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The intellectual capital of the company and its competitiveness


The company must rethink and understand what its sources of wealth are, the recognition and value of knowledge and intellectual capital; This would allow it to learn to develop better strategies in order to achieve innovative products and services with which it can gain space in the face of the emergence of new economies, which is why we propose that an organization should encourage the development of intellectual capital.

Formulating innovative ideas that allow us to open and generate new markets in spaces that were not attractive enough, but which, in the current recession conditions, become a potential to explore, is what today's company is considering.

Government policies and the economic framework have put in the current scenario, that powerful economies go into recession and, faced with this situation, seek strategies with which they can solve and clean up their deficit; At the same time, previously marginalized economies emerge, but when they reconsider their economic policies and strategies, as well as the strengthening of security conditions, they become commercially attractive, becoming a new business platform and companies seeking to position themselves in these spaces with little explored.

For companies to position themselves competitively, it must be taken into account that it is not only an economic, geographical, but also a psychological issue, since there is a relationship with the outside world, that implies knowing the culture, its traditions, and the patterns of behavior that it forms. part of the society with which business relationships will be established, where knowledge, experience and learning will be exchanged and if the company knows how to use it, it will feed back towards the development of the potential of its workers and therefore the growth of itself.

Factors such as the location of production, financing, distribution, marketing, are important as is knowledge, which is why the company must manage in its workers the ability to develop creative ideas with which they can impact, break schemes traditional and create new platforms for trade and services, which stimulate new styles of behavior of their potential customers and go with the current trend of life, where the media and technology promotes the immediacy of information, knowledge and culture. that our way of relating has changed through social networks, and the company must catalyze these new patterns of behavior, as a source of knowledge and research and an opportunity to expand.

In his book The Revolution of Wealth, Alvin Toffler distinguishes three wealth systems that he calls waves. In them he describes how economic, cultural, psychological and communication factors are transformed as new systems or ways of generating wealth emerge that help civilization improve their well-being, understanding that such well-being is not only monetary but it also involves our psychological and intellectual aspect, since the human being is holistic.

In the first wave, the tribes, by planting and obtaining fruits, no longer needed to wait to obtain what nature would grant them, but by manipulating it, they obtained greater supplies with which agriculture originated, thus giving the change to a new style of life, which is sedentary lifestyle, becoming the first farmers. This first wealth system Toffler called it as the agricultural civilization.

The second wave of wealth was the industrial revolution, where industries settled, transforming agrarian societies into urban and industrial communities, which gave rise to centralism, specialization, and scale production. A culture expands in which the figure of the producer is separated from that of the consumer. It is the wave of synchrony.

The third wave of wealth that is still developing, I call it as the knowledge society or the knowledge economy, since the factors of industrial production: land, labor and capital are replaced by knowledge. Knowledge is the new generator and promoter of wealth, which is why it leads to a change in production, transforming the thinking and acting of companies, the way of producing, the market and society in general, which generated demasification and customization.

In the third wave, three drastic changes take place, which are currently being lived, and which have transformed values, beliefs, the way we communicate and most importantly the way in which we relate. They are: Space, Time and Knowledge.

The Time we observe in the acceleration with which we seek to make any exchange, whether in the company or in our personal relationships, we see it in emails and social networks. Perhaps its barrier is timing, as there is a more technologically advanced economy. It is linked in turn to the Space since the internet allows us to break barriers not only to make agreements or commercial and personal appointments, but also contributes to a new way of working, where people do not necessarily have to be in an office, or perform work within a specific schedule. Whether they carry out work for periods of time or at home, this reduces the cost for the company in physical material, and helps to generate more employment, since the work is becoming more specialized and more technical.

Knowledge is the third change that is made and is the most important, since it generates and modifies time and space. Knowledge has always been present because it is something inherent in the human being, but it was not recognized, in this third wave they give it value and its incidence is greater because it is the engine of wealth.

The companies that manage to develop and improve their knowledge are those that can create and innovate products and services with a greater added value and personalized, substituting those that are in the market, thus achieving competitiveness and setting new consumption guidelines. Whoever has the knowledge is the one who subsists, the others are relegated. But this knowledge is accompanied by excellent operating systems and communication and information, which imperates that society lives up-to-date, hand in hand with immediacy, which is why it requires that the worker not only have the specific knowledge for such task, but you should look for it in case of any eventuality, soToffler affirms that the illiterate of tomorrow is not the one who cannot read, but the one who does not know how to find the information that gives him the knowledge to solve a situation.

Knowledge is then the set of information stored through experience or learning. It is an essential process of every human being, involving the subject, the object, the operations and the internal representation. The human being captures the perceptions that surround him and processes them generating knowledge, to put it into practice through the experience that is learning.

