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Effects of infomulticulturalism on decision-making

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This article aims to show the effects of infomulticulturalism on humanity's decision-making. To understand this, the concept and process of communication are defined. Also, through this reading, it is about making the reader aware of the influence conscious and subconscious of infomulticulturality.


Organized set of data, which constitutes a message about a certain phenomenon or entity. Information allows solving problems and making decisions, since its rational use is the basis of knowledge.

The power that information exerts on the lives of individuals and therefore of society and culture is undeniable and can be beneficial, but in some cases it can have a truly detrimental effect.

For the political systems that govern cultures, information is of a fundamental nature, since public opinion must have sufficient knowledge of government actions in order to be able to make judgments about performance and above all to be able to make decisions that will define the future and well-being of a certain culture since they depend on economic, political, as well as social and environmental factors.


The word culture comes from the Latin cultus, which refers to the cultivation of the human spirit and the intellectual faculties of man. “It is the set of forms and expressions that characterize a given society over time. By a set of forms and expressions is understood the customs, beliefs, common practices, rules, norms, codes, clothing, religion, rituals and ways of being that predominate in the common of the people who integrate it ”.


It is the set of different cultures in the same geographical space where they live, without having a relationship between them. Therefore, the existence of other members is recognized because the other members make themselves recognized through their leaders and the strategies they implement to fight and make themselves heard. With the concept of "enemy" as an initial contextual background, who can be "exploited" in any way. " Some authors take multiculturalism as a synonym for multiculturalism, however, they are not the same.

Pluriculturality is a set of different cultures that have no relation to each other, only know that they exist, but do not exchange information or any other aspect.


It is the set of different cultures in the same geographical space where they live, in relation to each other, for events such as living in the same region, having the same job. Therefore, tolerance in multiculturalism is the essential characteristic that distinguishes it from multiculturalism.

Multiculturalism and multiculturalism must be confronted because the first arises in a country with a strong indigenous presence and the second arises in a country with a strong immigrant presence.


Infomulticulturalism, encompasses the handling of global information to audiences of diverse cultures and therefore to mixed groups with different characteristics, has the objective of studying how that information changes the subject who receives it, as it influences its decisions, in its consumption and in their acceptance of new and old roles, concepts and stereotypes.

(ROSAS, 2012)


As mentioned, infomulticulturalism has to do with the information that is transmitted from the communication, which is why this process is explained below.


Before starting the different stages that make up the communication process, you must understand how communication itself works, for which you must analyze the elements that interact in it. Two of these constitute the important parts of the communication: the transmitter or sender and the receiver. Two other are the most important tools of communication: the message and the media.

Four more of these constitute important communication functions: encoding, decoding, response, and feedback. Finally there is noise as an element. These elements will be defined below


It is the party that sends the message to another party.


It is the process by which an idea acquires a symbolic form.


It is the series of symbols that the transmitter communicates.


They are the communication channels through which the message moves from the transmitter to the receiver.


It is the process by which the receiver assigns meaning to the symbols encoded by the transmitter.


It is the party that receives the message sent by the sender.


They are the recipient's reactions after receiving the message.


It is the part of the receiver response, which is sent back to the transmitter.


It is the unexpected disposition during the communication process that results in the receiver getting a different message.


The communication process has six stages that every administrator must practice to obtain effective communication:

  1. Identify the target audience. Determine the objectives of the communication. Design the message. Select the communication channels. Select the sender of the message. Measure the results of the communication process.

The target audience will greatly affect the decision of the communicator, about what will be said, how it will be said, when it will be said, where it will be said, and who will say it. To create effective communication, a specialist must understand the target audience by demonstrating it by creating a message that is meaningful to this audience in a medium of communication that they understand.


Once the target audience has been defined, you must decide what response you expect from it, or so that you decide to communicate the message.


Once the response to wait by the public has been defined, the communicator has to develop an effective message, it must get attention, develop interest, provoke desire and move action.


At this stage the communicator must select the communication channels. There are two types of communication channels: personal and non-personal.

Personal communication channels

In this type of channel, two or more people communicate directly with each other. They can do it face to face, to an audience, over the phone, or by mail. Personal communication channels are effective because they allow you to individualize your presentation and get some feedback.

Non-personal communication channels.

These are those means that allow the transmission of messages without personal contact or feedback. These may include media, settings, and events. The mass media include the written media (newspapers, magazines, direct mailings), the audiovisual media

(radio and television), and external media (billboards, signs, and posters.


The impact of the message on the audience will be affected by how the sender is perceived. Messages sent through credible sources are compelling.


