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Speeches and leadership to motivate your collaborators

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As leaders of our business we have a great obligation to constantly deliver speeches to our work team, something that is often not taken into account much, but that undoubtedly impacts the entire organization.

The spirit of his collaborators depends on his words, so be careful what he says!

Even in the midst of the complexity your company is going through, you cannot be involved in victimizing speeches, because your words will depend on the motivation of your employees and the focus they have on your business!

We started the second half of the year with some indicators in our country, which are not the best in terms of productivity and growth. Many companies in this country are living a year of confusion, with low growth and even with past due portfolio problems. However, I must also say that some others are finding good ways to obtain profitability results that allow them to have the necessary confidence that it will be a good year to continue participating in the market with the confidence of achieving the goals set out in their Business Plan.

These companies have a common factor that makes them go above their competitors. They are constantly learning from each step they take along the way and their leaders have the confidence that they will be able to get out of any situation that comes their way. In this sense, leaders make speeches that hold high the motivation of their employees and the expectation that they can leave the plans in a positive way.

They are companies where the voice of their leaders allows them to refocus their actions on the Client and to maintain a high degree of enthusiasm in achieving everything that has been foreseen in the Business Plan.

It is not a time to Shout and Shout desperately in the midst of Confusion or even low results, it is a time to send messages to the work teams that make them feel secure in their position so that they can give their best for our business.

Raising our voices only means noting our inability to manage complexity, which as leaders we cannot afford. By raising the tone of our voice, we are telling people how little we care and that we are able to abandon those when they need us most.

Keep in mind, if you don't control your emotions and your thoughts, what will come out of your mouth may ultimately determine the result you will get. Words determine your state of mind, influence how you process reality, and can drag you off the cliff.

So be impeccable with your words, if what you want is to obtain impeccable results with your clients.

Your messages determine the success or failure of your business. It's that simple!

You cannot be a double speaker, because when that happens your leadership is already lost and you will never be able to recover it. When leaders make double speeches, their leadership is more than devalued and you will have lost the governance of your team and your credibility and commitment to the company and, of course, to yourself.

It is important to keep in mind that the reaction of our people depends to a great extent on the messages that we emit. You have an obligation to get the best out of them, and every word of yours must then be inspiring, not accusatory or intimidating.

Issuing intimidating messages only results in discovering your miseries (lack of knowledge about leadership and even worse if your technical incapacity is noticed) and therefore conclude your career as a team leader.

You can never hope to have a high-performance team while your messages are not attractive to others, you have to walk the field of consistency saying and doing, and showing what is achieved by doing things correctly.

And I'm not trying to tell you to hide the truth if your business goes wrong, no. I am trying to tell you that even when life seems to be coming your way, you have to stay firm, giving the right approach and working so that you do not lose motivation and hope that you can get ahead of any problem that arises, even when it is too complicated to solve it.

Life can take many turns, it will show us easy and difficult paths to travel, we fall and learn, but without a doubt, the words of a leader are what will determine the result of our teams.

The impact of our words is loaded with all the emotions and thoughts that we have in our hearts and in this sense it will show to the four winds what we are made of and if we have enough strength to achieve great challenges and projects in the future. That is, it will show our reach as leaders in the eyes of others and will make us look as strong or as weak or mediocre according to our message. It will also determine the state of mind and the outcome of those who we have to lead.

I have always said that the top of our personal efficiency is directly proportional to the size of our leadership, that is why the way we communicate takes on great importance, when it comes to directing others.

Making a business vision and expressing it in writing is vital for an organization, talking about it, getting others to get excited and reflected in it, is the work of leaders and they need to and daily make it their own so that they can ensure it in the reality in front of customers.

So stop giving them the speech that things are going wrong, stop threatening that you are going to fire your employees if things are not fixed, stop bragging and do the right thing. Don't yell, focus on delivering messages that instill courage, enthusiasm, and great commitment to others. You are the cornerstone of your business, and your messages are part of it.

It may be that your financial results are not what you expect, it may be that they are not the best, yet you must continue to inspire and trust people. Your message is optimism or discouragement, don't forget it!

“The work of inspiring others begins with our messages. Be sure to give the best to each member of your company, if what you want is for them to unleash their full potential to achieve your vision ”

Congruence in words

If your objective is to achieve the maximum level of results, your obligation is to correctly focus others on your vision, is that correct? Later, you will work to ensure that your vision is fulfilled, that is, to move from words to deeds (lead), well if he fails to move others with his speech, the latter will not.

Unleashing the potential of others means staying close, making relationships, building trust in others, gaining credibility etc., and necessarily, you will have to use messages at all times for this to happen. Your words, your decisions, the way you reach them with part of the training of the people around you, and this will allow them to act consistently with what you intend in the future. Let's see an example:

A short time ago, I found a businessman who told me at his meeting that things for his company were pretty bad, he had canceled all kinds of expenses, including some related to the frequency of travel to customers, he shouted to the whole world that his company was practically to close and that did not guarantee its permanence in the market. In conclusion to the above two interesting things happened:

  1. By visiting their clients less frequently, they looked for other alternatives to provide themselves, making a spectacular drop in sales and, of course, the value of their business. Their staff, knowing that it would not guarantee permanence, chose to look for better job options. and the first management team and of course qualified personnel left him.

We are what we think, but even more what we decree. You can't go running screaming in the open that things don't work, because what we are making known is that we don't have the ability to lead correctly and that's why we don't work. Do you see now the impact of our words?

Our responsibility is focused on doing more and better things for others, on getting our collaborators to light their inner fire to commit it to us. So our message cannot go any other way. Let us stop launching messages that make us feel like victims of circumstances and engage our people more with our speech.

We are halfway through the year, we have plenty of time to capture the enthusiasm of our people and regain lost ground and our credibility.

When you press, the team stops because of the low motivation it receives. The message she sends to them is that she has turned her back on them. ”

The good message

The best message to our people is one that engages and excites us to do more and better things. Good leaders focus on making it consistent with others by showing courage and character through their speeches.

Speeches and leadership to motivate your collaborators