Diane. E. Papalia states that:

“… Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience. Human beings are born with the ability to learn, but learning only takes place through experience. Consequently learning is a way of adapting to the environment…. ”

But how can a company adapt quickly to this technological and information change where every day, technological tools have less life, in the face of the emergence of others? the answer is in the management of intellectual capital.

Steward defines intellectual capital as:

“… The intellectual material, information and experience that can be used to create value. It is the sum of all the knowledge that employees have and that gives the company competitive advantages… ”.

Intellectual capital is made up of human capital, structural capital and relational capital. Human capital is the generator and potential source of ideas, making it the most important capital, since through this source strategies can be renewed and innovated. It refers to all aspects that involve the person, such as knowledge, attitudes, motivations, experience and learning. Structural capital, Bontis Chua and Richardson have described it"… as that knowledge that the company has been able to internalize and that remains in the organization, be it in its structure, in its processes, or in its culture, even when employees leave it. So in this dimension is the non-human intangible of the organization, that is, internal processes, culture and information systems… ”. Relational capital defines it taking into account that the company is a social system, which is related to the outside, therefore these relationships, whether with customers or suppliers, bring knowledge and value to the company.

The company must seek to manage and increase its intellectual capital by training its three components. First, on the one hand, structural capital allows the company to have a base of those experiences and learning that has allowed it to adapt to new markets.Therefore, the organization should start with this component by analyzing this learning, which of them is causing a barrier, which beliefs are obsolete, which strategies work with cultural changes, and from there you can learn how your culture is., that shapes it and how the outside perceives them. Knowing its weaknesses and strengths, it can begin to study strategies with which it can restructure and train its workers, who will project it not only in carrying out their tasks but also in relation to clients, who ultimately perceive them the improvement of a company and promote changes to it among their loved ones, achieving free marketing for the company.

Second, the company can provide feedback on the strategies carried out with the knowledge it obtains from the clients, since it is they who indirectly provide the company with the guidelines by which the workers create their ideas, it is the clients who generate the needs, so that the workers from these seek to innovate processes that facilitate the products and services to the client, as well as create new needs, that mark new lifestyles. The company must learn to catalyze the information, knowledge, and needs of its customers only in this way do they know them and form relationships that allow them to expand by expanding their portfolio without fear of losing the space they have earned.When a company succeeds in creating a need, it positions itself and sets the standard for its competitors. Here the importance of relational capital is shown and how it is directly involved with structural capital, since they add what has been learned with the new that will be learned generating new knowledge and greater adaptation to the exterior by the workers, developing the potentialities that make it grow to the enterprise.

Third, this accumulation of knowledge that the previous capitals give us is what will develop the worker's potential. It must be taken into account that the three components are linked, and the management of human talent must take this into account. Computer science is transforming the nature of the knowledge and talent of the workers, so the company requires people with attitudes and skills that allow them to move with agility, with judgment and above all with integrity in any situation and more within this environment. Technological that requires speed.

Fourth, human capital is the most important of the three dimensions, but it benefits from the others; It must be understood that when starting a company, you start with the selection of personnel, but that the worker is not something isolated, so that structural and relational capital is immediately born. The management of human talent must strengthen this capital, through competencies, bearing in mind that it is the sum of individual knowledge and skills; and of organizational units, for which the development of said competences is in accordance with the general objectives of the company and its mission, thus achieving the achievement of production goals, but at the same time allowing the worker to develop his personal objectives, so that you can self-fulfill at your workplace, that you have the freedom to practice your creativity,since ultimately this allows you to make and learn new proposals that the company can put into operation within the company as a study, and thus seek results that in the future can launch and improve the growth of the company.

These study projects that the organization carries out inside are those that give the worker the tools to improve not only his knowledge, but his attitude, since the worker strengthens his self-esteem, improves his self-control in any situation, helps him to obtain Trust, since the company transmits support to it by putting an interest in its creative capabilities and this is reflected in the sense of belonging, and therefore in the company before its competitors.

Lastly, create a culture of solidarity, where learning is fluid between workers and their bosses, since it is useless to train a sector if the other members are isolated and do not know about progress and motivate them to continue their growth and learning. Motivation is a necessary engine since it drives them, regardless of the mistakes that may be made, so it is necessary that the management of human talent is always attentive to the incentives and rewards that help worker satisfaction and therefore to higher productivity. It remains to be emphasized that knowledge, learning and intellectual capital are the three requirements that must be committed to developing since this is where the causes of the company's potential arise.

As Alvin Toffler would put it:

The man of tomorrow is the one who knows how to learn, unlearn and relearn.

The intellectual capital of the company and its competitiveness