Once the communicator has sent the message, it must evaluate the recipients to whom it was addressed, this leads to asking them if they remember the message, how many times did they see it, what aspects are they more easily remember, what made them feel the message and their present and past attitude towards the product and the company.

(GALEON, 2014)


Marshall McLuhan, a Canadian researcher in his most famous work, "Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man," established two categories of media: hot media and cold media.

Cold media would be those that required high interaction from their receivers; in other words, by not offering too much detail about their content, they force recipients to participate very actively in the communication process. A widespread example is radio, which, by offering its receivers only sound, forces the listener to use their imagination to complete the information they receive.

On the contrary, hot media are hot because they provide the viewer with so much information that it does not require a great effort to perceive it. The paradigmatic case would be television, which allows the viewer a rather passive response.

McLuhan was not exactly a supporter of certain hot media, such as television. But what would you think, for example, of the Internet, and more specifically, of the World Wide Web, which allows us to offer such a volume of information that even McLuhan himself could not imagine?

If we understand the web as a “means of communication”, or more properly, as a channel, what would the media that transits through it be like? Considering the amount of information available on them, could they be considered as hot? Or attending to the amount of interaction they arouse.

To answer this question, it can be very helpful to look at a phenomenon that, when it becomes daily, goes unnoticed: the explosion of audiovisual documentation, thanks to the explosion of digital media and, in conjunction with these, to the mass dissemination of content using the Internet. But there is a third factor less considered: the generalization of the storage of these contents for their massive disposition by any user.

Today it seems normal to us to be able to access, in theory, any audiovisual content, not only recent, but, in many cases, old, considering the relativeity of the term “old”, in the audiovisual field: are the audiovisual recordings “old”? from some of McLuhan's own speeches, today accessible to anyone with an electronic device connected to the Internet?

But, considering that the popular use of the Internet began to become general just over 15 years ago, we may not realize that, until then, the ability to produce and disseminate content, not only by the media, but by anyone who had something to tell was much less. Today, anyone with the same connection can create a video (or modify and combine others that already exist) and spread it to everyone because it has a very simple tool to save your result and, at the same time, to spread it to everyone. world. If you have come this far, distinguished reader, you will surely come up with a name (even if it is not the only one of its kind): Youtube.

So, we could say that anyone can become a “medium”, using the Internet, for example, and therefore, we can all also be (paraphrasing McLuhan again) message. Can we then consider all of us as cold media?, capable of generating interaction on the part of our spectators, or of our listeners ?.

And how will your potential viewers be able to access those contents? How to find them? How long will they be stored there? Will there come a time when there are so many contents that most of them are not visible, and they become so cold that they require an almost impossible interaction on the part of their theoretical users? Rather, are those contents that are promoted by a majority of users (when viewing them) or by the managers of tools such as YouTube (for commercial… or political reasons, or…)? Youtube, which was born as a mere archive, has become a hot medium, or rather, scorching ?.

How are these contents organized? How can audiovisual content be described, wherever they are (not only on YouTube), so that, among the billions that exist more and more on the net, most of them do not turn out, so purely cold, “frozen ”(Because they need such interest from their future users to find them that are almost impossible)? How can we search for them? Who can take care of helping them to be recovered?

Until not long ago, audiovisual documentation was a haven for professionals of those media who were messages, whose problems hardly interested, worried or were not even known by the general public. Today, we have all become potential media, or at least possible producers of audiovisual content, in the most unexpected situations.

And for this reason, what may happen with our productions, the way in which these can be not only disseminated in the short term but also preserved and, above all, recovered, has become an issue that should be part of our list of concerns. At least, to ensure that the Internet continues to be a medium, or a channel, or a cold platform, that is, so that it continues to provoke our interaction, our response, our ability to transfer the passive gaze of viewers to audiovisual works, and so that viewers can also be citizens.

(LUHAN, 2011)


In today's world with the advances in technology, telecommunications, with globalization, companies, organizations and people face new challenges, require rapid changes, managers, administrators, entrepreneurs require to be prepared to have more certainty regarding how we can or should decide, this means taking the right path and making as few mistakes as possible.

Decision making is the process by which a choice is made between alternatives or ways to solve different life situations, these can be presented in different contexts: at work, family, sentimental, business, etc.

Decision making is a fundamental responsibility of the organization, it matters the choice of a path to follow, requires information about the organization and the external environment, Helps the organization to learn and Decision making can include participation of subordinates.

