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Design of strategies in times of uncertainty


In certain situations in which an organization must determine its medium and long-term strategies, and these are conditioned by uncertain contexts, such as ominous projections regarding the market situation where it operates, those responsible for senior management get with an uncomfortable situation, since the techniques and analyzes in conditions of certainty that generate the necessary strategic decisions at this point become ineffective. Given this situation, currents emerge that challenge logic regarding hierarchies and chains of command. These currents are called alternative strategic frameworks or scenarios; promoted by the different individuals that are part of the organization and shaped by their perception of the context that surrounds it,The dimension with which an individual or group of them perceives this context is closely linked to aspects such as their previous experience in similar situations, their academic aptitudes and knowledge, and their degree of professional development.

The reasons that lead these individuals to propose strategies to be followed under conditions of uncertainty can be several, but the important thing is that this friction results in an increase in the degree of participation of the employee of medium and low levels in important decisions of the company. organization, something that the top management must keep in mind when determining what will be the course of action to be followed in the medium and long term. The employee of the middle and lower management is in daily contact with suppliers, consumers, clients, therefore they can observe more closely a reality that in many cases the top management only observes through accumulations of statistical data that provide the indicators of management.It would be a serious mistake not to incorporate the contributions that they can generate in determining the strategy that will be implemented to adapt to the situations that the market presents, especially if these do not appear favorable immediately. In conclusion, discussions and strategy proposals by employees across the organization should not be seen as an attempt to undermine power structures, but rather to strengthen them through democratic decision-making.but to strengthen them through decision-making with democratic criteria.but to strengthen them through decision-making with democratic criteria.

Once the decision is made regarding the strategy to follow, it is also important to take the correct actions aimed at the transmission and successful implementation of it by the organization. The guidelines derived from the strategy will have much more acceptance if they are the result of a process of debate and participation (each with its competence) of all the elements that make up the organization. The way in which it will be transmitted to internal clients cannot be the same as the way in which it will be transmitted to external clients, for example to clients we must transmit to what extent the strategic actions of the organization will benefit them, the organizations with which we can establish alliances we must inform them of our orientation in the medium and long term,and if this orientation is compatible with what they expect or not from us.

Successful implementation will depend largely on senior management, who must clearly outline the general, specific, and political objectives necessary to achieve the strategic objective. If this is done correctly, those in charge of the middle and operational units will be able to structure their action plans. in the short term in which the organization relies to reach the fundamental objective.

Design of strategies in times of uncertainty