals and feel committed to their execution and full compliance.

9º Establish recognition mechanisms for the results obtained by subordinates. It is recommended both private and public recognition, that is, before the collective of workers, in their area of ​​residence, before the family, etc. The latter perfects the relationships between families and the organization, knowing that the work of the evaluated person is recognized in their entity while, at times, explaining possible absences at home, beyond normal working hours.

Like any change, starting to lead with men implies a change in the way of thinking and acting of many managers, but the positive results that these recommendations have shown in managerial practice, make them highly advisable.


1. Ayersa, Santiago. "How to improve as a boss." www.gestiopolis.com 2005

2. Bohórquez, Héctor. "Ongoing training, more than just training." http://www.gestiopolis.com. April 2003

3. Enebral Fernández, José. FYCSA, www.gestiopolis.com

4. García García, MSc Silvia, “Definition of Typologies: a diagnostic instrument” published in the book “Management: from purpose to action” published by the Editorial “Félix Varela”, 2002.

5 García García, MSc Silvia and Ramírez García, Dr. Jorge R. "Management by competencies and the impact of training" published in the book "Cuba: grow from knowledge", Editorial Ciencias Sociales, 2005.

6. González Méndez, Dr. Laredo; Ramírez García, Dr. Jorge R.; García García, M Sc. Silvia "Characterization of the hotel manager" CEEC, 1997.

7. Ramírez García, Dr. Jorge R. and García García, MSc Silvia "Communication and Quality" published in the book "Management Consulting and Organizational Change: A contribution to Business Improvement ”published by Editora“ Félix Varela ”2001.

8. Reynoso, Alvaro. "Horizontal and vertical alignment, key factors for the implementation of the Command Board", www.tablero-decomando.com/ampro 2004

9. Roca Soto, Alejandro. "Leadership: the key to talent management" Article taken from www.gestiopolis.com 2003

10. Rojas, Fernando "Executives and Renovation Management" www.gestiopolis.com. 2005

11. Rojas, Fernando. "Promotion of the Control Culture". Autonomous University Foundation. September 2003.

12. Robbins, Stephen, "Organizational Behavior, Theory and Practice", Glossary, Prentice Hall, Seventh Edition, Mexico, 2000.

13. Schein, Edgar H. "Culture and Business Leadership". MONTH.

14. "Characteristics of the XXI century manager" http://www.gestiopolis.com 2005

"Leadership: the key to talent management"

Alejandro Roca Soto, Article taken from Google, Internet.

"Executives and Renovation Management" www.gestiopolis.com. 2005

González Méndez, Dr. Laredo; Ramírez García, Dr. Jorge R.; García García, M Sc. Silvia "Characterization of the hotel manager" 1997.

"Leadership: the key to talent management"

Alejandro Roca Soto, Article taken from www.gestiopolis.com. 2005.

"Characteristics of the XXI century manager" http://www.gestiopolis.com 2005

José Enebral Fernández. FYCSA, www.gestiopolis.com.

Robbins, S., P., "Organizational Behavior, Theory and Practice", Glossary, Prentice Hall, Seventh Edition, Mexico, 2000.

Santiago Ayersa. "How to improve as a boss." www.gestiopolis.com. 2005

Santiago Ayersa. "How to improve as a boss." www.gestiopolis.com 2005

Fernando Rojas. "Executives and Renovation Management" www.gestiopolis.com. 2005 Notes to Management by Competencies. Marketing management. Military University. October 2003

"Horizontal and vertical alignment, key factors for the implementation of the Command Board", Alvaro Reynoso, www.tablero-decomando.com/ampro 2004

Leading with men for leader success