Decision Making Classes

Programmed decisions.- They are those that are made frequently, that is, they are repetitive and it becomes a routine to take them; As the type of problems that are solved and presented with some regularity since there is a well-established method of solution and therefore the steps to address these types of problems are already known, they are taken according to policies, procedures or rules, written or unwritten, which facilitate decision-making in recurring situations because they limit or exclude alternatives.

Unscheduled decisions.- are decisions that are made in problems or situations that arise infrequently, or those that need a specific model or solution process, for example: "Launching a new product on the market", Unscheduled decisions address rare or exceptional problems

Type of Decision according to your level

Strategic. - high level, refer to long-term institutional objectives and policies and those derived from the environment

Administrative. - taken at intermediate levels related to resource management

Operational. - low-level intended to improve, change, readjust procedures, methods

According to the probability of certainty. - when the results are predictable, by having all the information reliably and accurately.

Risk.- When there is a certain possibility of predicting the results due to not having the necessary information.

Uncertainty.-When there is no probability of predicting the results, these are totally unknown.

Decision Making Process

  • Identify and analyze the problem. Identify the decision criteria and weigh them. Generate the solution alternatives. Evaluate the alternatives. Choose the best alternative. Implementation of the decision.  Evaluation of the results.

(QUISPE, 2009)


In the world it has been linked to cultures and their activities through the virtual, which is based on a virtual universe in which the interaction of cultural identities does its job of communicating and exchanging information about them. With infomulticulturalism, three important aspects of the world stand out, as shown below:


  1. Information: It is communication on the move, which is capable of injecting dynamics into society, organizations and the world itself. Culture: It is the process of transmitting a message that goes from a sender to a receiver. Globalization: It is the economic process, technological, social and cultural in the world (hence saying that the term globalization and non-globalization should be used), through the exchange of information, leading to communication and interdependence between the countries of the world, leading to social, economic and political transformation from a country.

As in practically all situations, there is the counterpart, people who are in opposition to this movement caused by globalization.

Defensive communities have been created that seek to defend their culture from “other cultures” because the incursion of others into theirs can cause loss of identity and legitimacy.

The aspects that infomulticulturalism has are informationalization, globalization and information technologies, the globalization present in infomulticulturalism, gives the transformation of one culture by submerging the other.

Therefore, it is necessary to regulate this point of globalization, given that although it helps to stay interconnected, sometimes customs and cultures must be given up so that the other permeates both.


Culture is dynamic, changes take place, these affect individuals and consumers.

Today before making a decision most people are influenced by current trends, they usually base some of their decisions on trends, fads and other characteristics with which they will apparently feel accepted, Some of the trends are:

1.- Medical-Body: tendency to improve the appearance and physical appearance, tendency to improve the state of corporal health, tendency to accept the consumption of stimulants, tendency to the natural, towards nature, tendency to sports activity, tendency to self-medication.

2.- Of individual content: tendency to incorporate beauty to what surrounds us, towards mysticism and introspection, to the individualized region, to a better evaluation of leisure time, to live daily, towards the development of personal creativity, to integral formation and self-realization, to personalism, to simplify life.

3.- Of external projection: tendency towards familiarity, towards romanticism, towards new social and cultural forms, towards consumerism, towards new forms of materialism, towards pacifism and fraternity, towards ecology

4.- Liberal-progressives: tendency towards more liberal sexual attitudes, towards gender equality, towards novelty and change, to accept the importance of young people, towards greater social permissiveness, to accept the accelerated technological evolution.

Some current thoughts could also be highlighted, such as:

1.- We all want to be green: Tendency towards nature, towards nature

2.- Tendency towards more liberal sexual attitudes and gender equality



The importance of infomulticulturalism is based on knowledge, coexistence, but above all, tolerance between cultures.

Infomulticulturalism can originate from benefits and damages, from small conflicts to wars, epidemics and extermination of the same culture.

It is everyone's responsibility that infomulticulturalism serves for a healthy coexistence and exchange of information, all in order to build a better society.


  • LUHAN, M. (2011). EDITORIAL SYNTHESIS. Obtained from http://www.sintesis.com/blog/medioscalientes-y-frios-segun-mcluhan.htmlMARKETING. (2004). THE ERGONOMIST. Obtained from http://www.elergonomista.com/marketing/mk05.htmlQUISPE, JL (2009). SLIDESHARE. Obtained from http://es.slideshare.net/guest1bd277/toma-dedecisiones-1139746ROSAS, L. (2012). BLOGSPOT. Obtained from
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Effects of infomulticulturalism on decision-making