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The annual closing, an opportunity to plan for the future

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"There is no more time than what you have in your hands" What you did or have not done is now history, finally the year has escaped from your hands and it is no longer time to start crying what was lost, but to celebrate what has been achieved in the event that it has succeeded in its purposes.

Now it's time to get on your Launch Pad for the new year.

If you did, congratulations, if not, there is no time to lose. It is time to lay the foundations to ensure success in the new year and not to lick the wounds for what was not obtained.

Whether we want to or not, time does not forgive, as everything in life has a beginning and an end, and regarding your level of performance against your Business Plan for this year, there is little you can do to reverse your trends, whether positive or negative. I hope that in your case, dear reader, they are among the first.

But regardless of the results for or against you may have in your business, it is not a time to stop your position in the face of change, but on the contrary, it is an important time to reflect on what you want for the future in terms of your professional or business purpose or vision.

The really important thing is not to waste time celebrating wildly the successes that have been achieved, because remember that success is like a sigh, now you have it and tomorrow you may not have it in your hands. You should be moderate enough to abundantly recognize the contributions of your contributors during the year and get to work on what they will do in the future to put yourself above your competitors in your market.

On the other hand, if the results were not favorable, you cannot sit down to lament those things that were not done or waste time licking the wounds of the past, but to activate and focus again on achieving your purpose and vision of a practically stubborn way.

Realize that if you did not achieve what you expected, it is not for lack of conditions in your environment to get ahead, but rather in terms of your leadership there was something that did not allow you to unleash the potential of your people, and it is this condition that did not It allowed him to move forward as planned.

That is how leaders painfully learn and grow, so don't worry, you have the time to regain lost ground through your people.

Spend your time building your Liftoff Platform and do what it takes to improve the leadership skills of your people so that in a multiplied and aligned way they can focus again on achieving their dreams during the next exercise.

As a leader, it is time to show the character and firmness needed to rise up and put yourself in a winning position in the coming year.

Engage your people in your dreams, and make them part of what you want to achieve. Then detonate their leadership and let them work, putting their potential to the test.

Keep in mind that if you make a good plan now, you have a good chance of success tomorrow. Doing the Business Plan without involving your Team is like going only on the road, pretending that others will follow you like robots. They want to know where you are going and your obligation is to excite them in your project. This is how the Alignment Process begins in High Performance Companies.

If you clearly define the direction of the Company with your Team, you can also define with them the quantitative and qualitative responsibility that each member has in the Business Plan and, consequently, they will be clear about the performance indicators that they must achieve in the correct time This will clarify the level of performance expected by each person and position in the organization and will clear doubts about the level of contribution they must put at the service of their clients and their market.

But what do you think about when you do the Strategic Planning? High Performance Companies focus on three things exclusively: The Triple Balance:

  1. Being the chosen supplier: They clearly design in all areas of the Company, what must be done to align efforts towards customer satisfaction. Being the Employer of choice: They design the human processes that must be guaranteed to have the best work environment, that allows them to ensure that each person in the organization puts their maximum effort (technical and leadership skills) at the service of their clients. Being the investment of choice: They align all the internal processes of the organization, to ensure the highest profitability for shareholders.

In this sense they focus on adding value in each position and in each area in the company, which is the main reason for the business. This allows them to clearly define the Key Performance Indicators that the organization must achieve and the Performance Measures that each position in the Company must achieve so that compliance with the Business Plan can occur in an aligned manner.

Nothing can be done well if the new approach for the organization is not defined. Take advantage of this moment because it is the only thing within your reach that will allow you not only to commit your team members to the goals you intend to achieve, but you will be able to enthuse them in your dreams.

This topic is seldom discussed, but enthusing others in their purposes is perhaps what could give them the competitive advantage of tomorrow. If you do not have your people in a motivated way and only dedicate yourself to explaining (something that unfortunately many Executives and businessmen do) the need to obtain, this or that result, believe me, it will not go very far.

People require an environment conducive to achieving their goals, they require an environment of trust that allows them to put all their potential and what they have at heart at the service of their clients, internal or external. If you don't win their hearts, don't expect them to give it to your customers.

Clarify how you want to take off

In most Mexican Companies, December means the closing of operations in the year, the payment of benefits and benefits for employees and the concern of having a good celebration at the end of the year. This causes an additional level of stress in Administrative Management and the cancellation of investments or "unnecessary expenses" in the market. The reason? The year is over.

But the last month of the year could have a better position in the development of the company's operations if used properly.

For example:

  1. It can be used to recognize the best employees of the firm, launching messages of their level of contributions. It can be used to refocus people on the company, giving clarity and direction for the next exercise. Conferences can be given to people in your organization, to receive a message that will get them excited to face the future. You can unleash innovation and empower employees to suggest ideas for improvement in the marketplace, in processes, and in downsizing of company costs. It can be used to regain the trust of your people towards you.

To enter this field is to wisely play your leadership. Using these moments to regain lost credibility is not a process you should do for pleasure, but for Obligation.

Think of your primary responsibility as driving the ship safely. People expect a trustworthy Leader, a leader to whom they can confidently hand over their gifts and talents for the good of their organization.

People expect a Leader who will challenge them to put their full capabilities to the test.

Stop! abandon what is known and decide to expand your circle of trust with your collaborators, decide to drive changes in your company radically, because these are not times to go slowly and cautiously, they are times of decision and action, they are times of planning and almost immediate execution, no times for winners and not for business managers.

The market and its customers will once again give you the opportunity to challenge yourself. Don't waste this great opportunity. I wish you a successful end of the year and my best wishes in your process of Change and Growth in the coming year.

“Use the creative power of your people to build your dreams. It is the best competitive advantage in your hands. " Do not miss this opportunity!

"You must be sure of one thing, if you have not won the hearts of your people, never hope to win the hearts of your customers"

The only thing you can manage to get ahead is your HR.

Final thoughts:

“At the close of your fiscal year, reward all the best contributions and the best display of leadership.”

To recognize people for their Leadership is to encourage others to give their best!

The annual closing, an opportunity to plan for the future