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Business eco-efficiency focused on the production of organic products

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Eco-efficiency is a system that optimizes the company's production processes without exceeding the use of natural and energy resources, as well as minimizing damage to the environment and generating economically competitive products in the market, the production of organic is a type of eco-efficient system since its production mechanism is friendly to the environment as well as benefiting all those involved in the process.

Key Words: Ecoefficiency, business, production, organic.


Organic production is an eco-efficient manufacturing system that many companies have adopted to meet the growing demand for organic products of the current consumer, through this essay describes how eco-efficiency is related to the production of organic food and the great benefits that generates both the environment and all those involved in the process and even the consumer.


In order to improve the productive processes of the companies at the present time, it is necessary to implement an eco-efficiency program, with the aim of reducing all those leaks that represent the costs of poor quality, losses, accidents and waste generated; which together lead the organization in a certain time to go through an economic crisis. For this reason, through this topic, the guidelines that an organization dedicated to organic production must establish will be disclosed, in order to obtain an eco-efficient model that benefits all those involved and their environment, seeking the opportunity to be competitive in the national market. and international.


What is eco-efficiency?

Currently most organizations are choosing to integrate an eco-efficient system in their processes to be competitive in the market and ensuring their future so as not to exhaust the existing resources on the planet seeking sustainability. As we well know, market demands are changing, so the company has to adapt to consumer needs and one of the current demands is organic products.

The increase in organic consumption is due to the fact that diseases have increased due to consuming products made from chemical preservatives or the use of synthetic chemical substances (fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides) and genetically modified organisms in agriculture and livestock.

The terms eco-efficiency and organic production can come to consider one synonym of the other, or even organic production can be defined as an eco-efficient system of production of derivatives of agriculture and livestock.

From this second level, organic products are the result of the implementation of an eco-efficient system in which the environmental impact of farming and livestock practices is much less than the environmental impact that any company that implements eco-efficiency in its production processes can generate.

Organic production is of great benefit not only for the environment but also for the organization dedicated to this type of production, the personnel involved in the production process and consumers of organic products.

They have to ask themselves, in what way does this type of production benefit all the aforementioned parties? In general, the benefits will be explained to each one of them.

Among the benefits that organic production brings to the environment we have the following:

  • The use of chemical products (fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides) is avoided, which avoids contamination of water (rivers, lakes, streams and seas), soil and air. In the special case of pests, the way to combat them in this type of production is through biological control, such as making natural repellents from plants. To a certain extent, it seeks to return nutrients to the land, by reusing waste. of plant and animal origin through compost, green manures and leachates (degradation of organic matter through earthworms). To avoid soil erosion; You can make use of live barriers (planting vegetation) and dead barriers (the use of dead parts of trees and stones).Organic practices minimize the use and exploitation of resources in order to preserve them for future generations, so that they too can satisfy their basic needs such as food.

The companies dedicated to the production of organic have great economic benefits, since the production of this class of products does not imply a strong capital investment because everything required for the production process is relatively inexpensive, since most are obtained from the nature and even of the same products that are generated; such as compost and natural pesticides. Possibly the largest investment made by these types of companies is in personnel and in obtaining the certification that validates them as organic products. The economic benefits of this type of companies are reflected in the sale prices of their products, since they are generally very high prices.

The personnel involved in the production of organic products benefit from the fact that fair trade intervenes in the trade in organic products, which aims to improve the quality of life of the worker as well as his entire family. The worker must receive fair payment for his work; The company must offer certain services for both him and his family, such as medical services, medicines, schools and recreational centers.

Consumers of organic products greatly benefit their health, since this type of product, thanks to its production mechanisms, is free of any chemical substance that can ultimately harm human health, as well as being more nutritious due to its higher concentration. of vitamins and minerals.

In short, the coefficient and organic production go hand in hand since both aim to reduce the environmental impact of human activities (production processes), which ensures the preservation of natural and energy resources for future generations.


Organic production is an eco-efficient system that all food companies must adopt in their production processes, in order to reduce the environmental impacts that many organizations are currently causing and thus ensure the preservation of resources for present and future generations.

This type of production greatly benefits human beings, since it reduces pollution of the environment and seeks to conserve natural resources, as well as improves the quality of life of producers by providing social and economic benefits, and the consumer by do not harm your health.


Rohrssen, Pablo (February 22, 2012). Eco-efficiency. Consulted on October 16, 2015, from:

(2009). Eco-efficiency guide for companies. Consulted on October 16, 2015, from:

Clayton, Katherine et al. Retrieved on October 16, 2015, from:

Gómez Cruz, Manuel Ángel et al (February, 2003). Mexico as a supplier of organic products. Consulted on October 16, 2015, from:

Business eco-efficiency focused on the production of organic products